I bring you two news stories, one is the pathetic jewish communist response, the other is a sort-of subjective take on a serious fucking problem here in Australia.
News.com.au is an atrocious agency but it is a telling article and shows you how hard (((they))) try to sound like the general consensous agrees with them.
The story in question is about an elderly lady who works at jewellery story who was involved in two seperate incidents where niggers robbed the shop and held a gun to her head. The channel 7 article and story then explain the time fraim here was well over one year and has been a long time since the incident, as this is the elderly ladies first time on TV talking about it, the story then peels away to discuss the matter from the other side of the fence. Interviewing some filthy nigger and how he became a gang member in Australia. And lightly touches on how political correctness is preventing any form of discussion and that the police cannot even raise tbeir voices against niggers.
The news.com.au article attempts to pathetically disprove the article with this:
Because apparently comprehension is lost when an article states this was three years ago and how dare they dig up stories that are about 3 years old as evidence …
The news.com.au article then begins its regular skewing of facts = peoples opinions on twitter vis a vis a Nigger called Maker Mayek:
And our recent loud mouth comedian (cause a comedian is always a good source for subjective news and moral compass referencing) Meshel Laurie saying :
They then double down the white men narrative with a tweet from Alana schetzer (probably a kike)
And someother random Kon K:
Of course comedian Meshel Laurie was very vocal recently in Aus about this Eurydice Dixon bullshit where now here in straya cunt, EVERY. SINGLE. MALE. Is an apparent rapist and murderer. So to see her link these two completely different subjects together is somewhat literary genius. Infact it boggles ones mind but lets not go down that road. But then for this article to back this claim up that our white “male” problem is worse than the niggers is infuriating me beyond reason.
But one point I wish to make before offering my solution, is that this Kon K aptly points out how dare we worry about .01% of the population (assuming he didnt whip that out of his anus) This reminded me of youtuber “Morally Gray”’s video on Eurydice Dixon (link below) where he aptly points out, stacking the stats against his theory, that women face a .001% chance of being raped and murdered.
I feel if there are any shitposting aussie cunts in here you need to watch that video from MG (I dont condone his work, him and bearing are like australias answer to Jordan B peterson and jew boy shapiro) and start making the rounds on these fucking twitter hashtags dispensing red pills.
Youtube video:
Sunday night news story:
Bullshit left wing wank:
The Sunday night news story:
Bullshit left wing wank story: