Christians Are Stranded In Haiti Amid Widespread Rioting
Christians Are Stranded In Haiti Amid Widespread Rioting
Sorry about the crap formatting, I copied and pasted.
What the fuck is this spacing?
The Lesson of Haiti
They're call paragraphs.
So what, polvol2 is now reposting threads that already exist in order to fit their agenda? Christfaggotry strikes again. If they're assisting niggers they're cucks. If they're doing it because of their belief in Christianity then they're Christcucks.
Exactly where christians deserve to be. With their shitskin pets being killed by them.
I'm not polvol. I reposted this without the "christcucks'' in the OP to see if it would get deleted.
Pick on Christfag.
Well clearly the christcuck part is what triggered polvol2 to anchor the previous thread. That's a problem because once again Zig Forums has biased moderators trying to shape discussion to fit their ideological agenda.
I just think it is kind of funny that the "bleaching black women" thread is still going strong, but a legitimate news story gets anchored.
Zero sympathy. They ignored their own communities to let their teenagers go to a nigger island. If they aren't flying off to nigger zones, to let their daughters be ruined, they're handing off free food to niggers that drive up to food banks in Mercedes.
when exactly did christians become such cucks?
Theres already a comfy thread about this here:
It's been an always thing. Organizing to kill Europeans in order to spread their Semitic ideology. Giving kikes the opportunity to convert to Christianity rather than be kicked out. Spreading their religion to the mud people of the world. What's funny is in the U.S. these people are the first people to bitch about collectivism, but try to vote based on Christian interests.
These morons would do well to read there own book. Trying to convince a bunch of fucking chimps to be like them is an excercise in futility and will likely get them all killed.
Looks like deja vu. Before codemonkey purged the mods, Skeletor was notoriously prone to protecting christian posters and banning criticism of christianity. Looks like we know who polvol2 is.
Good, fuck em.
I hope they get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers, the traitorous fucks.
this tbqhwu. Let 'em die. Less traitors.
this is the absolute state of the moderation on Zig Forums
no one cares. Zig Forums is a pagan/atheist NatSoc board, and those christcuck faggots shouldn't have been there helping the dumb niggers anyway
Over the course of 6 decades Christianity was heavily subverted and perverted.
Yeah Skeletor was a notorious homosexual.
When the kikes took over American Protestantism in order to create and protect the state of Israel.
The nice thing is, real Christianity is still accessible to anyone who just reads the text of the Bible (rather than (((commentary))) like in the Scofield Reference Bible).
Haiti is a Christian country, you disinfo kike. "Christian" is not a euphemism for "White" anymore, and hasn't been for a century. Just say "Whites trapped in Haiti" and buck the cuck. Anyways, all missionaries ate traitors to their people, abandoning their nations to help nogs and muds. All missionaries deserve to die. I hope they get the South Africa treatment: tires and gasoline.
What the fuck is an assimilation minister?
The predominant religion in Haiti is dancing around a campfire while holding dead chickens and screaming out nigger voodoo babble with some 65 IQ monkey pretending to read from the Bible on the side.
They help niggers fit in to white Christian societies and become godly niggers.
What you described is precisely what is commanded in that book. It's only 90 pages long, so would be good for your first book ever read. Remember that you can reread sentences, or even entire pages, if you don't understand a sentence or general meaning.
PS. Leviticus explains what holocausts are.
Sage because niggers are the most devout christians there have ever been, or ever will be. Haiti is an explicitly christian nation. Most christians are not White, and at no point have most Whites been christian. Stop shitting up the board.
I hope you're not a paganfag because it's a perfect decription for that as well. Sure wouldnt want you to be a hypocrite.
Good, maybe the next virtue signallers will consider Appalachia.
I remember watching a documentary where the various agencies/departments involved with protecting endangered species were having a hard time because voodoo niggers have a preference for rare animals.
Fucking subhumans can't appreciate something beautiful and instead have to fuck it up.
Thanks, man.
It's just what I thought it was.
I used to work with a former-missionary whose one job had been to help immigrants learn the ins-and-outs of Western society.
The stories he'd tell: having to explain to Asians not to flush food waste — especially rice — down the toilet: it's for human waste only; bath curtains go INSIDE the tub; we don't park in neighbors' driveways, etc., etc.
Things that should be intuitive would fly right over their heads.
They really aren't and never were sending their best…
They do the same shit no matter what coontry they're in. The concept of a finite supply of something is lost on them
That one was anchored because the mods got triggered over christians being rightfully called cucks. It's too bad because that thread was getting good with lots of screen cap worthy posts in it.
