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Good. Never give up.
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Keep on rolling.
"tried to stop the NMR from raising a banner"
Can't have democratic freedoms goy!
Some irl KANGZ posting.
Honest opinion. I would start a fight with any shitskin if he provokes me too, but looking at those guys, I would just apologize and give them a drink if there would be a problem between us.
How do musulmany and niggers think they will win in case of a civil/race war?
if that nigger thinks they're so supreme, maybe he should go back to africa
30 year old boomer and 20 year old zoomer alliance
lmao that was hilarious, wish theyd knocked the twat out
This is what 60 iq looks like
Surreal. Honestly surreal.
>first fucking point on their ideological program is the merger of all nordic countries into a single state with a common currency and a single (((central bank)))
These niggers couldn't glow any brighter in the dark if they so set themselves on fire
The swedish parts is basically
Muh black power
My country (the US) is richer than yours
Black where on the earth before you
You are just a copy. I have the real DNA
We own the world
Don’t worry Moishe, I’m sure the Rothschilds will come up with a plan for you to work your way into power in the new monetary system.
How fucking retarded are you?
Try replying with your other ID faggot.
Is he pushing the bullets out of the gun?
Nice argument muttpede.
Wanna bet?
The cultural symbols of the native people of Scandinavia?…
What the shit even was that?
A nig nogging.
user… There have been many attempts at a unified Scandinavia over the centuries, as well as unions between different Scandinavian states. A Pan-Nordic movement isn't unusual or against the ideals of National Socialism. The Third Reich it's self was a Pan-Germanic movement.
More like pushing the gun forward to make the bullets go faster. I think Have you never read about the retardedness nogs get up to with guns in Africa?
Then they wonder why no one wants them around.
They are pushing the meme that whites aren't native to europe to justify our genocide. These were the first steps they used in Africa to justify the land collectivization and mass murder of whites.
Do you actually understand the definition of "nation"? A nation isn't a country you stupid alt-kike faggot. KYS.
almedalen is a gathering for the media and political establishment
conveniently placed as far away from the population as possible in the medival town of visby on a island in the middle of the baltic sea.
It will be deeply amusing when they're all slaughtered.
This webm never gets old.
Is this nigger from the US? He speaks way worse than the usual niggerspeak.
Why is this thread shilled with people talking about niggers?
God forbid these (((people))) go anywhere near the cancer they've bred.
zogbot trotsky wrote this under command of his banker sponsors in the 1920s
Sweden will be a paradise again. We need to help them. A lot of big money is sending in agitprop there to get them to fight a civil war. We need to clean up the ME and Africa so we can get them to send everybody home in an orderly fashion. If we stop wasting money on STUPID FUCKING IDEAS AND SCAMS then we can easily solve things in a year or two. There really isn't a lack of desire to clean up the MENA mess, just a lack of leadership and financing.
A nation is better than a country because it can be reestablished elsewhere. Case in point Armenia.
Dubs confirm it will be fun. I can hardly wait myself.
t. obvious fucking jew
I even saw you shill with the exact same images a month or two ago. How fucking lazy are you jews? Rhetorical.
You are way too obvious, plebbit. Kikes and projection, huh? Well never mind, you'll all rot and swing soon enough.
I am really looking foreward to killing you all.
It honestly sounds really fun if you're part of a group like NRM.
They played "games" where they organised into squads and recieved points for going to events held by other parties and promoting the NRM by stickering, flyering, holding banners, disrupting speeches, etc. A group of like 20 guys completely ruined a moderate politician's speech by showing up and chanting "folk traitor" and holding a banner and she spent the entire rest of her speech crying about Nazis (free publicity).
Imagine being at a political festival with a couple hundred national socialists who have basically all been doxed and have nothing to lose.
Sounds like a gud time
as much as I'd like to applaud this, I'm not sure I can.
the (((media))) is using it to full effect to damage the SD, who now actually has a chance of winning.
they may be semi-cuck'd, but a better candidate than any of the other parties by a huge margin.
A SD win would be like Trump 2016, swedistan edition.
the butthurt would be fantastic.
The hilarious part is how all of these GI tentacles use the same fucking font, and of course the obligatory giant banner.
They're a state-run pressure value organism.
