Serious thread.
When are we going to start establishing white lobbying groups?
White student groups?
We need representation for our interests and rights in congress parliments the UN EU etc.
If you are a white college student hand out fliers start a campjs movement.
Be courageous!
If you work we need lobbying groups we form and can donate to.
We need to DEMAND to be heard.
We are the only group who is actively opressed worldwide and even in our own homelands.
When will we stop shitposting and DO SOMETHING?
Serious thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Put on your best italian combat gear fancy dress and aviators and be the crest of the wave. Being stylish isn't free but having neat clothes, a fresh smile and an outgoing attitude is. Don't be scared user. What do you have to lose except your fear hmm? It is not illegal to laugh, smile and enjoy your life (though the kikes sure as hell are trying to make it thus).
In short: do what you want and don't be demoralized. Bam. Problem solved. Now if you can get this mindset out to your friends then we win. They cannot arrest all of us for disagreeing with their Orwellian bullshit factory.
Im doing all i know i can, which is living a responsible married life and family.
But i think alot of us are just lost dont know where to start.
We need to group together with a positive message not about hate even if we do know our enemy we must make our movement positive to establish it.
But living responsible lives and reproducing isnt enough not when every other race has lobbied intersts and mass immigration offsetting our demograghics.
People have tried. The USA government killed them all.
Public groups is exactly what (((they))) want so they have a target to take you down. Private groups is the way to go. Quality over quantity.
Not falling for big brothers lie just doesnt seem enough.
Dont het me wrong Zig Forums has been instrumemtal in redpilling countless people.
But what good is it if we stop there and still only have 2 parties ruled by kikes and no lobbying power?
(((The USA government)))
If you make our group nothing but positive and about loving your fellow whites……no hate, it will expose (((them))) further just like the "its ok to be white" posters.
We have to be prepared to be martyrs.
If we arent do we really believe all of this shit?
Whats more important than this?
Sorry anons ive just become frustrated.
After the election a move.ent that seemed unstoppable just lost steam and stopped at memes and sargoy etc…
fuck off back to cuckchan
True. Leave the fighting for those who can. Not everybody is willing to go on a himmelfahrtskommando. As long as we have enough street muscle then we will win. That being said do not go looking for fights pointlessly. NS is about biology and rationality. There is no need for war if we can avoid it. With that in mind, agitprop and morale boosting material is needed in order to rally people. Step 1: improve yourself. Practice oratory skills and persuasion. Step 2: know exactly what you stand for and against. We are not some feeble minded idiots (you better not be or you will be outplayed, HOWEVER, do not let paranoia or fear limit you at all). Step 3: Start local but think big. Grab a drink with your buddies and discuss what you can fix in the local community (part of the war is just not acting like a jew). Step 4: Think of your own damn plans and DO IT FAGGOT.
The 'American' government has neither the time nor the manpower to infiltrate every cell in their empire. Most militias don't have a name or brand, they're just a couple of upstanding members of the community that go to the firing range every once in a while. This government, like all modern powers, relies on psyops more than anything—if the civilians believe that have no chance at changing the status quo, they won't try. Of course, none of this really matters, because what the dissident right REALLY needs right now is cash. Money is power and with money, the right could begin subversion of their own, into right wing publications, university clubs, local GOP meetings and so on.
Adam Weishaupt's primary strategy was recruitment among the aristocratic and mercantile classes. Then, he diverted their resources accordingly. Imagine what we could do are doing? if we had a Sheldon Adelson pushing money our way. Right wing nationalists already have a greater instinctual propensity for civic organisation than citydwelling liberals, all it requires is a few big successes on which to capitalise. Trump's victory (regardless of his Zionist backers) represented a blow to the O'niggers and consequently we should be driving the Overton Window right right right. When Young Republicans start reading Madison Grant in their book clubs, then we have just begun to achieve our goals.
My advice for a first step would be control of the press. The right wing is increasingly and overwhelmingly distrustful of the lügenpresse and have turned to Kikebart and Sludge Report instead. With a few thousand shekels, someone could create an online publication similar to VDARE staffed exclusively by hwhites, who are happy to shove anti-jewish redpills in here and there, which the current Zionist rightwing media refuses to do. Imagine Pat Buchanan endorsing an article demonstrating to fiscal conservatives why foreign aid to Israel is bad for their wallets, or a note on just how few geopolitical interests are served by the American-Israeli alliance. Once these lies start breaking into pieces, FOX can be publicly rejected on the right for being Zionist gatekeepers. Politicians and pundits want one thing–$$$! If Middle America starts demanding an anti-Israeli GOP, they'll get it, but it won't happen without a formal media presence.
