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Can Portugal still be saved?
Pic related,this was placed on Lisbon.
So Zig Forums
Can Portugal still be saved?
Pic related,this was placed on Lisbon.
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They can still save themselves. They just have to remember WHY men like Salazar were placed into power. Because their country lost direction. If they can find a direction for their country, they're still very much able to survive.
Yes,and we are going to be poorer when our economy crashes in little more than 10 years and we dont have enough money or youth to pay for old people pensions+rising in taxes causing inflation
Not anymore
This used to mean more in the past,now with globalism and the constant migrations we are getting filled up with BRs,Nogs and even asians/pakis
Greatest ally….
liberal logic.
But you shits are migrating to actual white countries yourselves. There's more poortuguese immigrants in Switzerland than anything else except Germans. You have to go back!
this poster is anti-semitic
antifa butthurt about globalisation and multiculturalism
I will never understand anarchists.
Visited Lisbon and Portugal a couple years ago, I loved the country and afterwards did quite a bit of reading about Portuguese history.
Lisbon is obviously overrun with immigrants and tourists like any Euro capital, I will admit that the Portuguese are white (the fucking contrast between them and Brazilians is giant). Also one of the few places I've ever seen antifa and white nationalist graffiti on the side of buildings (anarchy symbols, celtic crosses etc).
Portuguese people aside from the urban cosmopolitans everyone has don't really buy into the white guilt bullshit afflicting the Anglosphere having been politically isolated from most of the events of the 20th century after WW1 and had an authoritarian nationalist government under Salazar (guy's a mixed bag but it's hard to hate him for trying to do the best with what he had), while he's denounced since the current democrat political class places all their legitimacy on the Carnation Revolution that ousted his regime (Estado Novo, the New State) and have their own nazi boogeyman, the former rabidly anti-communist secret police PIDE.
I think once shit hits the fan in Europe, they'll once again become isolated and they'll be able to sort their own shit out fairly quickly and without much interference. The military likely has low loyalty to the current government (the fact that they were underpaid was what led to them standing aside during the carnation revolution and I doubt it's changed much, since Estado Novo was the height of their power and influence) and when it becomes a life or death struggle between the Portuguese vs Muslims/Niggers/Kikes they'll go back to old habits of brutalizing the absolute hell out of them.
I was in Portugal a few months ago, and goddammit there are China shoppings fucking everywhere, even in small towns.
And I'm sorry tuganon, but their prices are so low, I only bought stuff like clothes, cups and battery charges there.
great post
where u from?
The colony (I was phoneposting)
Only Capitão Falcão can save Portugal now.
Aren't the commies the ones blaming the tourists instead of the rapefugees?
Why would commies give two shits about history and national pride? Since its all one piece of dirt then move your degeneracy to the next piece of dirt and forget about it.
theres no rapefugees here tbh
Its just a shitty talking point they always use "im on your side goyim" like when the soviets hijack russian symbolism or when lolbergs do it to the US.
t.useless faggot with too much free time
Actually, Lolbergtarism is the pinnacle of burger culture and ideology.
Now that you mentioned it, the places where I've been were full of grafitti with anarchy or communism symbols in the streets, why are there so many commies in Portugal ? (the town had a big university too, so that maybe explains)
Its becoming impossible for native portuguese to rent houses due to mass tourism,two wrongs dont make a right
Commies took over post revolution here,this is mostly a left wing country
The weak fear the strong. Be less Mediterranean, rooster-fags, and build up that GDP somewhat.
False. The communist party was never in power since 1976.
Stop being an americanised little faggot that calls centrist scum commies.
There was also a shitload of useless buildings around, like a stadium for a local football team that even though it was quite nice, it was also so far from the actual city almost no one go there.
heritages from the european football tournament of 2004. We a re a small country where the majority of football fans go for 3 clubs. But for that tournament lots of stadium were built in cities where the local football club simply isn't big enough to support a 30k seated stadium.
Pic related
I wish PIDE had got your parents wog.
of course….the amercanised faggot can't come up with anything better than the snap maymay
Oh yes and those temporary governments were so terrible! they raised wages for the people, took away the banks from the elite families, created the health service and gave pensions to people who had worked their asses their whole lifes but had nothing.
Also the portuguese communist party has ALWAYS been against Portugal joining the EU and it's in their program to negotiate an exit from euro currency and EU if they ever get to power.
That's exactly the problem…was that after the revolution useless faggots like you weren't killed, they were allowed to live.
Hes problably a nigger or a BR living here tbh.No white portuguese could be that stupid.
Our Communists are a different breed.
PCP (portuguese communist party) is basically made up of Stalinists.