You think the jewish press actually reports on real nationalist groups?
Are you really so new that you've never heard of
Honestly when the (((media))) uses stuff like this to attack a completely separate party it will end up exactly like how it ended up when they did it to Trump when David Duke endorsed him.
In other words it won't do anything at all
It seems like doxing NRM isn't having any effect anymore. Most of them shrug it off. Part of the image of NRM members is that they're not keeping their membership a secret. If you dox a 'nazi', that already openly talks about jewish power while handing out flyers where he lives, you're not going to do much harm to him.
Most of the doxing starts with them putting out pictures of themselves anyways
It lets Jimmy (SD leader) get into the spotlight while condemning NRM and AFS. If this hurts SD, then they were too stupid to capitalize on it like they should have. Even so, they never stood a chance to sweep the election like Trump did to begin with.
Excellent strategy. Kek approves.
NRM are controlled opposition lmao, why the fuck would any of you even assume that ZOG in Sweden would allow literal Nazis to disrupt other political rallies and even operate as an organization? These people are all militära underrättelse-och säkerhetstjänsten and I can say this with impunity because I know actual NatSocs in Sweden who’ve met with NRM members and sized them up. They all glow in the dark.
Either you're a kike or you're a literal retard. At Almedalen they had 7 people arrested. 5 for hate speech (3 were released) and 2 for assault (one was released). Also, the police show up to literally every single one of their public demonstrations to harass them and try to get them to stop.
Go watch their YouTube channel. In pretty much every video police show up and tell them to leave and stalk them wherever they go.
If they were actually a controlled OP then they wouldn't be harassed by the police so badly and they wouldn't be getting arrested so much.
Swedish ZOG is attempting to use police to stop NRM, it just isn't working becuase they are a legitimate, well organized group of men that will stop at nothing to save their home
Was this condemnation the same type of condemnation that Trump gave about David Duke? He condemned him but it was very half-assed and only after he originally played stupid about not knowing who he is.
Or did he seem sincer in distancing the party from these groups?
It’s bread & circus for NRM and the Swedish police. No actual dissident political organization would’ve lasted this long and especially in Sweden of all places. The founder of NRM was some Satanist who was “turned” and the current leaders are all intelligence agents. Have fun being disappointed when you find out that the “baste NRM” you alt-kike faggots worship are more kosher than a bagel sandwich.
more and more people being openly anti-semitic
I'm getting the impression that NRM has very little to do with GI and GI would rather want to distance themselves from them, because the latter are kosher + optics cucks.
Neither are the banners the same at all - GI uses NWO style fantasy / illuminati symbols, while NRM uses age old Germanic and Nordic symbols and runes.
What I'm seeing from NRM is what looks like the closest to an actual National Socialist movement in the world today - in their optics, message and conduct. They don't strike me as similar to the alt-kike and alt-lite soyboy GI at all, and ITT I have seen nothing to the contrary other than "Everything is controlled opposition" and slander.
Care to provide evidence on how they are kosher like Sellner, because otherwise this talk is along the same lines as "Hitler was a Rothschild agent, my based (((fellow))) white."
*"the latter", used in a bad spot, meant GI of course.
You can't have different races within one and same state. Having Germanics and Finns in the same state means mingling will take place and thus the dilution of blood on either side. Wanting to do so makes you traitors to your race.
> - for me however and for all genuine National Socialists there is only one doctrine: People and Fatherland
>What he have to struggle for is the ensuring of the continued existence and multiplying of our race and our people, the nurturing of its children and purity of blood, the freedom and independence of the Fatherland, in order that our people is able to grow ready to fulfill the mission assigned to him by the creator of the universe.
Now can you please go be non-genuine National Socialists somewhere else?
They might not be kosher but I find it incredibly hard to take any white nationalist movement seriously that attempts to emulate NSDAP ideology/iconography. Not only are roman salutes an easy way to guarantee you will never recieve broad support but Hitler wasn't a white nationalist, he happilly killed millions of white people in brother wars.
Jewish lobbying organizations and NGO's are unquestionably a threat but why does recognition of that threat and a desire for a homogenous white society always have to be married with a love for nazism?
