National Socialism as a Religion

A light so bright, everything else is a shadow

At this time, I suspect that many present-day problems that Europeans face stem from European spiritual disease/desolation, which is arguably the designed result of semitic ideologies (including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Marxism, and Holocaustianity) that jews and their "shabbos goyim" attempted to spread throughout Europe via charlatanry, brainwashing, bribery, fear, and/or bloodshed.

Further, I suspect that Hitler attempted to create a better European spirituality, a spirituality that does not have the shortcomings of native European religions nor the shortcomings of foreign jew-concocted alternatives.

A term that Hitler frequently used in his book Mein Kampf is the word "Weltanshauung" which roughly means "world view".

From Mein Kampf:

Thus, when the Iron Chancellor surrendered the fate of his struggle against Marxism to the goodwill of the bourgeois Democracy, he was leaving the goat to take care of the garden. But this was only the logical result of failure to find a fundamentally new Weltanshauung which was diametrically opposed to Marxism and inspired by an ardent determination to sweep all before it. Thus the result of the Bismarckian campaign was a bitter disappointment.

Also from Mein Kampf:

This is also a sign of … cultural decay and general break-up.

Our era is entirely preoccupied with petty materialistic considerations, or rather it is entirely preoccupied with the question of money.

Therefore, it is not to be wondered at if, with the worship of such an idol, the sense of heroism should entirely disappear, but the present is only reaping what the past has sown.

Also from Mein Kampf:

Is it possible to eradicate ideas by force of arms? Can a Weltanshauung be attacked by means of physical force?

At that time, I turned these questions over and over in my mind. By studying analogous cases, exemplified in history, particularly those which had arisen from religious circumstances, I came to the following fundamental conclusion. Ideals and ideologies, as well as movements grounded on a definite spiritual foundation, whether true or false, can never be broken by the use of force after a certain stage, except on one condition, namely, that this use of force is wielded in the service of a new ideal or Weltanshauung which burns with a new flame.

The application of force alone, without moral support based on a spiritual concept, can never bring about the destruction of an ideal or arrest the propagation of it, unless one is ready and able ruthlessly to exterminate to a man the last upholders of that ideal, and also to wipe out any tradition which it may tend to leave behind.

Also from Mein Kampf:

At a time when the one side, armed with all the weapons of its Weltanshauung, no matter how criminal, makes an attack against the established order, the other side will be able to resist only if its resistance takes the form of a new faith. In our case, this is a political faith which exchanges the slogans of weak and cowardly defence for the battle-cry of a courageous and ruthless attack.

Our present movement is accused, especially by the so-called national bourgeois cabinet ministers (the Bavarian representatives of the Centre, for example) of heading towards a revolution.

We have only one answer to give to those political pygmies, namely, 'We are trying to remedy that which you, in your criminal stupidity, have failed to accomplish. By your parliamentarian jobbing you have helped to drag the nation into ruin, but we, by our aggressive policy, are setting up a new Weltanshauung which we shall defend with indomitable devotion. Thus we are building the steps on which our nation once again may ascend to the temple of freedom.'

Thus during the first stages of founding our Movement we had to take special care that our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith, should not degenerate into a society for the promotion of parliamentarian interests.

Also from Mein Kampf:

The ideals set forth in a Weltanshauung and the demands arising from them cannot be realised by mere sentiment and inner longing any more than freedom can be won by universal yearning for it.

Only when the idealistic longing … is organized in such a way that it can fight for its ideal with military force, only then can the urgent wish of a people become a vital reality.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also from Mein Kampf:

In reality what distinguished Karl Marx from the millions who were affected in the same way was that, in a world already in a state of gradual decomposition, he used the unerring instinct of the prophetic genius to detect the essential poisons, so as to extract them and concentrate them, with the art of an alchemist, in a solution which would bring about the rapid destruction of the independent nations of the earth. All this was done in the service of his race.

Thus the Marxian doctrine is the concentrated extract of the mentality which underlies the general Weltanshauung to-day.