Are you retarded im advocating for us to willingly be martyrs if necessary and ima coward?
Not war a peaceful positive political and academic movement….learn from the jews work in the shadows manipulation use your smarts.
and never despair
You don't say, White. You gotta say
European Heritage Organization
It’s cute that you think anyone will ever do anything.
Fucking yes!!!!!!
This is what i mean.
And to the person wh said fuck off ro cuckchan….whos the cuck those of us who want to establish a plan to put us in power and eventually the kikes out or you hiding behind memes and sticking to safe shitposting?
This needs to move to real life.
And needs to be focused on FUCKING OPTICS!
No swastikas black suns roman salutes etc!!!!
At least at first till we establish power.
You don't advertise as white mans club. Let's say in a college setting you would advertise like this:
Niggers and women will not come. Garanteed.
Why are you here then?
If you wouldnt sacrifice everything for the future of the white race than your just a child talking shit.
Is that what this movement is?
God im makimg alot of typos but im on a fuckimg phone sorry.
Youd just end up with white and asian beta male cucks.
We need a place we can talk lads, see each others faces.
Otherwise the shills and shitskins will infiltrate and ruin it before it even starts like the cancer they are.
Maybe go the NRM route and make a new symbol for a new movement?
I'm not sure what kind of symbolism works in burgerland, but that trump lion looked decent (even if i thought it was some vidya shit at first).
My thoughts exactly.
But we need to work out kinks and start local chapters.
Im from chicago thinking of doing flyers and arranging a meeting place where locals could meet talk and organize in a meaningful way politically.
I cannot stress the idea of OPTICS enough otherwise its doomed you give (((them))) a legitamate reason to discredit us.
I like it. Someone made a pretty rad argument for the sunflower as our symbol a few days ago.
Plus made a few respectable flags, but this is something we can all work on/vote on together.
You already have white lobbying groups.
Again if we could meet in person youd see im literally the whitest blue/yellow irised human alive.
This is a benefit no fucking shills.
I would be willing to invest in a our own media outlet.
We need our own servers though dont want to get shutdown like Enoch or Spencer.
And no Jewtube is not a long term legit option, only for pulling people in.
Actually is just better to create "neutral groups" of politics and lobby and use them to push what we want. Of course the idea is not to be neutral, but do the same as subversive leftist do, pushing an agenda for normalfags while scaling in power, so when we got power, use it to our ends, like leftists are doing. That is how it works for a democratic system.
The tricky part is how to "united" party's trough one goal and still make them independent but at the same time follow similar beliefs and vectors. I guess that works well for religious groups, thats who Jews work, lefties work, Islamist work, Christians used to work.
The leftists groups work just like religious ones, with a wider spectrum.
You also can manipulate the existent groups to do as you want, without needing various independent groups, or even have various independent groups of the determined belief, but manipulate the heads of those groups to work together without them have knowing of it.
But you would need power and influence to do that, and time.
For the down bellow we are, is best to create "neutral partys" of politics and lobby to push secretly an agenda. It is important to remember it is a chess game in the system you are, you cannot simple show your entire powerlevel at the beginning.
I thought some shithead punk kid Rockwell tried to help shot him. But in any case, we don't have a choice. The Rothschilds are insane and they will kill us all if we don't stop them. That is their plan, after all.
There is also no point in being afraid of death because everyone dies.
Ya say what you want about the jews but their sneaky ways are useful. You can deny every accusation as conspiracy.
However its necessary IMO to have both "nuetral" and outright white interest groups.
The overt groups take heat off of the neutral ones and at the same time by maintaining positive messages push the overton window and redpill/unite more and more whites.
This does not work for whites. Whites are guilty by default. Do not think you can outjew the jew. He is referred to as "the master of lies" for a reason.
Yes i think we can outjew the jew.
We need to be cohesive establish groups that defend whites from accusations.
Use newspeak……just like them fight fire with fire.
We are their #1 enemy because they fear us.
They know we are superior, yet we are divided and this is how they win.
Europe has lifted the world out of the dark even when divided imagine what we could do as a cohesive in group.
What has the jew done but parasitically steal what whites create?
We can defeat them, but with politic before steel.
