TedX normalizing pedophilia
0.5 up to 3% of our male population has some pedophilic interest. That means that everybody probably knows a person with pedophilic interests. According to Madeleine van der Bruggen, most people don’t act out on it, because they know that it’s illegal. And although they never act out on it, they will also never ever be able to talk about it to anyone. But sometimes they do. Without justifying this, it seems a logical thing to happen. Madeleine argues that this is a public and mental health issue. A shared responsibility for all of us. Let’s acknowledge this problem exists and stop with hate and throwing rocks at offenders’ houses. That is not going to solve this problem! Let’s be a mature society and agree that only when we are open about this topic, people will find the strength to come forward, so we as a society can help. Madeleine van der Bruggen is a psychologist and criminologist and combines both in her work for the Dutch National Police. Working as an expert on sex crimes, she advises in local, federal as well as in international child pornography and child abuse investigations. She wants to fight one of the most serious crimes: one that concerns the dignity and safety of our children. Madeleine is also working on a PhD exploring child exploitation networks on the Darkweb, not only to connect the world of policing with the scientific world, but more importantly to gather more knowledge about this horrible type of crime, and to hopefully being part of making the world a safer place. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at >ted.com
Let’s be mature about pedophilia | Madeleine van der Bruggen | TEDxSittardGeleen
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One to two percent of the main male population is considered as pedophiles. This means worldwide more than 57 million people. Therefore, pedophilia is not an irrelevant phenomenon we can ignore. It is unrelated to class status and educational level. The medical student Mirjam Heine explains how an appropriate approach to the unchangeable sexual orientation pedophilia might look like. She is mainly guided by the works of Prof Dr. Dr. Beier, the head of the institute for sexology and sexual medicine at the University Hospital Berlin and the prevention network “Kein Täter Werden” (meaning “don’t offend”). Hence, she also believes that no one is responsible for their sexual orientation, for their feelings, but that everyone is responsible for acting upon this sexual orientation. She also inquires how all of us can gain if we distinguish clearly between our feelings and our actions. Since pedophiles can’t change their sexual desires, they must learn to control them to not act upon them. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com
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OP, I'm sorry but you're a loser. I mean, not specifically because you sleep with teens, because you *target* them.
I mean don't get me wrong, I used to be like you. And truth be told I'm with a 15 year old girl right now, my thing is virgins. I'm not special, the thing is you should just stop *caring* about the age. That's my philosophy. I look at a girl and just judge how attractive I find her, and ignore whether she's 25 or 15.
See I realized one day part of why I was targeting teens was because I was a little intimidated by girls my own age. I expected they'd want older men, expect more of me, be more intelligent than me. But that was really fucking dumb, and none of it's true. You know how they say "women are like children"? It's true. None of the girls in their 20's I've slept with have thought or talked any different than the teens. And I know how this is going to sound, but *some of them* are better at conversation than their teen counterparts. I know, I know, but you have to talk to them between ejaculations, especially if you're not just looking for sex. And teens these days are annoying as fuck. I fucking hate tumblr so much. I've dropped girls just for using terms like "bae" and "fukkboi". Even the one I'm fucking right now, as smart as she is, you know what her fucking hobbies were before I found her? Watching let's play videos, slender man, five nights at freddy's, and Sonic the fucking Hedgehog. Don't get me wrong, I love her, and I'm improving her a lot, but I'm saying that's the light end of what you can expect if you try dating teens. She has GameGrumps hoodies and draws fan art of Markiplier.
The girls in their 20's? Same mindset. They still want to be treated like children, they still want to be talked down to, they're still dumb as fuck in some ways and smart and others, but for example, last 26 year old I fucked? She was obsessed with Star Wars and Fallout. And she had a freaking kid.
Right off the bat I can tell this is controlled opposition.
Solve what problem? She already admitted that there is a certain percentage of pedos and they don't act on their urges. Problem solved.
Help how? What would coming forward change compared to the current state of things? If you offend, you go to prison, if you don't, you keep your mouth shut and live happily ever after.
What's the fucking point in any of this, apart from normalizing pedos!?
They don't want to normalize shit. They want pedos to come forward to get more bodies into the (((mental health))) system.
How strange. No mention of female pedophilia in the op.
Not really but I have the solution.
Pedophilia is already normalized it's just using a PC term for it. Homosexuality is a mind virus that spreads via sexual abuse of young boys by older men. When they made homosexuality legal they also made pedophilia legal by proxy.
Fucking 15 yo women is pedo now? People like you are like the ones screaming racism. When a real racist got into the white house, no one believes anymore. So will happen with a real pedo politician.
If that was the case, then one could easily find full blown hardcore CP on sites like XHamster. There still are quite a ways to go.
If the video was consented, why not?
