Trump ready for US shutdown to last 'for years'
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Fuckin BASED
Does he actually think that federal employees are going to wait even a month without pay? Does he not understand how bills work? Is anyone actually stupid enough to buy this?
He is a pampered billionaire with a decaying brain so I would say now.
Thank fucking God. When the reckoning comes we will let him live for his contribution to society.
This. While it's a partial shutdown with a few departments having their funding secured, a whole lot of people are on furlough.
Based Trump accelerating the revolutionary potential of the American Proletariat.
Queerbol Gang
Do you realise how many people are working in jobs in which the gov is the paymaster?
The only reason essential services are even in effect is because after the flurry of shutdowns in Obamas tenure some precautions were put in place to secure funding for the foreseeable future
But once that first set of bills is unable to be payed once that first rent is missed we will see things deteriorate quick
Based, let's shut the rest of it down, too.
The federal government is far and away the largest employer in the United States. Them not being able to pay their rent is a SHtF scenario. That is why this nonsense will not last long.
More specifically, the Department of Defense is the largest employer. #2 is Wal-Mart.
Yeah, go back to reddit
Real talk, how prepared are my fellow burgers for the potential collapse of the state?
fixed your post for you
t. social imperialist
Trumps already literally said to put blame for the shutdown at his feet so I assume he will need to cuck out to break the deadlock
Who gives a shit? What is one silly pork barrel project? All that matters is how long the lockout lasts.
If someone in the Trump administration stole this Obama-era proposal and actually did it, how many aneurysms would the debt porkies have?
This is going to be one epic year for us
That's what I heard last year and the year before that
Does the shutdown stop America's imperialist agenda, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the defence department, or does it only stop the civil services from functioning?
Only civil services
They gonna get paid retroactively anyway, unless the government finds a way to fuck them up in that regard as well.
So how would one theoretically shut down the police, prisons, armed forces etc? It seems so flagrantly contemptuous of the people that this is how the American government functions.
That's the time where a compromise is usually found.
Can this be the one thing we all, across both sides of the aisle, agree on? We need a good, hard reset.
As a victim of American "liberation and democratisation" I honestly want to see that piece of shit nation burn
Please go back to that qanon board, please.
No, user, you are the reactionary.
Got any examples for my Cringe Compilation?
I don't think it's what we need, but I think it's the only thing people would accept in terms of change.
It wont matter this month when they have to pay their bills or become homeless.
That isn't even accounting for the amount of people who are going to starve once the food stamp money runs out
It's gonna be a fucking riot season
I wanna see this.
You have no self-awareness, do you?
This thread is fun but then you realize that Dems are going to give in in like a week or two, tops.
Yeah, I doubt that this shit will last long enough to be meaningful, but then occasionally very stupid people in positions of political power do very stupid things. Wouldn't it be nice if Trump and the rest really did wear their idiot hats just a little too long?
What a coincidence; as a domestic victim of the United States, I want to see that state burn.
What country?
Justice is literally just revenge sanctioned by some authority. Killing bad people doesn't un-kill the people they killed or improve anything about the world in and of itself.
That's what defence is for. You can't enact """Justice""" for something a person hasn't done yet.
My insight probably isn't worth much here, but the Trump Wall seems to be a lot more than a pork project. The NYT, WaPo and CNN are mostly selling it as a debate over a pork project. Fox News about the same (except as a needed pork project for security from disease rattled immigrants)…
I think this is one of those unique situations the news ain't getting right. It seems it's more of monument issue, like the confederate ones except with none of the cultural heritage bullshit. Everyone I talk to seems to visualize it as a sort of Mount Rushmore to Trump, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. I mean few people believe it adds more to security than actual tech investment. It's sort of like Stanley's Cup for being the big winner of 2016 for Trump's dwindling base, and a fascist monument to his opposition. Then a sort of appeasement to his ego for everyone else. I'm pretty sure not even Dick Cheney, with his machine, could of made Trump wall work. It'll easily be politically weaponized against him and his platform if ground ever breaks. He would be smart not to die on this hill, and try to save face before he marks himself too hard for the 2020 election. His base wouldn't abandon him if a wall didn't get built, and Mexico was never going to pay for it to begin with. His base knows that. I don't think it's working in anyone's favor, but new blood democrats… Especially if he gets the wall. Shit he already looks real bad to a lot of people who are about to be very politically active and soaking up the internet with content for 2020.
