RU - FI - OOOOOOO! Ask a Proud Boy anything. We're going back into Portland on the 4th. Come join us!
RU - FI - OOOOOOO! Ask a Proud Boy anything. We're going back into Portland on the 4th. Come join us!
I wonder why proud boys don't actually carry more actual armor like chainmail, and actual metal shield and armor since the antifa will likely up their armory.
If you want to LARP, actually LARP with metallic shit.
how does your fist feel?
Fuck off alt-kike cancer
Didn't Gavin shove a butt plug up his ass on his show?
How can you look and sound gay?
The gothic style full plate is heavier and offers less protection even at 14g than AR 500 and bmx/ Riot gear. It is also harder to get on and off making treating wounds even more difficult.
Properly seasoned fists throw by those who know what they are doing hold up just fine. Ruffio was feeling great after his big knock out.
Yeah, I'm not talking about gothic heavy flate.
I'm talking about regular chainmail (against stab) or just basic IIIa chink plate and a ballistic helmet.
Antifa ain't going to bring AR15, just some knives at best, or a pistol.
And an actual metal shield is going to stop a pistol boolit (try it, it's true).
LOL I have no idea. He did kiss milo…. more than once. Hes such a fag.
How do you feel about being an alt-kike shill?
I agree Antifa is more likely to stab then shoot. We have had one person show up in chain mail and another with a chest plate made from a street sign. I have considered switching my ar500 plates out for heat formed kydex. BUT we have had the John Brown Gun Club of Renton show up at two rallies open carrying.
so does he get into alot of fights? Is violence a first choice in solving the problems for the proud boys. Would there ever be a proud boy that didnt want to fight or was not a fighter or would this person have a difficult time?
I doesn't pay nearly enough but its better then being a neo nazi cuck claiming to be from a superior race that some how lost its big war and gets constantly out preformed by the lesser races in finance, academics and sports.
Man, if they start shooting, it would be massive downblow to them.
But AR500 plates would protect against rifle shot, and also against stabbing.
Also, as said, grab a goddamn metal shield. Shield works, as both as a weapon and a…shield.
OP confirmed to fist his aut-kike fag buddies. TRS must love you
Lmao based niggers amirite fellow amerimutt alt-kikers
He trains, we all do. Talking is the first choice for solving problems, memes and jokes are preferred. Fighting solves everything though and is the FINAL SOLUTION so to speak. Not all proud boys fight at the rallies. Some have previous charges and suspended sentences, some are full on pacifists and find work at rallies watching the cars, playing medic etc.
Fuck off alt-kike idiot
I prefer the term Alt-White, All the fight and superiority of whites but with bigger cocks(niggers), bigger wallets(heebs) and bigger brains(chinks).
Is there an end goal or are you guys gonna be proud until the day you die? Doesnt being proud get boring?
Fuck off alt-kike idiot
Does being proud get boring? So… you have never been proud? You should try it some time. My end game with the PB is to get us more on course with bettering ourselves as a means for improving the nation and removing the latent degeneracy that has crept its way in to all aspects of wester civilization.
That's some really low effort bait. Can't blame you though, with your IQ I'm just surprised you managed to make it all the way to 8/pol/ by yourself.
Fuck off alt-kike idiot
no im proud sometimes. like 3 times a weak (usually after masturbation). But Im not a "proud boy". Im curious about what the end game is. What will be the next step after you are done being proud? Or will you proud around forever?
Yeah, we support free speech too.. nigger nigger nigger. Wow the world did not end. Let try more, kike chink whop cracker haha all speech is free speech and Antifa can't change that. what are they going to do…. get knocked da fuq out……. AGAIN.
Proud forever unless the things that I am proud of change or end.
Lmao muh free speech. Fuck off alt-kike cancer
Just letting you know that I used to hate your group, but you're the only ones actually WINNING against the far-left anti-whites. Fuck Richard Spencer, Matthew Heimbach, David Duke and the rest of the alt-kike/WNs/the KKK/Atomwaffen/American Vantards/TRSodomites/Identity Evropa, I respect results over muh purity spiraling.
Proud as in Gay Pride?
Boys as in Not Men?
There's something wrong with your branding from the very start, lad. Something tells me that's intentional. Showing up spewing kike talking points only confirms what we already suspected. How does Ezra Levant's ballsack taste?
It's almost as if the group was set up to be easily ridiculed and dismissed from the very start, due to their ridiculous name, political incoherence, and lack of any stated purpose. Hmmm what kind of kike would devise such a scheme?
this is in no way pathetic bait for an event with an obviously planned mishap
FT. the worst of reddit and the kids who couldnt bother to lurk for 2 years
Degenerate crybaby boomer is still coasting on being relevant for a month almost 3 fucking years ago.
While i do like IRL stuff and all, this is the wrong face to put on anything lasting, this will surely hamstring the candidates shot. They know this, and either want it, or have some shit ready to go to kikeoptics themselves against an imaginary enemy like so many antifa.
So my question is what kinda planned mishap yall doing this time? and how many well meaning whites are you going to rope into your sad gay little hijinks?
That faggot became irrelevant over 2 years ago.
What's the difference between the Proud Cucks and Antifa? Nothing, it's all staged fights to fool the goyim.
please dress in disney's marvel's avengers and watch the pr nightmare unravel. or support American companies and watch them back antifa instead.