The World's smartest man got Shoah from kikebook.
Chris Langan
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self bump
based if real
Any source for the shoahing against him or reaction OP?
you really think (((they))) will write about it.
This guy's a straight Zig Forumsack. Probably posting here right now.
we could really use a big brain nibba like him (if OP not lying)
holy fuck.
He addressed the jews multiple times and got shoa'd for it.
fake and gay
This guy needs to take it easy with his power level.
fuck off TRS
Cuck. More like he needs to double his power level and use his spirit energy to remotely fuck your mother to death while redpilling everyone near her, perhaps convincing your dad that having a manlet for a son was a mistake.
Assuming this isn't fake and/or gay.
He hangs out on Reddit most of the time.
At least that is the last place I saw him/his work consistently. But I also recall that he has his own web site dealing with CTMU issues. It is interesting stuff…but sometimes I felt distracted from the real issues by the intricacy of the theory. This is why I don't follow his work…I have no time for theory if it distracts from the real FINAL SOLUTION.
Your manhood is fake and your mum is gay
It's spelled Mom not mum
You probably spell color with a U in it like a British faggot
also jews
completely jewish
WhAt A Nigger!!
Me American me remove letters becuz more easy 2 spel!
whats the point of this thread again?
Isnt this why we are here, you are preaching to the choir
Didn't read his wall of text but I do enjoy his flowery and truly exquisite prosaic style.
It is very interesting to me how many super intelligent people hold similar views to us
Bobby Fisher
Ted Kaczynski
Chris Langan
And I would suggest there are many many more who are intelligent but lack the courage to admit what they know publically
If only we could organize a John Galt type situation and coax all the super smart redpilled geniuses to join together with all the other redpilled whites from around the world and form an ethnostate without any foreign influence or jews holding us back
We would become the world's new super power
He literally mentioned zionist jews
Imagine being so cucked that your spelling is influenced by French, for words that aren't even French in origin.
CTMU is basically philosphy because while claiming to this and that with Mathematics and other sciences, he doesn't actually prove that.
That's cool and all.
But what if he's just a character made up by the media to act as some kind of folk hero for the "alt-right"?
How do you know he's the world's most intelligent man, was any of us there when he took a standardized test?
Is this just reality TV masquerading as news?
Imagine being so cucked that your language is almost the exact same as British English, taking words that aren't even American in origin.
First, Chkeked
Second, lol gorillas smarter than somalis this guy is good
Grug and sides
Fuck off jew shill. You know its all true and this is your shitty attempt at denying the FACTS. Lies do NOT fly here.
user, we are winning. Stay on guard. The revolution is not over. Do not fall into a false state of euphoria. Be very alert and wary but do not let it detract from your rightfully boisterous morale and pleased countenance.
Well to be fair euphoria only means a state of heightened sensory perception so by all means, be euphoric. But not needlessly glib. We are the change.
wow he honestly is great
kys aut-kike scum
we really need to spread this and get people talking about it Smart people marketing a brand in an articulate way is the best possible thing to make it socially acceptable.
"Surely you cannot maintain on the one hand that certain valuable elements can be inherited from the “Jewish people,” and deny that other elements which other people may find annoying or worse are not inherited by these same “people.” Nor could you then deny that elements that others would consider valuable could be the main virtue of an “Aryan” inheritance"
Smart "racists" generally hide their power level unless the consequences of doing otherwise are minimal.
he mentioned zionist jews directly you dumbfuck
aka cowardly
it is a bit shitty, isn't it. hard-line radical leftists can spout their nonsense without fear of anything it seems
The man is not a fan of Jordan Peterson.
Smartest man in the world
agrees with Zig Forums sentiments
banned from kikebook
So are your digits user. Checked.
holy shit im in love
He’s a brainlet
Peterson fag huh
Imagine being soooooo cucked you lose many wars to a bunch of farmers and peasants AND lose your empire and also for bonus points now defacto belong to your former possession. I own you and your country m8
Better bin that blade just to be safe
It's beautiful.
no you're a brainlet
If it's fake he needs to increase his power level even further.
this man's fucking spot on, it doesn't even matter much if it's the real christopher or just a very clever Zig Forumsack, this is some class A redpilling. Shame the account got nuked.
it's definitely his writing style, so if it isn't him then that's some serious effort put in to impersonating him
This guy lives a quiet and humble life but lately he seems to enjoy speaking up about this stuff. Could we push him into politics or at least into propaganda? He has the potential to outjew the jews. He not only has the IQ, but also the understanding of the jewish mind.
Langan is an interesting person but can you stop taking shit from cuckchan and posting it here?
That was confirmed to not be true.
Nope, Kek
My IQ is higher than this guy, and yes indeed he knows it.
Can I borrow his DNA to splice with my own?
Based centerist rick and morty fan no doubt
I get it, he has the 'tism so such a degree he has become the King of the Autists, and cannot properly recognize social cues. That notwithstanding, he sounds pretty based, and the "worlds smartest man" giving nods to race realism and the Zionist plan to enslave the world will make more than a few normalfags look into it for themselves.
He seems apsie enough to browse the chans, too. In fact, he is probably reading this thread right now. Hey Langan, don't cuck out and apologize, or post pictures of yourself with trannies and dead eyed mooncrickets to try and appease (((them))). You are now a public enemy to the elites, and they will renege all deals you make with them and show you no mercy.
