North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘gangster-like’ and ‘cancerous,’ rejecting Pompeo’s assessment
North Korea calls U.S. attitude toward talks ‘gangster-like’ and ‘cancerous,’ rejecting Pompeo’s assessment
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Thanks for the update, Tom Blowjawb
Until shots are fired, stories about NK are about as useful as OP's mother's Fallopian tubes.
We Love You Best Korea
Kim is pissed he hasn't been offered courtside seats for the Lakers yet now that they got LeKang.
I don't know. Is the US genuinely demanding a blanket relinquishing of North Korea's nuclear weapons? That's not going to happen and I think the obvious move for North Korea is to call Washington's bluff.
>California professor
Post disregarded
Who here /dieforIsrael/?
Jung-un is known to post here so this is for him
Kim would have to be a drooling retard to denuclearize.
Go ask how that worked for Ukraine after they denuclearized and NATO promised to protect them
The only way to guarantee the sovereignty of a nation is the threat nuclear force.
Better him than me tbh.
You sound like you're playing at the edges of Qfaggotry, to be honest.
What is your obsession with benis in bagina and racial blending?
I still dont get the point of nukes for the gooks? You're going to do what, blow up some Asians or maybe San Fransico? Go ahead, then we'll wipe you and China off the earth.
Just hit Israel and save the world, Kim.
that would be the simplest solution for everyone involved in all honesty.
Pre-negotiation bluster you dumb fucking faggots.
or it's time for Trump to actually man up and do or say something real in the actual USA but he doesn't wanna do that so the jews have this nice script to come back to where everyone's chain gets yanked then the great billionaire outsider gets some nice PR
You could have saved yourself the effort and just posted drumphtouchingwall.jpg
oh shit bro your post was pure kryptonite. I'll get back to worshipping Trump right away.
wew lad go fuck yourself
Good. The sooner we get some radiation treatment to kill off the District of Cancer the better.
If your post could have been summed up in a single image it would be pic related.
just don't kick me out of the gang please qanon
checked for happening
It's always furries
The sooner you understand that there are a whole lot of people that don’t deserve to live, the better off your understanding of reality will be.
More than half the population in the US could be exterminated and we’d be better off for it.
There is no loyal among any of the factions, now within them. They would rather play this stupid game( fuck other dudes in the ass) that actually do something productive with their lives.
I am not the Emporer you faggots.
Fucking autocorrect
I only die for cutie poototie petite ladies of the athletic variety.
lrn2english you fucking shitskin
confirmed cia recruting spot
More like beaner rapist outpost
She’s right, if she had aborted that bastard boy Jeremy.
plot twist: Pompeo now incubates the latest DPRK bioweapon
it'll take out half of DC before anyone notices
i wonder…
Fake news.
Drumpf is going to pull out of the M.E. and you're going to be really upset about it.
Nah. No war. Kimmie boy has to stay the course now. He tried to outplay the opposition instead he checkmated himself. Now this is where I give real credit to Trump's diplomacy. A simple fucking bait and switch and it worked. Proof positive that large egos breed frail minds.
I swear to fucking god if the Zion Don actually was NS all along I will eat my fucking hat.
I seriously start to suspect that both Kim and Don are lurking on this board. This is literally chan-style banter. Shitposting as diplomacy style. I mean, "cancerous"?? The only thing missing is fatso calling the emperor a faggot.
They'll hurl abuse at each other for a while and then out of the blue reach an agreement to the consternation of zogbots expecting a spectacular failure. Mark my words.
fake news.
kike or retard? hard to tell
shit, forgot to sage.
Ever hear of "face"?
They're keeping it.
Everything is already done.
That is honestly sickening. Actually writing those words is such a wretched action, but taking pride and enjoyment in publicly showing those words is another level of being warped by evil.
I've been successfully trolled.
Nice. Have a fresh one.
I'll see your trips and raise you 56 days of Nofap loosh.
Rolling for Hawaii because tsunami and ring of fire earthquakes > one nuke