Sony Into the spider-verse director calls for Antifa attacks on dweeb fans.
Sony Into the spider-verse director calls for Antifa attacks on dweeb fans
you underpaid retards really need a better manager
nazi spiderman when
Comics and film are kiked mediums, especially superhero films. Are you this surprised?
I never understood how people can support such flagrant disrespect of the basic dignity of the citizens of a country.
it's funny man, like I can see the catholics and marxist jews dressing up in lab coats and telling corporate guys that they can use this stuff as a tool and they have a powerpoint with DARPA graphs and etc etc and the second they leave the office they laugh about how they're just buying it and taking it over to wreck it
Literally the only bumps are (1)s
wtf ? i'm only bumping this to spite you at this point you annoying fuck
There's not much to say except:
This is our land. There are many like it but this one is ours. If you try to take it we will fucking wreck you.
(And then you back up the rhetoric with some fucking testicular fortitude.)
Welcome to the world of internet chans
Now go the fuck back.
I'm here, stop supporting superhero garbage and the comics industry. It's always been subversive crap.
i'm sorry that you have a tiny dick and aren't an actual moderator but it's not my fault or problem
Seens that anything about antifa in the board is being hit down by fags.
They're mad because they're losing ground IRL
I imagine they'll support being raped and murdered too because it's inevitable
What's up with his ears?
What is he even complaining about? I know 0 about comics at all and I have no fucking idea what he's talking about.
He's mad, partly because SJWs are replacing white characters with shitskins, instead of simply making new characters, writing them well, and making GOOD CONTENT. Marvel and DC are killing good stories and good potential for fucking Social Justice points. You're not allowed to complain about it, or you're a racist, misogynist Nazi.
It's impossible get out of the rabbit hole. First comics, then..
Comics only haven't been completely co-opted yet because there's a lot of crossover between people who BUY comics, and people who play games. There's a ComicsGate thing going, but it's not quite as rife with pedophile/rapist journos that GamerGate was. There's also a MoveTheNeedle campaign showing who actually buys comics, versus who simply bitches about them.
Replace that image of Squirrel Girl from the fucking pig monster she is in the new comics, not something close to the cutie she used to be.
What the fuck is with content creators shitting all over either their fans or their audience OPENLY lately?
Sure, we've kind of come to take them slipping in the dick of 'progressiveism' whenever they make this trash, but I cannot recall a time when it was ever okay to completely disregard your fanbase and their wishes, or worse, attack them.
for granted
I accidentally some words.
They know they're losing money, the only possible reason they keep pushing their actual fans away and throwing all that money away is because they're getting MORE money from external sources (Soros, Rothschild, Mystery Jew #37). It would be interesting if we could get a red pilled jnsider to look into where their money is coming from, or someone who knows how to read between the lines on their quarterly reports.
Kys faggots. Antifa is kikery manifested.
Gas kikes. Hang niggers and put the white man in outer space.
Comics are for manchildren with an abnormally low testosterone level.
Speaking from your own experience?
Speaking from observation.
That was the funeral of a five year old child you retard.
Why would they dress like comic dorks for a kid's funeral? Seems kind of disrespectful.
American comics are trash, always will be.
Only good one is Punisher and he got kiked up to attack right wingers, but the idea behind it is good, the only superpower you need is fucking guns and guts to kill criminals.
They were pretty effective in ruining many movies and games. But other than that, no they are completely useless.
This. They are obviously being paid to do this - these decisions have nothing to do with profits.
the Zig Forums pol current MCT most cancerous thread
they will run out of money eventually if people hard boycott it, look at motherhood with uma thurmann.
watch films just not hollyjew crap.