New research:
They have found "inexplainable" and undeclared components in commercial human vaccines that cause autism and allergies
Original study:
New research:
They have found "inexplainable" and undeclared components in commercial human vaccines that cause autism and allergies
Original study:
Other urls found in this thread:
The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked
vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign
bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which
the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a
new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a
vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional,
since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of
industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines, not
investigated and not detected by the Producers. If our hypothesis
is actually the case, a close inspection of the working places and
the full knowledge of the whole procedure of vaccine preparation
would probably allow to eliminate the problem
The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases,
their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic
particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable,
that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects
that can become evident either immediately close to injection
time or after a certain time from administration. It is important
to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are
bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in
particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of
the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity
which, in any case, is still there, that typical of foreign bodies. For
that reason, they induce an inflammatory reaction.
After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and
aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings
and granulomas [17]. But they can also be carried by the blood
circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final
destination. We believe that in many cases they get distributed
throughout the body without causing any visible reaction, but it
is also likely that, in some circumstances, they reach some organ,
none excluded and including the microbiota, in a fair quantity.
As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they
induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of
those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the proteincorona
effect (due to a nano-bio-interaction [18]) can produce
organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the
immune system in an undesirable way [19-22]. It is impossible
not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can
enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA [23].
Associated scientists under police arrest
all those that push vaccines (the elites serum) must be killed
Gas yourself.
Have we got another source on that arrest?
right on cue
Not a single mention of GABA: >>>/x/
Stupid goyim, take your lead, vaccine.
datamining thread
This is his facebook page where he said on the 22 of february 2018 that the guardia di finanza (Customs Service?) went to his home
(Stefano Montanari)and to the home of professoressa Antonietta Gatti and shortly after to their laboratory, where they have sequestered computers and documents.
This is actually one of the causes of autism attributed to vaccines. The main cause has always been the (((preservative))) added to it that doesn't actually preserve anything. The jews alternate from using mercury and aluminium, both heavy metals that drain the body of available minerals like zinc and chromium and damage the brain.
Even though mercury is "banned" (((they))) have been caught putting it in anyway and no one is ever held accountable. The FDA and CDC has constantly been caught covering up for (((vaccines))) in court. Again, nothing is done. The point is that the link has been proven multiple times and no one is doing anything about it.
And to top it off, the kike sprays the fucking nerve gas Malathion in our fucking streets.
Still shilling for shekels.
Can we get a proper translation on that?
Also any local media sources?
News site from Modena, which is the city he lives in.
Well shit nigga.
We need to boost the signal on this.
Nigga, that shit is magnetic
Underrated thread.
Do they actually list what the composite particles are that they have found? What are these precisely? I've done a bit of study in this regard, as I have an interest in using nanoparticles as a delivery mechanism for sending drugs directly into the nucleus of a cell. Find me the data, I'll figure out what it actually does.
You joke, but someone will take you seriously.
Does anyone have the article about some doctors in Korea linking vaccines to issues with gut flora?
I saw it ONCE then it vanished from the internet.
I'm a RN and I have to lie and say I'm allergic to the vaccine to get out of taking it every year because many hospitals have made it MANDATORY to get it or you get suspended without pay/fired.
I notice that Italy is pretty uncompromised as far as the medicine goes. They also have doctors that understand HIV isn’t real and is a nutrition definciency.
The kikes artificially inflate the scare of "west nile virus" (less than 100 deaths in the entire USA last year, compared to around 40k confirmed for the fucking flu) in order to sell their nerve poisons that are in the same class of drugs as Sarin gas, just less potent per drop, as a mosquito control agent. The main one they use is Malathion which is converted upon entering the mammalian body into Malaoxon (or also when in contact with chlorine in the water supply) which is over 60x more deadly. This nerve agent prevents Acetylcholine from being processed out of the brain which after a day or two (note it takes 5days to process this shit out of your body) begins to totally wreck your nervous system. It causes memory problems, anxiety, all of the symptoms of "ADHD" which btw became an epidemic after this shit was being sprayed everywhere, and a whole list of other negative effects.