The mod purge was just for show. Look at what they delete and anchor, it's clear the same ideology that governed kampfy's mod team is being adhered to by this mod team. We need another purge until we can get mods who can moderate the board correctly and adhere to national socialism or ethnic nationalism
all the same thing, all cancers on humanity.
Make no mistake (((polvol2))) you're getting the rope along with all the other christcuck race traitors
Good. Fewer race-traitor Christians travelling to shitholes and returning with savages. Christianity is anti-white and the proper way to deal with Christians is laid out in the first two chapters of Foxe's Book of Martyrs.
Why? because they are cucks, christcucks.
From a strategic point its better for us if they get killed: most christians are extremely cucked but if these workers get culturally enriched by the same people they were there to help its gonna redpill a lot of people away from this cuckery
Its unfortunate but if they survive then its gonna be called a miracle and the cuckery will continue
I'm glad you asked:
Christian charity is an individual task, done person-to-person:
Sending a boatload of cash to some strangers on Nigger Island is not condoned. However, there is an exception:
So there is a distribution specifically to local widows who meet the criteria:
There is also a commandment to help the orphans, not just random kids. It's pretty clear that charity is an individual work aimed at a very narrow group of people. You will find no examples in the New Testament even slightly similar to the fully-kiked "missionary charity" dropping buckets of gibs on able-bodied strangers hundreds of miles away. Like most of the bullshit people think is "christian," it's all a completely jewish invention perpetuated by biblically illiterate brainlets.
One incident won't do it, it needs to happen over and over and over.
Don't give a fuck, they deserve it for being there.
They they first started following a jew around the desert.
Its already been happening over and over but its always isolated like one worker (girl) getting raped by the natives like it happened in bangladesh and they are able to cover it all up. But here its too much people, its already on the news that they are in danger and if they all die in a gruesome manner and the videos get posted everywhere then media wont be able to deny it. Add that a bunch of sjw edgelords will have the nerve to say they deserve it and boom, christians will walk away in droves
You are asking the wrong question. Christianity has always been like this. It had to be to appeal to slaves, women and disfranchised masses of the stagnating Roman Empire. Let the death of the last true Roman Emperor, Julian Flavious, treacherously stabbed in the back by a Christian zealot while defending his country from the Parthian invaders be a reminder to all that Christians will always put their faith above their country. Christianity and Islam are the cornerstones on which Jews build their power. It's the most important redpill after getting wise on the Holohoax.
Because polvol2 got butthurt that christcucks were being shit on
I have a pet theory that Christians are more compelled to conform, so they follow whatever the zeitgeist is. A Christian would probably be able to tell you better than me though.
Sometime around WWII.
kike D&C, right on schedule
Instead of relying on empty platitudes you can always engage in discussion and prove me otherwise. If you can't handle the truth, I suggest going back to you containment board and staying there with other cucks.
Let them die, but make a giant shitstorm out of it. The deaths of these racetraitors will redpill the normies.
It sounds like the setup to some punchline: how many times do Whites need to be butchered in Haiti before Christcucks realize that Africans are monkeys who can't be turned into humans? The reality is far less droll. Christians are never going to get it because they are not capable of "getting it." Anyone beyond the age of 12 who is still an enthusiastic Christian and neither an atheist, agnostic, or just a nominal theist because his mom makes him is terminally retarded. Genuinely subscribing to such a religion is indicative of a slave mentality: that some sky daddy is going to make things better if you just eat your veggies and say your prayers. A real man realizes that nature doesn't give a fuck whether he prays or not and that the only immutable laws are those of physics. If there is a God, he takes the form of a Prime Mover who hasn't touched his simulation for the last 14 billion years.
Everyone with half a brain knows the pope is a liberal, a protestant, a jew, a communism, a socialist, a globalist, a progressist, a modernist.
Catholics already found a way around; what is sedevacentism you splendid crypto-kike?
The pope is enterily yours, your kind are doing this Moshe so you can stop the hypocrisy.
Feed niggers free rice and pay the price.
that's exactly what I thought
As always Christians are Semites in spirit and argue exactly like the Jews. No counterarguments at all.
holy shit its perfect. these retards are basically unsalvagable.
That is a nigger bitch who works at dollar general.
Hopefully they die. We don't need poverty porn whores anyway.
Here are some more redpills on your Jewish religion. I guess this isn't true Christianity as well, right?
Nice cherry picking.
Kikes hates it when someone points out the fact that (((they))) control the (((pope))) with one hand and with the other hand they point a finger at him to better laugh at Jesus; kinda a bit like when they control capitalism with New York and London with one hand and the antithesis that is communism with the other hand, both being their creations.
