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:( I wanted to say:
< “I walk out the back door and what I’m going to see is a 30-foot fence,” Mayor Noel Escobar said.
oh how butthurt he's going to be when he sees those concrete slabs!!!
or, of course, he could instead deport every single mexican in those towns, then build the wall to keep them out
< we'll control the goyim with reverse psychology
< everything we want them to stop doing we'll call "baste"
Trump's 4D chess.
Easier and faster to just cede a mile of land and lose a million beaners.
WTF did he think it was for? Dumb ass mexicants.
Commit suicide.
So, people in positions like that are typically the type that sucks up to power. They're just happy the fancy people are making them feel important.
They've already invaded, freak-dubs-user. We're not in a position of strength. They've cucked the minds of the majority of the upcoming 2 generations, and nobody has a plan or is getting off the fucking couch to change it.
Commit suicide.
also checked.
Don't tell me… Sweden?
< borders can't be reclaimed
< keeping your family pure isn't worth some land
Gee, (((who))) would be these (((landowners))) objecting?
< town's named Roma
Literally a fucking gypsy town. And, true to its name, the gypsy goblin is willing to sell out his own, but for a (((profit))).
You're going to see a firing squad you beaner shit.
If they had any intention they would just show up and get the job done. If push came to shove the gov can take any land they want.
You're a fucking moron. Sounds like a great way to get tens of millions of people up in arms. Going by the book gets it done, and it gets it done without and societal or legal pushback.
Every single border town is a beaner town, and then some.
He'll see the wall from one side or the other.
a white america would always be the globally dominant military power, mexico would never stand a change. they can thank us for every inch of territory that they control, because we could take it if we wanted. fuck off with the "muh principles" bullshit claycuck, I bet you say the same thing about (((faggotpornia)))
checking your double dubs as well friend!
not an argument. filtered.
i'm sure they will say all kinds of retarded shit, also see a bunch of slide threads. typical tricks from shlomo.
tbh, just filter, man. Just filter.
Hey man they may not not have castle doctrine or personal sovereignty where you come from but in south Texas you DO NOT just waltz onto someone's land. You may be fire upon.
I do. most of the time.
I think the land should merely be seized.
Still not tired.
I doubt it. I think he's taking the Hungary approach. The Hungarian wall isn't actually on the border. The fence is a ways inside the border therefore not breaking any laws. The migrants are inside the border but are being kept "at the border".
This is just kikes fielding objections. They're natural salespersons, so they know how to deliver you the shit side of any bargain, as that is all they have ever done.
You will notice how it's done very casually, in other words, they don't want to make too fine a point of the legitimacy of their proposals. It's the mark of the beast - the kike.
Great idea.
Don't really care about a few acres of land.
b-b-b-b-ut goy, you're not a MAN if you don't fail all the time due to a lack of perspective!
The present barrier in Hidalgo, TX.
That doesn't really mean anything
That'll stop em!
Since humanity is retarded and now have drones. They should just use solar powered drones to enforce illegal border crossing. The drones could, IDK, use high powered lasers to deter the beaners or at the very least be used to locate the beans and have ICE apprehend them.
Seize-Eminent Domain ALL the Land within one mile of the Border, MAKE IT FEDERAL LAND and/or a NATIONAL PARK with a MEMORIAL WALL and ROAD/HWY (pick; Veteran, First Respond, etc.) RUNNING THE ENTIRE LENGTH.
Hold events; Bicycle Race, Marathons, etc. for Charities.
The smartest thing to do would be building a high tech bullet train around the entire border, including Canada's. And of course there could be several train routes going through the country that connect with the border route.
Building a wall should come before large scale deportations. What good would it be if they just walk back before the wall is finished?
Yep. People will say you're crazy for suggesting it because of the cost, but it's not like Trump is going against the Fed. He could borrow as much money as he wanted from them and finish the entire wall in 2-3 months
That's what Amtrak wants to do (high speed rail like in Japan and France), but management think and act like a bunch of niggers. Also, there needs to be massive improvements in infrastructure
Forgot link.
thining about the state of american infrastructure makes my heart sink
so much money
spent so poorly
you could have so many trains america
the thing is why build it if niggers and other subhumans will be on them
hopefully elon musk will build some kind of hyperloop and loop system
along with his bfr
and electric cars cutting down noise and pollution in cities
now if only we could limit sprawl by enforcing green belts, then the future could be pretty neat
you are an idiot, stop talking
in japan people use trains like cars
in US people use trains like accountants
watch the movie sleep dealers , its a low budget film but it hits are some key ideas around resource control and immigration
basically drones will keep the beaners off your lawn
Railroads in the USA were murdered by the unions and subsidies. That's why OTR trucking is so big. You'll never have any sort of train industry until you get rid of the union, get rid of the welfare, and keep their lazy-ass fucktard members far away from the new train companies.
they are waiting for drone tech to get good enough so this wont ever be a problem
good luck with that you camel fuckers. If they oppose the wall after it's built they should be executed standing against it. That's the American way. Remember what we did to the Indians goat fuckers.
In Japan the people that use trains are Japanese.
In America the people that use trains are Niggers.
see the difference? no niggers in Japan
Implying anyone living on the border and (((concerned))) is one of /ourguys/ anyway.