I would say that it is simpler than that. Trump has accomplished absolutely fuck-all of what he promised during his campaign. He ran on his reputation as a deal-maker, which is something he wrote about, and he has not been able to get any concessions even though his own party controlled both the Supreme Court and Congress. His own cabinet was full of more drama than his old reality TV show was. Right now, with the 2020 election in sight, Trump looks like a guy who get get jack shit done, a clown who is in way over his head.
He needs to win this wall argument in order to have any chance whatsoever in 2020. Whatever banker-fellating intersectional war monger the Democrats run against him is going to run as the "competent" choice, and in a shitty economic situation that is going to be really appealing. That is why ☘️McConnell☘️ and the other Republican leaders are going all-out to get the wall. If they don't get it, it is incredibly likely that the Democrats will sweep both the legislative and executive branches after being total jabronies not four years earlier. That is why they are willing to endure the slings and arrows of keeping the government shut down: if they lose the wall they lose everything.
Can any american explain why the fuck nobody gets paid when there is a government shutdown?
Because Porkies run the nation. Not the people.
US government is the largest employer in the country. Furloughs are a way to squeeze the workers and get them to cave/accept something they don't like. Basic coercion really.
I could've gotten deeper into debt but I have none and I have very little requirements to be happy. Combine that with a huge network of friends and family around the Earth and I should be set.
Also I was never a fan of society as it currently is. I think im flexibile enough for the transition
I don't think the dems can sweep. Too many people have walked away. Trump and the Republicans have enough psychotic boomers and pepes to get votes. With how many candidates are going to join the field on the dem side, voters are going to get even more alienated when even kind of progessives like Warren and Gabbard get axed. Trump is most likely going to be a 2 termer.
The best case scenario would be something like Bernie starting or joining a pro-labor party and running independent with some other people. His popularity means he won't need to join the democrat debates (where he'll get sidelined anyway) and just stream the 3rd party debates online or something. This absolutely won't happen though since he's proven to be loyal to the dems or at least being extorted by them. Instead he'll get cheated again and drive more people awy from voting. This will solidify the Republicans' control of the government since neither Bernie or anub6of similar popularity will propose an alternative. It'll be up to the people to organize and give up on electoralism.
Until FPtP is taken care of, that won't work. I assume you mean a formally organized entryist caucus inside the Dems.
Agreed Bernie is both the only burger right now who could unite the left, and sadly too soft. The guy should've been using these 4 years in court to purge corruption from the DNC and root out their machine's operatives from electoral politics, rather than passively selling warmongering Russia nonsense and prattling about a federal-level single-payer medical system that can't happen without basically the entire roster of politicians being purged.
Because federal spending is determined by a budget passed by Congress every year. If there is no budget then there is no money allocated to spending. Only the military and certain other organizations have funding allocated to them in perpetuity.
I hope that you are right.
No, but they don't need to because they're disposable. This war was lost in 1981 when Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers. If any -any- government employee strikes Trump will waste no time replacing them with a private contractor. Republicans have wanted to privatize ATC for a long time, and have no qualms with privatizing the TSA. Welfare distribution can be handled by third party companies instead of government offices while law enforcement can be done by private companies like Pinkerton (which predates most of the alphabet soup agencies anyway).
The only workers Trump cannot fire without repercussions are Amtrak employees, because Republicans can't afford to be against Amtrak as their own districts will vote against them over it as they have done since Amtrak's inception in 1970. Also since Amtrak's employees use private sector Unions (BLET, UTU) and not public sector ones (the SEIU), if they call a strike then it'd quickly escalate into a nationwide rail strike shutting down America's economy - even if Trump orders railroaders back to work they can engage in work slowdowns and rolling strikes as is the case in France. By the way, Pinkerton itself got started working for RRs to bust Unions and failed despite having the full support of the US government. Mass striking on this level is completely untenable and Congress wouldn't accept it, this is their red line.
Such is why Republicans have been so willing to entertain this sort of idiocy, because it gives them an excuse to privatize large portions of the government. Democrats will go with it in the name of bipartisanship. It's only a problem if trains stop running.
