be a shame if when they launched it was all red-pills all the time.
OKcomrad doomed to fail
it would be an even bigger shame if the creators were found and shot dead
In self defense.
The is this bulshit? Just go to the college library, there’s commies everywhere there.
Not sure how this will fly since we have laws on the books against it.
This please.
Commie men are facially repulsive, physically small weak, and jam-packed with soy estrogens. Commie females hilariously believe they will find the chads they crave on a website dedicated to the same shit-tier cucks they encounter IRL.
shit thread
hello alphabet
With a candlestick in the library?
Nobody's scared of you horsefuckers anymore. I'll gladly legally express myself and you can't do a damn thing about it.
Here is the nigger Jewess again shilling.
Would be a shame to use this to use as a tool for doxing. I hope that will never happen.
It's weird how much they fetishize anti-establishment.
Much talk and nobody is doing anything with that, make a profile and bait some tumblrina o some cuck.
Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake
First: doxing
Second: redpills
Sounds like a great way to dox communists.
great place to meet weak minded women and red pill the fuck out of them. if you make them cum, they will follow. I am more than ok with this
Yeah, they dont care about men being poor, contrary to capitalist dating sites, so you have a chance. What happened, girls dont fall for your imagined 100% certain future wealth?.
In a complete self defense situation in the street. If ever forced into a self defense situation you must take it to the end.
that sounds like a lot of work
lol nice shill thread
Within months of launching it will become 100% BDSM trannies and bug-chasers. Don't waste your time. The real redpills will be in revealing to normies what goes on there.
Implying that it isn’t already.
Sorry leftypol, you can’t control who I talk to.
This will be a goldmine. My sides are already in fucking orbit.