Kek isn't really Kek

The deity know to the chans as Kek is a manifestation of Moloch, not the Egyptian god of chaos. Moloch is the Semitic god of child sacrifice and the deity worshiped (and appeased) by Harvey Wiestein’s former circle and one time business partner and novice black magician Steve Bannon. The Kek disguise for Moloch’s deviant appetite is none other than Steve Bannon.

Attached: Moloch.jpg (735x1000, 157.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Moloch came after Kek.


Kek comes from Topkek, a brand of Turkish cupcakes.

You child-sacrificing kabbalist days are over, Schlomo.

Our meme magic is strong and you'll soon be dancing at the end of the rope.

Attached: it's afraid.jpg (600x339, 140.92K)

I took another magician out a few moments ago. At this rate you’ll run out of labor. Why are you so weak?

You don’t like cupcakes?

Memes are weak. We both know you and Bannon are practicing blood magick. Do you kill children for it? Weinstein and that circle of 12 certainly did. Bannon got a little of it on his clothes while he was in LA. Meme magick my ass. You’re a hollywood satanist.

So (((you))) are afraid. The end is nigh.

stop playing in your menstral blood and get it up. You’re not worthy.

Run and find some aspirin. Get some rest, overeat and come back when you have something worthy to demonstrate.

This is low effort. Even for you schlomo.

wrong it comes from world of warcraft where horde members would have "lol" replaced with "kek" when being heard by alliance members

You can’t even approach me with out withering. You cross your fingers and suck your diaphragm and sphincter in to even message me. You should sit at my feet and learn.

Then it got associated with the god of chaos from ancient egypt
Fuck wiki but I don't think that one page is kiked

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You’re a prissy little girl with too much ego. You wanted me to open up to you, here it is. You don’t know a god damned thing.

Fuck off hebe.

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Don’t come back until you correct your homework.

I know that one of your magicians died the other night. Were you close to him?

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Dude. We are talking over you. Take a hike.

Congratulations on your single victory. Again, you don’t know a god damn thing.

molech is just the jewish worrd for "my king", which is what they called YAHWEH (aka satan) when they thought he was mad at them.

Praise Kek
moloch BTFO forever and ever

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Can you tell me where I may find his grave? He’s probably still on ice but shortly after his burial I’d like to collect a jar of grave dirt. It’s how I remember my opponents. If he is to be cremated I could arrange a postal address where you could send a sample of the cremations. Or you could meet me here in DC and hand over a small sample.

Are you trying to piss him off the guy just wants to sit around chilling in the Primordial Darkness and you cucks show up calling him a fucking Kike bull god from fucking Canaan of all places. What next some cuck shows up hurr much revelations and another goes hurr Saturn=Satan even though they have nothing in common and Saturn more closely resembles the Christian God and Odin.

Thoth help me I want the uninitiated to leave.

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It didn’t happen, it’s a weak troll attempt trying to tie Kek to the Japanese terrorist.

My congratulations was dripping with satire. The guy whom I am responding to decided to play fuck+fuck games with me in real life.

I wasn’t having it, and I guess he wasn’t aware of what was going on elsewhere?

That's like saying you worshipers of Zeus are really worshiping Raiden. No not even that, because they are thunder entities, that's like saying worshipers of Kali are really worshipers of Apollo. Or that any deity acknowledgement is really acknowledgement of any other deity. There are no traits shared between Moloch and Kek. You have either no knowledge of polytheism or mythos.

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who cares?

Haha kick his as Kek.


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Boys and girls Kek is moloch. He Is Steve B’s creation, not a biproduct or the video games you waste your energy on. Bannon is a coniseur of ritual based on childrens blood. This is not a game. Recently one of these chaos fagots died tangling with me. If you want to try me please focus on my posts and do whatever faggot spellwork you learned on the internet but you would be safer walking in front of a speeding bus. There are no politics, only energy. I am Blender.

Kek is just an internet version of Eris and the Discordian religion which was founded by a bunch of drugee jews. Zig Forums is a joke, as always.

All your memes suck and every psyop your faggot puppet master's try to push fail. We have awakened a power that has been dormant for millennia. You are traitors to this planet and as such are considered a xeno threat. I hope you like gas, schlomo, because you're the one who memed it.

He is here!

Attached: meme music.mp4 (640x360, 2.02M)


Looks like it is time to take back Zig Forums. You had your fun shills.

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Was he your lover?


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Zapdos dubs. Check em'

It sure looks like Kek's monitoring this thread. OP done goofed, his foreskin might spontaneously grow back.

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Nice try schlomo. Saged.


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Do you have any adults helping you? Your ethereal grasp is so weak. You can barely hold on and I’m not resisting. I want to let it build. Call some friends in. I’m right here.

Wew lads, they keep coming gotta check 'em all

Would that make you jealous as well? Want to join the party, or just stay aggro and ignorant?

Remember what they stole from you.

Attached: METATRON'S-CUBE-16-STAR-OF-DAVID.jpg (1134x472 12.59 KB, 177.03K)

Cheks and keks

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I’ll tell you what. I’ll sit at my desk. Finish a little work, maybe take a break in a bit and walk over to Pentagon city for a coffee. I want to see what kind of pressure you can actually bring before I lift a fucking finger.

And so it was the Old Frog let out a croak that sounded like mad laughter. And the Rats scurried for they knew he hungered for rodents.

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There are no politics, only energy. I am blender. - repeat the mantra until I return to grade your homework.


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Take a detour to the Whitehouse and set an appointment with your boss, and then ask him. ;-) have fun

Fuck off, (((/shitstain/))).
this retarded "Moloch" meme makes us look retarded to the normalfags and it obfuscates the JEWISH QUESTION. we are not being exterminated by "muh molooooooooooooooch" worshipers, we are being exterminated by ETHNIC JEWS.

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This namefag is maximum cringe. Maybe he should swap IP's again. Keep the sage coming boys because schlomo is so gay


Zig Forums take back your board!

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No, instead everyone has been misattributing Heqet's imagery as that of Kek's and thus robbing themselves of the additional white birthrates to be attained from worship of her.

Attached: Kek and Heqet differentiation.jpg (1143x2381, 2.28M)

Slip loose the frogs of war, and gas the Jews!

Why did you stop ? Keep going. You have to keep it up if you want play this game.

If you wanted a pepe thread, you could have just asked for one. No need to be shy here. :)

Attached: goth pepe.jpg (418x405 31.8 KB, 30.69K)

Believe in them all for the Ogdoad is here.

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You guys are such fags. What you are doing is the lowest form of conjuring possible.

Did you spend all that time drawing that crap?

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Wow, left-hand path faggot with absolutely no clue how meme magic works confirmed. Let me give you a hint, fam: what we've done through KEK is no "magic" like you know it but real and divine action through faith. We don't need to fight you, or even acknowledge you; YOU are fighting US and our name is INEVITABILITY.

The door closed eternal on your cobbled-together bull demon the moment the eclipse passed.

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True, they all exist, though Heqet and Khnum aren't part of the Ogdoad.


One of you or maybe a small circle of you actually register with me when he or they reach out. It’s probably a group because there’s no way one of you could even approach me, anyway he left. Where did he go? I like him or them trying so hard. It reminds me of myself at age 15 when I didn’t want to go to my weekend job
So I burned the place down just by thinking about it. Try try try little boys.

This man is smart

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Like I said earlier. What you are feeding my staring at your screens and giving it so much energy is a servitor if Moloch created by Steve B. It’s not the Egyptian kek or primordial chaos.

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shhh only memes now

Silly goon, every post made here makes things happen irl.

KeK come from a fucking video game. When you typed lol in chat as a member of an opposing faction in WoW the enemy would see your lol as "kek" and players learned how to talk to each other by figuring out the code. So people would talk shit and kek all day long in the plains chat. Sorry if this was painfully obvious but it seems a shit load of people have no idea what thay are even talking about.

You are all moloch’s (a middle eastern and Semitic) gods bitches. And Israel thanks you for final long overdue recognition of Jerusalem as it’s capital. Let that sink into your anti-simetic little minds.

If you've seen what I've seen then you would know what is coming. If you had seen it then you would not be shitting up this place but instead laugh at the insanity of it all. Regardless the powers here are controlled by no man.

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