For this reason alone it is out of the question and even ridiculous to think that what is called our bourgeois world can put up any effective fight against Marxism, for this bourgeois world is permeated with all those same poisons, and its Weltanshauung in general differs from Marxism only in degree and in the character of the persons who hold it.

The bourgeois world is Marxist, but believes in the possibility of a certain group of people - that is to say, the bourgeoise - being able to dominate the world, while Marxism itself systematically aims at delivering the world into the hands of the Jews.

Over against all this, the völkisch Weltanshauung recognizes that the primordial racial elements are of the greatest significance for mankind.

In principle, the State is looked upon only as a means to an end and this end is the conservation of the racial characteristics of mankind.

The völkisch principle does not admit that one race is equal to another, but by recognising that they are different, separates mankind into races of superior and inferior quality.

On the basis of this recognition it feels bound, in conformity with the Eternal Will that dominates the universe, to postulate the victory of the better and stronger and the subordination of the inferior and weaker thus subscribing to Nature's fundamental aristocratic principle and it believes that this law holds good even down to the last individual organism.

It selects individual values from the mass and thus operates as an organising principle, whereas Marxism acts as a disintegrating solvent.

The völkisch belief holds that humanity must have its ideals, because ideals are a necessary condition of human existence itself.

But, on the other hand, it denies that an ethical ideal has the right to prevail if it endangers the existence of a race that is the champion of a higher ethical ideal, for in a world composed of mongrels and Negroids all ideals of human beauty and nobility and all hopes of an idealised future for humanity would be lost for ever.

On this planet of ours human culture and civilisation are indissolubly bound up with the presence of the Aryan. If he were to be exterminated or become extinct, then the dark shroud of a new barbaric era would enfold the earth.

To undermine the existence of human culture by exterminating its custodians would be an execrable crime in the eyes of those who subscribe to the völkisch Weltanshauung.

Whoever dares to raise his hand against the highest image of God, sins against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and contributes to the expulsion from Paradise.

Hence the völkisch Weltanshauung is in profound accord with Nature's most sacred will, because it restores the free play of the forces which, through reciprocal education, will produce a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth.

We all feel that in the distant future man may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.

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I agree with you to some extent, but Hitler held both Christianity and Germanic religion in high regard beside Natsoc. It was more of an addition to spiritual life than a replacement.

Quality thread by the way! Really glad to see that.

From Mein Kampf:

Thus, when the Iron Chancellor surrendered the fate of his struggle against Marxism to the goodwill of the bourgeois Democracy, he was leaving the goat to take care of the garden. But this was only the logical result of failure to find a fundamentally new Weltanshauung which was diametrically opposed to Marxism and inspired by an ardent determination to sweep all before it. Thus the result of the Bismarckian campaign was a bitter disappointment.

There are so many problems with your OP. You post a bunch of quotes which are supposed to support your view of a issue, but it's an issue you do not bother defining.

Your main problem is that you do not define religion. We can't gauge how National Socialism qualifies as a religion when we don't know what your view of what makes a religion is. Is it any and every sense of purpose? A system of morals codified as dogma? People going into a temple and kneeling? The mandatory existence of a god? When there are no criteria to be met it's pointless to present arguments arguments for something, as there is nothing to judge them against in the first place.

Which are? You never define this problem or make a case for Hitler being aware of this problem so it kind of is impossible for anyone to gauge your supposed evidence for this.

The Aryan Moses

Jesus christ you're a fucking moron. Don't share your opinions anymore in life or here. But I'll answer your questions for OP so he doesn't have to lower himself to fucking moronic ape posts.

Look it up faggot. There are all kinds and this fits. You know Jedism? Yeah, that a state sanctioned religion.

Which are obvious you fucking moron. There is no history or text left and it wasn't allowed to develop even when there is some left (like with Roman religion) because it was cut short by the Jewish cult of Christianity.
Paganism is a fucking meme and neo-pagans don't have the information to restart the old ways. They are so fucking stupid they don't even realize that many of the Nordic tales are in the Vedic scripts. But the Nazis did.

