A black man undercover in the alt-right | Theo E.J. Wilson | TEDxMileHigh
A black man undercover in the alt-right
you're failing, moshe.
So this is what the kike was doing when he stopped shilling the Quentin Pedotino thread for 5 minutes.
It's exceptional how incredibly poor your logic and patience are.
No reason to hate anymore. You just lost
This is why people want to gas you. We didnt watch your subversive video that you couldnt even embed you fucking retard shill, we determined youre a shill immediately because there are no based niggers. All anger towards you will be carried over to TRS, which is where you came from. Congrats, you failed. This isnt kids games, youre causing real harm to people you consider your friends. Stop posting here, youre not welcome among pro-whites.
That's where your wrong.
You dont even know the boards name, confirmed TRS.
Old. Sage.
What even is TRS? You're acting like an ape.
Probably because you're a low IQ simpleton who can't even understand the concept of outliers.
That nigger just wants gibs from "smart" whites. Its a whole economy of divesting white people to pay for anti-racist action.
Say it 3x and remember it.
I came super hard and I demand that be respected!
Old news.
Damn all I did was take my pants off. Fuck you degerates are thirsty.
Alt-right is an extension of Zig Forums you autist.
Real talk, I don't actually hate blacks. Just like I don't hate bears or gorillas either, but I don't want either roaming on my city or being in charge of my future.
Not everyone knows what’s going on.
Good lord… this board has been nothing but garbage for the past month.
WTF is going on? Leftist asstards are just spamming the shit out of the place?
kill yourself nigger
Hm. Really makes me think.
Kill yourself OP
At least I know how to absorb content from a variety of sources and decide what I think of it instead of relying on a hive mind of confused basement dwelling teens.
I think sage
Nobody opens your video because it's a youtube link, too many Zig Forums referrers is enough for YT bots to isolate said video from the proposition algos possibly, take down content, isolate IPs, etc…
Use hooktube moron.
You can resume to pretend to be smart once you won't be covered with your own shit.
Not sure if he's trying to deceive or if he's truly dumb and can't get his noggin' a joggin' when it comes to math and trends.
I hope you people report these threads, else we WILL lose Zig Forums to the 4chan shills and idiots.
The only way to make them learn is to have them banned. I may not have lurked the entirety of the 2 years until I came here, but when I posted here, I at least respected the general attitude of thinking for a moment before posting.
These faggots cleary do not; this place will turn to shit if they aren't banned like the imageboard-africans they are.
Please kindly fuck off. Sage.
Diluted shill
was this before or after normalizing pedophilia?
Either this faggot is IP hopping or he's having his buttbuddies astroturf after he got told to fuck off.
Typical shill behavior to extend false empathy to get you on their side before delivering their poison.
He literally admits white genocide is happening, bemoans a litany of black issues trying to make some kind of false equvalency and then says that we shouldn’t worry that whites are going extinct because it’s “nature”.
No. Nature isn’t forced integration. Nature isn’t blacks being brought in by the boatload. Nature isn’t propaganda constantly fed to us we need to mix. Nature isn’t deliberate genocide.
This fake laugh track having nog convinced me alright. Convinced me that Zig Forums was right and they know it’s genocide. Convinced me that the same organization that just put out a talk that tried to gaslight us into accepting pedos not only knows white genocide is real, but wants to mainstream excuses for it to normies because the cat is so obviously out of the bag that they need to desensitize people to it before they can get angry about it.
Please it's probably both.
In your dreams punk, I just found a relevant video to the alt right (pol) and it changed my mind, especially because based black guy is so chill. So now I don't doubt the holocaust. I was such a fool before, now in going to try to be more like this black guy.
You gave yourself away too quick.
I'm hijacking this thread because I have a somewhat similar point to make.
You see this black man right here? He actually might be one of the few based ones. He attends KKK rallies, he listens to what people like us have to say, he agrees with some of it and disagrees with other parts - but he is actually trying to make it work. Now personally I think we are way too far gone at this point, and even if we could salvage inter-racial relations - the same issues exist to be exploited in the future. But the point is that if ALL niggers (including many whites) had this attitude where they sit down and listen to others, then we might just be able to fix some of the issues with society without needing to take extreme action.
