I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M.
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Bump for great justice
>where's the wall don't catalog you niggers
I'm ready fam
fucked up the time:
3 hours 15 minutes
Obligatory Drumph is a kike agent of ZOG.
The greatest troll over pulled on the left was when a liberal SCOTUS suddenly dies of a massive heart attack before the next nomination is even made…
At this point I don't even know why they are shilling so hard. Anyone who has been here for more then a minute knows Trump was never the end goal just a means to turn back the Jews a bit.
If it's not a heterosexual White male that's a strict Constitutionalist with knowledge of the founding fathers and their intent then the selection is shit.
Just don't pick the woman with two adopted niglets, please.
He'll go moderate right on this pick and then slam them when that old Witch finally dies he needs the Dems to be totally broken going into the midterm going full 1488 with the judge potentially gives them a point to rally around. Think long term user not short.
Based nigger detector user.
it had better be a GOA-approved Anglo-Saxon male under 60 that hates mexicans, niggers and taxes
Exactly. They're shilling hard because midterms are going to be a slaughter. I dont know if anyone else noticd but around the same time the democratic donation campaigs started, the board suddenly had all of our
based legit oldfags
Step back in to type like sarcastic redditors and let us know were jews.
Bad habits, you're right user.
Kek is back and told us to retake the board so I guess it is fucking time to kick the shills out again.
it was funny watching the leftists tear her down because of muh abortion while simultaneously avoiding the fact that she's a woman
also funny watching the mental gymnastics of the left bitching about the possibility of repealing bad law when its roe vs wade but not when its plessy vs ferguson
Sigh, no bullying here Hitler. This is a bully free zone.
But why?
Got my fingers crossed for a Based female nigger-loving papist who thinks abortion is icky, but won't do a fucking thing about birthright citizenship. Reminder that Ben Shapiro and Scott Adams BOTH think it's cool she adopted two niglets from Haiti.
Yeah right! But you fellow goys must realize if we had waited for a 1488 race war candidate things would be better. Right fellow goys?!?!?!?!
Nobody is "shilling" here. You have liberal shitposters, you have blackpill shitposters, you have unironic nazi shitposters, you have ironic nazi shitposters, you have commie shitposters and everything in between.
Even right up until the cuckening and the exodus that followed, if someone was shitposting we'd just call them a nigger and move on with the discussion. That lasted about three months here before nearly every shitposter was accused of being a shill, and then the shitposters caught on and started accusing everyone else of being shills, so now it's just a bunch of fucking depressed manchildren screeching at one another calling everyone else paid shills.
thread on 4chin is claiming (((hardiman)))
Except it has been fucking proven. There are university classes that exist that teach people to shill here as a class project.
JIDF exists
Shareblue exists
CTR exists
All 3 have been caught on 8/pol/.
But (((you))) knew that.
Nigger what?
lamfao wrong. Imkikey banned every shitposter he could, even the obviously ironic ones that were more comedic relief than bait.
There will never be an open 1488 candidate in America. In fact any 1488 candidate who got into office would probably play it like Trump though with a bit more aggression towards kikes and less wall touching. Hitler took over the NSDAP in 1922 he didn't become Chancellor until 1933. It took him 11 years to make the people of Germany buy into National Socialism and even then that only really worked because it was very fertile ground. The US is not there yet despite what you say about it.
its going to be the catholic broad
My point is if there is a 1488 candidate he is in the early stages and trying to amass power. He is no where near the white house barring Time Traveling God Emperor Barron Trump.
Remember back during the election when people were slobbering all over Trump's knob, calling him "God Emperor" and expecting him to restore the 3rd Reich in his first month in office? Remember trying to explain to these idiots that the Presidency doesn't work that way, and that if Trump managed to keep a third of his campaign promises, he'd be the most effective President in generations? Remember being called a shill for suggesting that Trump was less than a "God Emperor"?
Those are the same people that are posting Drumph-touching-wall and calling you a shill for still supporting him. They're butthurt because their unrealistic expectations didn't come to fruition, and they didn't listen to the voices of reason during the election. Like you, all I ever expected of Trump was that he could shift the Overton window to the right and maybe clean up the economy a little, and most importantly, appoint two or more conservative Supreme Court justices. Thus far he has not disappointed me too badly, although he's done a few things that I didn't like.
I am leaning this way as well.
Everything was agreeable up til
Thats fucking retarded, those people are now on qresearch being retarded, its the same kikes ctr, shareblue, /leftyniggers/, anyone who wanted (((bernie))) who did it then that are doing it now.
Every other point is pretty good though.
only shills go around calling people shills, shill
Shill :') cry more fgt
Meant for, I'm retarded.
The frustrating part is user forget where we started 4 years ago. If you told anyone on Zig Forums a bunch of right wing LARPers would be fighting antifa in the streets. And we had a President activly attacking the media for being a bunch of lying cucks. Well you'd be called delusional and crazy.
see, I told you you're a shill, ha! now you'll probably leave since that's what people do when you call them a shill, right?