Why do Hispanics support left-wing groups? Are they actually more left-wing in political view? Yes, but that's not the whole story - they vote as a collective, and they do so to serve collective interests. Left-wing groups in the US are the groups in favor of serving the left-wing predispositions of Hispanics (hate-speech laws, gun control, expanding government with more programs) as well as increased immigration, which they promote loudly, and increased immigration leads to an increase in population for the respective ethnic/racial minority in question, which in turn leads to an increase in the political power, electorally at the very least, wielded by that ethnic/racial minority. Hence, regardless of their political stance, Hispanics support left-wing groups as a collective to serve collective interest. We see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Blacks and other non-Whites.
In fact, we see the same sort of behavior on behalf of Asians, who also primarily support left-wing groups in the US (50%+, increasing generationally), even though polling of their political views suggest they may not actually be left-wing politically - they're merely acting as a collective in serving their collective interest.
Left-wing groups are, for whatever reason (ideology, personal desire for power or wealth, etc), very happy to assist in this endeavor, and in fact, the left-wing political party of the modern US is an amalgam of minority groups acting collectively in their own interest despite an absence of shared political belief betwixt the tribes. They are, effectively, a collective composed of collectives, each acting to serve their own interests, and a great deal of their effort is maintained in securing each individual collective's support and avoiding conflict among those groups where their perceived collective interests conflict. Further, these left-wing groups - aided by left-wing political/social organizations (several particularly influential examples bearing an overt Jewish composition or philosophy) - explicitly advocate for, and support the explicit advocacy of, the respective non-White minority collectives, whilst simultaneously doing everything in their power to silence, slander, demonize and deplatform any and all explicit White advocacy groups through accusation of association with 'racism', 'White supremacy', 'Nazism' and/or 'anti-Semitism', amongst others.
That is to say, the left-wing in the US, particularly the influential Jewish wing, advocates against explicit White advocacy. Which is why no such explicit White advocacy organizations exist in the US today which are not so slandered, and certainly none which exhibit institutional power and perceived legitimacy as might be claimed on behalf of other ethnic/racial groups' equivalents (the latter of which often exhibiting a far more seedy character than the former).
Ironically, this seems to form a neat little circle for the left-wing (especially Jewish) actors: by advocating against White advocacy and White advocates using accusations such as 'racism' or 'White supremacy', Jewish left-wing organizations create anti-semitic sentiment in White advocates and White advocacy organizations, which those same left-wing Jewish organizations then utilize to further slander them through accusation of 'anti-semitism' or 'Nazism'!
Its important to note that the left-wing political factions and their accomplice political organizations in the US also employ such accusations in opposition to any efforts to inhibit left-wing political aims at increasing immigration into the US from non-White sources, promoting globalist multiculturalism and miscegenation, and degrading national borders, even national sovereignty.
The left-wing has been so successful in their efforts in this regard, that the US population demographics are beginning to disintegrate. The White population - the only population which demonstrates anything close to majority support for the ideals which civic nationalists claim to hold most dear - is being displaced.
What conclusion do we reach from such analysis of circumstance?
We can discern that the civic nationalist position is philosophically-unequipped to combat this hazard, in that their civic nationalist ideals demand they make judgements on strictly individual grounds such as to ignore ethnic/racial behavioral trends. They will thus seek to argue in favor of judging a long line of individuals, as individuals, on principle, who can and will present themselves as sharing a belief in the principles civic nationalists claim to seek to uphold if such is required to gain entry to the country, and who will subsequently act collectively in their own interests once in the US such as to create new demographic conditions within the US that are no longer fertile substrate for the individual - and thereby societal - espousal of civic nationalists' proposed ideals.
tl;dr: Non-Whites don't care about civic duties or virtues, they act as collectives to serve collective interests, and civic nationalists do not have any mechanism at their disposal to change, nor combat, this state of affairs, even as they vehemently protest, on the basis of their civic nationalist principles, White advocates attempting such a feat. These civic nationalists are thus demonstrating that they are operating from an obsolete playbook, attempting to espouse civic nationalist ideals of individualism that were only able to be maintained in homogenous White nations bereft of competition from myriad non-White collectives (each serving their own interests), and yet, despite this failure, demonstrable throughout electoral politics in the US (and the West overall) over the last 30+ years, civic nationalists continue to suggest the old playbook is valid. The conclusion is thus that, if civic nationalists are allowed to attempt to carry out their proposed policies in the US, there will cease to exist a substrate for civic nationalists' beloved Constitutional principles and these principles will cease to exist in application in the US. Self-defeating meme.
