Besides All the no such thing as gender or race being pushed by academia and Celebrity science figureheads like bill Nye and Neil degrease Tyson. Is quantum physic the biggest fake science that be Glamorize by the mainstream media and shit liberal writers? Can science ever recover from feminism and Marxism?
Fake science
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please leave and never come back, and take your literal cancer with you.
Idk, but Stephen Hawkins was overrated
Stephen Hawkins wouldn’t be half as famous if he wasn’t a cripple. Neil DeGrease Tyson literally only famous for being a nigger in a scientific field.
No quantum physics is all too real. So is relativity. Just because some old shifty Jew compiled other people's work and got all the credit doesn't mean it's wrong.
The problem with quantum mechanics and relativity is that they're always explained in incredibly shady ways. This is because the mathematics required to understand it are too advanced for the general public and the basic concepts are abstract.
Even when you understand it, it's very hard to impart that knowledge on people who don't have a grasp of the mathematics. This leads to people shucking and jiving about how they understand it and the ramifications of the physics when in reality they know absolutely nothing.
Are you getting theoretical physics confused with quantum physics?
truth. it's the exact same as how they give out oscars and other silly awards. they've added SJW and trans shit to the list.
it used to just be "forrest gump,/disabled/retard story!!!" you get a trophy!!" but it's so much worse.
Stephen Hawking, damn it. He might be neither half as famous nor half as dead had he been a fully articulated quake master, but his theory of black hole thermodynamics would be famous amongst non-retards in any case. Dude could blow skirts off nubile hotties with a voice fucking synthesizer controlled by the slightest twitch of a drooping eyelid. Ye have no concept of his power level. He literally makes black holes melt into nothing and then explode. The Hawk Man could post once to fullchan and we'd have to close it down for all else would be entropy screaming into the void between the fleeing galactic clusters beside his infinite density of Kike naming.
There is no such thing as "gender".
It is 'sex'.
Male or Female or hermaphrodite.
black holes aren't real. if they existed we could look up to the sky and see them, even with amateur equipment. a magic matter-sucking void? that no light can escape? that goes… where? it's been proven that black holes do not exist, can't exist, they are solidly disproven.
The problem with science is it is based in mathmatics and fact, something that the so called elites wish to hide and obscure, hence common core math being retarded.
Basic observation can tell race diferences, such as larger noses and physical characteristics. There are hundreds of racial differences that are easy to bring up, in medical and biological fact, such as niggers having sickle cells more often than any other race. You can even point out the mongol spot on asians as a racial difference. IQ pushing is a way that pushes normies away from this, push other scientific and biological facts at them, then you can red pill on other things. The 'elite' are pushing too hard for no racial differences, which we have numerous sources to contradict it without falling back on things they will deem "racist".
Hell if you want to make them really shit a brick, push the narrative of if you are gay or trans, it is natures way of saying your genes are worthless and therefore need to be eliminated from the gene pool. Why else would your body if you were born this way, wish to do activities that would not naturally produce children.
Lots of science has and is being out right faked, or fraud perpetuated
More more more and more
Nothing works the way think it does and the world literally is like the societies of the capitalist space adventure stories like in firefly or assassin's society from John wick. You just have to be a real human being and not a sheeple. There was a kid who built a nuclear reactor in his garage, not because of some special genius on his end but that he was self realized and educated in the actual functioning of society and business. Not mentally arrested in a state of willful slavery and of thoughts like "too hard" "red tape" "probably illegal"
Science is doing just fine in China.
Well done.
There's great predictive power in the theory of relativity. Maxwell's laws describing electromagnetic wave propagation turn out to be a special case for a single frame of reference. The period of Mercury's orbit is accurately predictes by relativity and not by Newtonian physics. You could measure that with a computer and telescope. The reason is simply that Mercury lies deeper in the Sun's gravity well than we do, and down there, time runs slower. There isn't much occasion in which day to day life confronts you with a situation that requires an intuitive grasp of relativity in order to safely navigate, unless you are involved with positioning GPS satellites, and that sort of thing. So, it's not intuitive. Your ancestors had a lot of brothers and sisters who died because they didn't have a feel for Newtonian physics, and none who died because they lacked a sense of relativity.
p.s. rogan WAS generally based. but they threatened him into reversing his position on the moon landing. we never went to the moon. any intelligent person can figure that out on their own. that's why he's now a controlled tool and gets no respect.
interesting. tell us more.
Are you in that student class or some bot? I've noticed a lack of reply to the context of memes and to the subject of the thread is a new common deviation, some interloper or perhaps common core thought virus is activating.
Self explanatory cultural criticism. Technology cannot save or advance a race of people who will not use their intelligence.
Plz go write an essay based on my penis (premise)
It's all been said before, and more persuasively than I could put it to you. I can't tell if you're a kike set on filling this place with the shopworn and stereotypical ignorance, have been influenced by such, or are just a reasonable person who has been jaded by the very real and unending Jewry found in this world to such a degree that any nuanced point is now beyond you. The mathematics and predictions of relativity owe nothing to Einstein. They simply are. I'd like my white brothers and sisters to learn and understand the ideas by which we can build nuclear weapons and eventually conquer the stars. I promise you that few niggers ever will. It's why our destiny is to kill them all.
That frustration is used by the cabal to gain intelligent members. I'm thisssss close to becoming a freemason nigger because I have the tangential royal heritage to qualify but I only consider based on the interactions with anons who claim to be for Sovereign freedom but are if not more ignorant of history and law (less knowledge of all is better than distorted partial knowledge) than the subhumans they claim to be averse to, they are at least equal to.
Everything is in the open you just don't have the information to see it
There are a few objects thought to be black holes that you could potentially observe:
my my, the intellectual bravado of you. but perhaps we're on the same page.
Very possible. I lost the friend I used to have similar discussions with to grad school suicide. That was a hard lesson. I wish I had offered him more understanding and less knowledge.
Liberals will accept ancient astronaut theory long before accepting blacks have lower IQs on average.
That's evolutionary psychology, a vast and important area of scientific study that has become taboo in PC settings because it provides a logical framework that inevitably leads to non-PC conclusions. For example, if your environment is survivable year round in the nude and hosts a huge variety of nuts, any one of which would sustain you indefinitely by itself, you're going to be pretty fucking stupid.
Quantum physics is the new age crystal bullshit of modern science. It isn't that the field is completely fraudulent, it's that approaching understanding of what it seeks to do requires a more advanced proficiency with hard sciences than most people have. People without that proficiency, though, like to memorize associated buzzwords and Deepak Chopra repackagings of it to throw around like salesmen who know nothing about their product.
Academia is not pushing a "no such thing as gender or race" narrative, and if they are it's a minority.
Nobody in the biological sciences is trying to hide the differences within the human populations that can be put into groups (or races as the layman calls it). You're not going to "redpill" anyone, except low-IQ subhumans who think they have come across some sort of revelation. Having said that, you are right in saying there are people trying to obscure some of these findings, namely the media, but don't fucking blame academia. We are the ones being censored, not the other way around.
Yeah, sure. Massive achievement.
Who are you trying to impress with your normalfag-style arguments?
You don’t belong here. Hang yourself with you Masonic cancer meme.
It’s not Mason central either, but we keep seeing Masonic memes being pushed by literal kids with man love syndrome.
You did not even read a book about quantum physics experiments and do not know that it's already used in practice. What do you want to argue?