On the topic of ceding land. No. Deport deport deport. Illegal inhabitation by the hand of the kike will be resolved and it will not turn into a conquest without conquer by an illegal army.
Most of the US population lives within the Obama era non-constitutional zones. A land federalisation restriction a mile from the border would include a pretty hefty % of the population. Land borders should be, though. Sea borders should not be. With a wall it's easy enough to gun down the boats, it'll compress the lesser races down to a target rich environment.
To be quite honest it's a great idea, especially if Trump cuts supplies, electricity and water flowing into said beaner towns. Either they voluntarily go back to mainland Mexico and the US can then retake them or the Mexican govt has to spend a ludicrous amount of money to get them connected to their own services, or drug cartels could run them and give the US a Casus Belli against the Mexicans.
The wall is a LARP.
With the mid terms coming up Trump will raise his anti-immigrant rhetoric to get voters then bitch out if he wins.
If this isn't ironic, then GTFO
the only shill here is you, nigger
ITT the same jew talks to himself while changing ids
I'm convinced the Hyperloop has nothing to do with transportation. It's a cover for R&D on something else, like mass-drivers for cheap launch systems. The whole concept of a vacuum-tube super train is fucking retarded, with so much that can go so catastrophically wrong so easily, that unless Musk is literally insane, it has to be something else he's into and doesn't want to share.
Same deal with (((Google))) buying General Dynamics. They want walking robots for some reason, and I'm sure it's horrible and has nothing to do with carrying cargo or synthetic dogs.
The Jews are the beast
The Hungary approach is genius. If you have thousands of kike lawyers fighting deportations and gumming up your courts, just put the illegals in camps two miles from their home country and feed them bread and water. Now they have a choice to make: Sit in this camp for the seven months it takes to process a bullshit asylum claim, or just give up and go home, where you can drive a car and eat meat and things.
No court orders needed. No messy appeals. Use the delays and deferrals against the scum who are using it to fuck up our system. Just make them wait under somewhat uncomfortable conditions for as long as they want to play make-believe in the courts, but let them go the very day they give up and self-deport to where the air is free.
Sure are sending their best.
you can always tell a (((jew))) if (((they))) mention q before you do
unironically seeing you faggots rail about qanon as a negative, when it hasn't been mentioned before ITT, makes me think it may be more than a larp ..
how about split pea and ham soup. haram, plus the farts make them have to do wudu again before prayers
carlos mencia had a nice skit about the wall back in '03 or something. suggested ironically that microchips, brands on their ass, and sending them back to countries that weren't theirs would be funny. personally i think those are all good suggestions.
MAGApedo Trump-niggers must die if we want a future for white children
No, kick them out and hold the border.
The absolute fucking state of imageboards I swear.
Mexican-American war started over "a few acres of land" when they tried to invade the proper border area.
Fuck off Q faggots, back to your shit containment board where you theorize about Merkel being Hitler's daughter.
The people saying to give away US land are shills. If we did that, we'd have no land left. Fuck off.
Texans and land ownership is a tale as old as the Mexican war. Trump would have more success buying Mexican turf in exchange for remittances or something.
I will check it out. Danke.
Magapedos want us to live with BASED niggers and spics, so long as they read the US Constitution. Sorry, but until otherwise, all data points to Trump being the Zionist candidate. He even CUCKED on an Obama-era policy of separating illegal families. I mean, wtf. His "zero-tolerance" policy is hollow as fuck. He vowed to turn away the Guatemalan caravan, and instead let them in anyways.
Read up on US-Mexico relations. We used to order the navy to shell that place when they fucked with us. Now we just bend over and say, "Please be gentle." And don't tell me that bombing sand niggers on the other side of the planet is any different than launching missiles at a shithole like Mexico, because it's not. He could order the military to fire missiles on France if he wanted to. Congress gave the US President that power way back during the Korean War. That's how they've gotten us involved in retarded undeclared wars from Vietnam to Kosovo. Not saying he wouldn't get impeached if he actually bombed the fuckers, but even just an empty, half joking Tweet about using force on Mexico would be incredibly lulzy and VERY popular, and we all know it! Look at his scare tactics with North Korea. They worked, didn't they? So why is it okay to bomb Iran and North Korea, but not the spics sending criminals and drugs across our border? OH that's right, because conservatives are brainwashed from the kike controlled news, that's why.
Makes me fucking SICK!
Shill Tactic: Brazenly Lying.
Nah, it's not like that. There aren't shills, anymore. It's us who aren't allowed around here. The mods are kikes, and they exist only to promote retarded rumors and other nonsense, and promote their alt-kike shekel schemes, and to prevent real quality action.
But we have the BitcXXXoin. We have ToXXr. We have VxxxxR.
If Q is so stupid, then why did he get banned by the kikes that own this place?
Another (1), (2) retarded Qfag into the filter.
< global isn't kiked
Hmm, touche Qfag. I'll let you go this time. Same point with Kampfy applies, and Qanon was rejected by the userbase long ago.
Hire a pissraeli firm to bulldoze the border clean and they can build the wall at the same time.
< userbase
I found the kike 8^)
Anons then, you fucking autist. Come on I'm giving you a chance here, and you're blowing it.
This happens to be a story bigger than the nomination of the non-kike white male judge to SCOTUS. And that is monumental, literally.