It's funny how Christians speak with New Age memes now to justify their fantasy worlds "spiritual life". It's fucking gay. Grow up. Your fantasy worlds are escapism.

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Why are you such a fucking kike?

Suddenly, this book from the desert is preserved traditions, but actual remained oral traditions and records are LARPing.

Never mind, poo in loo.

It's not a religion, it's a philosophy. National socialism is just an evolution of European thought that isn't corrupted by idealism. It embraces struggle over idealism and practical charity. Anyone who asserts "might makes right" is the cornerstone of National Socialism has completely missed the point, we're meant to understand the practical needs of people without becoming servile to empathy that hinders rather than helps.

Excessive complication of society via precedent rulings and vague traditions that serve no purpose are out while an infrastructure that supports the spirit of law and decency are in. People must decide their destiny in the face of struggle while guided by those with the right mixture of guidance and prudence.

This doesn't help the case that you're making.

From Mein Kampf:

We have only one answer to give to those political pygmies, namely, 'We are trying to remedy that which you, in your criminal stupidity, have failed to accomplish. By your parliamentarian jobbing you have helped to drag the nation into ruin, but we, by our aggressive policy, are setting up a new Weltanshauung which we shall defend with indomitable devotion. Thus we are building the steps on which our nation once again may ascend to the temple of freedom.'

Thus during the first stages of founding our Movement we had to take special care that our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith, should not degenerate into a society for the promotion of parliamentarian interests.

Again, what the fuck does that have with religion?

Are you seriously going to worship Hitler?

did you read any posts in this thread?

From Mein Kampf:

Hence the völkisch Weltanshauung is in profound accord with Nature's most sacred will, because it restores the free play of the forces which, through reciprocal education, will produce a higher type, until finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth.

We all feel that in the distant future man may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world.

So are you going to worship yourself now?

Be fucking clear.

I always wondered how religions got started. It turns out its just a bunch of lunatics who want to be taken seriously. Huh.

god i'm so fucking lost

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did you read any posts in this thread yet?

the Hitler quotes I provided are not nearly as obtuse as you pretend they are.

No. Religion ALWAYS rely on "believe it to be real" and as such involve the element of irrational blind faith, (easy to challenge and impossible to prove, btw) that has no place in a modern society.

I posted the following on asatru, but the thread degenerated into them calling each other niggers. There was an article on Drudge the other day saying religious belief/attendance among millenials is at an all time low - there's a huge religious vacuum right now ready to be filled. This is a big opportunity for us, so let's not miss it:


The benefits of religion are many. Religion is positively correlated with birthrates, social cohesion/ a high trust society, and personal happiness.

A religion should always aim for the truth. Otherwise it is vulnerable to empircal attack and can be rejected by it's adherents. This has happened with Christianity in white nations.

What is worthy of veneration and also "true"?

And probably some other points I have missed.

All these are objects or ideas which certainly exist and are worthy of veneration. Of these, the one most important is one's people. I do not have an arguement to support this, but I hypothesize that anyone I ask would say the same. The argument can be made that you can't have one's people without nature, the what does nature matter without one's people. The same applies for the other items.

Notice this list contains no dieties. Why should dieties, which cannot be shown to exist, take precedence above one's people? Even if a religion supports the prosperity and continuation of one's people, why would you place the diety first and your people second?

The way I see it, paganism is dead, and despite some renewed interest it is too metaphysically incorrect to make a comeback even if it is morally desirable. The only remaining legitimate European religious structure is the Catholic church, and perhaps one or two major branches of protestantism - however these religions have been compromised, not only by cucks getting into Power, but by the actual biblical text being translated I to the vernacular. The bible was never meant for us anyhow. Christ was trying to reform the ways of his fellow Jews specific to the problems in early 1st century Judea. A new religion is desirable, necessary, and the opportune moment is now.

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if you ban religion, it will only make people like it more.

