Friendly reminder that if you aren't drinking water and ONLY water you aren't even close to redpilled because those sugary Jew drinks you consume make you as bluepilled as soyboys. Water is the only acceptable drink that any respectable white man should put into his body. >it's practically fucking FREE unless you live in a third world shithole and even then you can just filter it
What about tap water infused with oestrogen from contraceptives and molecules from dumped medicines ?
Ian Jenkins
you fucking idiot, you really dont know how the physics, chemistry , the body works do you?
How much extra energy do I get from not having a cup of sugar? How much do I lose?
You dont know so stfu and this is not politics, isnt their a nutrition board.
Kayden Gonzalez
Mason Cox
I drink tea without sugar. Everyone knows the Jew fears tea.
Nicholas Clark
Our bodies are not designed for the amount of sugar we pump into them. You think 70g of sugar is remotely healthy or energetic for you? But hold on, soda isn't the only source of sugar you get through out of the day, so that original 70g of sugar you ingested in one go can easily get bumped up to 100-200g of sugar in ONE DAY because of all the other shit you eat and drink.
You're not fooling anyone moshie. Nutrition is an important part of the Fascist ideology, for an unhealthy people cannot maintain a strong state and is thus equally political as anything else.
I drink tons of water,I legit love water.However I don't strictly drink water but also coffee,milk(usually mixed with coffee) and random juices (sugary ones even like ice tea,sunny de light e.t.c.
I don't drink any Coke or similar sodas,I do drink lots of fizzy water tho.
Juan Sanchez
Jose Miller
Water is the hydraulic Jew.
Joshua Rogers
nectar of the gods, boys.
(checked) move to the country or filter your water at home.
Bigly this. The true National Socialist is a steward of his body as well as his people and his environment.
John Edwards
Hey shill.
Cameron Brooks
I agree to the max but I can't seem to kick Beer / hops / xenostrogen / brew jew
Everyone should stop drinking beer completely and after a year pause only drink
Seriously beer has fucked up my T-levels completely and destroyed my hormone balance. I'm not addicted to alcohol but the soothing effect hops that are used in beer have
people like you are as dumb as the niggers you complain about
Christopher James
Filter every drop you consume, even your shower water. I use a berkey for drinking/brushing my teeth (and small dishes). I have two filters on my shower an aquasana and propur (just get adapter pieces from home depot) and a hose/shower head combo to fill up the tub for my kids. If you live in Ohio you really need this the water here is terrible, don't forget to bring your own water everywhere because most restaurants don't filter their water. Ohio has violation level fluoride contamination.
i know your feel but yes seriously stop it, at the very least limit it to maybe 1 night a week / social gatherings. I was shocked when i realized how much it negatively affected my sleep and energy levels.
I drink water and milk exclusively, and have no added sugar in diet, minimal carbohydrates. I can't even stand sugary shit anymore
Angel Green
What about coffee?
I'm not sure if its healthier to drink estrogen fluoride water, or soda.
Tea also contains estrogen.
Jaxon Myers
I drink based unfiltered water from Flint because I'm a man's man, faggot.
Sebastian Diaz
Why are you asking strangers what to drink? Are you that easily manipulated? Go drink bleach.
Logan Bennett
regarding coffee, you should not drink it too often because it fucks with sleep and generally makes you more tired when you're not on it. when you do drink it, make sure it's bulletproof/butter coffee cause it's based
Justin Clark
Incorrect, coffee should be consumed all them time and helps with sleep, it also helps your heart rate. Also people who use the word "based" are faggots.
Blake Ortiz
Water is a pretty cool guy but I'm still going to drink milk, too.
Matthew Smith
You're better than this man. Improvement starts with yourself. Eat a ratio of 4:1 vegetables to meat by mass, or just eyeball it. Use fruits for quick energy in the day. Eat as few meals as possible. You need to dry fast for about 48 hours for ketosis to set in, then you start burning fat. The fat around your organs that cause the beer belly is the most dangerous to your health. Get rid it.
I did a 24 hour fast for 4 days to throw myself into caffeine withdrawal. Haven't had coffee in almost 3 weeks now.
You don't have to abstain like a monk, just keep alcohol reserved for holidays. Drugs are for bonding, not mindless pleasure.
Kevin Sanders
Stop being such a faggot.
I don't drink coffee much, mostly once a day.
Whats your problem? Is your pozhole sore from last night?
Landon Cruz
I'm drinking OPs false dichotomy tears in this delightful pot of black coffee as we speak, made with high quality well water without flouride. My pineal gland is more valuable than all of you put together.