Finally, I'd like to sink one last nail into the coffin of civic nationalists' hyper-individualistic ideals, specifically surrounding the conceptual notion of individual judgements in the context of immigration.
Regression to the mean.
This is a well-documented phenomenon in population genetics whereby the offspring of outliers within a population tend to gradually 'shift' toward a state more in-line with the average of their ethnic/racial group. The result is that judgement of individuals is an entirely static exercise.
Typically, those promoting such a methodology of selection will dictate a set of standards which are non-biological in origin, but which effectively act to indirectly ensure that only the outliers amongst non-White ethnic/racial groups will be able to gain entry. Of course, this is innately faulty in practice, in that the individual's offspring are not necessarily going to espouse the traits which meet those standards, particularly if the individual being judged initially was an outlier amongst their kind, which will be the case by-requisite as regards non-White ethnic/racial groups, yet those offspring will be granted voting privileges if born within the US.
Why? You faggot ban anyone that tries.
We won't win by playing their game and trying to position ourselves as a minority group.
We'd be better off repealing or getting the supreme court to strike down the laws that advantage women and minorities at our expense. Affirmative action etc.
Is there some 'question' in your mind about who your kin are? Are you accidently going to mistake a non-white person as your 'kin'? Then, why would we need to organize outside our family and kin unit? These are all inseparably bound together over the whole of the USA…there is no separation between us, nor will there ever be…we are tied by blood.
Traitor coal burners and other disgusting race mixers should go join the racial groups that they loved so much they shit on us and our Ethnic European heritage for…but other than that, when we mobilize as 200,000,000 strong gun owners, there will be no need to 'gather in groups' beforehand…when we awaken there will be no stopping the killing of our enemies and those who harass us.
because most of them are honeypots
just like the entire (((alt-right))) is
So the Jew always wins because anything Whites do is a honeypot.
{rolling eyes}…we don't need anything more than we have right now. There isn't going to be any doubt in my own mind when the time comes who are my own people and who aren't. Focus on your family…6 degrees of separation…we are already ONE PEOPLE. What is it that you think you need? I am confused what is missing in your life…obviously you are completely prepared and ready to blow the head off anyone who touches you or yours…what else is left to do? You know your neighbors, right?
Help me out here…I am not certain what the goal of a meetup would be? Other than something that is infiltrated by fucking ZIONIST shit for brains and kikes? If you need tactical/gun training GO GET IT…if you need prepper training…GO GET IT…if you want to learn how to garden…GO DO IT…you can operate in every environment under the guise of 'being multicultural' and polite, but also with the knowledge that NOT ONE of those foreigners occupying our nation is OUR KIN.
Thats the beauty we arent a minority group so our lobby has the potential to be far more powerful.
Whats with this defeatist attitude?
If youre all so convimced we already lost then just fucking kill yourselves….not really but come on.
Why wouldnt we.try until we drop?
There’s several of them already.
I dunno but can anyone give me a rundown on this little nigger?
It not time yet, and the sleeper is not where it’s supposed to be yet.
That is no reason to stop. Be inspired by the martyrs of our cause and strive ever onward to victory. Steel yourself. Casualties happen in war. Remember their names, remember their sacrifices, and always honor them with your deeds.
Right next to the Hate Bus. (((They))) have no honor.
chop chop sleeper…time's a wastin. Someone help it out or something…
decide for yourself don't ask me OP
Oh STFU coward. Same shit over and over for years.
Right person to reply to.
Oh nice left. The only reason "intelligence" is the main thing men are looking for is because it invariably leads to white women.
You let me know when you master that 'reply' button…I know it's challenging.
Less challenging then meeting real live White people apparently. You think shitposting is going to save us faggot?
How intelligence correlates with doing parlor tricks like reading backwards and knowing a fucking 3 languages like its a fucking achievement or something? And one of which has 300 fucking words. And you can train a monkey to extract square root. And that fat piece of shit dont even understand that obesity is bad for you.
It's the same canned do nothing Jew reply ad nauseam. Everything is "infiltrated" so there is never anything Whites can do.
Cambridge frog is a lying frog. The right is obviously better there.
Niglets clearly the answer is to
Oh and check your formatting OP you fucking gay faggot learn to green text you fucking normalfag, or are you a kike here for your social sciences project? Where the fuck do you think you are boy?
'White people'? WTF does that even mean?
I'm not 'WHITE', like a jew, I am Germanic.