Tay. he foresaw Tay

Yeah, that was the point, retard. If everything is a religion on the notion that someone somewhere feels strongly about then naturally so is National Socialism, but that is a self evident statement which it is completely pointless to make a thread about.

As such the only thing of interest is what kind of religion: A religion on the level of getting a key chain and a bumper sticker to feel good about yourself has absolutely no value and no impact on society while one which dictates spiritual belief, holds every ritual from birth to death and mandates service in the temple will essentially mold society. OP however doesn't say jack shit about what he envisions when he puts forth National Socialism as a religion which makes it completely impossible to either have any critique on the validity of his idea or determine if it is even worth debating.

OP should fucking lurk and come back when he can make a thread with a point which can actually be argued and you should kill yourself.

Only Sith deal with absolutes. Adults in real world realize there are alternatives. In this case: diminishing the influence, pushing it towards "personal stuff you do at your home" section. No religious nuts in power.

Simple, clean, reasonable, efficient.

Hell yeah

wrong. see these posts

which mostly consist of Hitler quotes, including Hitler proclaiming that "our militant group … fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith" and "finally the best portion of mankind will possess the earth and will be free to work in spheres which lie not only within, but without the limits of that earth."

not all religions demand prayer beads or prayer mats or little hats or jew worship.

National Socialism is an entire world view. It CAN be a religious like experience. For example, I dont believe in god but im a National Socialist and for me its about as close to a religious experience that i can imagine and have yet experienced.

From the 88 Precepts by David Lane:

"2. Whatever Peoples perception of God, or Gods, or the motive Force of the
Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature's Law are the work of, and
therefore the intent of, that Force."

Natural law, the structure of reality and thus the will of any god or gods, is one of the most sacred and fundamental parts of the National Socialist world view. But National Socialism is compatible with any religion so long as it recognises the structure of reality and its rules (Natural Law) as the basis for Morality, action and the will of any god or gods that may exist.

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The era of mythology evince the Titans fall and the final march of the Gods. Labyrinth mysteries travel in circles through time, carrying secrets of an age lost in centuries. Bleaching marbles shimmer, blinding the plunderers and those once profane. Immortality regained as the Philosophers creed echoes through millennia and the Warriors psyche eternally rests in Elysium. At the walls of Troy war cries resound as spears and swords crash against shields. Argonauts trek through red wine seas to expand a Puissant Hegemony. Where Nymphs still guard Promethean Gnosis and whisper the Orphic Oracles for the overman's New Dawn. Behold the Age of Heroes, an epoch to reminisce that the old heart beats with Ancient Blood.

For those outside the mythos, no explanation is possible, for those on the inside, no explanation is necessary.

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Wrong, Vedic is from he Indo European invaders, Hinduism is the poo in the loo version

not all religions demand "mysterious" mumbo jumbo mind rot, either.

creating "a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world" is not an impossible-to-grasp purpose.

Yeah good fucking job Nietzsche pointed that out in the 1800s and predicted every major event in the 20th century as well as the rise of tranny faggotry.

Religion or a Non-Profit, but either way ALL the Organizations/Clubs/etc. need to group up. As it is now, All are fighting each other for viewers/members/followers/etc. from a niche audience perhaps? Why? Clicks, advertising, etc., what reason?
Example; There are Countless Veterans Organizations. DAV, American Legion, Wounded Warriors, USO, etc. all fighting each other for donations, volunteers, members etc. Why do they not all group up into one giant Organization? Money, power, what reason?
Meanwhile SJW Non-Profit Organizations grow in size by linking together, hmmmmm

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You are naive. If this concept was graspable to every race of man the Aryan would not be the guardian of civilization.

Evidence of national neurosis today is only too abundant. The almost unbelievable shifts and stratagems and blundering follies of modem democratic governments represent one of its facets. The brazen and suicidal rampages of vested interests represent another. The astounding depravity of the Press represents a third. Evidence even more direct is supplied by the facile and poisonous Utopianism of the post-War period: the meaningless catchwords and slogans, the advocacy of the brave new world by human leeches sticking frantically to the bad old order, the failure of the Conservative to conserve, the inability of the Progressive to progress, the murder of the intellect by the intellectuals, and above all the hanging, drawing and quartering of Peace by pacifists who in the frenzy of their hysteria howl and dance and shriek for war. All these things indicate something more than a mental or spiritual stammer, they indicate a strongly entrenched neurosis which is the spirit's cancer and the trumpeter of death.