While seemingly wrong, they have their uses, the politically correct leftist party (bloco de esquerda) is totally intimidated by them, being Trotskysts from Burgeoise, PCP is full of working class people, who see nationalism as something useful, like Stalin did.
Well it's a matter of choosing your poison, but the Stalinists at least kill cultural marxism at birth, part of it, making the country relatively immune when your own radical left attacks critical theory.
The exception is BE (leftist bloc) they are trostkysts who push for all the toxic masculinity and queer theory.
PCP want a nationalist muscular male to defend the Communism.
Then there's the actual center and center right wing parties.
The only opening for cultural marxism is via BE
True.BE is one of the biggest political cancers of this country.If it was up to them they would replace our entire population.
You're just as cancerous as them americanised faggot. Don't worry, when the time comes, you will be hanged alongside Catarina Martins.
Your not going to be hanging anybody you mentally ill faggot,cringe worthy sadistic fantasies you have,this is like 15 year old edgy teenage shit.
Your beyond pathetic,get a life you loser.
Also why attack tourists. The reason we're dependent on Tourists is that we couldn't get our Public Finances in shape since the Euro.
3 bailouts since 1974, before that we only had ~9% debt to GDP.
If you dislike this, just get our finances in shape. Tourists is better than a fourth bailout.
And this is basically the sweetened poison of Stalinism.
Yep, Stalinists sure weren't useful idiots for crushing actual Nationalist movements in eastern Europe and paving the way for the rest of Marxist social dogma and rot that we see now by attempting to flatten all physical capabilities to resist it by force.
useless faggots like you are the reason why i dispise democracy.
you are as useful to this beautiful country as Marcelo. Wouldn't be surprised if you had a selfie with him on your phone americanized faggot
America is cancer,I agree.
I am sorry that you were born like this, cases like you are the reason I am not against abortion.
Hope you get better soon little guy.
Fellow northern countryman here. Since we're kinda backwards (which I've started to take as a complement) I thought most of the pozz ravaging the West didn't make it here but on a occasion where I had to go to the big city (admittedly, Porto is a speckle next to Lisbon), and didn't take much to see all the nonsense lying about - slut walk posters, migrants welcome and other leftist talking point graffiti, hipster gentrification (Rua do Almada is like Manbun Avenue) etc.
I feel we won't have the opportunity Italy was given. Our politicians want nothing more than to suck that Brussels teat with head figures that are nothing more than Merkel's lapdogs that will bark at Putin, Trump and Salvini on command while government is carried by two flavors of socialists with a tacit agreement to never rock each other's boat too much. Hopefully we'll have a figure to step up, otherwise I think this country will go down with ship when the EU inevitably sinks - maybe the North will secede, there was talk about that many years ago and, to our credit, we've been consistently rabid since the country was founded.
Our saving grace is, ironically, our poverty because the bankrupt welfare means no gimmegrants want to stay here.
My father was in Lisbon recently, told me the place is overrun with foreigners, particularly BRs. Africans have been there for decades so we can't say if the number has increased but it likely has.
Here in the North,it's mostly chinks, there's tons of them. It used to just be cheap goods places but now a cheap sushi places fad has been booming and they're all run by chinks.
Politicians have completely kowtow'ed to politically correct speech but our average normalfag still openly jokes about trannies and can still be a bit racist though it's common belief that you can hate gypsies and still not be racist because they're just that odious.
You got that right about PCP. They were probably the only ones from our political class that made a stink about Article 13 and other EU bullshit.
That said, the country needs a actual right wing party.
Where in north are you user, if you don't mind me asking, I was in north Portugal and I can attest for what you said about being full of chinks, they're fucking everywhere.
I heard it's because your government gives tax relief for people who invest in Portugal or something, though I'm not 100% sure of it.
Matosinhos - fish and seafood restaurants aplenty.
The chinese tend to be very noticeable because the places where they set up shop tend to be ginormous.
I was in Aveiro, Estarreja, Albergaria-A-Velha which is a bit south and all those towns were full of "Shopping China" all close to each other and all of them were enormous in size, I feel sorry for the local shops, there's no way they can compete fairly with the chinks.
tl;dr You're getting Vancouvered
Some of us might say everything below Gaia (city directly below Porto) is Moorville. For a bit of local history, we call our southern compatriots, particularly those from Lisbon, "moors" because they took muslim dick for centuries and they call us "bimbos" because we're stupid and have no manners.
Yeah, Ma and Pa stores are sadly things of the past. Even before the great chink occupation, there were malls and supermarkets that completely killed them. Most local businesses now are restaurants, cafés and snack bars - you can see whole streets lined up with them on both sides. There's also more specialized stuff like barbers, hair dressers (tons of those too, mostly run by BRs), florists etc.