Go away Zig Forums you've only posted twice in this thread and have already blown your cover. We know you aren't a pedo, we know you aren't pulling virgin pussy, we know you're a virgin fat fuck LARPing on Zig Forums for (((yous)))
I posted pics on /b/ retard, check them out. You people are mentally ill if you think age matters. Love is love.
In the 80s there were plenty of naked children art books published and sold. Some of them even became best sellers.
And even on xhamster and other websites you can find bucket loads of CP, you just don't know it's CP. Teenage girls are stupid, teenage girls make sexual videos for their boyfriend, their boyfriends leak these onto porn sites when they break up. Same goes for Reddit camgirls who no one verifies the age of.
12-16 1-11
fuck off with this false equivelance
No thanks.
You are a sick and twisted degenerate and i hope that you are aware tor is no invincibility against lettersoups. May god have mercy on the pour soul of the child you whore plan to rape.
Die pedo.
The CIA are the ones promoting pedophilia..
You're a female aren't you? What the matter can't handle competition?
What's with your photo?
This is San Francisco all over again. Once you normalize degeneracy and mental illness your town becomes a literal shit hole. The repercussions of removing the stigma of celibate pedophilia will be severe. Child sexbots as therapy are next.
It's a gif, you incompetent boomer. I'm gonna call your boss at the CIA and tell them you don't even know basic file extensions and that you should be fired
Please refer to my first post:
What's your problem dude? I thought this board was politically incorrect.
Call whoever you want, you're on the wrong side of history.
Stop responding to bait you faggot.
Good job bumping the thread.
Let me guess, her parents dont know about her pedophile molester ?
Jesus fucking Christ, Zig Forums. It's like you're not even trying.
Your boss isn't going to be happy about this, Moishe.
Either they don't, or they think it's 'progressive.'
Her father is gone and her mother is working all day, no problemo.
Congress is actually in the process of banning them. Look up the CREEPER Act.
There's no normalization going on. This is about expansion of the mental health industry. They want people to come forward, only not the guy who compulsively masturbates to 5-year-olds, but the "oh doctor, please help me I can't stop checking out 15yo jailbait with a great ass" type of wrongthink.
This guy gets it. Age of consent = anti white law
Try reading this article.
No, idiot.
AoC is meant to protect people who haven't fully matured into adults yet, mentally.
That's cultural, Moishe.
Once upon a time, women weren't nearly so bad as they are today. Before feminism corrupted them.
Once upon a time, women actually matured mentally. Though, to be fair, most of those same women were married around 13, before there were AoC laws, which were added specifically because of changes to culture that led to women NOT maturing as quickly as they should.
pedo shill.
I just realized. You're that retard that got banned from Zig Forums for tripfaggotry. I see you've found a new home on Zig Forums for your bait.
You don't get it. All that NAMbLA shit is in the past. CP used to be legal in parts of Europe. The trend toward (((treatment))) does not equate with normalization at all.
No. I was linked this board from another site, they said to come here because it's *politically incorrect*. So much for that.. you are worse than Christian fanatics, even muslims are more open minded.
There was also times when kids didn't go to school, it wasn't mandatory. There was also a time when kids would go to work in farming or at the factry by age 6.
I think we should return to that. Can anyone give me a reason as to why the majority of the population should be taught to read and write?
I thought you had a social life tripfag? You were bragging about it on the metatech board yesterday as an excuse for not shitting up the board for 2 days. Must be a sad life you have spending all day LARPing as a pedo.
Just wow.
Nigger, mudshits marry eight year olds.
Zig Forums does not support degenerate behavior like pedophillia and race mixing.
You have to go back. Go and stay go.
We're not going back to anything. The trend in criminal justice is toward treatment across the board. The fact that the speaker is a criminologist is your clue. She is not some kind of pedo activist. The overton window has shifted from all the artsy pedo shit of the '70s to looking at everything through a mental health lens.
This clearly means (((they))) want a full blown revolution sooner than later. They are pushing to endgame pedal to the metal. We need to be careful, if (((they))) want us to do it now it means they think (((they))) have a ace in the hole to crush us. Or it may just mean (((they))) are desperate because in the future lies our victory and the great purge we ask Kek for.
You don't support it but there's nothing you can do to stop it.
please do not molest real children
And you're blowing cover again, Moishe. You're going to get fired at this rate.
15 year old females are not "little girls".
t. Zig Forums shill
If you add the caveat that miscegenation should be banned, I would buy you a drink. Lowering the AOC can only work in our favor in a homogeneous society.
They are not mentally mature enough for that.
If we still lived in a society that forced earlier maturation (e.g., Antebellum-era America), then it would be acceptable.
We do not.
It is not.
See yourself to the oven.
I don't support having sex with people that age, but what you said is just incorrect. People at 15 are capable of reproducing and thus are not children anymore. Again, it doesn't mean they should be parents at that age or even be having sex at all, but biologically childhood ends when reproduction begins.
