Zig Forums writes a book!
Rather, I’M writing a book. After something like 10 years of research, data aggregation, general reading, and browsing Zig Forums, I just can’t take it anymore. I HAVE to use what talents and skills are left in me to fix some of the problems in the world. There is no “single” redpill–no stake through the heart of jewish propaganda that turns the entire vampire to dust all at once–but that’s no excuse for us to not have all of our weapons in a single package. And to that end, I’m writing a book. I want to tie everything together, taking full advantage of a digital format, to allow us to jump back and forth between topics and chapters to see how they all connect, how they play off each other, and ✡where✡ they originate. For the sake of our understanding, we have to put the puzzle together. And not just for us–normalfags. I’m writing it for them, too. If we’re EVER going to succeed at anything, we need to get off our asses and start being able to hold PROOF of our claims (all of our claims, all at once) in our hands, ready in seconds to show anyone, at any time out in the real world. Cited and sourced. I intend for every single word of this to be objective truth. I won’t be adding speculation or opinion or musings. Truth, point A to point ∞, beginning to end.
I’m about 500 pages in, and fuck if it’s not going to be another 500 by the time it’s done. But that’s just the thing; it’s only a first draft, and I’m only one man. My memory is fallible, and I might have personal biases. I might forget to include topics that HAVE to be discussed. I (probably) don’t know about some REALLY important fringe issues that would help me make a vital connection from one chapter to another–from a part of jewish upbringing to a specific jewish adult behavior to the real-world implications of this behavior for the gentiles. So I’m calling on you all. Help me figure out what to add and where. Help me determine the chapter order (it’s not extremely important, since my intent is for readers to jump to topics as they need, but it helps). Let me know what sections and subsections I’m missing. In each chapter and section, what topics should I cover? What type of content should be there? I can give examples of any given set of content that I’ve already written, but again, I’m just one person. Who knows if I’m missing the real core of a specific topic? And what if there’s a point I’ve already added that ties into another chapter… but I haven’t noticed yet?
I can see this becoming one of our most valuable resources, but only if it’s done right: through total completion and total factuality. To give you a feel for what I intend for it to be, take a look at the image with my table of contents. Then, if you’ve time, read a draft of the first chapter and the afterword. As to the content of the afterword, remember that it’s just a summary. Each sentence will eventually link the reader back to the relevant chapter or section, where I expound on what’s being said there. It’s just a taste of what was already written… but what else should be important enough to mention in the afterword, too? I want to do this right.