How does it feel to be ignored and left behind the rest of the civilized world?
How does it feel to be ignored and left behind the rest of the civilized world?
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it is preferable that the U.S.A. be a self-sufficient nation
That's not usually now African nations operate. They need to steal from neighbors or they starve.
ITT some retard needed a nigger to tell him about BRIC.
funfact BRIC was predicted in 1970s, back then Trump wasnt a president.
Trump is one of the few that even tried to fix it, but nope. you leftists parasites are so fucking retarded you are not even grateful about him.
Ask the nigger in your picture.
Kek, implying the countries mentioned in that green type are civilized.
Let me explain this to you. The only really interesting thing going on with the Belt project is the effort by China and the rest of the BRIC to establish an alternate to the kike controlled World Bank, BIS and SWIFT systems. Access to markets in the USA is of little importance compared to getting to play in international money markets. China has a near total bull shit economy built on fraud. Business there get free money loans to enter foreign markets so they can amass real physical assets based off of fake or forged loans based off non existent assets. It is a joke. It was always just a totally Jewish con game that leaders in the west and their kike banking blood suckers have been playing for 30 years.
Look at that entire plan of theirs. It is a fucking LSD induced Chicom wet dream. The plan is already getting bombed the fuck out because those nations the filthy Chink fucks are trying to undermine and destroy are waking up to what those motherfuckers are trying to do and are already telling them to go fuck off. But it is from RT and they shill for this idea because it triggers neo cons in the USA. As far as Iran goes it doesn't have THAT much oil really and if they are going to trade with China they need to do it in GOLD, but they better check it because those fucking mongoloid bastards love salting the gold.
I think you have them confused with nigger-servicing economy of USA.
Not saying the USA economy is not based on total bullshit. It is. So is the Chinese economy. You can say but look at their exports and manufacturing base. I am saying that the money markets and the fraudulent money printing machine is the bigger target.
Enjoy your incoming EMP strikes.
See how much "Civilization" you have without whitey's magic tech.
You'll be back using nigger-powered slave economies within 20 years.
Then the chinks shouldn't bitch about the tariffs.
That's what they are..
Because of propaganda, it's not possible for me to know truth from lies, the same thing happened in Iraq and in Syria. (you) are the only Iranian who keeps telling me what to think; that makes me very suspicious of you. I suggest you mind your own business.
The delusion is strong in this thread. China will continue the march to utopia while America is making it legal for niggers to steal from stores and rape kids because the prisons are packed and the states can't afford to make more.
Dude, China's a filthy shithole.
And how many hundreds of years will that take? Because they still use garbage to build bridges, they still cook food in sewer water, they still have one of the most oppressive governments on the planet, and they still need to build entire cities that nobody lives in because they have a populace that works for almost no pay so if the government didn't inject money into the economy with these nonsense projects the entire country would collapse. Not to mention that they need electronic billboards to remind the Chinese what the fucking sky looks like because their country is so polluted that you can't even see it.
Nigeria isn't like the rest of the countries in Africa. It is literally the only nation on the continent with a relatively sustainable economy and their own industrial initiatives. There is a reason the kikes always try to subvert the reputation of Nigeria by making up scams where they claim to be nigerians.
Truth in trips user. The Chinese are the Sino-Jew.
Pic Related
That's exactly what should happen to people protesting for a nigger's right to vote, fag cakes, freedom for pornographers and other flower children crap. That's why they're winning.
Nigger have you not seen the backlash to all of the commie bullshit the left has been pushing lately? Christ you have people practically screaming to have these faggots thrown from helicopters. If they even started to talk about throwing their detractors in gulags or executing them they would be dragged out in the street and shot. Christ as is it's starting to look like lefties will never win an election in the US again because they scared away anyone who wasn't a full on communist.
They at least have hundreds of years ahead of them to keep trying.
Leftists are pure cancer. I know you delight in typing that out. When the future is social credit scores, authoritarianism but lol it's good because they're communist and atheist xD, and shitting on the street, you'll regret everything. Just like all those liberals who push liberal policies in cites, their cities turn to shit, they leave, and then they keep pushing those policies.
Good, the US needs to be put out of its misery.
Have you not seen the halal blimp thread or the one where occupy ICE protests to give MS-13 gangs dreams? Trump is the last white president.
Christ even my dad who has never cared about politics or race is starting to yell about these "Fucking spics and that retarded nigger congresswomen". You would be surprised how these retarded commies are starting to make a race war look good to tons of whites.
That's CGI user. What are you gonna do with all your current day pollutants and garbage? Eat it?
Also, you faggots sat on gunpowder for centuries doing nothing serious with it and never even invented glass-work.
Thinking that ceramics were the pinnacle of ingenuity and craftsmanship.
The only cleverness you insects ever show is in creating fakes of literally everything.
You're a fake civilization of fake people. Like your fake CGI future. Fucking monkeyjew insects.
Yes, it's a viable evolutionary trait, to just copy the innovators.
But once you're on your own, you're dead.
Shhh user, the consensus cracking is what your supposed to listen to not your own first hand evidence mine agrees with yours by the way
It's actually amazing how the past eight years has changed my dad when Obongo got elected he said "It might be cool to have a black president." and just last week he was watching these commie jerkoffs defend spic gangbangers and he told me "We should kill these fuckers and put their heads on pikes like they used to in the middle ages." It's amazing how much they have changed people who used to never really give a shit about this kind of stuff.
You need to get your old man a "Greatest Dad in the World" mug, asap.
And fill it with the highest quality liquor of his choice.
Your moderate right, that democrats are?.
that a real good pic
If only those weapons were used on niggers instead of to commit suicide. You should update the pic to include China's supercomputers. America made the top 5 at least but it is surely being used for something stupid like calculating reparations owed to niggers for picking cotton and jews for the holocaust.
dude, your pics are complete lies
the 1st one is a japanese garden
the 2nd one is a 100% photoshop fake
the 3rd one should be titled "forest_cities_of_the_future_-_made_in_china_not_yet.jpg"
and you didn't even bother searching for the real images instead of posting from your "imageboard propaganda" folder on your crappy government computer where a beancounter fines you if your files are too big
It's from my wallpaper folder. Here is something more 4real to make you feel at home.
They're going to roll out genetic engineering to increase their populace's intelligence and the Chinese race will be on fucking mars.
You're delusional.
There's 2 alternate futures:
1) China engineers aryan gene designer babies and thus it stops being china
2) They remain the soulless automatons they've been for the past century, and China remains a lowest common denominator country.