Pope Francis under fire from Jewish groups for supporting sainthood of a Second World War Polish priest who accused Jews of ‘fighting against the Church
Polish priest set for sainthood criticized for anti-semitism
Jews are the ultimate victim. They subject themselves to degeneracy then complain when they are stomped upon. Self fulfilling prophecy.
That's the excuse, the rationalization.
The Jews are fighting 2000+ year old wars
While he kisses fungus infested Muslim feet
Much of the Jews' hatred of Christianity stems from the Parable of the Wicked Tenants. The goyim were supposed to be their eternal slaves groveling at their feet and begging for scraps from their table. The notion that they're special or rather chosen, is eviscerated by Christ. Ultimately, it is Christ and the God they claim to worship, at least exoterically, which owns their hatred. The true nature of the Jew is a Satanic will to corrupt and pervert. They take joy in inverting creation, turning men into women, women into men, making populations poor and destitute, etc. Satan is their God and all one has to do to see it is simply look at their history of devouring foreign nations.
Jesus himself was woke when it came to the Jewish Question. I see nothing wrong with making Cardinal Hlond a saint.
If you look past the allegorical terms, Christ consciousness is pure higher self while Satan is pure lower self. They are akin to spiritual parasites, eating away at all that is good and pure whilst propagating their sick ways.
More christian myth-making. Jesus clearly says that all who follow him are honorary jews. He doesn't call out jews as a racial group and only doesn't like if you were a pharisee or sadducee because you're not following him - the new covenant was through him. Even the constantly re-interpreted synagogue of satan line reinforces that; it basically means you're not a jew if you don't follow an abrahamic religion. Ergo, you're a jew if you do follow one. Thus, the bible defines jews as not a racial group but a group of religious followers.
The Bible is an odyssey of consciousness. Anyone who takes what is written as literal fact is a mongoloid.
Just a question but was Jesus really a redhead?
Do kikes even try in their lies anymore?
(((They))) are referred to as a racial group if you consider the ancient Hebrews. In the present day, most of what the Bible refers to as the Synagogue of Satan are the Ashkenazi Jews. Think of the Satanic jewish bloodlines that control the world's financial systems. Make of the Bible what you will. If you choose not to believe then don't.
They are indeed spiritual parasites, pshychic vampires, as Jonestein calls them. Pure evil
Why do I not live in poland already my gents. THIS COUNTRY LITTERALLY is the best… And hungary too. Call me blacked pilled or a low effort w/e gets you by, but america is really fucked tbh.
How convenient.
Ah yes, because some fag pope said the kikes didn't kill jesus, it is ok to for them to dictate what happens within the religion.
If they're not Roman Catholic, their opinion about Roman Catholic saints means nothing.
Christ calls followers jews in the way we call posters faggots.
I'm not into buggery, and Christ wasn't referring to (((Pharisees))) and (((Sadducees))).
Nowhere near enough of an antisemite to be a saint tbh.
The word Jew never actually appears in the original text.
Absolutely heretical, saints are any born again believers. But that kind of bullshit is a norm for catholic idol worshipers. Making a PR into his false heavens by aligning himself with nationalists.
It actually doesn't. When a christian tries to boast about the bible's supposed antisemitic value, look up the proof and then gain context. The synagogue of satan passage doesn't refer to them as a racial group. Satan has been a catch-all term of non-jewish deities. That passage essentially means that, "You're not a real jew unless you follow an abrahamic faith." Instead of racial group like what the christian on Zig Forums implies, the bible prefers the use of religious group as a means of identification.
Christians on Zig Forums are the ones adding layers of meaning to it where it doesn't apply and the drama that comes with it. This becomes even more apparent when you realize that jews have been doing their "satanic" activities even before the bluepilled christians on Zig Forums claim that they became non-chosen. That in turn means that the satanic jew label doesn't apply and is an improper descriptor. Jewish worship has always involved blood sacrifices, they actually don't worship satan because satan was used by them as a catch-all term for non-jewish deities, and the true meaning of synagogue of satan means, "of those that worship non-jewish deities."
(jew) prefer hebe?
Don't tell me that you believe the kike = neanderthal D&C shit?
veneration of saints isn't idol worship
So if I'm a kike as you are implying, why would I claim that kikes weren't Neanderthal?
Neanderthal genetics are why whites are the smartest and most clever.
>the kike thinks (((hes))) not filtered
you're still a faggot
Nobody gives a shit about the catholic church, faggit.
Uncle Joe is correctly expressing the essence of Catholic doctrine concerning the Jews and Christ.
Revelation 3:9
Ephesians 6:12
These verses are clearly talking about a specific group of people. Namely, the elite jewish bloodlines. They claim to worship the God of the Abraham on the outside, but they knowingly deceive when they say this. It's true there are non-jews that do the same thing. See much of the leadership of the Catholic church, a large chunk of the word's political apparatus, most of the media and entertainment industry. Many non-jews who serve the same evil as the elite can be lumped in with the term Synagogue of Satan. If you want to look at it like that then your argument that the Bible is not talking about a specific racial group has some validity, at least in the present day. Keep in mind that 2000 years ago, when these passages were written, they were applied to the Sadducees and Pharisees of that age. Talmudic mysticism was derived from these groups. As for the meaning of the term Synagogue of Satan, it was again applied to the Sadducees and Pharisees. When Christ said:
There are many who do not serve God in this world who are completely oblivious to the nature of the evil that exists. You can call label them with the myriad of other religions that are out there. Many "Christians" even. Those pro-zionist Baptists. These groups should not be included with the term synagogue of Satan.
The fact of the matter is that this is all very simple: christcucks must be the bitch of the kikes, or else. That is the assumption they are working off of. A real religion would not be subservient to another religion, and if you still claim to be one, look at that book you read and actually read it. What is in there? Do you really think any of that sounds Aryan? If so, why the fuck is it in the Middle East (shit–I've been there–it's all shit)? There is not the slightest concern with anything EUROPEAN in it. They also burned anything European they could.
Come out of her, my people.
Oh, you want to live in a particular country because there is one guy there who wrote a letter decades ago that was critical of kikes and they kvetched? How about you get real instead and get some actual standards.
Kek. It's too bad whatever cunt bitch that spawned the first kike at the beginning of time didn't have one, I suppose.
Yes, and one could try being one of these weirdos and have to quote some out of context babble from umpteen years ago instead of just saying something that makes sense.
Remember folks being critical of a Jewish person or something a Jew has done in any way shape or form whatsoever is a crime. Jews are a protected class and should be allowed to say, do and think whatever they want - even if it's vicious and genocidal. Your duty is to take it sitting down - and if you even dare to question why this is the case, well it's because a bunch of people got killed 70+ years ago.
But those who do not follow Christ are not jews at all, but children of Satan. You're literally stumbling on the same block as the jews.
But Abraham would do no such thing. Therefore it's the hereditary nature of correct behavior and attitude that matters to God more than mere wewuzzing. Surprising, I know.
Fake, it's the 8th of july today!
Based Jews. The Church is a kiked shithole in great part responsible for the fall of the Commonwealth, like when they funded the Teutonic Order against us. The only reason why anyone is still Catholic here is because churches weren't bombed so culture = Poland strongg.
I'm not into christcuckery, but what business is it of the kikes what another religion does in its own internal affairs? They don't really have any business deciding who the christcucks make into saints.
This guy should be the next pope.
This is the matter here, were the pagan romans and germans children of Satan for not following Christ?
Of curse not.
That's kind of the fucking point.
If the jews didn't exist then we wouldn't be in this mess, either.