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fucking nazi cult … just like christians … fucking talking about a book thats old as fuck

blah blah blah , have an original thought

Today a new mythos is dawning… the mythos of the blood… the belief that the godly essence is to be defended through the blood.

The old beliefs will be brought back to honor again… the whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, the demonic. We shall wash off the christian veneer and bring out a religion peculiar to our race.

The religion of the blood.

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Hinduism is the only Indo-European racist religion !

Follow the way of Prajeet !

That painting is by a jew, though.

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Why do all of these faggots always say paganism is dead?

Holy fucking shit, it has never died.

From Mein Kampf:

The future of a movement is determined by the devotion, and even intolerance, with which its members fight for their cause.

They must feel convinced that their cause alone is just, and they must carry it through to success, as against other similar organisations in the same field.

It is quite erroneous to believe that the strength of a movement must increase if it is to be combined with other movements of a similar kind.

Any expansion resulting from such a combination will of course mean an increase in external development, which superficial, observers might consider to be also an increase of power; but in reality the movement thus admits outside elements which will subsequently weaken its constitutional vigour. Though it may be said that one movement is identical in character with another, in reality no such identity exists.

If it did exist, then in practice there would not be two movements, but only one. No matter what the difference may be, even if it consists only in the measure in which the capabilities of the one set of leaders differ from those of the other, it is still there.

It is against the natural law of all development to couple dissimilar organisms; for the law is that the stronger must overcome the weaker and, through the struggle necessary for such a conquest, increase the constitutional vigour and effective strength of the victor.

By amalgamating political organisations that are approximately alike, certain immediate advantages may be gained, but advantages thus gained are bound in the long run to become the cause of internal weaknesses which will make their appearance later on.

Also from Mein Kampf:

All those movements which owe their expansion to a so-called combination of similar organisms, which means that their external strength is due to a policy of compromise, are like plants whose growth is forced in a hothouse.

They shoot up rapidly, but they lack that inner strength which enables the natural plant to grow into a tree that will withstand the storms of centuries.

The greatness of every powerful organisation which embodies a creative ideal lies in the spirit of religious devotion and intolerance with which it stands out against all others, because it has an ardent faith in its own cause.

If an ideal is right in itself and, furnished with the fighting weapons I have mentioned, wages war on this earth, then it is invincible and persecution will only add to its internal strength.

So you worship the aryan race?

That is just nordic mythology, my sweet summer child.

Wrong board faggot, get to reading.

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Oh god, keep poo in loo shit in poo in loo please.

inb4 muh yoga

same fucking shit , no new thread , no new thought , no new reply

fucking shit , just sage me instead … i dont need to be bothered with more useless shit

what the fucking point is of this thread, people alredy know what in that book

who were you calling naive, again?

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Hi, my name is jamal. And even though I love to muhdick everything and kang shit. I want to build a superior race of human beings, which is master over all the other peoples and has at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world. Just gibmedats first.

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Again, as said, poo in loo get the fuck out.

There's a huge problem when they try to shill this over actual european mythology like greco-roman or norse/germanic.

Again, Untermensch. Go back to 4cuck.

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Swatiska is nordic/germanic, friend.

It's indo-Aryan. That was before the nordic/germanic categories existed.

That's the fucking OP I've been talking about all along you humongous retard.

What about them is religious? It's the proclamation of political doctrine with the intent of creating a party that can take power in Germany and govern it with a new goal in mind, not that of founding a new church. They are also just quotes of Hitler, not the words of OP which is what the basis of a fucking argument needs to be. Is OP like you retarded and completely misunderstanding what Hitler is saying? I don't know, because he doesn't say jack shit about what he believes the significance of these quotes are or what he believes they should be used for. It is not my job to guess what OP sees in these quotes, it's OPs job to fucking tell me, and then explain why they should be seen as the foundations of a religion as opposed to as a political vision, the importance these quotes would have in that religion and what form that religion would have. He does none of that which leaves absolutely no body of reasoning to judge or critique.

