This is mainly for newfags
If you have been on Zig Forums you might have heard the word shill come up a few times. A shill is someone who will try to derail an important topic, divide and conquer us or tries to invoke a reaction using various different techniques. They are usually paid to shit up the board and make it worse than it actually is this is usually to muddy the waters for newfags and hurts their viewing of the place especially if they fall for what the shill is sprouting. I'll go over some tactics shills use and explain why they use them.
The first tactic is sliding. Basically they make a thread then post it and do this in large amounts. You can usually tell when a thread is a slide thread because it will usually be low effort and it tries to invoke a reaction out of you. Common shill threads include anything with Zig Forums in it and shit about multiculturalism being anything other than shit. Slide threads are usually made to hide something they don't want you to see.
Another common tactic is divide and conquer they try to expliot a fracture point inbetween the community and then weaken us by making them fight each other instead of the actual enemy. A great example of this is the pagans, atheists and christians I think they're all shills tbh . They also try to weaken our culture like the recent attacks on anime by some shills. These ones can be difficult to spot.
Finally the third method is blackpilling basically what they do is they try to demoralise us and weaken our faith that anything can actually be done to stop the amount of bullshit currently happening in modern society. We have made a lot of progress and this is showing since people are starting to fight back against the jews though indirectly. Blackpilling is to stop us from making more progress and it's a sign that the jews are scared.
Shills are pretty easy to identify these are the most obvious ways to catch them.
Check their id and the time since the post if the id has the number 1 next to it and they haven't posted in about an hour and a half then they are most likely a shill.
If they try to change the topic of the thread to a different topic then it's most likely a shill
Anything promoting rampant degeneracy like porn, multiracial relationships, communism or shit like incest definitely a shill
Trying to divert the attention away from the jews definitely a shill
Whatever you do don't give them a (((you))) because that gives them some money and we don't want that.