Import tarrifs versus free trade.
English ideology of free trade versus traditional American protected labor.
Import tarrifs versus free trade.
English ideology of free trade versus traditional American protected labor.
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I didn't visit your link because you did that thing where you link the video separately and put a worthless screencap in its place rather than embedding [not even getting into you not using hooktube/webm], but it's important to note that Trump is actually whining that China's trade is not globalist enough. I'm sure if large auto plants and other similar ventures weren't required to be 49 or 50% joint-owned with a local firm or other heavy industry that China can produce itself were to be patronized at a rate that big time shareholders were satisfied with, Trump would not have said shit.
There is a large difference between the genuine American system and what Trump is complaining about.
This. Trump is a kike
Post ignored.
At a certain point, we need standards. I don't think embedding videos through the site-provided menu to ensure a neater post is asking too much. Neither is making sure YouTube/Google aren't getting direct traffic.
Nah that isn't autistic. That is called upholding proper board culture and standards so the catalog isn't flooded with garbage all day everyday.
Stop filling the thread with your whining. See
you're on the wrong board, summerfriend
If you don't know who E Michael Jones is, you need to get out and kill yourself you newfag piece of shit.
Hes an antiwhite Catholic (redundant I know) who would be killed on the day of the rope.
Holy shit kid, get the fuck out and come back when you're at least 18
don't fall for the (((economics))) bullshit, these capitalist pigs all deserve to die
The Catholic problem is just behind the Jewish problem in the list of "things that will need to be solved through extermination." All Catholics will be killed.
That is what jones says as well. The church was infected abd subverted. But if you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't make a retarded post like this.
Did you even notice what jones said about them? Of course you didn't even listen and just came here to subvert the thread.
"Traditional" Catholics like Jones are just just as bad and will be lining ditches with the rest of their third world trash co-religionists
Fuck off back to half, cunt.
JIDF cucks are so transparent. Kys
Jones is one of the most outspoken academic intellectuals on the jewish question today. He wants laws reestablished that remove citizenship from jews, and he even called out the alt-kike from the very beginning as controlled opposition that was designed to fail (e.g. Charlottesville).
This. They don't want China to be independent of the globalist system. It's really amazing how "conservative" media has brainwashed dumbfucks into believing Trump is trying to wrangle their jobs back from China, when it's the farthest thing from the truth.
Mention the China 2025 initiative and all of the cuckservatives will say, "Duh, what's that???" Well, my slow witted kike puppets, it's China trying to become self reliant and not dependent on imports; something that WE used to be. Of course, the retards will counter with, "But, but, China is our enemy and wants war!" Okay, so how many carrier groups does China have? How many military bases in foreign countries? Oh, like ONE in Africa. That's it.
Seriously, Americans are fucking retarded and I'm embarrassed to be one sometimes.
Except he presents the false red herring that Jews are a religion and if they convert to Catholicism then they are fine. Jews are a biological problem, and anyone telling differently is controlled opposition. The only solution to the Jewish problem is total extermination. Similarly, the only solution to the Catholic problem is total extermination.
Oh wait, we wouldn't get that orange snapping fish from some jungle village in Africa if we didn't have international trade.
No retard, he said the jews favored in the bible are the ones that became Christians and that the ones that remained kikes spit on the face of jesus. Also that modern Jews have no blood/genetic connection to the jews of biblical times (which is correct).
Anti semitism as a term is also retarded when used in defense of "jews" because pretty much none of them are semitic.
That is not what is said in the video. But nice of you to come here and post a strawman in all caps to shit up the thread.
None of that has anything to do with my post. Jones believes Jews are a religious problem rather than a biological problem. Accordingly, he believes the solution to the Jewish problem is converting them to catholicucks, therefore he is controlled opposition. The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination. The only solution to the Catholic problem is extermination.
You misunderstand him. He says this in the context that kikes claiming you're a racist for being against jews, are retarded because there is no jewish race even though kikes want us to believe this. They're mostly mixed and or slav rape babies or literal converts from somewhere in the area of Georgia/Khazaria. None of them are racially even close to the "jewish race" referred to in the bible and other ancient texts.
Yes there is. All Jews are very closely related.
Prove it because all genetics studies say otherwise fagget.
cultureless american faggot. the only thing that must be exterminated is you, everybody from your nation, your false prophets and the retarded protestant logic
No, all genetic studies confirm exactly what I said.
Third world catholicuck detected.
"Remarkably, Ashkenazi Jews exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). "
die cutureless american scum.
Elhaik is a fraud. Very well known fraud who has been contradicted by many other researchers. He falsifies shit and cherry picks to support his pet theory of yiddish language origin.
Yawn. Yes, America is a Jewish nation and will also need to be destroyed. Doesn't mean Catholicism isn't cancer or that Catholics will not all be wiped out in the future.
You keep talking shit without backing ANYTHING up. But sure thing rabbi hou have a unique and exclusive race all to yourself.
That paper is a well known fraud, dude. Even wikipedia links all the people contradicting it:
That page is actually pretty good if you look at all of the references at the bottom. Jews are mostly levantine, with about 30-40% Euro admixture. And Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and North African Jews are all very closely related (more closely related to each other than any is to the host societies they inhabit). The non-fraudulent autosomal DNA research is all in agreement on that.
Proving my point that there is no jewish race.
Top tier christcuckery, we can identify ashkenazi, mizrahi and sephardi jews on saliva alone.
As in DNA tests? It shows geographic regions, whatever "jew" there is in the result its fake addon to make you sympathetic to that cult.
I fucking hate youtube links.
I am pretty sure everyone here uses ad blocker.
Yes retard, meaning those three are genetically different therefore there is no jewish race.
E Michael Jones is no eceleb you under aged newfag piece of shit. Fuck off and take your reddit reaction pic with you.
Are you now claiming that I am E Michael Jones? And are you incapable to watch a youtube link on hooktube or mpv+youtube-dl? Go be a useless lazy bum elsewhere.
If any of you anons ITT don't who this user is, he is a tankie who was banned from Zig Forums. He never specifies where he's from, just claims his European nation is a NATO member. A (((USSR))) apologist, never blames anything on kikes and unironically thinks (((communism))) is part of European culture. Will never admit his ideology was made by heebs for heebs. These types of commies are hardly ever relevant in the Current Year™ but they still sort of exist. Effectively, this makes him a protector of Jews from prosecution and a learned thinker of Zionism.
Typical. Like I said, protectors of World Jewry and Zionism.
You just "refuted" him with jewpedia. Modern day jews are a mongrel race of inbred, racially mixed genetics. I wouldnt be suprised if they are some offshoot of moabites. They were a race of incestuous, mongloids, right?
He sounds like a mudeshit or Sephardic kike. Not like there is any difference.
The UK practiced mercantilism and the East India company ruled the world for the Queen.
Modern brits are fucking retard.
No, they were desert people and remain as desert people.
I think the red text is serious. The plain text is sarcasm.
Wow that British fag is so insufferable.
Almost everything he said was fundamentally wrong.
Judging by his hair and his Shnozz I'd say he's probably Jewish.
For what he said in this video, I think Mr. Jones is definitely on point about tariffs.
Especially about how Germany and USA evaded the British Empire's economic influence with tariffs.
Shame they don't teach you that shit in the history textbooks.
>A (((USSR))) apologist