Brit/pol/ #2848: Reverse Midas Touch Edition

Ukip's defeat in EU elections cast doubts on party's future

London Bridge attack inquest: Steroids 'unlikely' to have affected behaviour

Muslim Council demands Tory Islamophobia inquiry

Equality watchdog launches Labour anti-Semitism probe

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Thanks for the new thread.

Special request for the man like Fred West

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delete this rn

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was fucking inevitable that our politics devolved into stupid shit like this, thankfully TBP's success yesterday means people are waking up a bit

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Nigger cleared of rape

Why are they mentioning the gender?

okay neat you can get around women lying about rape if you're a nigger

Fuck that stupid cunt, deserved it

Heart-breaking photo of helpless blonde seal being strangled by fishing net that cuts into its neck exposes reality of plastic pollution in Britain

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"female" 22st

Judging from the accusation of plying them with booze it's possible he actually did rape them but got off wahey because he's ethnic

Saw the corpse of a rat covered in flies in the garden. Moved it with a stick and its torn belly was crawling with maggots. Sobering stuff.

how fucking long had you just left it there

just read about the Warwick rape chat lads and I'm literally shaking right now

impossible not to raep when your uni is full of sizzling-hot little qts

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Looking it up now tbh, spoonfeed me

tbf they actually do lie about rape so it's understandable

Every single lad should be following the Pence Law tbqh

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Warwick is William Stronghold tbh

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read that as nigel

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oh for fuck sake I've said worse things in a chat, this is fucking nothing

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There was no victim ffs, there was a rat who was desperate to talk to a woman and sperged

would unironically buy that aftershave

That's what I was expecting tbh, this just seems like banter

Just pour a bit of ale on yourself lad tbh

already done

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I hate photographers, a US militaryfag in vietnam had a great quote on photographers. instead of taking the picture he could have just helped the seal. its not like 'making a statement' causes the industrial output of global civilization to shift away from plastic, all it does is cause negative depressive loosh energy. if the seal is too weak just club it and make a seal skin coat or something.

uhh lad do you really expect a bleeding heart virtue signaller to actually do some fucking work?

I still find it funny how everyone has now forgot about Kony.

unironically kekked tbh

if so kekking hard

Is this meant to be anti-Nige?

I don't get it.

I've multiple different chats where we do the same thing, it's all just taking the utter piss and the whole idea is to make it as disgusting as possible.
Our system is ruled by women.

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It's impossible to tell since every caricature attacking him is just endearing.

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ffs they were her mates, what a fucking cunt.

it makes it look like he has just gone cazy from all his epin pwnage

its funney how normalfags are so susceptible to all these social media control mechanisms

Never trust a thot

If they were black or Muslim

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I get that the press is just trying to sell a story but for fuck sake, this shit is commonplace unless you're an autistic spaz who shits themselves whenever someone says a rude.

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can't wait for Bongo Bongo Land fags to end up like this

Saying it again, follow the Pence Law.

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hmm yes let's remove all outlets for men to vent their stresses then make them work emasculating wagie jobs and ensure that in all media they are constantly lambasted and made to feel like villainous shits this totally won't create psychopaths

I found it very endearing.

Snitch culture tbh, people always go on about muh Orwell but never really talk about how the worst part of 1984 was people snitching on their families and friends to the state for goodboy points.

All it does is encourage people, you can't tell everyone to "rebel" and then go "no actually only rebel against what we tell you to rebel against"
Shit like this will only encourage more shit like this.

tbh lad if that's what they want to do then fucking let them do it, we'll have hourly happenings

Spot on, they are encouraging this wankish nonsense

based tbh


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point taken and i'm here for it tbh 💅

nothing lowlier than a snitch

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all this does is encourage people to go anonymous/underground where it's far harder for the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) to find them, let it fucking happen, daftiness is far easier to accelerate when anonymous.

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Who's that snitch in Recess? That's what these wankers are.

wonder if women who joke about cutting mens dicks off and other shite will ever get this same treatment tbh?


whens the brincel uprising gonna happen

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of course they won't lad, the double standards have never been clearer

lel that's the one, bunch of fucking poofs and nerds
We need to bring back shame culture and point it right at them, they'll shit themselves.

the elliot rogers face

surprised she doesn't have an OBE for single handedly boosting UK gdp

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When are we setting up a far-right distributionist party lads?

She won't be sent home instead.


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The rape never ends.

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Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad thought he was donald trump

tbh can't she just claim she ""earnt"" it in her home country where she belongs ?

what a time to be alive

Neither of those are distributionist tbh.

also put your trip back on SA

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the juggalo mormon amish troika republic will surely defeat the la creatura horde

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but replacement is a conspiracy theory

wonder what will happen to sargoy in prison, will he debate mohammed and mudmet on individual liberties or make friends with them trolling and owning the libs?

She looks like Alien

why the fuck would you tattoo your lip


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Starring IDRIS ELBA as CARL BENJAMIN (Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad OF AKKAD)
cant wait lads

gone forever

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American farms like that seem comfy.

*remembers that CIA video on how they're going to have to operate in emerging megacities*

I saw the article in passing earlier and thought I was hallucinating.

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You gonna drink today lad?


Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad of blackdad tbh

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I hope he's been enjoying these results.

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As an illegal Immigrant – i swam over the channel from France to vote for BREXIT.


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good now swim back.

okay now feck orf back to where you came from