Yes, and not all religions are worth wasting your breath on either, even if they slap Hitler's face on the logo. The power in a religion lies in the commitment of it's followers, which is instilled through rites. What commitment would set National Socialism the religion apart from National Socialism the world view? How could the commitment to your people and your blood be any greater in the religion than what is already demanded by the world view? By what reasoning does he reject those who say that National Socialism as a world view is of such a magnitude that it surpasses all previous notions of religion and politics and thus makes these terms irrelevant? We don't know becasue OP doesn't say jack shit.

You do not even know what an Aryan is. Shut the fuck up. If you have to be spoonfed, watch this.

Wrong, you don't even know what a nordic/germanic person is.

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Yeah, just ignore the newfag. He is kinda irritating.

Aryan people come from Atlantis or Thule, not some fucking shithole.


Get filtered 4cuck nigger. Also, no more (((you)))s for you.

Again, watch this

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in what way are "nazis" like christians? are you a woman? whats your reddit username?

in case you missed it, check out the first several sentences in the first post here

At this time, I suspect that many present-day problems that Europeans face stem from European spiritual disease/desolation, which is arguably the designed result of semitic ideologies (including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Marxism, and Holocaustianity) that jews and their "shabbos goyim" attempted to spread throughout Europe via charlatanry, brainwashing, bribery, fear, and/or bloodshed.

Further, I suspect that Hitler attempted to create a better European spirituality, a spirituality that does not have the shortcomings of native European religions nor the shortcomings of foreign jew-concocted alternatives.

prayer beads and tantras are not designed to instill follower commitment, they are designed to stop followers from thinking.

this might be surprising to you, but religious groups do not have to treat their followers like mindless cattle.

Oh god, the fucking poo in loo.

Fuck off, we come from Thule, the island far north, and not any street shitter land.

^ Still thinks the pontic steppe is in india.

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Hitler was reviving german paganism you little cuckold.

Why don't you go back to the old way instead of venerating the man who tried to back to the old way.

Have you read a fucking mantra? Have you prayed?


^ He thinks the indo-europeans are the same as mongoloids

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*click picture*



You trolled 2 hard schlomo




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The one useful post in this thread. Sadly it will never get through to the ethnopluralists who are incurable in their deranged belief that National Socialism is about all races holding hands and sharing the planet and not about the strong pushing aside the weak to pursue the path only he can walk, ordained to him by the creator. It doesn't matter how many times Hitler stresses that this is the will of Nature or how many times he says more living space must be won, they just can't take in that National Socialism is neither pacifistic or possible to pursue for anyone but the Aryan,

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He could be acting retarded on purpose

let's see what Hitler had to say about that

From Mein Kampf:

It is typical of such persons that they rant about ancient Teutonic heroes of the dim and distant ages, stone axes, battle-spears and shields, whereas in reality they themselves are the woefullest poltroons imaginable.

For they are the very same people who brandish Teutonic tin swords that have been fashioned carefully according to ancient models and wear padded bear-skins, with the horns of oxen mounted over their bearded faces, proclaim that all contemporary conflicts must be decided by the weapons of the mind alone, and skedaddle at the very sight of a communist cudgel. Posterity will have little occasion to write a new epic on these heroic gladiators.

I have seen too much of that kind of person not to feel a profound contempt for their miserable play-acting. To the masses of the nation they are just an object of ridicule; but the Jew finds it to his own interest to treat these völkisch comedians with respect and to prefer them to real men who are fighting to establish a German State.

Yet such people are extremely proud of themselves. Notwithstanding their complete fecklessness, which is an established fact, they pretend to know everything better than other people; so much so, that they make themselves a veritable nuisance to all sincere and honest patriots, to whom not only the heroism of the past is worthy of honour, but who also feel bound to leave examples of their own work for the inspiration of the coming generation.