I know my family and my kin…our connections go back hundreds of years in this state alone…who am I going to be 'meeting' (strangers with no connection to me or my own people) in these infamous 'meetups' that is supposedly more important than my own family kin and neighbors? If I want to meet with someone, I will meet someone I have known my whole life who isn't going to fuck me over for shits and giggles…this is so basic that I honestly can't believe that we are having this conversation.
Are you fucked in your head or something?
I think it is funny that you think strangers can give me something my own kin can not…(outside being set up for a prison term 'by association' when I am innocent)…something my kin or neighbors would never do…because we really are dependant on each other by blood and soil.
I run a small group in Texas. Mid 2016 we started out with 2 people, then 4, then we grew to 8. The more political shit we went to the more people we met who were secretly Nazis/white nationalists, etc. I only started my group because I had been waiting for years to find one I liked, yet it wasn't happening.
So we did activism, we met people, we networked, we organized. By November 2017 we had about 50 people, a lot of us ended up going to Charlottesville 2.0. We were meeting potential new recruits every week. People saying they were ready to sign on and do their part. About half the time we would bring someone in, they'd have a blast hanging out with us at the gun range or just socializing at a restaurant, and then we would never see them again. Regardless, we were still doing good. Our group was growing, we were even conducting surveillance on the local commies and planting moles in their groups to gather intel on members. We had good working relationships with patriotard and threeper groups where we would coordinate intel and work together at rallies and protests. We started a womens division and even garnered a sizable war chest of dues that could be spent on equipment, shirts, travel expenses, etc.
And then shit started going our way. Trump finally started kicking ass. We had a few setbacks with a failed op and a few people getting complacent with their infosec so a few people got doxxed. Commie protests were few and far between and there were less people there/ less for us to do other than give them an opportunity to get pictures of us and risk arrest from confrontation. Heimbach did his white trashionalism thing.
We started talking about doing shit other than meeting once a week for food and beer and protests. We brought up group workouts and formalizing the group with rank and structure. Picking up trash on nature trails. Suddenly people were busy on the weekends. Family commitments they just remembered 30 minutes before the meeting or workout was supposed to start. They could never make it to the local city council meetings to talk about local issues but you could find them at the bars getting shitfaced. People with alt facebook accounts with names like Chad von Ubercock yet were fat slobs. God forbid you expect them to do something other than shitpost online and get drunk and yell at niggers in public. They no longer have any interest in going to political events or protests as a group. We had one where 10 people said they would show. 3 ended up showing up. One was a new guy checking our group out and it was fucking embarrassing. We had leaders of other groups that turned their focus on us and each other and started punching right because they didn't like the competition. Ego was fucking rampant, especially with the Identity Europa guys. We finally convince one to sit down down with us to meet and he tries to fucking recruit us (we later found out IE leaders have membership quotas they have to fill) Regular attendees plummeted, not just in our group but in all local groups. What's left is a good group of guys but we're down to maybe 10 solid dudes that show up to everything and I can legitimately count on. Everyone else is a floater.
People are lazy, even people in the movement. Trying to organize events and get people to commit is like pulling teeth. Even for fun events like bbqs and other social gatherings. Everyone has gotten complacent and just wants to see what Trump will do next. They want to sit at home and put their feet up because White genocide is 20 years down the road and not staring them in the face right now. I guess they just expect the 4th Reich to materialize out of nowhere and don't understand that movements take time, and not only time but effort. There's also a bunch of local nazi drama to deal with between groups and gay e-celeb drama. People also like to talk about podcasts but not about the actual ideology. We had a bookclub for a while where we would read books that are always posted here but again, people are lazy and would rather look at alt-right memes and talk about podcasts and e-celebs and we found people stopped showing up because they would forget to read the book and were embarrassed. It's just gay.
Anyways the other founder and I are gonna work on ourselves a bit more, establish a better plan and reboot and rebrand the whole thing. No more alcoholics, no more weed smokers, no slackers and non hackers. Instead of recruiting autistic paranoid meme posters we're going to recruit from athletic clubs and fraternities, create our own. For all the shit Atomwaffen gets they at least are serious about the movement enough to where they dox their own members if they stop showing up.
