Do E-Thots have a hard time dating?

What is it psychologically about not being able to find a mate, when you have so many males following you? Is it akward, when they know your videos and you rather want a stranger?

Brittany Venti just broke up with the guy she met at HWNDU. Even a match made on Zig Forums can't hold.

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That's him? Went from stringy Starbucks faggot to kinda-gay looking Chad. Good for him. Now he needs to stay away from mutts and find a white woman.

Well, he acts like a total faggot on twitter though, when you just shitpost about him breaking Brit's heart.
Even though literally all his followers and subscribers are from her. He even makes fun about other people blocking someone for just a bit of shitposting, but he can't handle it himself.
It's like he just realized after 1.5 years that his girlfriend is an eceleb.

Also he stole 1/5 of her innocence. Manwhores like him should be shamed too.

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I think it's that mentality where if you have a lot of something, you find it harder to choose at all. Why would you choose to date one person when you're so overwhelmed with choice. Usually people in that situation are more likely to accept something thrust upon them, rather than relying on themselves.

Well, but in this case he left her.

Literally who gives a fuck.

She's a nigger, there's no innocence in her.


I mean her womanly innocence.
Women can only have 5 sexual partners, before their projected marriage sucess rate becomes a coin flip that isn't in your favour.

Well perhaps their parents should be a better influence in their lives.

you mean zero
no hymen no diamond you idiot
otherwise its just date and impregnate


I agree with that, but normal mortals should follow the 5 person rule.

Similar how noporn is for mortals and nofap for the gods.

this x2

take your shit tier thread back to cuckchan OP

Good luck with that. I mean it. Good luck finding a virgin that isn’t a damn newborn these days.

When I was in high school the scumbags potheads would hunt down the virgins to get them high and fuck them. I met the aftermath of many of those encounters. One of those girls was seriously screwed in the head. She was turning them down left and right, so they thought they would prove their manhood by giving her sleeping pills and pass her around.

I know she committed suicide, and it’s a shame, because she was gorgeous. She would have made a beautiful white family.

This x3

And this

It's unfortunate, but women can only get corrupted. There is no "going back to innocence". And with a certain age neither partner count or virginity matters anymore.

To you.

Kill yourself nigger.

No. To everyone. Women, who are above 30 and suddenly turn conservative cannot be trusted. Their personality and past is much more important than their "political views". They will just be basic bitch conservatism anyway.

If they get close to 30, let's just say 35, they have hit the wall, because 5 years left of a fertility window? Well, good luck having to breed with her as quickly as possible to get one sickly kid and then her leaving you, because she wasn't made for a monogamous relationships and wants to relive youth during a midlife crisis.

And when they are a virgin above the age of 30, they are probably extremely dysfunctional.

feminist getting mad?

Niggers like sluts.

Your two paragraphs seemed unrelated to each other.

Brittany's bf broke her heart.
He did something horrible.

If we're talking e-celeb shit take it to /b/

My point was that it does matter. Not that I disagreed with your basic conversation points. It does matter if she’s maintaining herself and that her parents ensure that she’s aware of why it’s so important.

If she makes it to 15 or 16 and isn’t aware of why she shouldn’t be doing the nasty with anyone for no reason whatsoever, then there is something wrong in that household, or you’re living around trash.

I am not joking when I hold Chivalry and traditionalist thought above everything.

Me too. Some of my lifegoals directly relate to that.


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Yeah, try to live that way when you’re surrounded by people that don’t understand the mindset because they were forced to adopt the opposite by society.

I encounter people that think the worst about me without ever asking me what I actually think. Some people think that if you appreciate beauty you’re automatically thinking degenerative thoughts.

Anyways, almost time to “roll” as the kids say these days. It’s obvious there’s nothing happening here.

Color me suprised

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It's like trying to find something to watch on TV. You end up going through a hundred or more channels to find something to watch because you have so many options. If you only have say 5 options you simply pick one and stick to it. The grass is always greener and you have more fields to pick from than ever.

Settling down with 1 guy is also a massive drop off in attention and praise. If 1 guys blowing smoke up your cunt then that's 1 guy. But what if 50,000 guys were doing it and you could get it any time of night or day just by posting a photo of your knee? How can 1 guy compete with that barrage of attention?