Quality bread
He actually isn't really all that autistic or unsocialized, he fucking bartended a lot (or still does, I don't know). He probably just doesn't give a fuck about muh PR because he isn't a retard that doesn't realize you have to commit and take consequences to make progress and not just stand around quietly agreeing without breaking ranks and speaking your fucking mind under penalty of anything. Zuckerkike can delete all of the accounts he wants, Streisand Effect > muh PR.
Guy used to be a bouncer and is jacked af. Basically does manual labor now on his farm while writing anti-kike and anti-shitskin screeds plus mathematical proofs and shit. IQ literally off the chart. Dude's living the dream
Hi Chris. If getting caught was part of your plan and you were intentionally trying to force a Streisand Effect, then I'll heil to your genius.
Ohhh now that is interesting. Farming eh…come on /People Of Light/ figure it out…FARMING…why did he blow of the systematized construct 'society' or CIVILization and start farming? Important.
maybe he read animal farm and decided to become a farmer because animalsl are fun to be around
None of that is true. I have never owned a TV in my life. I have only seen parts of that show, and found it dumber than Ren and Stimpy.
I am Kek dude.
Agriculture is the beginning of civilization, or so we are told.
Nogs are animals, they aren't fun to be around. Not exactly what I was hoping for in terms of processing. But thanks for the laugh.
Those are big trips.
Just go back to Reddit already, shit.
Worlds faggiest OP is going to get shoahed from hatechan if he keep posting like a cuckchanner.
He's the worlds smartest man. Couldn't hide his power level even if he tried. Although I really doubt the IQ system once it gets to ridiculous numbers since you really can't prove it and it becomes theoretical.
It's doable, but rather difficult. People go out of their way to ask you questions that don't have polite answers, and become combative even when you decline to answer. Avoiding people is not quite a solution.
That's an astonishingly good idea you have there doctor.
tfw I'm known as the "smart guy" and cuckservatives always ask me why the media is so hostile, and if there is a some conspiracy why the "socialists" are trying to destroy America. However, since Trump has moved the Overton window to the right, I can now go SSJ1 around your basic patriotard.
It can be hard, but never go full power level around anyone but the most trusted of family and friends, even then it's iffy. Just drop subtle hints of race realism and "hate facts", avoid the JQ, and don't criticize Israel directly. Criticize their hawkish Likud party, and how their warmongering will lead to Israel's destruction. The Greatest Ally meme must be broken down slowly, starting with small cracks about how Israel is a deeply divide country.
he's a poet
wow he honestly is great
The man is not a fan of Jordan Peterson.
"Fire rises according to local."
If you are reading this, Langan: you are awesome.
No they're not, it's a funny meme but it's untrue. The tests administered to koko and other gorillas were designed for infants.
-t mohammed
Trump is doing everything he can to move the Overton to the LEFT.
It doesn't matter what you believe Trump is trying to do or is in fact doing, the fact of the matter is that the Overton window did shift to the "right" (if we're in keeping with this dichotomy of left-right). The left threw such a shitstorm of a tantrum with the election and its aftermath that it drove people to distance themselves from it, criticize it, expose it, and consider other options. What you think Trump is "trying" to do is irrelevant to what actually happened, and your only defense against this statement is to make the claim that the Overton window didn't shift at all, or it went even more to the left, both claims of which are quite blatantly false when compared to Nigbongo's second term.
controlling supply and distribution of food is the first step to controlling society.
Independently producing one's own food is the first step in freeing oneself from that control.
it's off, faggot
How about you stop being a fag instead?
Wew me laddies! Now this is some high-quality shilling! I've been so accustomed to shit-tier zognald drumpfing I thought that was the best I'd ever see again.
Notice how this crafty hooknose turns Trump's nigger D&C into a negative. Notice how this vile snipdick twists the destruction of the completely kiked tarrifs of ZOG Europe that enriches jewish conglomerates becomes an attack on whites while completely ignoring the Bug Empire.
Take notes, you shareblue cock lickers; this is what quality shilling looks like.
I'm not claiming the Overton window didn't shift. I'm saying an outright globalist zionist shoving 110% Washington Consensus down everyone's throats is being presented as "literally Hitler" in a completely non-ironic fashion, backed up by gullible retards like you who keep drinking that swill.
He isn't D&Cing anyone. He has every intention of handing off the US to brownskins in a mass murder of White people and has properly ascertained that the negroid population is the most willing to violently implement his zionist game plan for Europe-as-primary-enemy.
So he has the highest IQ thereby is the most intelligent? We can figure out things quickly and accurately but he is not wise. Nice try, OP.
With that said we still must burn all the jews.
Intelligence is power level, stop hiding.
Reading comprehension faggot. Simply because I was making sure you weren't negating something that obviously happened does not mean I was taking a contrarian stance on your opinion of Trump. The only retards who genuinely think Trump is the savior of the white race and jesus himself are the shills that kampfaggot refused to ban after the election and bluepilled the_donald troglodytes.
Try not to make such stupid fucking assumptions based on a single point of contention, throwing out the baby with the bathwater and lack of nuanced thinking is nigger tier.
Chris Langan is like my doppleganger.
Stop being faggots living in fear and fucking be.