The point being behind this blogpost is that having run a group for about two years now with the intention of growing it into the white peoples voting bloc I have a greater understanding of the type of people needed for us to achieve that goal, and internet Nazis aren't it. Leave them to making memes and randomly showing up to shit like protests and marches with no discernible leader or organization whatsoever. Go out and be politically active, climb the ranks yourselves, subvert your local political party and as you gain prestige more people will eat up what you say and repeat what you say. If a bunch of anons did that it would be a lot more effective than trying to have a bunch of people trying to be fuhrer over groups of 4-50 people and constantly dealing with infighting and drama.
You don't have the money to successfully lobby.
You don't have the time demographic wise to change the system from being anti-white before whites are a minority
You don't have the physical strength needed to defend yourself against CIA fucking your shit up like they do everything else the Jews don't like.
The system is not going to solve the problems the system causes.
Gee, I wonder why wins between infinite resources and a patreon donation.
Why do you believe in anything the government tells you? The official story isn't going to be "we planted a guy to shoot a man that offered resistance to us". It's going to be "some random Nazi went crazy and shot him. You know how crazy those nazis are"
So let me get this straight.
You made a "right wing natsoc" group that was full of alcoholics, drug smoking drop outs and then found out they acted like alcoholic drug smoking drop outs? Well damn. It's also like you're from TRS hosting a goddamn pool party.
How many homosexuals did you have grooming little boys in your group?
Forgive me faggot, do you want to reconquer the west with no money?
Why do you think money will hold value if a civil war happens? And if it does why can't Jewy McJewerson just print more of it than you have?
nah they just hid their problems until they resurfaced. And it wasn't "full of" it was maybe 5 people total that had an issue. There was only two who did smoke weed we turned a blind eye to it and just said you shouldn't be doing that but we don't want to know about it, police yourself, we're not your babysitters. Most were vapers and that's just as obnoxious imo. Only a few had drinking problems and they were prior military. Being close to a city a surprising amount didn't have cars and a big hurdle for each meeting was making sure everyone had a ride.
It also wasn't an openly natsoc group. We were larping as a normal Trump/right wing group and weeding out people who weren't secretly 14/88.
We were too edgy apparently for the local pool party people to come hang out or protest/march with us. Most of them were in their 30's and had a kid or two already. Mostly we worked with DS and PF guys. IE guys were all stuck up and snooty and would constantly cancel on plans to do things with us or just flake, while at the same time never doing anything of their own merit. Proudboys were cringey 56%er civnat cucks.
This is why you need to focus on family and neighbors. You have managed to make it into a 'political' movement…an artificial construct. In order for it to form a permanent bond it needs to have a reason to exist outside of politics.
Besides, you are all men…already you are going to have a problem separating men from their families, their weekends and their kids. So I think this is a terrible idea BTW…is one of these guys going to drive all the way across town, across the county or across the state in the middle of the night and help you defend your home?
But if you feel compelled to continue…Focus on family gatherings where men go off for a little while to have a private meeting…
I think it is really shitty and derogatory of you to classify our people as 'lazy' when most of them work full time+…we are, literally, the hardest working people on this planet.
These people work hard supporting every manner of parasite that can be imagined by kikes as well as working to support legitimate dependants; their offspring and wives. I am not sure you are a good candidate for leadership anyway since you think of literally the best thing this planet has ever seen, Ethnic Europeans, in such a derogatory manner. Lets just say that I would look for someone who has a clue about what we really are as a people and how special we really are…we are the most exceptional people on the entire planet.
At any rate, thanks for sharing (I know what I am missing out on now), it sounds like a nightmare of egos and political backbiting.
You just summed up all right wing movements, even those who are just right of leftism. We have a massive problem with groups tearing themselves apart through egos. You have all these men who are smart enough to out think the system and then you're going to make them rank and file? No way in hell are they going to listen to you and do something they think is wrong. They end up splintering into a million sub groups because they all think they know better and won't submit to another man's authority.
Not that I'm one to throw stones here but that's pretty much all the right has to offer these days. You raise good people in a dystopian nightmare and they find ways to cope with it. It's the same reason so many turn to anime as escapism even though they don't see that anime is destroying their society along with the Jews. Kids today are growing up on Japanese cartoons instead of European cartoons. It's no better than the Jews in terms of cultural destruction.
I'm not saying that our people are a lazy people, I'm saying that people in general can be lazy and people in our movement are not immune to that. During the height of the election and stickman protests was when we were the most active. When the threat of Hillary winning was real and the chance to go beat communists up in the streets was a popular thing with right wing normies backing it. Now that those things have passed (i.e. the fun things, the important things) many have dropped off because there's not a lot to do other than grind the movement forward and upward.