You would think but Bernie plus a few left-adjacent candidates could potentially outdo the democrats if they actually tried. The real obstacle IMO is the bureaucratic nonsense the democrats and replublicans would do with the people they already have in the federal and local government. Shit like denying the party the ability to cast votes in the electoral college. But the thing is while they'd probably get stonewalled out of winning the election, it would put the ruling class in the position to either legitimize an actual opposition party or to show the American people once and for all that they don't live in a democratic society. Even if they didn't have the numbers to actually win, they'd pull enough of the votes (probably a plurality) that it would force the issue of whether or not to recognize the votes. They'd almost certainly do better than the democratic nominee, which would turn the democrat into the spoiler candidate and flip the script.
Yet ATC was not s computerised as today, if IT supports an ATC strike they can lock the radar down requiring a long encryption file to unlock or the complete re-installation of the systems, either take lots of effort and time.
I think this speaks for itself.
He probably thinks they can just get a small loan of a million dollars to keep them going.
A lot of them probably will. TSA isn't really representative, they have always been the fuck ups of the Federal Civil Service.
Only desperate GED single moms apply at the TSA. Everyone else will a real career has savings and a reputation to protect, so they'll stick it out.
Mechanically untenable. Remember Clinton legitimately got a large portion of the Democrat vote against Sanders, and running as an entire separate party, this 3rd party wouldn't just be competing against the Democrats, but against the Republicans. Chances of victory for a 3rd party in an FPtP election aren't low, they're negative infinity.
In local elections, specifically Democrat "safe seats" (Gerrymandered or otherwise), there's no reason a 3rd party could work under FPtP (although, shamefully, no 3rd party on the left or right has actually won meaningful numbers of seats. In spite of there being tens of thousands of elected state-level offices, and hundreds of thousands of local-level offices, the total number of 3rd-party officeholders nationwide is well under a thousand), but for competitive seats, president foremost among them, it's flat out impossible.
The only viable electoral strategies for burgerstani 3rd parties are hostile entryism within the big two, and/or state/local level institution of PR/RV (probably through direct referenda processes) against FPtP, both accompanied by copious amounts of judicial attacks.
>In local elections, specifically Democrat "safe seats" (Gerrymandered or otherwise), there's no reason a 3rd party could NOT work
The Whigs were already imploding by the time the Republicans were formed, and had completely vanished when Lincoln took office. The Democrats aren't in anywhere near the sort of catastrophic condition needed for another party system.
You're full of shit.
t. fed
The Democrats are imploding. People like Clinton and Obama are very different from people like Tulsi Gabbard and AOC.
Not really. There is no alternative to them and the Republicans yet, and folks have not entirely given up on electoralism yet.
Oh no I'm not. What backwater department do you work for. Every Fed I know has plenty of property and savings and is going for that sweet pension.
That pension alone is worth a few months of forfeited pay.
t. Fed as well
The Department of the Treasury.
Have you ever met anyone below a GS-13 who doesn't have two decades in the service?
The world isn't D.C. Not everyone is paying two grand month for a single bedroom hovel
Sure, most of those young guys have at least a bachelor's and could be making more money pretty much anywhere else. They came in with property and savings, if they didn't they would have chased the bigger money in the private sector just like every other kid.
Most of the menial jobs are monopolized by vets because they at vetrans preference, so they usually got some kind of disability pay and some of them even have a military pension.
Everyone know the TSA was the only department hiring goobers. Damn anyone that's flown can attest to that. Doesn't surprise me at that they're washing out first.
The FBO says they'll strike but I'll believe that when I see it. You join the civil servce for the benefits, not the pay, and contrary to popular believe the civil service workforcs is more educated and qualified then the civilian sector, they aren't all living precariously, you can't anyway if you got a clearance.
*The FBI says they'll strike
yum amerikkkan butthut is delicious
I'm praying that the shutdown lasts years so your savings run out and you're forced to steal to eat. Every dead amerikkkan is a victory for socialism.
Hail Trump.
Highly skilled professionals don't join the civil service for a paycheck. The things I've worked on are so sprawling, complex and critical I can't go back to the civilian sector. I'd be bored to tears trying to squeeze more profit from some redundant commodity. Or try to skirt laws that protect people.
You obviously don't understand that the welfare state is there to quell revolutionary sentiment, not some laughable liberal moral obligation. Whereever this is going isn't going to take years to conclude. Regardless, I'm on the inside, I'm way more prepared to deal with this then the average person.
