Crashing this government with no survivors

Davis as resigned over Brexit and taken junior minister Braverman with him by sheer power of his sexual magnetism. Reports are in the 1922 commitee are going to make their move to bring down May tomorrow too.
Brexit is likely saved and we may very well get the No Deal we always wanted.
Apologies for 1000 hours in ms paint picture

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yup it's done, utter fucking Chaos will erupt from this and very likely another Election in the UK as well as a leadership challenge.
Davis/Mogg 2018.

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I fucking called it. I said May would come back from G7 and Brexit would be brokered with a hard sever. Granted, nothing is official as of yet but it's coming.
Hard Brexit, allying with US, Japan, Korea, Italy, Poland, Hungary and soon, Russia.

Another Minister down, there is now zero chance May will survive the leadership challenge.

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Please give nonbongs a crash course on what this implies for the British government.
Does this mean the dissolution of Parliament and new elections? Does it simply mean a shift in the majority political power coalition? Does it mean a new prime minister? Does the power of the royal family come into play here?

Oh boy the "conservatives" now have a bunch of free slots for more muslims, niggers and dykes.

This is like Brexit morning results for me, I honestly thought the Tories for Brexit had lost their balls and it was all over with a result worse than remain. I could honestly cry if this works, there's nothing I want more than to truly leave the fucking evil influence of that place and free my country.

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tl;dr They dicked around the entire time, tried to cuck on everything and now they're all running off with their tail between their legs to golden parachute jobs. Same thing they all do.

What differences does it make? Fucking none. Bunch of cunts will just carry on same as before but different talking heads on the BBC

100% an election of a new leader for the conservative party and of course the country. Labour and Lid dems stand a chance of demanding another general election which selects which party will run the country over this. They probably have enough (((media))) support to make it a real possibility as a last chance to stop Brexit.

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Watch, it's going to happen. Hard sever, full endorsement of ally ship with America and two birds to the EU. They''ll even tell other EU states to fuck out of their water.

People were saying the same about Italy. You;'re still in the loser mentality.

Reddit has officially lost their shit, when morning hits here and the children wake up it's going to be on par with peak TDS. I have never been so excited to see what plebbits are going to say.

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Stop posting Israel supporters.

Or I know the political parties and I know the "conservatives" kicked a woman out of the party leader running because she said "I have children so I have an investment in this country she doesn't".

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Like it or not Nigel is the man almost solely responsible for Brexit happening.

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Britain won't be allowed to leave the EU on anyone but the jews terms.
The Anglogoy is just as retarded as the American is when it comes to the jew party political system.
They just think voting for one of the jews will solve the problem.

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Yes, he is. I never said he wasn't.

I'm saying UKIP was Jewish as fuck. It had to run everything by a friends of israel group within it. I'd like people to be aware of the Jewish control UKIP had. UKIP like Trump was Jews jewing Jews.

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You're fucking ignorant to whats going on in the political world friend. Whole thing is being torn inside out, upside down and restructured in real time.
Keep yourself occupied with those blackpills tho.

This will cause such a mess I no longer think there is time for anything but a no deal Brexit. The best possible Brexit.

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kek we're moving from the_ZOGnald to BrexZOG.

You mean the same as Trump did? He was anti establishment! He was going to build a wall! He was anti-i.. oh Hey he just handed Israel a new capital.

I've seen this play book used before and I don't fall for the same trick twice.

lmao the script never changes.


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Brexit won't be permitted, anyone who has ever witnessed the eternal jew party political cycle that first brought in the communist plot of the EU and maintained the lie, should realise that the EU's sole role is to prevent any European nation any autonomy from the jewish system, specifically set up to prevent any national socialism

" It would be a tragedy if an institution that was initially set up to counter the threat of nationalist danger in Europe was, as a result of its own inflexibility, to reignite such notions. If they break, it is because they will not bend. "

Trump is America's "Maggie Thatcher"

Of course I'm a shill for pointing out that the same slight of hand trick is happening again. I know UK politics and I sure as fuck know the conservatives are the worst of the bunch. They're progressives the same as labour, but labour is honest about it.

Stopped reading right there. EU is going to burn to the ground as European states find their sovereignty again.

You might be right, if they can force a general election and or another referendum I believe the results will be fixed beyond belief. Both those options much be stopped at any cost. Our best bet is they can't react quickly enough for this if the EU extends the deadline that's the warning sign we're going to be fucked.
But for right now I want to have nothing but hope.

