Brit/pol/ #2847: Based Boomer NigeEdition

European elections 2019: Jeremy Corbyn refuses to explicitly back another referendum
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has refused to explicitly back the idea of another referendum - despite increasing calls from within his party to do so.

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Remain Delusion Sets In, Soubry Declares Victory for CUK Party
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for broken homes

can't wait for sajid javid PM who can really deliver brexit lads

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first for had a shit childhood but trying to not be a victim


first for Phase Two of Carl's glorious ascent

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destroy the family and society becomes like a fucking wasteland


Good man.

iktf smdh didn't a lot of the famous greeks grow up as orphans with little parental influence i guess the polis was their family, maybe that would be better for us lads

This fucking mong lmao

based stoicism

fucking cunt

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good feel tbh

Only good thing to come from Skyrim tbh

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that sounds comfy and honest tbh

Wrong tbh, even a bad family isn't too bad as long as the mum isn't mental cunt and the Dad has responsibillity tbh and they can show love

Don't know what you're on about lad

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its why I am a weird incel outsider tho


nah imagine all the damage the massive cortisol levels from the constant worrying would cause

>Did cocaine in primary school

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thats okay lad, go to church and become a preist


might do that one day

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wish I could have been a dad though

the whole "sneaking out of american parents house" seems kino tbh, imagine trying to do that in a deano box

yeah based south london tbh

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Deano's parents let him out lad

no it was shite one time my dad thought I was a burgler and he ran at me with a bat when I got stuck in the window coming back in from smoking marijuana with gothic kids who were the only people who would hang out with me because I was the locked in prison kid

been thinking about becoming a monk if work falls through since there is a monastery near me

one of my favourite shows until it turned to shite tbh

yeah that was the best I had to trail blaze and get in confrontations with my dad all the time and my deanoid brother could just go out at age 14


Why did they treat you different?

deanobox doesn't mean deano lives in it, imagine trying to do what steiner did in an estate life this

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Was you, wasn't it?

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He's the gay one.

seemed like it was just the chavs women and deanos that did it tbh

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Nah, I was the lad who pushed another lad onto the toilet seat then run away tbh

older brother, even my deanoid brother gets angry at how they treated me different. boomers are insane control freaks

She's no prize lad

she was my only female friend smh

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based cotton-wool parenting tbh, I can relate

based tbh

*leaves room because i am pure and chaste*
but really it's because i know nobody would want to play it with me kek

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they don't ever remember you lad. I had a lass friend at that age and she acts like she doesn't even know me everytime she sees me in town. I even saw her vagina as a kid smdh

That's cringe enough that I'd believe it tbh

woman life that is not worth a chad, go women are marrying up to an insane degree wheres the hope for us normal lads

Your cousin don't remember you?


Why are parents like this tbh?

yeah the way they force a secret life on you is probably how serial killers get created since there is never emotions expressed

looks like she has high magic resist tbh

no sorry lad I have seen two vaginas IRL, one time as a kid I played house and this lass made me pull my pants down and then she pulled hers down and it looked different than mine

was a chadlet when I was wee tbh

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I thought High Elves had low magic resist and high magicka

smh you lads have high standards. She's a goodlass. Just that she like many lassies ruins her skin and hair now.

WEW. at what age? This was going on at the school I worked at in the first grade, or year oen or whatever. smh

The spiritual impact of these estates is the closest thing I've seen to hell, tbh.


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Fuck off you cunt.

thought it was the end of my life tbh

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12.5 hour shift with no lunch tomorrow for supper

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Going to shop, pre ban everyome by the time I'm back

ngl i have unironically felt like an alien in all social interactions ive had since i was like 4, i think it's genuine aspergers or something, even on the playground at primary school I knew there was something different about me. think part of it might be that I was a high iq kid and all my classmates were just simple lads who liked football whereas i was really into reading. lonely existence tbh

kek you got what i was going for goodlad
thought she looked based and bretonpilled

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girls seemed to not mind me pre age 13 tbh puberty ruined me

lass grabbed my hand and put it to her soaking pusy (soaking from me choking her), it took me by surprise smh, should have fingered her

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u wot?


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like this lad

spoilering links so they open when you want to read them on phone.

Don't remind us of that sick lad

Lmfao god damn that was fucked up.

taking tomorrow off and I threatened to not work if they dont apologise for trying to get me to work for 9 days tbh
Looking for a transfer tbh

how did you not fuck her you mong

must have fucked with your head, lad.

Threads like these are good to teach men to appreciate the good things they have.

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you are mixing 2 different lads up and changing the stories to make them seem worse than they are, stop ruining it lad you dumb liar

this post makes me sound like a massive pretentious cunt smh didnt mean to



>fingered the mixed race girl from work and she keeps messaging me to see if I am available to fuk
I regret it tbh

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my willy had issues smh

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One lad put his face in his mothers soles and another licked his mothers dildo right?