Being poor sucks, and you can affect much more change as a wealthy man than a poor one. Post money management, finance, budgeting, investing books and resources. /polbiz/ general?
Money Management
template slide thread
Posting some Dan Pena, always been a fan,
"Financing your Dreams"
Afraid of the goyim gaining more shekels, Moshe?
If anons seek financial advice, it's readily available in libraries or on the internet. This is a politics board. Sliding shill.
You are castrated, imkikey.
how do you reconcile investing in global markets/globalist corporations with not helping globalism?
making money is really fucking easy if you don't have any principals
Every time a thread pops up with opportunities for anons to discuss various topics of self improvement they're always labeled as "side threads"…..
Why the fuck is the betterment of Zig Forumsacks so taboo?
You are castrated.
Pol is a Nat Soc board.
This isn't 4 cuck pol pre-gamer gate, faggot.
We need to be discussing self improvement topics.
Get your money, and have it when you need it (duh). My old man never had a high paying job, but always had money. My mother, at one time, was making $150k a year, and asking me for money. Guess who spent on frivolous shit.
White self-improvement is political now more than ever before. Fucking neck yourself.
this is all I have maybe it will benefit some of you
Bump because you’re clearly triggered.
Buy less McDonalds
Why are there so many shills anyway?
Wealth makes people lazy, anxious and risk averse. All those things are poison for a white men trying to free himself of capitalist shekels and change the global kikery.
If you're wealthy you're always in the open, on display and have to follow goyim protocols to keep your wealth and get along with all those other parasites feeding of their fellow people.
The biggest danger to any elitist and capitalistic system is a man with almost no assets, nothing to lose and the ability to 'go dark'. It's literally plastered all over HUMINT handbooks and white papers for future development of 'terrorism' (that's what they actually call people critical to the globalists).
An user should only have enough money to get by but never as much to make his nose grow bigger.
I don’t care what you were pointing out. Bump, because you hate the idea of whites improving themselves.
Hehehe that's right you stupid fucking goys! Fuck the revolution stick with your dayjobs hehehehe
You can't hedge systematic risks friend. Unkike your brain. Fundamentals are the way forward because they are based on reality. Stop drinking the koolaid and trying to get us to waste time in the jew casino.
t. someone who fucking knows how useless these books are in practice and how economics is FAR from an exact science
(inb4 hurrrr user finance and economics are seperate fields! You just have to git gud to get those high returns! Yeah no. That is the ultimate scam you fucking delusional jew. What are Rothschild cycles, what is war, who controls resources and SETS the fucking prices? Who let's literal criminals walk free and even get promoted?!?!)
Save early and often. Just got out of college making 25$/hour. I've been throwing ~500 per week into exchange trade funds. If all goes as planned I can have a house in a year or two. Y'all need money anons, how else will you be able to raise your 5 children on a farm?
It's exactly by not learning how to manage your money that you end up working a day job for the rest of your life. fucking retard Unless you have any tips on living total "grayman" and surviving drifter style/off the grid, which is also welcome.
Because nothing terrifies the shills as much as the idea of Zig Forumsacks actually taking action.
Back to /biz/ moshe.
Protip: buy low, sell high
The jew strawmans because he doesn't understand the nuances of sites like this.
instead of reading dumb meme books, why not start reading actual finance and business books that you would read in college so that you can get a deep understanding of how the world works?
Just search by publisher in library genesis: Harvard business, springer, etc. There is SO much good stuff in library genesis.
Gold is the only true alternative to the current monetary system. It is also a very convenient way to keep your assets off the grid, handy for almost any kind of legal crisis you could end up facing.
For example, if you end up in getting under government microscope due to bullshit tax fraud allegations, have a bad divorce, end up getting sued by some nigger, your physical gold is not a discoverable asset and thus not up for grabs by your enemy.
Gold is great in an inflationary environment, as well as in recessions and depressions. The only other obvious strategy to hedge against shitty economic conditions is to acquire the goods you need to live.
If you buy all the dry food, water, shaving foam, detergent, ammo etc ahead of time, you get it at a better price than after inflation and availability problems reduce your access to these goods.
The strategy is summed up in the book "The Alpha Strategy" easily available online.
A recessionary shitstorm is coming to the US, and by extension the world. The current stock price valuations are nothing but inflation, a consequence of the massive money printing that has been done. Most of this printed money lies dormant, but just like in post-WWI Germany that money eventually finds its way into common goods causing enormous price spikes (read up on the pre-hyperinflation hyperinflation).
and find you a wife that won't spend your money on shit, but will make soap, grow an herb garden and cook (not just casserole, but bread, cheese), buy used clothes and knows how to run a household
This isn't the 90's. Having money is almost as important as having guns now.
Keep it in cash and precious metals stored at an area guarded by you or your militia. Or go into cryptos like XMR. If the government decides to come for it, they'll have a real reason to send you to prison.
Gold is good for bulk value storage, but it isn't go for everyday use. I would keep 50% cash, 30% gold, 20% silver. If the banks pull a Cyprus and go on holiday for a few days, you'll have enough cash on hand to provide yourself liquidity. Gold and silver are if you need to use another means of exchange thanks to monetary collapse, although at that point it would be a good idea to head to the meeting point with your squad.
You forgot the most important precious metal investment, lead. It'll come in handy when your neighbors or looters come looking for an easy payday.
Fuck off back to /biz/, or /liberty/. This is a NEET board, dedicated to National SOCIALISM, not jew wage slavery.
Don't ever risk over 2% of your account (risk less), remember to include commissions in your risk, use anti-Martingale tactics (size up when profiting, size down when losing), and understand the nature of asymmetric leverage on percent profits/losses and adjust targets geometrically.
You're never getting this board back imkikey.