The dosage that's considered "safe" by the EPA is 50% higher than what it takes to kill a fucking cat, and that's at one dose. It's sprayed repeatedly, on our crops contaminating our food supply, near water which contaminates our water supply, and directly in fucking suburban areas which contaminates our damned homes. They do this as a "public service" by using the excuse of killing mosquitoes, just as they did with DDT which is actually a very similar agent, just DDT stays in active in the environment for far longer. On average, it costs $200k just to pay the companies to spray it, as well as additional costs to provide the poison it's self.
Look at the list of (((sponsors))) that are supporting this and making the propaganda to push it.
Doing a small google search lead me to a pro-vaccine blog.
Apparently he was actually accused of fraud, since they had some problems acquiring funds to buy their own electron microscope.
As far as the research goes, I dunno, I mean there's obviously gonna be some contamination in the vaccines, you can't make something perfectly sterile, even the things they keep them in dissolve a bit.
I would really love if someone did a followup on this though, studying those particles in more detail..
Just fuck off
OH… so you think they put magic fairydust composed of nothing in the machine that was making a different drug, hours early? heh, get the fuck back to Reddit little boy. You have no idea how the real world works and how anything is made.
The FDA's OWN PAPERS!!! show they know for a fact, that vaccines cause autism. There's no debate about it anymore, you dumb little shit.
i think you mean aids. denying the the existence of hiv would be retarded since it is observable. with that said is think it is unlikely that aids is not caused by hiv. hiv doesn't necessarily lead to aids in all cases of infection and this is even the mainstream understanding but i don't think there has ever been a documented case of someone developing aids without being infected by hiv. so maybe someone with good nutrition is less likely to develop aids but no one is going to develop aids from nutrition deficiency alone.
HIV doesn’t exist you dumbass. AIDS is just CFS
t. pozzed faggot
viruses are observable. its not up to argument. im sure the electron microscope is programmed by the cia to make up an image of hiv whenever it reads the users brainwaves to determine thats what they are looking for huh?
keep taking hot loads up the ass faggot hope you die.
Lol shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of shit. to refute your ignorant claim there are many people with AIDS that do not have HIV.
there are lots of ways to suppress the immune system (eg radiation) but that isnt aids. are you seriously denying the existence of hiv? something big enough to be imaged? seeing isn't believing for you?
It has never been imaged you liar. I love the medical shills I bring out when I mention HIV - THEY ALWYAYS SAY THE SAME SHIT
anything is legal if proof is in your favor
This is called topic dilution. The kike is trying to derail, do not fall for it. Stay on topic and keep moving forwards to victory.
this method lets you see a cell getting pozzed down to the level of dna. you don't actually know anything.
This checks out. Fuck OP
if you want people to be outraged about this you have to seize the media.
Ever last kike will be killed, as will ever last one of you faggot traitors who works for the pharmakike. I swear I will not stop fighting until each and every one of you has been executed. Your evil will not survive this age to haunt our children.
I am a lab creates studious autismic warrior created to reign hellfire on semites
when? americans have held on to their guns for dear life under the guise of protecting their freedom. but freedom has been under attack for decades and nobodys held the grimy politicians responsible
It will not be a quick war. We are winning the meme war right now, and in so doing, we form the army to do the deed. Adolf Hitler didn't build the Reich in a single day, and neither will we, but we will continue the fight to the end.
Lets talk to an actual electron microscoper shall we?
HIV doesn't exist, it's never been isolated in a lab, all purported photographs of 'HIV' are just retroviral junk. All "AIDS" cases correlate with either poverty or heavy drug use.
dem trips
If you don't like what I said, then here's the discoverer of HIV saying that your body can cure itself of HIV! What are you going to say to that? The guy is wrong? Am I appealing to Authority?
what do we do? He got trips?
Oh wtf? You just killed your own get. Fucking nigger.
trip 7 is immune to get nullification. But to get back to the topic of the thread, vaccines ARE completely useless.
Why aren't they at least disclosed?
That's worrying.
Not possible. HIV doesn’t exist these are all made up images.
Clean Vaccine Movement when?
Do we even need vaccines?