You'd be called delusional because Trump's a kike puppet and you're from fucking reddit.
None of the 4 candidates are perfect, unfortunately, but rank them from least bad to worst. IMO:
Also, Ginsburg will die this summer.
How do I turn the timestamps on posts into 12h format instead of the 24h format? Having to do that math is very triggering to me as a privileged cis white male. I know some people aren't privileged enough to be able to do that.
I'm glad we found something we can both agree upon
B-but. . . the wall!
Stop clapping and embrace the superior time-format, user. You can do it.
Like with Gorsuch, it's going to be a pick the media didnt pick up
I disagree. pic and link related.
But 17 oclock isn't a fucking thing!
It's 5 oclock user!
BINGO! I won guys! Thanks fag.
The wall that was left by the Romans to remind the Jews how badly they got fucked which is why it is called the wailing wall. The leader of the largest western empire should visit one of Rome's greatest triumphs.
I can see this too. Gorsuch wasn't on Trump's list he touted greatly during rallies for months beforehand. Then Gorsuch pops up.
>agreed with everything except something that can be easily proven false no one seems to remember ctr got caught sharing every shot from the wall touch in their discord to shill here with
You fags are pathetic.
Put on some cameo-pants and larp the shit out of that military time.
stop ruining pepe
lmao. Here's a (you). Filtered.
telling people you filtered them isn't a downvote, because this isn't reddit and your not welcome here
Those were a fun couple of months when we had daily threads about Trump prolonging DACA and giving amnesty to everybody - strange how never happened, any minute now I assume.
Remember how anons understood that moving the overton window was the goal. And that the amount Trump has moved the window and was going to move the window was enough to ironically larp about "god emperor"?
You don't it seems and it's sad. No one seriously though Trump was ever Zig Forums's ideal. At the time he is more than we deserve though and it's born fruit in the salt mines and in actuality.
Sorry mate I saved this folder on /sp/ 5 years ago and I have 1272 to go.
Did you even watch his State of the Union address? He explicitly stated his intentions of signing a deal for DACA. Blue-pilled reddit faggot.
hopefully Trump appoints a white detroit father that had his only daughter killed by niggers as a judge
That's not true, there are faggots ITT who think that. Trump was a red herring and lots of redditor fags fell for it and came here thinking they were welcome.
might as well delete them considering how out of touch you are
One more this
the least faggy user of the day, congrats brother
I'm confuse what he's shilling about. More of "DACA" is gone than is left.
All his "cucking" was immediately seen as a method of pitting the left against the public, rather than him tweeting shit that would pit himself against the public.
Fuck shills are so stupid I can't keep up.
What kind of pathetic defense is that?
Here's one just for you. You can save it I won't tell your higher ups mister chosen man.
you don't get to decide who the faggots are, faggot, you are a foreigner who needs to vacate
I forgot I'm in my private browsing tab so all my shills that are filtered aren't anymore. FML I had a moment there.
Is that a picture of Trump supporters?
I'd rather have a activist judge that doesn't give two shits about the Constitution and only voted based off of conservative ideology.
Why are (((you))) replying to me? (((You're))) not going to get a (you) from me.
I see it anons
No it's your mom.
So the constitution as it was written and intended?
Nope, it looks like a magafag
user what do you think they're besides neocohens conserving?
I wish my hard drives lasted that long.
Thanks Mossad. or maybe it is my huge un sorted folder of saved images from the internet
Which cameo pattern would be appropriate?
She told me you were a disappointment last night always sitting on your computer never getting a girlfriend.
I didn't read your post but I thought I would still respond to let you know that is where you want to go.
you're one of those "I gotta have the last word" type of people aren't you?
I can't decide if I like you or hate you.
Usually the only people who can tell are the ones who do it themselves.
No, the people who were sucking his dick were on reddit, and now they're here and need to leave.
I like this pattern the most
Hmm, those things are the perfect camouflage for hiding in a gaggle of old grandmothers. Be sure to stock up on them. oops
If you don't read it, it is not real? Leave it to libcucks where did the rabbi touch you and did you enjoy it? It's alright you all hang on the day of the rope.
empty statements from an empty person
It's been 1 year and 6 months, still no wall and Hillary still not locked up.
No one believes you. You’re done.
Don't forget amnesty deals and a foreign policy that's pro-Israel and Saudi Arabia. It's almost as if he's like every other (((Republican))).
It's all meaningless really. Everything. Especially you but also everything in the end.
That's called love faggot.
blackpill is a word used by redditors, the word used here is red-pill, get it right, also calling people nazi shitposters is also a red flag that you're a foreigner
Didn't read your post, just wanted to get you to respond ad infinitum and waste your life on me.
It's fine I had nothing better to do. At least we could keep each other company shillman.
sometimes i would feel a little spergy and decide to spam stupid shit for laughs; and i would be banned for a month or something
If he appoints Kavanaugh, a woman, or a jew he's dead to me. Not gassing his kike daughter is already more than I can put up with.
I always thought the idea of using the word blackpill was fucking gay, just call something depressing