Seems like Hitler is mad jelly about these teutonic LARPers.

>using a (((jedis))) meme quote which is itself an absolute

You are definitely OP, being this fucking defensive. Like I've said I've read your retarded OP. It says absolutely nothing.

Great. Literally not a single word about National Socialism or what the nature of what the nature, structure and practice of a National Socialist religion should be. The only thing one can guess at is that it should not be spread via "charlatanry, brainwashing, bribery, fear, and/or bloodshed" which would be a fucking nothing statement. It's about as insightful as saying the religion should not be evil.

You suspect Hitler attempted to create a better European spirituality? Fantastic. Why do you suspect this? How do interpret what he said and did to arrive at this? What would this better European spirituality be? Oh, that's right, you never say jack shit to explain this.

What are these shortcomings? How would the better European spirituality overcome these shortcomings? What do you base this on? How do you interpret what Hitler said to justify that position? You never say so there is absolutely nothing to pursue here. There is literally no independent information present in the whole second sentence. Everything depends on already knowing why you suspect what you suspect and to already know what you consider a shortcoming. This way of writing is a clear suggestion that you have autism. Not the internet kind of autism, not the kike psychology autism that can be applied to anyone, but the real physiological dysfunction that causes abnormal cognition, becasue you clearly can't see how these sentence are completely meaningless to anyone who does not possess your thoughts.


i always just interpreted "worldview" to roughly be the equivalent of what "pill" you have taken. e.g red pill, blue pill, etc. i dont think it is a religious thing in any way, although religion in general would be a subset of it. it covers a wider scope than just religion.
also the semantics of white spirituality nowadays has unsurprisingly pretty much been destroyed. it's like it's all been relegated to down to buzzwords and strawmen. jews have been pretty successful in that regard.
i am reminded that in mid-2018, the term "red pill" has fractured into having different meanings. maybe it originally meant knowing about the jews/holohoax and then they had the reddit pick up artist thing, and during 2016/17 things like green, purple, and iron pill varieties came about during the time when the trump subreddit began to bring a deffinition of red pill in their own subhuman direction. the slow decay has led to a situation where we are currently left with the original phrase that has no real meaning or impact anymore along with a few others, most common among them being "black pill" which usually just boils down to pure demoralization (maybe originally it was some kind of nietzschean thing but it is irredeemable now).

better than trying to make natsoc a religion or whatever OP is trying to do would be to just coin the phrase "weltanshauung pill" or something like that, and it will basically just be redpill 2.0, or hitler/natsoc's worldview; only difference is that it would need to be updated to include more manifest destiny and genocide. to prevent it from being co-opted a hundred times like the last time it would need to start off with clear-cut hard stances.
an alternative to coming up with a new pill entirely would be to co-opt the white pill. i think this is the easiest option

aside from the implication there, what do you think a deity even is?
fedora-tier implication

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Or we go back to the old way.

Jesus christ.

Venerating Wotan has nothing to do dressing up for a mascaraed and talking like it's the first century BC when trying to establish a political movement, which is what Hitler objected against you fucking retard. You have to be completely blind to not see all the pre-christian symbolism and nomenclature used in National Socialist Germany.

Your line of reasoning is as dumb as saying Hitler must have objected to the millennia old rites that are performed in catholic churches on the basis that he would have called a new political party dressing up as Jesus christ and the apostles idiotic.

Historically Germanic societies made their King the commander of all "Priests" and not the other way around. This is why Germanic peoples rebelled against the Pope into Protestantism controlled by a King. Even before Protestantism there were many Germanic Kings trying to control the papacy following this understanding.

Hitler who was essentially the König of "Germanic Peoples" continued this tradition by making decrees concerning the belief of his folk. The King deserves this right since his life is spent so close to the other realms and he sees and he hears best.

wrong. check again, and this time use your extra-strength reading glasses.

wrong again.

among other things, it looks like you missed this quote from

The ideals set forth in a Weltanshauung and the demands arising from them cannot be realised by mere sentiment and inner longing any more than freedom can be won by universal yearning for it.