I don't drink semen, that's disgusting to even imagine, fucking fag.
Liam Scott
So whats with your need to derail the thread? Why do you have to shut it down?
Gabriel Nelson
Mead is the drink of the gods. Water is second.
Samuel Brooks
I don't care what I do to your dumbass thread, it's for paranoid losers who can't think of a better way to waste their precious time on earth. Fuck you and everyone who bumbs this low-IQ crap.
Cameron Flores
Thank you both so much. I am doing good in physical activity (1000km since april) but the xenoestrogen brew jew is holding me back at this point I need to kick it completely (after I finish the sixpack I have in the freezer)
At least now I know what has caused my t no gf and tfw no kids period.
Thank you Zig Forums. Now documentaries are being made on this topic, hormone/jammers_inhibitors, But I read it here first 1.5 year ago.
Seriously I can not emphasize thos enough. Every alcohol is better than beer. STOP DRINKING BEER NOW
Or if you must buy a more kriek lambic / beer without hops _good luck trying to find that in a grocery store btw
Before you switch to H20 completely
Adrian Jackson
exercise your willpower and save it for a special occasion, trust me
It's not hard to find where I live but ironically it's more of a women's drink as far as I am aware, due to its fruitiness.
once a day is probably fine if it's early in the morning and you're a hard worker, try going a week without it and see how you feel
Owen Sullivan
Distilled water is the ultimate dietary redpill.
Lincoln Bennett
That's the epitome of irony tbh. The "man's" drink has estrogenic effects, while the "woman's" drink lacks it. I've never heard of this beer, because I do enjoy beer (very occasionally) but if I can find one that's even better for me to drink occasionally, I'll take it. Does it all taste fruitier??
Chase Green
Checked and thank you. My dwindling reasoning to myself thus far (you try to bullshit yourself the most) Was I'm going to see a bloody war in Europe and so it's ok not to have kids before it ends, Naturally this is complete bullshit- Kids can wait with mommy till dad comes back from slaughtering the bruxelles jew and the invader horde
First you have to rise above yourself Then you rise above the degeneracy Rise Europa!
Ryan Perez
I've been thinking of getting a distiller but I hears drinking only distiller water can be very dangerous in the long term.
Carter Roberts
This is such ridiculous LARPing that I'm convinced OP is just having fun because he knows you'll take him seriously if he frames it the right way. Water is great. Just don't chug a case of soda and you'll be fine. Moderation.
Justin Kelly
i only drink milk and honey like hercules
Eli Stewart
once in a blue moon to kick things up a notch and get into overdrive. the thing is to not grow dependent on it, it is a boost not a crutch.
I myself never drink coffee, going for green/white tea, which have a lot of caffeine. A LOT. and have a bunch of actual advantages for like, muscle regeneration, skin care, skin regeneration and anti-cancer stuff.
white tea is king. white tea btw is the same plant of green tea except it is picked way earlier. is basically baby green tea plant
Absolute bullshit. You might have some osmotic issues with your mouth skin drinking lab grade DI water all the time, but drinking plain distilled water will not harm you in any way. The lack of mineral bullshit is a myth. Very few people have drinking water with any significant amount of minerals in it.
Matthew Wright
1000% correct.
Munich beer purity laws (around 1500) fucked beer up forever.
The monks in the monasteries at that time were drinking classic beer and despite the celibate being quite frisky with the local women making many babies whose daddy could not be found.
The presbyterys of the monasteries saw that when picking hops (xenoestrogen) the women became very docile or they would out of the sudden become ovulating. So as an experiment, they started adding hops to beer for "flavour" Very shortly after that the monks brewing the beer (drinking the same daily dosage) supposedly became less interested in women and pregnant making activities and more focused on "otherwordly" calling they were supposed to be doing,
coincidence would have it outside belgium you can rarely buy (the only beer made without hops) in a supermarket yet beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in Europe per capita of alcohol per year
meanwhile ahmad and fazil from Syria and Afganistan do not touch the stuff and (rightly so) look down at Europeans who drink it, like they are dumb cattle
Do not be like me who took ten years to figure it out
Kevin Lewis
JIDF pretends to be pol >(((we))) at pol believe retarded shit
Alexander Gray
when my ex-gf was training for a fitness competition she would drink a gallon of distilled water one day out of the week. She could notice a difference in how she felt, but her trainer/nutritionist said she should not drink it regularly. I think it was more to help her get toned and lose fat.