Up until now we've done separate men and womens meetings and the occasional 'whole family' events. I like your idea though and it would be worth trying out.
It comes with any group or interest, I just figured less so with members of our movement with the future of our race at stake. It just gets tiresome, and not everyone in a leadership position can see past their own personal goals and ambitions. I get burnt out trying to get people who might agree on 90% of shit to work together for common goals.
"family meetings" just means you're going to have dick measuring contests and giving bad intentioned people access to the children's identities.
"Father takes child to neo nazi rally" is a good way to have the government kidnap those children.
What do you suggest? We thought it would be best to keep men and women separate to conduct business and let the women socialize, but primarily to avoid said dick measuring contests and chest pounding that would come from the single guys 'competing" over the single women. Then every once in a while have huge event where everyone vetted and trusted is invited (because there's kids that would be there). But the other user makes a good point about how people have lives, especially new families with young kids, and you're asking members of a couple to meet on two separate occasions when you can combine them into one and knock out both meetings at once. We want to build this around families and volk, and we're not letting new single guy members come unless theyve been in for a while. None of this is overt 14/88 either.
Well for starters drop the larper shit and start talking English. Any time I see someone say volk I suggest they neck themselves for being fucking retarded. Folk is a word people know, it has meaning, don't fuck it up like a retard. You're not German stop pretending you are.
My suggestion is don't do this because it's not going to work. You can't compete in this system and you're going to waste time getting jewed. Don't try and be political and waste money on a street circus fighting commies. Work on fortifying your local area, make a survival group, learn to garden. Consider what a civil war would be like in your area and prepare for it. You can't compete with the government and you can't take it head on so you have to prepare for the South Africa situation happening around you.
As I said earlier, right wing groups don't work. You witnessed it yourself where it just splinters instead subgroups over what colour pepper to use in the salad. Don't make a right wing group, make a manly group that will attract right wing men and bond them together over activities not ideology. The ideology is just too damn weak to keep people together when each of them have their own version of it.
you scream TRS retard who's trying to make social groups and network for more patreon bucks. What the fuck did going to those street protests do for your family? What did they do for the people in your area? You acted like a bunch of idiots herded by the nose into stupid slap fights which don't solve anything and don't concern you. Did you think punching some college student paid $100 to hang around on a street corner for a day would save your people?
I seriously suggest you take a step back from this activism shit and wake up to see the big picture. Real "activism" doesn't exist, any government with power shuts it down on the spot. Only fake activism exists as victory parades for those in charge or for the purpose of setting up a future event. Anti-war protests under Bush lead to anti-America protests under Obama kind of thing. Stop playing Kike games where you waste all your time running a circus and start focusing on what matters. Make your area good, make it healthy and make it strong and you will see more families within it. Network with people on a community level and then help set good standards for the children to be raised in. Hook up potential young couples and nudge them the right way. You can't change the world, you can change your area.
If money doesn't matter, then do me this favor.
1. Open up your wallet. Pull out all the physical cash you have and burn it. Then, dump all the coins you have into a lake.
2. Contact your bank and inform them that because the vast (vast, vast, vast…) majority of all money in existence is just 1s and 0s in a computer, that you no longer consider all that money in your account to be 'real money.' Tell them you'd like to cede all the money to the bank. 3. Then, cut up your cards.
Now that you have no money, you are free! Taste liberty user, ain't it sweet? Now you can barter for groceries and gas. Good luck!
Partially this.
But a very hard pill needs to be swallowed:
If you don't realize it now you will realize it soon, because of the simple math and demographics. Democracy is not, and until the demographics change, will not be our savior.
Lobbying groups for whites, even if they were really allowed to exist, would be ineffectual.
Whites, and only whites, have been trained for generations to vote against their own best interests. To step aside, so to speak, for everyone else.
When we are fully a minority you will not see any votes, organizations or anything else that are beneficial to whites because no other race will give a damn about us. At best members will be indifferent to the needs and wants of whites, but as we are starting to see, by public comments and such, they may just as eager to persecute us in whatever legal way they can. And without a white majority legal can and will be anything.
There is no democracy only light at the end of our tunnel.
You will still see whites being blamed for all the problems the same way they are in Africa. Every nigger failing will be because muh slavery or being oppressed by whitey. The excuses won't change, the violence will just increase.
when its better for us to start doing that then the status quo… stop being an idiot and look around
we are winning they are whining … let them whine
tv is for the degenerates you should be studying and learning and growing. The reason you are concerned is because you are watching the media that is for them.