But some chinese shops tend to close early because, well, they sell really poor quality stuff and give in to their yellow jew tendencies quickly.
Damn, unfortunatelly Portugal is in it's way to become full Chinkouver.
Video VERY related
I've been through Gaia too (cool name for a city by the way) and talking about dark tugas, my portuguese co-workers included some darker skinned lusitanos as well as white skinned blue eyed ones.
So I guess the moors didn't venture too much north.
At least your 'pastelarias' are still owned by Portuguese, I'm yet to eat a 'ovos moles' or a 'pastel de nata' made by a chink.
They've been trying to buy our electricity supplier company for a few years and the offer is pretty substantial.
Muslim invaders never got far into the north of the peninsula. That said, we still wear the shame of having a shitload of regions with arab names (usually starting with 'Al' like Algarve, our big beach tourism hotspot).
Anyway, the chinese have always run one of two businesses - asian restaurants or assorted cheap goods stores. Our food is safe, that's probably our only other chimpout trigger besides soccer.
Yeah, and not only Algarve, but açucar, açougue, alface, alfaiate, almoxarife and many many other words have arab origins, that's the consequence of centuries of muslim occupation.
shame? speak for yourself you useless faggot. do you know why the arabs conquered iberia so easily? because the germanic suebi and visgoths were so useless there was only chaos everywhere.
I'm very happy that they were kicked out from Iberia. We experienced centuries of pece, order and stability.
As far as I know they weren't kicked out of Iberia, some visigoth snow niggers even joined the moorish ranks to betray the ruler of that time (I think it was Roderic) and a few retreated up north where the mountains formed a good protection against the moor invasions.
And besides, Visgoths themselves were a weak tribe way past their prime, they estabilished themselves in Iberia because they were running away from the Huns and the Pyrenees provided a good protection against incursions from other germanic tribes, meanwhile the Zidanes and Benzemas on the other side of the rock were recently converted to islam (sandniggers at that time changed religion like we change our sockets) and were willing and able to conquer a few more lands for their caliphs, and the visigoths at that time were a joke, the only thing they left were a few names like Rodrigo (Roderic), Amauri (Amalric) or Alarico (Alaric).
To be brutally honest that poster is way TL:DR for a tourist. I do hope the whites of Portugal survive in someway though.
More thread related tune.
I don't understand the point you're trying to make here, what you said made absolutelly no sense to what I posted.
And if you're actually portuguese, let us use our beautiful romance language shall we ?
'O que você disse não faz sentido e não tem relação alguma com a minha postagem na qual você citou, sugiro que pegue mais leve no vinho do Porto Pedro, em excesso, faz-te mal.'
here pal: 969495211 call me, we'll arrange a fight, but i warn you, i have fire arm permit, because i'm from the countryside.
i don't have patience to argue with right wingers, that's a waste of time. i rather purge you fags
Believe me Pedro, I would gladly accept your challenge, unfortunatelly I'm many miles away from you right now so I'll have to pass the chance of beating a portuguese commie shitposter into submission, if only you challenged me a few months ago…
No it is not.
Shove your desconstructionist Marxist garbage up you ass and blow your brains out pinko scum.
Because theyre not capitalists shilling for open borders for capital transfer, this time a human one?. In an hour you will complain about Berlin Wall, how its "open borders or its a prison!".
All the marxism comes from America and hollywood. Sure, its jews, but commies in commie countries at least censored that shit. Even now. There is an hour of NK tv on youtube somewhere, check it out - all classy and no degeneracy.
Stop posting porn, kike.
save our celtiberian brothers and sisters
Having your country remain poor at least keeps the gibs me dats away.
Tourism = globalism.
Post made by Nazbol Gang
Fucking BR's
There are, they are just not that many. Most of them the moment they see that no one is watching they flee to countries with a more "generous" welfare.
Nice meme, user.
You seem to be low IQ, you should probably stop posting here
Did you even go to school?
I'd say they were already on the right track.
Elect nationalist leaders, it's really just that simple, and when the cucks and Jew-twinks complain, elect leaders that are even MORE nationalist.
The west can still thwart the Jew, and NEVER think that just because a non-European, or non-whites in general, are already in your country, that they cannot be forced into boxcars and shipped the fuck out.
They most certainly can.
And stuff the Jews in with them.
That's too harsh.
But tourists are meant to visit, be respectful, and then, most importantly, LEAVE.
You do not buy houses there. You do not make it your "second home" without permission.
And that permission should have VERY stringent requirements, and be given sparingly, for the sake of your indigenous citizens.