Robert Moore
If you’re weren’t a complete waste of life with even a modicum of self control you’d be able to balance different types of drinks in moderation, but because you are a 300lbs diabetic spaz with the attention span of a gnat you use the fact that you can only drink water now as a badge of honor to cover up your disgusting lack of willpower and gluttony
Isaiah Foster
Drink shochu instead
Cameron Mitchell
What bullshit. Are we hermits or men? Prost you uneducated swines. I will enjoy some riesling and chianti this summer.
Jose Davis
cause you sit around all day and do fuck all. try running , doing some yard work
fucking lift and bend your back carrying your entire body weight all day without sitting
fucking be productive
stop fucking playing video games, waters not gonna allow you to be healthy faggot
but yes have vatimans too, and protien … sugar is just a means to an end. An active body needs carbs.
you are not active, you are more low energy then the thread you create.
fuck off water boy
Brayden Ortiz
but you guys didn't specify what exactly does a guy need to watch out when buying a beer.
I just know about the brands, Heineken is low carb so I take that or Eisenbahn on varying flavours. should I change to weisbier? dark brews? what should I be drinking to avoid xeno estrogens????????
you made me groan out loud. I have my own culture to attend to I wont drink souchi or whatever.
Feast on wine or fast on water And your honour shall stand sure, God Almighty’s son and daughter He the valiant, she the pure; If an angel out of heaven Brings you other things to drink, Thank him for his kind attentions, Go and pour them down the sink.
Tea is like the East he grows in, A great yellow Mandarin With urbanity of manner And unconsciousness of sin; All the women, like a harem, At his pig-tail troop along; And, like all the East he grows in, He is Poison when he’s strong.
Tea, although an Oriental, Is a gentleman at least; Cocoa is a cad and coward, Cocoa is a vulgar beast, Cocoa is a dull, disloyal, Lying, crawling cad and clown, And may very well be grateful To the fool that takes him down.
As for all the windy waters, They were rained like tempests down When good drink had been dishonoured By the tipplers of the town; When red wine had brought red ruin And the death-dance of our times, Heaven sent us Soda Water As a torment for our crimes.
>. There are four basic ingredients to beer, but only three are essential: malted barley, yeast and water. … They give a beer bitterness when used early in the brewing process, and aroma when added at the end. As a bonus, hops are a preservative, and extend the life of…beer.
Reverse Osmosis w/ mineral filter Fluoride free. Nectar of the Gods
Jordan James
You'll get a fucked up sugar rush that way. Chew them instead. Blending is lazy and bluepilled.
Evan Lewis
I like Beer, Home made Wine,and Shine wew . Water is good too when working outside in between ICE COLD BEERS.
Ethan Wilson
Does it bother you that Jews are notorious pushers of the glorified paint stripper you're ingesting, or that many of our kin have have lost their minds and their lives this way?
Evan Ramirez
Imagine living in a world where saying "drink water instead of manufactured garbage" gets (((people))) this mad
I think the dumb asses weed themselves out of the gene pool just like in Italy which has very low alcoholism after thousands of years consuming alcohol the addictive shitfuck drunk genes have died out and the same happens here in the US.I like beer I don't drink very day but Ill be damned after mowing my grass I don't have an ice cold one.
Asher Morgan
I work construction building a house at the moment and the only carbs I eat all day are at lunch - 2 pieces of bread with butter w/ beef tartar and some fruit. Then I come home and lift weights. I have more energy than the beaners that eat sandwiches and bowls of rice.
Leo Moore
Unless you have the filtration systems in tact that can even filter out the hormones and chemicals of shit that is used to treat waste water, then you're still still going to get bluepilled and cucked still. Birth Control and other shit keeps traveling through the water system. Drinking the water in cities isn't viable just with how many liberals are on hormone treatment. Not to mention the mentally deranged that decide to go through penile butchering and wind up killing themselves months later.
ok - here's an idea. What if you had rain barrels to collect water then run a line from rain barrel with a water pump to an RO system and make clean water to store in glass jugs. Pump RO waste water back in to rain barrel. Fresh water from the sky, not the city.
Any water filter geeks know if this would work or be the best way to get pure water without having fluoride & chemicals from medications in it?
Kayden Ramirez
Jews have started wars over tea retard spacing newfriend.
"I know this because my TV told me!" Anything with withdrawal symptoms is terrible for you. Anything that causes your body to build a "tolerance" to is incredibly bad for you.
Lurk for 2 years is not a meme newfag, we do not want rapefugees.
Really makes you think…
Henry Sanchez
Distilled water to remove heavy metals, although it is acidic, so mix it up with pH balanced reverse osmosis water, and Sole water for minerals.