It would be a real shame if someone destroyed the baby trump blimp with a drone
Baby Trump
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If you destroy it, (((((they))))) win you retarded dummy. The only blimp here is you.
How so?
Destroy it minutes into its take off.
anyone with a drone could attach a sharp object to the underside and fly it full speed into the blimp.
it can be taken in a backpack, launched from the roof of a nearby building, and the operator could move buildings in between launching the drone and flying it into the blimp.
There's only one good way to destroy it:
It would, because only a self-hating anti-white cuck would white knight that unconstitutional kike puppet.
Reminder the take away the guns and worry about due process later.
-It's very likely insured, so you'll only makes the kikes that made it richer, it's doesn't matters whether it's destroyed or not, it is already worldwide news.
-It would only reinforce the leftist narrative of "see, le DRUMPFTF supporters are the REAL snowflakes that can't take a joke XDDD"
-Not to mention whoever pops it will be in a world of shit, and forced to pay the kikes that made the ballon some serious money and jail time.
Just laugh at the thing and continue on, that hurts them the most.
White babies and illegality alone are fodder enough.
I'm fine with liberals making fun of Trump though, Trump isn't on the side of white people.
Does he have a LOICENSE for that revolver?
Fun fact: The guy behind the balloon cried, not unlike a baby, when he heard Trump had won the election
Commit seppuku and die.
I'm in that area and I have a bunch of BB guns from doing Airsoft with the lads.
Could BB's pierce that thing? And how much jail time am I looking at here?
I'm making bank being self-employed so if it's like a month or two/just a fine I don't really care.
It would destroy your life.
The only slave is ((((you)))), willing to risk your livelihood and facing serious jail time and muslim rape for uselessly doing the dirty job of a literal kike puppet that cares more about the "falling ratings" of NBC shows than defending his own supporters.
I doubt that.
I make 10k a month on Patreon, if the neighbourhood starts hating me and begins lobing bricks through my windows I can move house easy peasy.
You have no idea what kind of fake charges they might come up with. In the UK you can't even carry a butter knife with you, and you want to carry a BB gun? It would probably be too weak anyways, and too short distance, but that is besides the point.
Have a look at Christopher Cantwell, facing 40 years in prison for using pepper spray against attackers. Even if he gets acquited, which he probably will, he will have been in prison for 3 months and in house arrest for over half a year or so.
No way to trace air guns and it doesn't make a loud enough noise for any one not next to you to notice. The biggest problem you will have is transporting it and staying off camera while you shoot it.
Depending on how thick the material it is and the distance it may pierce it. A real airgun would take it down but I don't know about airsoft.
ahahahahah already? fuck…like i said once months before Trump wining. One day i will see people calling Trump a far leftist commie
By becoming a media spectacle in an entirely pointless act of vandalism to defend a president who's utterly indifferent to me? I think you're the one thinking like a slave here.
All you need is a fucking blowdart
Defending Trump and trolling leftists isn't the same thing. It will piss them off if their blimp is ruined and cost them a shit load of money.
but it will expose those people as amercanised faggots.
i wasn't going to give a shit about this, but i will go there now and i will pay attention to who destroys the blimp. Then we'll fight you amercanised faggot :D
This. Ridicule their attempt to ridicule you.
It won't piss them off. They're not actually as easy to " trigger" or " troll" as you think, and are more than capable of flipping a narrative. Which they won't need to do here, because like user above said, the entire point of the blimp is to show what thin-skinned oafs Trump supporters are. Destroying it would reinforce that, the blimp is totally expendable to them. Not to mention, a FAILED attempt would look even worse.
And can we agree that we're beyond "let's trigger Le libs!! Xdd"? We're already polarized. The battle grounds are chosen. Now is the time for more concrete action and marshaling resources.
The point of the blimp is to mock someone they don't like. It has no meaning above or beyond that. Destroying it sends them into a frenzy of finding out who why and when. Over reactions screaming how a crazy gun man shot down the blimp. It's easy to troll.
JIDF pretends to be Zig Forums and encourages terrorism again
You're a pussy.
This makes no sense.
Shotgun with goose shot is going to be your best tool.
