A light so bright, everything else is a shadow
At this time, I suspect that many present-day problems that Europeans face stem from European spiritual disease/desolation, which is arguably the designed result of semitic ideologies (including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Marxism, and Holocaustianity) that jews and their "shabbos goyim" attempted to spread throughout Europe via charlatanry, brainwashing, bribery, fear, and/or bloodshed.
Further, I suspect that Hitler attempted to create a better European spirituality, a spirituality that does not have the shortcomings of native European religions nor the shortcomings of foreign jew-concocted alternatives.
A term that Hitler frequently used in his book Mein Kampf is the word "Weltanshauung" which roughly means "world view".
From Mein Kampf:
Thus, when the Iron Chancellor surrendered the fate of his struggle against Marxism to the goodwill of the bourgeois Democracy, he was leaving the goat to take care of the garden. But this was only the logical result of failure to find a fundamentally new Weltanshauung which was diametrically opposed to Marxism and inspired by an ardent determination to sweep all before it. Thus the result of the Bismarckian campaign was a bitter disappointment.
Also from Mein Kampf:
This is also a sign of … cultural decay and general break-up.
Our era is entirely preoccupied with petty materialistic considerations, or rather it is entirely preoccupied with the question of money.
Therefore, it is not to be wondered at if, with the worship of such an idol, the sense of heroism should entirely disappear, but the present is only reaping what the past has sown.
Also from Mein Kampf:
Is it possible to eradicate ideas by force of arms? Can a Weltanshauung be attacked by means of physical force?
At that time, I turned these questions over and over in my mind. By studying analogous cases, exemplified in history, particularly those which had arisen from religious circumstances, I came to the following fundamental conclusion. Ideals and ideologies, as well as movements grounded on a definite spiritual foundation, whether true or false, can never be broken by the use of force after a certain stage, except on one condition, namely, that this use of force is wielded in the service of a new ideal or Weltanshauung which burns with a new flame.
The application of force alone, without moral support based on a spiritual concept, can never bring about the destruction of an ideal or arrest the propagation of it, unless one is ready and able ruthlessly to exterminate to a man the last upholders of that ideal, and also to wipe out any tradition which it may tend to leave behind.
Also from Mein Kampf:
At a time when the one side, armed with all the weapons of its Weltanshauung, no matter how criminal, makes an attack against the established order, the other side will be able to resist only if its resistance takes the form of a new faith. In our case, this is a political faith which exchanges the slogans of weak and cowardly defence for the battle-cry of a courageous and ruthless attack.
Our present movement is accused, especially by the so-called national bourgeois cabinet ministers (the Bavarian representatives of the Centre, for example) of heading towards a revolution.
We have only one answer to give to those political pygmies, namely, 'We are trying to remedy that which you, in your criminal stupidity, have failed to accomplish. By your parliamentarian jobbing you have helped to drag the nation into ruin, but we, by our aggressive policy, are setting up a new Weltanshauung which we shall defend with indomitable devotion. Thus we are building the steps on which our nation once again may ascend to the temple of freedom.'
Thus during the first stages of founding our Movement we had to take special care that our militant group, which fought for the establishment of a new and exalted political faith, should not degenerate into a society for the promotion of parliamentarian interests.
Also from Mein Kampf:
The ideals set forth in a Weltanshauung and the demands arising from them cannot be realised by mere sentiment and inner longing any more than freedom can be won by universal yearning for it.
Only when the idealistic longing … is organized in such a way that it can fight for its ideal with military force, only then can the urgent wish of a people become a vital reality.