Only when the idealistic longing … is organized in such a way that it can fight for its ideal with military force, only then can the urgent wish of a people become a vital reality.

hmm, among other things, maybe Hitler repeatedly saying things like "our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith" suggests that Hitler attempted to create a better European spirituality.

you are evidently being obtuse and not reading the words in front of your face.

let's see you fail to read another excerpt from Mein Kampf where Hitler addresses these very issues (hint: among other things, germanic pagans failed to keep jews out of germany):

From Mein Kampf:

At that time, and subsequently, I had to warn followers repeatedly against these wandering völkisch scholars who never accomplished anything positive or practical, except to cultivate their own superabundant self-conceit.

The new Movement must guard against an influx of people whose only recommendation is their own statement that they have been fighting for these same ideals for the last thirty or forty years.

Now, if somebody has fought for forty years to carry into effect what he calls an ideal, and if these alleged efforts not only show no positive results, but have not even been able to hinder the success of the opposing party, then the story of those forty years of futile effort furnishes sufficient proof for the incompetence of such a protagonist.

Also from Mein Kampf:

A business man who has been in charge of a great firm for forty years and who has completely ruined it through mismanagement is not the kind of person one would recommend as the founder of a new firm …

Stop quoting Hitler and says what you want to say.

Uh yeah, pagan Germany had next to no jews.

Only when it was christianized that jews start to move in.

i can do both and i did do both.

at least you admit pagan germans failed to keep jews out of germany.

The fucking what?

Pagan Germany had less jews than Hitler's Germany.

Imagine that.

Say it again. Loudly. Because no one hears you.



Actually, the divinity of Norse mythology are actual warlords and heroes.

Good talk.

It's not talk, it's Teutonic mythology as composed by the Grimm Brothers, two of the most awesome folklorists ever alive.

And I don't remember the indian street shitter and desert cult.

You do realise that was Snorri writing the myths to suit Christian sensibilities right? It was a very popular trick at the time

So suiting Christian sensibilities is writing about viking heroes who kill christians?


You said divinity, I thought you were talking about the gods

The gods themselves are warlords who kill a lot of people.

The giants are probably from another tribes, and the vanir were a conquered tribe with heroes being lifted into the aesir, combined norse pantheon.

Ok no, refer to my first point

The gods are the divine beings who uphold order throughout the universe, the giants are chaotic forces that seek to uproot things. It's not sure what the Vanir are but they are nonetheless a key part the pantheon.

No jesus christ, nordic myths were far simpler than that, they are about tales of their ancestors who fought to protect the tribes. This is why nordic saga/myth are overly detailed regarding weapons, armors and loot, because that's what these people care about.

It's not about fucking metaphysics like greco-roman myths (where gods are an explaination for natural phenomone or human mental states).

Jewish religion is a special case because it's truly about preserving genetics and ethics (Judaism, OG Abrahamics), while propping up fake religions for foreigners so they can defend the jews.

This is true, and was also describes by Evola. The original kings were almost god kings, unifying temporal and spiritual power. The later differentiation into a wordly and a priestly class was already a sign of degeneration.

Go ahead and read your romanticist fairy tails, it doesn't change the fact that there is no evidence for your claims nor your knowledge on the subject of fairy tails will support your claims. I'm not gonna sit here and argue on your terms, because you think the Brothers Grimm "wrote good" it doesn't make your arguments fact faggot.

Go ahead and lay claim to your "spiritual causes" doesn't mean I need to listen to your stupid fucking brain diseases.

Incorrect, Jewish traders were widespread within the Roman Empire and the adjacent territories. On account of being unaffiliated with offical Roman power, they could move and trade freely e.g. along the amber route.

Good thing Brother Grimms have citations, as well as Snorri.

inb4 they fake all cracka

Wow, I think you oughta to read more mythology and spend less times on Zig Forums.