Vaccines work only in theory. But that doesn't stop jews from trying to use it as the foot in the door for forced medication, which is where we are now. They don't work for a whole host of reasons besides the contamination, poisonous additives, and botched infectious batches.
The main reason why is that quarantine and hygeine has always trumped any other form of spreading disease. Jews are so weak in their constitution that they seek to even the playing field and force whites to weaken to their level so they keep trying to downplay the advantages of simple quarantine & hygeine as well as just having a healthy diet with natural antibiotics.
What a huge faggot you are.
Funny you should say that. Whites in america both have the lowest prevalence of communicable diseases and the lowest rate of vaccine usage. Ideally we should just get rid of the nonwhites but if you want to consider their effectiveness, whites who take vaccines have lower disease rates than those that don't. Washing your hands before you eat and not associating with niggers will prevent you from getting diseases better than taking vaccines and not washing hands/touching niggers though.
If we eradicate diseases from the nation and close borders to people that have those diseases then we'll not need to worry about them at all. Germ theory and all that.
Corroptuion of science:
Bump, the shills are sliding.
Polio vaccines have been quite famous here in India, fuck they give us tetanus in case of rust wound and some shit when it comes to dog bite, I had a friend who got bitten by dogs in some Military park, after I showed him the TGSNT he is refusing literally everything related to vaccines.
(((journal not considered valid)))
On an unrelated note
I am really surprised you are not using TOR, maybe you just forgot about it, you fucking shill.
Oh that's why you just opted for the good old IP swapping to agree with yourself instead.
>journal not considered valid in the((( medical and academic community)))
more reason to pay attention to it then.
Go fellate a gun and pull the trigger, you fucking yid.
big pharma > vaccines > autism > RWDS
/our big pharma/ ?
And in the trash it goes, right where it came from
Die in fire shill negated
The shills are out in full force, they are desperately trying to slide both this and the Tarantino pedophile thread here:
holy shit please make a thread about this
That's because we have won the hearts and minds of the children.
It still shocks me how much shills HATE ((($$$Big Pharma$$$))) exposition threads, the sliding is unreal and vicious, even if most are "(1) saging bots" with one line. They are probably being paid more per post than "regular" shills, I guess.
148 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link
TEN LIES Told by Those Who Say “Mercury in Vaccines is Safe”
Just posting some proof, I have more buried in my folder.
I'll admit to not having the expertise to properly evaluate these results (since they do appear to be presented in as obscure a manner as possible), but why (in the last link about miscarriage) does the guy interpreting the article turn 1.4 and 7.7 into 14% and 77%? Surely the baseline miscarriage rate isn't 14%… I mean, a sixfold increase is certainly bad enough, but more than 3/4 of pregnancies spontaneously aborting would not really slip under the radar. I think he's made a pretty major error there.
You've never offered any proof of you claims and yet you have the audacity to deny proof of the opposing view.
More like niggers mining for anus.
If we're going to go this direction, you might as well just recut the burning-lab/rising-from-fire scene from V for vendetta.
It's a 77% increase in chances of miscarriage only for the women who get the flu shot for 2 consecutive years, it's not 3/4 of all pregnancies.
miscarriages actually happen around 15 to 20 percent of the time.
post all you have, user
Any update?
some of the dumbest fucks are entrenched with you and will eventually get you killed…
in a 100% white society where their purity and safety could be proven without a doubt, yes.
Why did they ban even investigating the results of circumcision on the brain?
shoo shoo jew
That might be true, but Florida would be uninhabitable without it. Get yourself an account, and use it to peruse the death records in Florida before they started spraying for mosquitoes. Entire towns were wiped out. The state was almost not admitted to the country because it was considered uninhabitable due to the illness. There are of course several other wildlife concerns…. but without the sprays Florida basically becomes new-Africa and only people with natural tropical immunities will survive.
Wanna know some crazy shit? Malcom turnbull the Australian prime minister pushed laws to punish parents who choose not to vaccinate, he is married to lucy turnbull, she is the head of a major vaccine company. Only done some minor digging but any proof that the jewish and vaccine meme woukd be appreciated
Macron has wants to make 11 vaccines mandatory to babies.