Protestantism won, and the jews with them, we get it you, can stop rubbing your (((victories))) around now.
So dumb. They forget the tower of babel story, God intends the races to be seperate. If you must send aid, use their people to do it. Economically aid actually hurts. Stupid cuck
El oh el.
It was never a bastion against semites.
Evicted means that they were allowed to live there in the first place.
The Jews won the moment (((Christianity))) became the dominant religion of Europe. Our current situation is just a result of that.
Theodosius the first was also a super philosemite, much more than II.
And this was in
You guys are funny. IDC whatever you believe as long as you put your money where your mouth is, it is your business, but this is not about faith, it's about fucking reading comprehension.
There is one religion who says mr. Jesus the Nazarene Christ is God (the son of god is… god)
There are countless other religions who don't give a fuck about it. Why should they.
On the other hand, there are two religions plus some heretics who insist that Christ is not god. 1. Judaism 2. Islam.
Lumping Judaism and Islam with Christianity, which even the pope does with the three monotheistic religions bullshit, is a rookie mistake, pol. If you fall for this you are hopeless.
The popes who "said let the jews jew" are right, forceful conversion is not what the hypothetical god who endowed everybody with hypothetical free will wants. makes them underground jews. Remember those jews that kept their faith in secret for generations?
But Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis went on until CVII for a reason.
As for accepting refugees against national security, fine, STUFF THE VATICAN with them!
Oh wait that's exactly what Bergoglio seems to be wanting. Interesting times.
Is this what Christians mean when they say that?
Nice deflection. Islam isn't the problem here. Christcuckery is what is putting Whites in danger.
I guess the heads of the Orthodox Church, the Catholic Church, and the Lutherans don't know anything about true Christianity. Only you posting on some obscure Mongolian throat singing forum understands real Christianity.
We had nothing, Rome fell because cults and sects were rampant, hundreds if not thousands of them around the Empire that was in decadence, with the pleb rising in power taking high offices, even religious ones, and the multiculturalism that ensued by the ever changing demographics further accelerated the decadence;
the pagan barbarians were attracted by the civilization of the Empire, either to live in its borders and become part of it or as a raiding playground for loot and booty;
European paganism is lost, there is no transmission whatsoever that survived in the form of an unbroken chain of transmission to this day: druids are no more, greek philosophical school are no more, the roman "religion" survived somehow since the pope is called the pontif (in Rome there was someone named the pontif who was in control of a wooden -no metal it is very important- bridge) and he "made one" with the pope hence the Pontif name, so Roman "paganism" survived only by being "merged" with christianism and the transmission chain is still there left unbroken but severily cchanged of course;
what i described there is the general course of things, time never go back but always forward, broken pieces cannot be turned into the vase it once was.
Yep, muslim. If you believe your mudshit DNA being the product of 1,400 of cousin rape inbreeding isn't a problem, I have some bad news for you, fucktard.
plz no bully, karma
Here’s the thing, paid jewish shills. You’ve been spamming the exact same lies since the day the website was created. And every goddamn day we blow you the fuck out. And then you come back the next day, just like Hitler said, and repeat your same lies. We’re not falling for it anymore. And with kikey gone, we won’t have to put up with this shit much longer.
God, mention (((Christcunts))) at all and half of >>>Zig Forums shows up intentionally ignoring that national socialism and their fake saviour don't mix.
Holy shit you're retarded.
>The Jews won the moment (((Christianity))) became the dominant religion of Europe. Our current situation is just a result of that.
Only retarded faggots will dispute this.
Everyone in this thread is a shill and a newfag. National Socialism is Christian. Himmler hated Atheists and would have hung most of these "pagans" from trees if they were alive back in NSDAP Germany. No real Christian cares if a bunch of cucks get cooked and eaten by the niggers they care about more than their own people. No real National Socialist is going to post edgy quotes by Pierce and keep aggressively using schoolyard insults like "christcuck" or "kike on a stick" when that shit got old five years ago.
This thread is Jews yelling at Jews about who the real Jews are, and hoping to maybe drag one or two white men down into the mud with them. Half of this shit is probably the same JIDF guy rotating IPs. It's not like we haven't caught them in the act before.
Islam hasn't been a substantial threat to us for over 2 centuries now. The reason Islam is only just now becoming a major problem for us isn't based on it's own merits but because it's a symptom of a much bigger disease permeating European's minds and souls.
you're fucking braindead, they hated christianity
< m-muh no true nazi
kys jew worshipping faggot
Why not turn Haiti into a holding pen for illegals in exchange for getting the money Hilldog stole from them??