Culture doesn't change biology. Women never mentally mature beyond 14 because they have no evolutionary need to. Same way a negro doesn't. High intelligence is a very expensive evolutionary trait, unless it is needed then it will not be selected for. Human men take longer to mature and reach a higher level of intelligence. Human women only have to act as baby incubators so their intelligence isn't selected for.
You don't understand evolution if you think women have changed in the last 100 years. At minimum you need 10 generations for evolutionary changes to be visible in a species.
remember that girl that got pregnant at age 6 or something?
Outliers are statistically irrelevant. It's possible to get pregnant that young, but incredibly rare.
I'll fuck your daughter because you're a cuck.
serious question:
Why is it whenever discussion about pedophilia comes up there is always someone arguing super hard in favor of it? Without fail.
If she bleeds she breeds.
learning how to escape losers like you is a need
It's trolling. They get lots of (you)s and people get upset by it. Don't take the internet seriously.
cause they are in favor of it?
stop asking idiotic questions
Checked, I will give him one thing tho, he's right about it not being pedophilia. It should be that way, but unlike him, if one is to get with a 13-16yo, they should marry first, then it's ok for the sexual step to be taken. Since (I assume at least) he's just dating them, and fuckin them like that, I agree, he's a fucked up individual.
Most of Zig Forums supports it, it's just a few anti-white shills that are against it.
Why don't these TED fuckers ever talk about something useful?
Because not the entire world prescribes to America's retarded puritan morals
It really does seem like it's just burgers who always freak out about men dating 13-17yo, I'm a burger, but I've never understood how people can fall for that femishit indoctrination. I plan on doing it (so I can have a better chance at having a virgin) as well as setting up marriages for my daughters. I want them to end up mentally stable, and doing that will almost gaurentee it.
Well, best of luck burgerbro, ignoring that bullshit is going to be an uphill battle, but I'm sure it will be worth it!
12 years should be the minimum age of marriage.
But we still need stable relationships. Women that have had too many sexual partners can't pair bond, so if the girl gets married young the chances of that relationship lasting a lifetime is high.
And because she married young she's fertile for longer, so can bear more healthy children.
Thanks m8, I'm sure it will be. And hopefully within that time frame, America gets a bit better. Especially with feminism on the decline, one can hope that there'll be nice leap to a better country.
You see it wrong…they use the term pedophilia as a crowbar to spread fear and wage censorship onto the internet. The intent here is not to protect children, they just abuse undesirables to push borders onto the web until whoever runs the show has the all the rights.
Which is nothing but the pharma industry hooking new addicts to their revenue stream.
Men are attracted to 17 year old girls!?!??!
We have to ban this. Young girls deserve a diverse and enriched, sexually free lifestyle without older white males preying on them!
The only thing i see in this image is that both of those are male.
99.5 to 97% of our male population has some pedo-homicide interest.
most people don’t act out on it, because they don't know who the filthy pedos are. Fuck the (((illegality))), protecting children from pedos is universally legal.
Brooke Shields was born male.
Chole is just piglike in appearance.
damn straight
Women used to have to have their husbands chosen by their fathers. In less enlightened times, women were chaperoned during their courtship. But the idea was more or less the same: women can't be trusted to act with propriety or in their best interests.
Womens liberation destroyed the foundation of their protection. Now women are free to fuck niggers for sport… and that benefits nobody.
The solution is to lock up your daughters and only allow them to get married to men who have been vetted with strong familial ties.
Oh well then, time to throw another baby out with the bathwater for a small population of degenerates.
These kikes will stop at nothing.
You're kiked beyond all recognition. Before Hollywood's psychological warfare, Whites in the US weren't corrupted this way. In places like Germany, public nudity is still perfectly fine and not creepy or sexual at all. Shirley Temple and her pedo handlers corrupted so much.
hold your horses, if that 3% includes the top 1%, we can narrow this down to kikes.
Posts like this restore my faith in humanity tbh.
but why?
summerfag cancer pls go
friendly reminder:
pedophilia and child sacrifice is integral to the kike cult
What is that thing?
I KNEW IT, even as a kid, I had off feeling about """her""", i didn't really know about trannies tho, but especially after seeing that pic of both of them with the back to back photo, that is 100% male, goddamn, that jawline, HOW DO PEOPLE NOT SEE THAT?? It's so fuckin obvious…
Baal probably
I'd like to see the research on that. Something tells me that in order to get that number they show men images of young girls with makeup on and posed in position that indicate fertility and then measured arousal. It's a supernormal stimulus that doesn't exist naturally meaning a lot of those "aroused" (indicated as ANY type of arousal including pupil dilation) men are not actually attracted to children, but rather are attracted to the supernormal stimulus that is showing signs of fertility.
Commonly referred to as Molech, but Molech and Baal refer to the same god. Baal/Molech is Satan, Satan is Yahweh, Molech simply means "my king" in kiketongue. The kikes called Yahweh "Molech" when they thought he was mad at them.