It's worth remembering this is exactly a strategy employed by mossad to impugn nationalist movements, subverting them into becoming explicitly pro-nazi so that normies avoid them.
How many actual nazis are there in Sweden? A couple hundred, at most? NMR are doing a fantastic job of giving everyone the impression there's a lot more than that — ergo, they are playing into the hands of a political and media (((elite))) that seeks to outlaw all nationalist thought.
Plus their opsec is fucking terrible. Either they're incompetent or spooks, pick your poison.
post discarded, shlomo
Who fucking supplied and rescued communism from destruction, you nigger mutt?
You mean like how he lost the war by desperately trying to make peace with England instead of steamrolling her with every mean from the start? 1/10 for making me even bother to reply
He has talked about NRM on several occasions, he doesn't say much and wont get nailed down on anything concrete. He did say that he's open to the possibility to ban NRM. Which others in his party has taken to mean the new party line is "WE WANT TO BAN NRM!".
Jimmy tempered his statements by saying he's "not the right person for this", but that "you can have nutty opinions, but you can't be violent".
That's a good thing
They very much are.
GI arent kosher. We have 13 branches all over Europe and are building two more right now. We cant be openly anti semitic or else entire branches would be shut down and members would be arrested and fined.
We give young white men all across the tools to learn and get redpilled without becoming defeatist weirdos online. We give people camaraderie, a support system and a purpose.
When you are weak appear strong, when you're strong appear weak. Art of War nigger.
Gas yourself.
The fire rises and you rats can't stop it.
And, this time, there will be no brainwashed White countries for you kikes to rope into ruinous brother wars. This time we will be free of you monsters.
Go ahead. Nuke away. Sear into White culture and memory a permanent hatred of kikery and kike tricks. Wake up all the White survivors forever.
The point is that kikes in government and media get psyched up to the tits whenever NMR do anything because it means they get to conflate all forms of nationalism with nazism.
I don't know who is holding the strings but the end result is the same, they are playing the role of kike puppets to a fucking tee.
Correct. Everything advertised and promoted by the jewish media is their own work.
Glad to see the penny finally dropped.
Rest of the post:
>how many Zig Forums trigger-phrases can I squeeze in to appear (((BASED)))?
Of course, it's part of the act. Having the police "arrest" and "harass" them, lends them "street cred" as a "real right-wing group". Just like having mainstream media and groups like Hope Not Hate (whatever the Swedish version is, and they will have one) talk about how the group is "dangerous", "powerful", "influential" etc, is only done to make them seem like the real thing.
This is basic controlled op strategy.
Yes they would because even the unaware would notice something "off" if the police did nothing.
Nice weasel words, implying you would be if it was legal.
In fact GI goes out of its way, not only to welcome jewish "members" but to explicitly and firmly reject discrimination against kikes.
GI is a laughing stock here, you will never convince anyone it's anything other than controlled opposition/black propaganda.
That's a good thing
Goddamn my day is made.
Great! There is no point in being a nationalist, if you include niggers and gooks in your 'nation'. You can only have nationalism with racial awareness and loyalty, which is exactly what national socialism set out to define. If the description fits, but the label doesn't, you wouldn't mind being lumped in with 'nazis' regardless.
The founder of the finish branch of NRM defected and married a racial stranger and now works for an antifa ngo.
How come he never came out and exposed the NRM as controlled opposition in order to completely destroy them and their credibility? Do you think he is a government agent as well? How do you think all these governments have so many employees that are able to hide their profession?
The leaders of NRM have all been doxed. How have they not been exposed as government agents if everyone knows their identities?
Where is you proof for all this absurd claims?
Reported and filtered for being a kike concern troll.
I like the Nordic Front / Nordic Resistance Movement… as do lots of Swedes. However, there is a group of people living in Sweden who whine about them… and seek to shut them down.
Guess who that group is…
source of pic and more >
Shut the fuck up Duginist kiked faggot. GI are kosher.
We've been over this one here a lot of times. No one expects Sellner or any of the other faggots to come out an openly denounce jews, but he is actively sucking kike dick and backstabbing actual Natsocs whenever he can.
Fuck off.
Its funny the more they get attention the better picture you get of groups like actual Pro White people being goodlooking while the leftist fags always look weak,retarded and unhealthy.