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spotted the shitlib

Essentially the 1922 committee is the Tories internal leadership body that decides who is the leader of the party.
If they get enough complaints they can trigger a leadership contest within the party.

The prime minister is traditionally the leader of the majority party (or lead party in a coalition) so May will be in effect ousted as prime minister.
The new leader will be picked in a conservative party internal election from the candidates approved by the 1922 comittee.

The winner of that election will be the new prime minister as internal party matters don't trigger a new general election.

Labour is likely to demand a new general election despite this not being required and the last Labour government having a prime minister who took power in a similar manner.
Media will probably be onboard with Labours demands.

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Maybe if we all really wish hard whenever we vote kosher conservative it will really work the next time

This is great news. It was only a matter of time before this happened. Now May can be kicked out, and the UK can be lead by someone who has the balls to tell the EU to go fuck itself. I believe a leadership contest will come swiftly, and she will lose it badly.

Corbyn wants us to leave though as he needs to leave to have his giant commie gulag. Labour neo-libs will need to force him out first too, again taking valuable time they need to stop us.

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no, your puerile use of language means you're a kike

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And the problem with this is the conservatives are all progressives and now get to write history "again" in replacing May. We could very well end up with a negro, a sihk and a muslim being the only options put forward in order for them to over shadow the huge fuck up that is May.

Who knew no one can stand bitchy old cat ladies?

Or May wasn't submissive enough so she needs to be replaced by a complete wet rag so when the tories leave office they can hop over to the EU and get even bigger pay checks for such a JOB WELL DONE ON BREXIT

I swear you faggots have learned nothing of Jewish games at this point.

You're talking babble. The leadership challenge has arisen because May is going back on her word to get out the Single Market. The people instigating it want out of the Single Market, and they'll vote someone in who backs that position. They might even finally put Jacob Rees-Mogg up front, and then we'll really see some shit.

You NeoConservative retards are the reason why there is absolutely no resistance to international jewry at present

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Corbyn is a bit confused on this front I think.
He's old gommie and thus sees the EU as a tool of capitalist oppression.
But all his supporters love the EU and love him for being an old gommie.
He's stuck in a position where he's trying to support two opposed worldviews at once. He knows this but is just generally too confused by the modern era to do anything more than try to balance both.

The overall problem for (((them))) is that May is smart enough to understand the consequences of not delivering Brexit.
Namely webm related.
No Brexit and you have parliament swinging from the lamp posts and she knows this.

I wager a good chunk of her party know this too and the folks on the committee are long timers who don't want their gravy train (namely the conservative party) to vanish.

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I believe Mogg doesn't actually want to be PM as he can wield more power behind the scenes in a Vizier like fashion.

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I'll take what ever they're paying you.

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You're right user. You should consider blowing up a federal building or killing politicians like that bernout.
Ironically, of course. Or like, as an art project, satirical stuff.

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So he’s an old Jewish woman?

the fact is no one wants it anymore … the fucking bankers thought they could make a deal with the politicans for everone to get rich but its just not fucking worked.

I think its a simple fact that in their calculus you need all systems to cooperate for this thing to work. Once brexit happened, once Italy started putting their foot down it was less successful for even Germany to go along with the plan. Add to that France's own desires that they want to have more power than Germany so there was always an internal competition and the end of the EU might be France's chance.

They over stepped their desires, they tried too much too fast. The external forces of the bankers could not overcome and adapt to the internal forces of the populace and the interpolitics of the EU.

The EU is like a set of gears, and when one decides to shutdown, no matter how small that gear is it can fuck up the entire system.

Heres the thing, the EU is alot of separate countries with separate cultures. They need to create a common media industry before they can actually start being one people.

EU needs the equivalent of the cheeseburger, constitution, and jazz music

sorry mate , america first. Learn to sink of swim figure out your own countries shit.

because he's a faggy free market capitalist jew…

Can you feel it lads?

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so "no deal" means "Fuck off, we're out" right? Complete severing of ties?

What the fuck is even going on anymore?

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Yes, we default to WTO rules. No "arrangement" of any sort with the cunts in Brussels.

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I have no clue, but I think this lady on the otherside of the park wants some plumbing done.

Can we get someone to handle that for her?

the irony of this is pretty funny, if anyone says anything critical of Trump you literally say the same thing every time… like it's your scripted response

Why would the UK cuck itself into becoming a norway tier nigger vassal EU state when they could just devaluate their currency and cut all eu budget to funnel it into subsidizies for exports ?

im so fucking happy. May was a terrible fucking mistake. No woman should have politic power or even interest. TAKE AWAY THE FEMALE VOTE

wait… was the British Gov't under the Tories and May trying to stop Brexit from happening? last thing i heard they had agreed to go forward (if begrudgingly)

May was a remainer, promised she'd do it and tried to sabotage the whole thing at the last minute with a deal even worse than remaining in the EU. Which was everything remaining the same but we'd have no power and even less say in how things are run.