Wow trump said something radical and seemingly out there. given this guys track record for transparency and honesty i think we should all take this with seriousness, caution, and the weight it deserves.
I have 3 dry erase markers shoved up my ass
What I'm saying is Bernie is popular enough that starting/joining party could push democrats into 3rd. His primary votes were suppressed by numerous factors including many states requiring you to be a registered democrat to vote in the primary (and beginning in almost total obscurity rather than being the most popular politician in the country). His policies are vastly more popular than what either of the big two offer, and he has the interest of a lot of people across the board (don't forget how many of his voters either didn't vote in the general or voted for Trump). The biggest voting demographic is non-voters, and the main sentiment there is disillusionment with the two parties. Given how especially shitty they've been recently now is the best time to take a risk on a supposed spoiler.
And you're not wrong that FPTP is terrible. But it's not a sure thing here (its most significant effect is suppression of 3rd parties in the long term), and there are many other mechanics involved that basically are. Bernie could at minimum get a significant minority of votes, which would force these mechanics further into the light. He'd likely get a plurality if not a majority of the popular vote, which would force the electoral college to look shitty in general, but especially if his votes were under-counted (very likely). In the end there's a high chance of nobody getting the required electoral votes to win, meaning the vote goes to Congress. Fucking imagine the response in 2020 once the material conditions have gotten even worse when Congress appoints someone like Biden.
Very unlikely IMHO
This is actually plausible, and would indeed be absolutely hilarious if it happened. Not quite as good as if the RNC had ejected Trump from the primaries in 2016, incentivizing Sanders to create a direct 4-way race.
You say as if that's a bad thing
You obviously don't understand that the the government doesn't understand it
It improves my mood and ridding the world of filth is a in and of itself an improvement.
Many people are radicalizing, just look at the wildcat strikes. What is happening in France will come to America. And the pigs will pay in blood.
Yes, once the secret police apparatus (CIA, FBI, NSA) develops socialist sympathies that a coup can be executed.
Yeah, I'm sure all those enlisted marines who bought an F350 with their first paycheck and are married to a tricare parasite have plenty of savings.
Trump replacing the armed forces with Blackwater employees would be peak accelerationism, he'd piss off anti-privatization liberals and pro-military conservatives at the same time.
I worked in the government my entire career. They understand it perfectly and so does the bourgeois. They let the south get out of hand during the civil rights movement and it remained an economic basket case until the late 90s and it's still consistently the poorest part of the country. Capital won't be invested in an area with a reputation for civil instability.
The military isn't effected by the shutdown you illiterate brainlet
Think you missed my point user. I'm saying the FBI will never strike. I get the feeling you're not from burgerland. I used to work with these pics police Intel guys, and I'm telling you they're class cuckoldry knows no bounds.
I'll give Trump one thing, he's good at sniffing out cucks. He's going to class cuck the entire police state and they aren't going to do a dann thing about it.
FBI now doing it for free
Neither is the city that I work in.
I am. So is everyone else at the Federal Building who isn't commuting for three hours per day.
As do I.
Top-fucking-kek. This isn't 1990 anymore. What do you think a Bachelor's degree is worth these days?
Seriously, you have to be either a boomer or just pulling shit out of your ass.
Yeah, I'm one of those vets. My disability pay amounts to a couple hundred dollars a month. The only guys who get pensions are even older than I am by a couple decades. Nobody who isn't at 100% can live on that shit, and those people aren't working for obvious reasons.
You are so full of shit. The vets already have benefits, and it's not like we have options lined up for us in the civilian world.
Please, I got a Secret clearance back when my credit was even worse than it is now and I was living on Ramen.
Okay, I told you who I work for. Now tell us all who you work for. What agency do you work for where everyone is set for life and works for the sweet, sweet health insurance?
The Coast Guard is. Ironically, they are the guys who actually patrol the maritime borders.
didn't mean it that way, im fuckin hyped
If I had to guess it’d be the NRO. Their turbo-Landian reactionaries. They defiantly get good pay.
Why don't you leave them boys alone, and let them sing their song? (cause they are based)
So /r/fullcommunism needs to leave
cry harder looser
Do not bully the Con-men, they are passable communists at times. Even if they are arguably the shittiest political group of all time.