From kikepedia
They are seriously retarded.
Not really sure this deserved it's own thread, but the irony is tangible nonetheless
Wow, corporate shilling does work after all.
Kidding, I'm not surprised in the slightest by this coming from liberals.
Probably not, maybe turn it into a a salt thread about Trump's thread to UK?
Wow, preach about toxic then she spews pure toxic avenger goo throughout a waste of serve space for her post.
Zero problem with Brits making (((Trump))) look bad, but I hate that they think there morally superior when they're just as badly cucked if not horribly worse off. People focus too much on figureheads.
t. Increasingly anxious kike
Britain needs a mercy nuke.
I loved this album and thought it was really poignant.
When I was 14.
Seems appropriate.
t. someone who calls people kikes when they don't like what you have to say
Labour/Lib Dem faggots need to worry about the UK government going to shit before trying to insult the US. On second thought, let them worry more about international politics over internal politics and see how well that works out for those nigger enabling cunts.
Meanwhile the zionist Conservative party continues to promote queers, blacks and jews just like the Lib Dems and Labour do
This, they can say wtver the fuck they want about Trump, but UK is a monarchy…a fucking monarchy in 2018.
I would rather live in fucking Somalia than in a monarchy in 2018 fucking hell.
The "charts" are controlled by Jews dingus. They aren't actually a real thing
Never said to support those kikes but that their screeching at the US does nothing. No one other than US liberalfags care about how other liberals act. UK politics unfortunately are complete shit from the conservatives to israel loving UKIP the best bet at this point and honeypot (now dead) BNP. Its not like the US is in a better position. It however has a chance to show how impotent their rage,as well as maybe demoralizing, and a useless distraction. From a quick analysis on the situation, I could be wrong
You have to go back
your king can suck my dick
You have to go back to Africa
UKIP is the best bet for what exactly?
no never , your king my dick
UKIP doesn't really have concrete policies on certain subjects as its mostly a single issue party with its included relative youthful members thus inexperience they could be swayed to certain opinions or be infiltrated by more knowledgeable anons. Again not the best option but it is an option. Look at smaller elections in the US as an example even if they aren't all successful they at least show themselves and by gaining votes it shows people support anti-jewish policies.
They haven't been relevant in years and this is clearly staged.
Its like pottery.
Oi lad! Ya' fuhgut to pay yuh teevee loicense.
brevity is the soul of wit
I be the idiots still think Nirvana was on their side too.
Jonathan swift
A nigger just fucked my dick. I just shit my pants, I'm not even joking right now. . . .
pics or it didn't happen
THis is an actual photograph. I edited out the pants shitting because it was too lewd.
stop filling the catalog with shit-tier threads you absolute cockmongler
UKIP is willingly being infiltrated by muh-skeptic civnat faggots who still think we're playing a game here. Notice that the party doesn't accept former members of the BNP or EDL – that's for optics and to keep out the "racists."
In other words, UKIP is all about protecting Britain, so it's in good shape when the pakis take over.
Fuck UKIP. I wish it the very best in Brexit, and it's a delight to watch the chaos from a distance, but fuck them. They're the Kerensky government to the ultimate white Bolsheviks who will not only lead Britain out of the EU, but back into a global empire. No niggers this time. Just gas and occupy.
UK will forever be jealous America invented true Punk Rock.
Ramones was right wing, get fucked faggots.
Trump should cancel his arrival the day of. Then reschedule it for a later date. Then before that date, he should announce that he already visited.
One nation controlled by the media
None of this matters it’s a Jew band promoting white males turn gay so the niggers and Jews have a chance.
UKIP is Jewish opposition. They have a Friends of Israel group inside them that dictates all their actions.
London forum used to have a video up by a guy who got fired for asking about the Jews in UKIP. He got no named immediately and didn't find out until the new day when the media contacted him about it.
Oh wait, you tards weren’t aware that they were Jews?
Not surprised.
Caligula reference?
Impressant. . .
Really goes well with their surface level intellect.
The charts are meaningless. It's just being pushed on streams and radio stations.
I'd tell them to look in a mirror, but those are illegal there as they can be used as weapons.
It's like I'm a middle aged man watching his father get dementia. You're not only concerned for him, you're also afraid it's going to happen to you soon enough.
Don't forget this
can we get perfect system by oingo boingo in the charts too?
It's a bunch of good goys protesting against a good goy. Either way, the Jew wins.
I'm surprised at how many people don't understand this.
I was questioning this shit when I was 10 like what they just tabulate all phone calls across thousands of radio stations all of which are supposedly competing with each other?
Applying occams razor when lacking full knowledge is truly socratic.
c'est la vie
So you're saying a jew invented punk rock.
Yes we're jealous.
Unironically listening to a bunch of Jew York kikes, let me guess, you also like (((Twisted Sister))), (((Kiss))) and even a bit of (((Simon and Garfunkel))) ?
You've tried that line on other threads, shityid. Your pathetic shilling isn't convincing anybody but I hope I can convice you to kill yourself.
maybe these sales will make green day return to their roots instead of the shit like unos dos tres and that new garbage they released
who am i kidding they stopped being relevant and ear pleasing after 5th grade
I would seriously be embarrassed if I was a native Brit. They let their country go to shit, don't actively hunt down and kill the assholes raping their kids, allow their free speech to be taken away, elect a fucking MUSLIM as Mayor of London, and now throw a "party" in the streets of the once proud capital to not even know what they are protesting….
If I am a Brit I would be applying to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible to the states as that is unreal…
I remember almost getting a tattoo of them when I was a kid.
Punk is constantly cucked because it desperately tries to be bleeding edge even as the world turns.
For example this song was written as some faggoty left-wing justice bullshit, but today it could be heard as a call to action for far-right white nationalist groups.
Punk rock is for pearl clutching soccer moms.
Shit, they're still relevant? When I was in high school we bullied the fuck out of any emo faggot that listened to green day same any fucker that says they're going to listen to some linkin park.
That's more apparent when leftists use
Give it a few years and they'll be one in the same.
The visit is over fuck off,
is there a rottentomatoes of popmusic?
also, who keeps bumping this