Good evening Zig Forumsacks, daily reminder that your wallet speaks more than your keyboard and when you give money to companies like Apple or Google, you are supporting their liberal, egalitarian agenda. There are plenty of companies that make quality products and don't have an anti-white motive, and getting others to do the same will mean they will suffer a huge loss.
Your money talks
What kind of sliding is this? Is there a name for it?
The only one on there I would ever even dream of buying is Samsung.
I think I'll just not feed you jew fucks shekels for garbage regardless.
Half of them aren't american companies. They better not have a fucking opinion of what burgers say.
So gay, I forgot to sage for shit thread.
Don't be me. Remeber to sage.
Never forget that Samsung was allegedly one of the controlling powers of south Korea
Add Apple to the list. 8^) androidfags btfo
< not offering evidence
you u bought a fake iphone?
both are awful.
Just buy Apple ^_^y
Things are unlikely to align for buying new so that the result is not helping the enemy(not jew, not anti-White, not asian/bug people/other competition) so buy used, at a price below the point of profit margin. jews are still getting their palms greased(jew fiat currency) but minimized and likely skipping taxes as well. If you can buy it locally, like off craigslist, even better as you're avoiding things like jewpal and jew shipping companies. Learning to repair will further drop shekels going to jews, as well as making things yourself(when possible.)
As if evidence is needed. How do you not know this? It's not a secret.
Remind me again how neutral they are?
Your fallacy is: (((guilt by association)))
Your fallacy is: (((hasty conclusion)))
Your fallacy is: (((fallacy fallacy)))
(double kike)
Protip for anyone in this thread, (((logical fallacies))) were made by kikes to stymie arguments they don't like. In fact what this faggot did was a fallacy itself, simply screeching that something is a logical fallacy as of that's all you need to end an argument is an (((appeal to authority))).
Wrong. I have not concluded contrary.
This places you beyond redemption, for you prove yourself either incompetent or a liar, either way unworthy of attention, goodbye.
Your fallacy is being a trolling fuck who won't do a search that gets page after page going over jew dell.
Good goyim, you have so much choice.
< kikes invented fallacies
OK, I'll give you a chance. Who the hell told you that logical reasoning came out of the kikes, the semites, the Phoenicians?
You're just a troll for Yidsrahell. Nothing else can explain your obtuse refusal to utilize this great institution of the white man: reason.
I rarely filter, but he's just shitting up the thread with no end in sight so everyone should stop responding to him.
Think of me as a "gadfly" of great wisdom.
I guarantee you all of these companies have put a gay pride filter over their logos on social media.
reminder that if you're not all in on chanLINK you've missed the made it train
I used to work for Michael Saul Dell and that place is as pozzed as possible. Do not buy. Their printers got an anti sedition code that they print on your papers to better track you if you, by accident, print anything that jews and shabbos in charge do not like; not to mention the huge amount of spywares "factory installed" on their PCs and laptops. Same for HP. I suspect Lenovo too. Never buy "brand" machines, buy spare components.
All printers are pozzed. It's required. That doesn't relate to political matters.
Dell is OK with their employees voting for Donald Trump.
Printers were the tip of the iceberg. Faggots, muds and affirmative action were at the core. I am not saying it was Apple, I am just saying they were kikes too. Just ask him in person about company values - [email protected] - If your complaint is funny enough they will slowly escalate it directly to him.
That's not the topic. The topic isn't corporations sucking hard on leftist cock.
The issue is liberty of employees to hold political views.
Dell allows this. Apple does too.
This is about fighting the tide of censorship.
Fuck, when did this shit happen? I remember when gookanon came around the first couple of times and discussed the Sewol Ferry, the laptop from the 8 Goddesses, all the news about President Park's arrest and the upcoming trial.
Then suddenly, the news died down. This is the first I've heard since then. I feel bad for their plight, and I hope this all gets fixed very soon.
Wanna know a secret? If you actually try to follow /SIG/ advice a bit and put some effort into your appearance then your words will magically gain gravitas. You are the change. Don't go overboard, just try to quit shitty habits slowly. First smoking, then fast food etc etc
By some miracle you will end up boycotting needless shitty companies as a result.
P.S. dont be a boring person, drinking and, ahem other things, are fine in moderation.
Too much of anything is bad, but you need to be able to engage your brain what lifestyle suits you best. If you are a librarian, go running or cycling. If you are a construction worker, read a book. Life is full of little complementary things which together let you develop into a well-rounded human being.
If by "politically neutral", you mean buying out local companies in order to push their own brand and generally being Chinamen jews encroaching on the west, then sure
What's wrong with Blackberry? I actually used to work for them - very briefly - on contract about 5-7 years ago
Just… not very good?
user…. they had a new president last year after park was impeached. Keep up with the fucking news.
Though its yet to be seen if its just more of the same shit.
Your attention talks more than your money.