Go and destroy it then, lefties. Who cares about a stupid blimp and pathetic attempt at attention whoring
Truly shocking, no one could have possibly foreseen this turn of events, and it's not like the oldfags have been saying trump was a jew york liberal from the start, it's just that kikey isn't around to ban us anymore.
JIDF? Encouraging terrorism? I thought they encouraged healthy diets and long walks in the park? You must be mad.
ITT: buttmad drumpftard neckbeards increase salt production over a fucking balloon baby
JIDF pretends to be Zig Forums and encourages terrorism again
Fucking JIDF terrorists. Not surprised you kill palestinian kids and teens as if they aren't even humans.
Every time you look the opposite sex in the eyes think carefully of shit-eating :).
It'll have a line to the ground somewhere, right? Set it free.
The only way to destroy the blimp and not get fucked by the kikes would be to make it look like an accident
Would be amazing to see baby trump hit the dome and just bump against it until NASA panicked and shot it down.
No. It. Would. Not. They would laugh about whatever buttmad Trump supporter got angry enough to destroy a balloon, because his precious god emperor was being mocked.
What's more likely happen is:
Branching into two possibilities
Common now…destroying that balloon is no more obnoxious than fielding the balloon in the first place. I mean I know you guys love the game of 'civilization' and arguing over the 'rules' and 'appropriate conduct' but at this level of intricacy it is really just nitpicky and retarded.
Technically people could say that defacing (shooting down) baby trump was more aggressive than flying baby trump, making the libtards 'pro-trump' for celebrating his birth…who is the bigger 'trump fan' the ones who honor his birth or the ones who want to destroy his effigy?
As smug as it would look the better solution is still to just drop half our nuclear arsenal on Britain and the other half on Israel.
Yes, I mean the baby even has a safety PIN in the diaper.
That's a sharp object that can be bent to pluck out someones eyes.
Did the creator have a loicense for that?
It would be a real shame if OP pulled those cocks out of his ass.
this is the cuck with the £20,000 balloon
Care to share, fellow go– er, fellow white man?
Lets give this guy a taste of his own medicine and get some devestating picture memes of him viral hahaha
You don't need a drone.
Pict=you…for not understanding that it is ALL a semitic game and always has been. You think their is MEANING in the semitic games we are playing more than any other game we play…
Hey fucktard…what is 'muh The Constitution' other than a smashed up tree with ink on it? Does your faggot brain tell you that it grants and takes away POWER that you don't already give it to grant back to you willingly?
We all play the game you inbred douche, just some of us know that IT IS A GAME…ALL OF IT…and some of us think that it is something above us that is 'granted' to us at the 'whim' of the parasitic class.
If I mash up a tree and use ink to write on it will you grant me the right of being LORD over you as well? If I can 'write out your rights' I can take them away as well you dumb kike…LEARN TO RECOGNIZE THE GAME.
You do not understand the depth of the concept of 'inalienable' there bucko, do you? Rights, society, civilization and culture are ONLY A GAME WE ARE ALL PLAYING, RULES WE HAVE ALL AGREED ON…NOTHING ANY MORE OR LESS SIGNIFICANT THAN A GAME OF DnD…and that is how I know that you are not going to survive…too much of your house is built on fantasy, rather than reality.
That wouldn't work, not sure if it worked back then but I think it didn't and was more of a thought experiment. Even a laser would have to be really powerful unless you're at close range (attenuation)
You couldn't actually set ships on fire with it but you could certainly pop a balloon. You can pop a regular balloon with a magnifying glass.
Sure it does…(((Frank Gehry))) works regularly vaporize pigeons flying overhead…as well as this solar farm…shit my solar oven which is nothing more than a stainless steel salad bowl pointed at the sun reaches 350 degrees cook temp at midday.
At what range, though? See even a 1W diode can pop a balloon from close range.
It depends on frequency though. Some frequencies get less absorbed by air humidity.
destroy the blimp with your own blimp shaped like Nigel Farage armed with a spoon
Trump IS a leftist commie by my standards. I will still vote for him in 2020 to own the libs epic style.
I guess it isn't happening now?
Did you just post phone screen caps?
Why the fuck are you here and where the fuck did you come from?
Remember that this balloon's petition was organized by the staff of The Guardian and immediately approved Khan. It screams bait. MSM trying to play FBI and bait UK conservatives out to make a mockery of them. I wager there will be disproportionate security measures taken to make sure they catch whoever tries to stop it.