If I have a problem with black crime, and I can go up to blacks and talk about it and we can come to a solution together - great. If I get called racist and attacked for daring to mention it; what choice do I have? I can either just live in a dangerous area with lots of crime, I can segregate myself from them by moving to an all white area, or I can get rid of the blacks to make it safe again. If we could actually talk about this stuff and admit there are problems - and do note that this black guy does, he says he agrees with them on some points (and these are points that are being brought up in KKK rallies, they are not just "well we both like cheeseburgers"). If we could all actually sit down and talk about the real problems, and come up with ideas to fix them then - we might find that segregation is unnecessary, we might find that we can live together - and equally we might not.
All you niggers and 'anti-racists' out there are the problem. You do not let us speak, you do not let us talk about real problems, and so you leave us with no other options besides segregation and - when we run out of places to move - violent removal. This is all your fault. This nigger actually makes some good points, though funnily enough all of the comments seem to have missed them. The important part of his message is that if we want to salvage a multi-racial society (and I am not saying we should by the way) - then we need to sit down and talk about the real problems, we need to respect the concerns of others even if they are the KKK or whatever. If you want you multi-culti libtard world to exist then you are going to have to give 'nazis' and 'white supremacists' a place to speak, listen to them and respect their concerns. That what the nigger is saying.
Before the KKK was the FBI the actual KKK was a bunch of cucks. "Birth of a Nation" even has based negros in it. Whitey thinks somehow through some means he'll get through to the negro but as much as Whitey tries he only gets stabbed and cuckholded.
Its nice to see shitposting again, sometimes user actually gets it and doesn't take it literally.
why is it important that hes black , stop being racists
I agree with you 1000%.
Because I'm smart, of course ::^^))
It appears subtlety is a lost art.
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.
Exactly. False dichotomy without askin a question. You either agree or you're a fat idiot, good catch.
You know what OP? I'm going to watch your gayasAIDS tedX talk and then I'm going to come back here and take a fat dump on it. I'm going to do it for Uncle Adolf.
Sage for OP IS A FAGGOT.
I fucked up
Anybody else surprised this isn't a talk by Apedre?
Wouldn’t a Laquisha Jones thread be more valuable to the board right now
I fucking hate summer so much.
That wasn't rly the point, him being black doesn't have to do with accurate criticism of pol
Pretty decent for a nigger. Totally ignored evo-bio and human biodiversity. Delusionally thinks nature mixes everything together rather than separating it. Somehow fails (or refuses) to realizes diversity only exists when its forced, and that's its a deliberate weapon.
Overall not a total retard. Should be KANG of blacks tbh. He still can't live in the ethnostates.
OP here thanks for doing that because I didn't watch the vid. I'm half black half Jewish so I just want a role model
Rally blacks against jews and we'll let you rule them as KANG…. in africa
They didn't come from TRS you retard.
Nice try shlomo
worst possible combination.
kill yourself.
I was sure that everyone on 8chad pol were masculine turks
"Alt right" is kike created controlled opposition bullshit.
You should know.
Because you are bullshit.
To hell with alt-right faggots and their anti-White kikery.
You support the ongoing genocide of White people.
You are a monster.
You are not fooling anyone you shill faggot.
Gas yourself.
We need to deport them all.
They can then address THEIR OWN concerns in a 100% black country COMPLETELY free of White "oppression."
Such as Haiti or Liberia.
Racism is a recognition of the reality of genetic and biological differences between racial groups and the large effects such differences have on many aspects of human civilization.
Racism is simply truth.
This is all so very simple.
Even you shills should be able to grasp it.
We oppose White genocide.
You support White genocide.
We are good.
You are evil.
Whooooaaaa there Henry Rockstar Workforgibs Jr. Slow your roll
*ain't nothing evil bout dis nihga*