If you were born around a bunch of blacks then get out, they hate you and its not their fault your parents decided to be lazy fucks and be ok with integration.
The hippy movement fooled alot of people, blacks were decent about 20 - 30 years ago. Now they show their true colors. Your parents shoudl have known. If you are not in that type of area then stfu and get to work. Be a lawyer, police officer or doctor and stop crying. If you are in the hood stop giving tax money to people that dont give a shit about you and get out.
Either that or this is a shill post to try to create controled opposition and you are doing research
user, next time, when you do this sort of thing… Your purpose shouldn't be forming a large group. Your purpose should be taking the best and brightest who show up, pulling them out of the social group, and forming a real organization without saying a fucking word to any of the others who are around for show.
You're not winning shit faggot. You're losing to another Jewish trick and think it's making a difference. If you were winning you would be dead by now.
Most definitely.
To make matters worse, we have been taught that at best we can have pride in our nation. Not our race, or religion, but a nation that will no longer be made up of people like us.
It is easy for whites to choose Civic Nationalism because they believe that everyone, regardless of other factors, will keep American pride alive.
Not so.
Blacks are not taught to have pride in America, but pride in their race. America means no more than what they get from it.
The same for Mexicans. They willfully choose to leave their previous nation and not give a shit because national pride means nothing to them. Only racial pride. The only times they show pride in Mexico is to piss off America, the place that is supporting them.
Muslims have religious pride, and open contempt for whatever non-sharia country they have invaded. Kikes? Both of the former apply.
Whites have been told to only see nation, at best, and to ignore all others. The rest have never cared about nation because they are allowed and encouraged to have pride in more tangible and stronger ties.
This will lead to every white nation being used and abused, raped in every way, and whites having loyalty to what will become the equivalent of STD riddled whores.
how is my death a win?
you just dont really see it because you are dumb. Im not stopping you from dying or going out there and getting killed doing dumb shit. You should go out there and get yourself killed to help out the race and the world.
why is this a problem, stop being a fucking fag and carrying so much about people calling you racists.
they are all scum, if we cant win a violent war we dont deserve to win. So stop being a pussy and prepare to defend your life.
You're too stupid to understand what you think you know.
If you pose a threat to the government they will kill you. These are not nice people, they do not play fair. If you were making a real difference they would pay a gang banger 500 bucks to shoot you in the back.
ok sure , but you would pay 200 to shoot you in the face
You're a fucking idiot. Just neck yourself and do the world a favour.
you neck yourself and make a difference
I'll take cute little Odette, donate the other one, thanks.
Don't be a knucklehead…you would never frame it as a 'neo-nazi' or 'nazi' movement, it is quite possible that your wives would never even know or speak about it, I am hoping your wives aren't stupid, but hey, there is nothing like legitimate fear of the government to shut them up if they are.
Besides do you really think the government is going to shy away from taking your children if it is just men gathering. You have a bit too much confidence in their 'intentions'; they are just the sort of shitty pricks you ever dreamed they were.
Besides…it is time that you STOP thinking about letting the government kidnap your children. We have to draw the line in the sand at some point and I think 200,000,000 gun owners us can draw it at taking away ANY of our children from their parents…you'd be surprised how many of us would not be down with that and would act to protect families.
Please anons don't miss the point. The situation is known the rules are known and the war never ended we know who the enemy is and who can become his allies in the time of need we have every info from our ancestors to know how they act and we know that they are predictable. They are in the worst place possible controlling an empire too big for their stupid brains. The thing is simple stay inside the city until you find a good wife from then on I can think of some options at least for the US,1) make a group of like minded individuals and make them ready for everything, take them out of the city as soon as shit hits the fan and be ready with a plan about it. Find a small town or build your own have a network and connect with other groups of whites until you are ready to take back the city (also destroy everything that might be important for the enemy while leaving the city)or make a name for yourselves and a group comes and takes most of the men for the civil war. 2) Stay inside the city take a neighborhood and make it like the ones in south Africa until help comes.3) Escape before shit hits the fan and go somewhere where there is already an established society they may not be like minded but they will do, for now. 4) Become a lone wolf or have a family either way you are alone living somewhere safe until again some kind of help comes.5) Build or join the group that will pop up against the government and the establishment the rest I cannot predict but there are many options and most safe one should be to leave the city.
Excuse my grammar.
polite sage