The focal point of the rays depends on the size of the reflector AND whether or not you have a lens. This is why the gehry buildings are so dangerous for birds…because it is not consistent as the curves and position of the sun changes throughout the year (LMFAO leave it up to a jew to make an architecture that KILLS) he has found the focal point…right there you would have to station the lens and that would focus the rays on an object…maybe a couple at specific positions to ramp up and focus the beam…not sure…
I'll be honest with you I have never bothered to do anything but cook with my solar oven…but I know that it could be focused with a few lenses…you could try a magnifying lense like they sell for old people to read newsprint…since it is cheap etc. it would be like focusing the focused beam and then focusing it one more time…kinda like burning ants
The best outcome would be some mishandling and the blimp goes off without being anchored.
Result is the government has to take it down themselve.
Hasbara really must pay pretty good these days, no? Honest to god this is the six gorillionth fucking thread made about this shit. Meanwhile there are more important matters to deal with, yet everyone wants to (((kvetch))) over a fucking balloon. D&C shills are really shitting this place up good.
Signal boost the fuck out of this and hope our kids remember and refuse to fight a brother war for Israel against the European Caliphate.
This shit seems way too forced, it looks like slide thread spam. I imagine some vile presstitute of one form or another already has their article about Trump supporter fragility written, just looking for or posting replies to add as proof for their inane lies.
Update your windows nigger. Russia will hack you if you don't. It's an icon in the lower right corner.
Be covert, and do it.
In a pure mudshit cellblock where guards laugh at you as you're murdered in front of them.
< if you destroy your enemies they win
< using (((windows)))
It's popping a fucking balloon, not destroying a car. Most you'll get is a fine. The hole must be large though, as it's probably a fabric and not under high tension like a rubber balloon. Attach razors to the blades of a drone and slice it. Make sure the drone clears out though so you can't be bongified for having a knife in public.
t. nodronez
The way to deflate it is to insert something needle-like, though obviously much larger. Essentially, you are creating a stint which will "bleed out" the air.
None of the potential charges attached to doing such a thing could possibly result in such a light sentence. This isn’t a party balloon; it’s big and made from thick material. What is the worst possible scenario that could result from this thing suddenly deflating and falling to the ground? That is what would be taken into account in the courtroom.
This would be a pretty serous offence in most countries but in Britain (presuming the individual was a native) you would basically be throwing your life away. The media (and possibly the state) would also likely destroy as many of your family/ friends as they possibly could.
/cue wagner
And he is now labeled an international terrorist with hate crime modifications tacked on.
Also, if it's fabric. If the skin isn't stretched like a children's balloon you're going to have a hard time popping it.
Your best bet is to be an excellent mark with a crossbow and shoot it through and through - multiple times. Two holes probably won't be enough. If you turn the arrow fins into razors that may be enough.
This will work, even though it's not PVC:
Hey there Trudeau
The best bet is to get on a rooftop along the parade route and toss rags soaked in corrosive chemicals onto the balloon. This way the rags/tissues/toilet paper will sit on top of it and eat their way through. Even if the rags don't stick, the chemical splash will eat a hole through the balloon. By the time the balloon springs leaks, you will be long gone. You can hold the chemicals in a soda bottle to avoid detection.
For chemicals, I recommend petrol mixed with frozen orange juice concentrate (like napalm. Don't touch)
Another of the forums plethora of media matters employees trying desperately to prevent the balloon from being popped
IOt's a misdemeanor kike. Community service and a fine is all that will happen if someone gets caught doing it. They'll also be an international hero that can put up a go fund me page afterward and make thirty grand from the endeavor
They might not destroy it but that does not mean they wont try to rape it.
Our discord to discuss scenarios 6JdvfqN
This baloon is flying at parliament while the US president is visiting. You won't be able to get anywhere near this baloon with anything that even looks like a gun
Stop using discord you kike. They literally admitted to working with either the SPLC or the ADL (I forgot) which is most likely where all of the leaks have come from.
By using discord you are literally paying the salary of kikes that want you killed
I’m 100% in favor of getting all drones made illegal on Airstrip One, though. Someone ought to tape a dull spoon to one and pop the balloon.
No one believes you, moishe.
LOL cuckcord