You are delusional if you believe that.

still going with that one, /trannypol/?

I dont have to believe it. Its happening.

700,000 illegal migrants bottlenecked in Libya due to Italy’s policies

A bottleneck of 700,000 migrants is waiting in Libya to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, the National Crime Agency has said. Reported the British newspaper.

It added that the number, which is greater than the population of Leicester, highlights the difficulties facing the EU in controlling migrants seeking a new life in Europe.

Keep dreaming.

Europe should finance legal immigration to halt migrant influx- Salvini

he always uses the word illegal immigration when talking about immigrants.

Again, I'm talking about what is happening.

Does the US not want a EU army?

And thats just show to keep the masses calm, meanwhile they move on legalizing immigration from africa

> 2008
Youre just proving my point now.

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Scratch that. They already did.

Youre just proving my point now.
No, actually you are exposing youself as a kike dick loving shill.
why didn't you mention this two links that are recent?

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It got fuggin VETOED' by based hussars boi. What are you not getting?

what are you not getting italy was willing to sign the treaty and even criticized hungary.
hungary didn't accept the aggreement but the others did, ALL OF THEM and it's going to be implemented.

And now Italy has told 700000 niggers to fuck off. How can they become legal immigrants if Italy ain't letting them in?

spain is cucking out but hopefully not for long once they experience it as italy has

They are not refusing immigrants, this is just temporary you can read everything they said they never say we want to stop immigration from africa, middle east to italy.

I love how how certain and even seemingly braggadocios you are of Europe getting browned out.
Rest assured, these deals can become null and void at any time.

only with the right people in the governement which is the whole point of our discussion.

And we're getting there. Nationalist parties nd policies are flaming all over Europe. Brexit was just the beginning. Even Sweden is looking to unfuck itself.

yeah sure the people that have had a firm grip on europe since at least the end of ww2, can't stop some nationalist from taking power and stop immigration, keep dreaming.

Attached: jewishimmigrationgoal.jpg (1003x1003, 290.2K)

There is already a light brown race of Europeans.

You're practically fetishizing Europes migration crisis. Like you want it happen.

Anyway, Mays out. Brexit imminent.

Except now the knowledge of their influence is spreading like wildfire on the Internet instead of through underground radio and VHS, and is on the verge of becoming mainstream.
They are becoming desperate, like cornered rats. Their attempts at pushing through censorship bills and blatant media lies are being called out and enflaming the masses who are rapidly waking up.
The floodgates are open and their attempts to cork them are in vain.

You should take another look at the catalog faggot ;^)

it is happening right now.
And why did no populist party talk about the Marrakesh Political Declaration? Why didn't salvini tell the itaians that there is this treaty? Right now very few people know about its existence. Why didn't other populist talk about this like le pen or geert wilders?

You brits are fuckin' crazy. You just elected someone because someone else just stepped down. Now there is going to be a leadership challenge, and here comes another election to replace that replacement.

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So what does this mean in English? Tossing out the cunt PM and FINALLY leaving the EU?


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Zig Forums

Reminder that Mogg received the Rottenchild award.
Voting is pointless.


I meant 1000 days***

What are the ways things can go bad with this? This is going to hurt Conservative support which they didn't have enough of in the last election. Labour could form a coalition with Greens or Lib Dems and then we're really fucked. Either way, whatever outcome immigration will not change. The slimy kikes will just open us up to massive Commonwealth immigration instead of funneling them through the EU.

bye bye treason may


Learn to spell please.

Haven't the Tories just promoted a Jew?
Zig Forums is fucking delusional.

Boris Johnson resigned from the Cabinet this morning. This is a major happening. And this utterly disgraceful OP is all that exists on it. Shameful.


Zig Forums is still under israeli occupation, hence the endless promotion of neocon jew politics and harassment of anyone not down with ZOG

Why would the bankers need to make any deals to get rich? They're already rich and they can add as many 0s to their account as they feel like with no over sight.

"He's doing a survey" is not building a wall. It took 2 years to get someone to go round and see if it was even possible.

Bojo has quit, it's 100% shit storm now.

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Go Hungary
fuck Salvini

Fuck you too

Thank you for that Hungary