Twitter thread
Is this now going to mean getting swatted by hope not hate for going on half chan or watching a libertarian youtube channel.
The state of the UK
Hope not hate holds meeting to stop students from being redpilled
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It's funny that pic shows two controlled opposition shills who denounce any jewish involvement at all in the enslavement and debasement of gentile nations.
Sage for I don't see a fucking point here. Just more libshit salt and tears.
I just feel sorry for anyone at school not being able to have their own opinions
It's the new wave fashy based MAGApede tier retards who call a "Red-pill" someone who used to be a retarded left wing minded faggot that doesn't want to vote for the left wing jew paradigm anymore and instead elects to vote for right wing jews instead
It's retarded, counter productive and everything that Zig Forums used to be against
It is an interesting example of foreign invader cooperating with local elites against the native people
It's shilling to create a false consensus. They're being incredibily obvious about it.
You don't remember Zig Forums being pro obama until ~2012? Newfags these days, I tells ya
So, let's see who Nick is promoting today.
So predictable.
This is just advertising for Rebel's shills and other controlled ops.
>this proves they're (((BASED))) and /ourjews/!!11 gotta dig deep and Patreon these guys up, help them FIGHT THE CENSORSHIP.
Dig deep, sheep.
That's because HnH's job is to promote controlled opposition by kvetching about them. This creates an air of right-wing "street cred" and increases trust in the agent.
It's an advertisement for the alt-kike.
Anyone HnH "attacks" can instantly be tagged as controlled opposition.
Every time.
newfag spotted
Nah, the kikes take issue with those Zionist shills because those figures are anti-Islam. Just semites defending semites as usual.
this shit back fires
1) people that dont know of these guys will research and hear ideas
2) people that already been redpilled will see this for what it is, a psyop and theyll even feel more disdain from their peers. This leads to outright removing yourself from the group as you see it as an enemy that wants to control you. This is how people get really extreme.
They're trying to get those platforms to remove that content. There's a logical basis to what we believe in, so they're trying to eliminate it so that we appear unreasonable and irrational.
It's funny how the tables have turned though. They used to accuse right-wingers of being fearful, but it turns out that the left has always been the fearful cowardly ones after all. That's why they wear masks when they assault us in public.
Molyneux is not even remotely a zionist.
Never said that, D&C kike. I said that semitic people take issue with others attacking semites. Both arabs and jews share the same blood.
Right-wing ecelebs have their real identities open, left-wing ecelebs don't because they're cowards who fight for a falsehood.
Is this the same shit as love has no labels or something like that? I saw some ads on right wing videos for that shit
Moly does have alot of factual evidence and cited sourced, he may be clickbaity and somewhat cherrypicks but he's at least factual. What is "pseudo-intellectual" anyways, does it mean you need to have degrees in such or such, I think as long as the person has the capacity to argue the word "intellectual" is just a masturbatory word that can describe just about anyone competent and well read.
Being a "psuedo-intellectual" in the eyes of the left is not being blinded by emotions and seeing the truth.
Lol looks like they've finally started researching Zig Forums. Either way these people are too inept and pathetic by nature.
If Grope not Rape put up a poster with some actual screenshots from Zig Forums and the Daily Stormer, whoever put up that poster would get eight years in jail for hate speech.
So there's that…
It's a double edged sword. I used to be a leftie with "teachings" laid on me everyday by my professor, she named a lot of "alt-right" youtubers and discussion boards, but the fact that these places were revealed to me had the opposite effect of which she intended, she intended me to be disgusted and go against these forums and e-celebs but it had the opposite effect.
just help me for fucks sake
They are just driving more people to these two who are not even far-right. Just wait until they see what is over the horizon.
Maybe we can judo flip (((their))) efforts in this area. Ever notice how many resources have to be poured into steering people away from the right, while the movement just keeps growing? It's almost as if there's truth to our position and it jibes with human nature. It's as if the Jews are trying to enforce a regime that's unnatural, and that can only work if every media company and government agency on earth is restlessly attacking the one, true viewpoint.
From now on, I'm just going to point out to people how much work it takes to trick people into believing in equality. It wouldn't take a fraction of that effort if there was any truth in it or it made sense.
I've seen people trying to make that argument.
Oh come on now user, don't tell me you forgot its a multistep process… You don't arrive at our conclusion until you lurk for years. You fall into the right left paradigm, then lolberg third position, moving to monarchism as you realize democracy is unsustainable and finally natsoc. Don't hate them for their starting point, simply lead them down the correct path. Not a single magapede can deny the demographic vote argument. The initial break to magapedeism is the first crack in the zog conditioning, it moves them to civic nationalism. Once you show them that civic nationalism is a meme and that only whites can maintain white civilizations, they can more easily make the transition since they've already seen one or two cracks in the zog zeitgeist. Its the same with peterson fags, they go to centrism and learn about stuff like IQ, then you come in and mention the racial aspect of IQ as well as how its only whites who are individualistic and they cannot refute that they're voting for the extinction of their own ideals.
An intellectual who holds an unacceptable worldview.
It's currently 798K
Someone without a PhD and formal training a subject who spends time thinking about a PhD level subject.
No he's a loxist more than a zionist.
It used to mean a person using multisymbolic words and terminology, often incorrectly, to appear more knowledgeable about a subject than they actually were.
Typical we refer to this sort of person as a sophist now as we have been relatively successful in reversing the “newspeak” push from the communists of the 90’s.
Lol kike you're so transparent. Molyneux has gone from being a lackadaisical day dreamer to full on anti-non-white, brown people are a plague, stop immigration immediately.
What in the ever loving fuck was that?
pic related
Basically this.
the joys of city government, user
you'll see shit worse than that if you're cursed enough to be elected
some good keks can be had when recurring characters show up
I don't see a problem with this.
good image there, user.
You fucked up.
This. You faggots realized this during the election when we memed ZOGBOT60000000 into office. Why not now?
The problem is that calling something ‘pseudointellectual’ is not an ahh-gument. That said, it's an odd word choice, since pseudointellectual is a character trait rather than a measure of content quality. I think they meant to say pseudoscience ‒ also not an argument but closer to what they seem to be after here. (Since a pseudointellectual could deliver a scientifically valid report, if they're just conveying others' findings). It would probably make better sense, from SPLC's point of view, to say Molyneux's an intellectual who uses his intellect to present pseudoscience to the masses and make it look like actual science, in furtherance of his white supremacist agenda, &c.
It's a disparity between one's advertised intelligence and degree of intellectual signalling, versus his actual intelligence and intellectual bona fides. Think of an IQ 108 who acts like he's a 131, or that guy who's read all the GRRM novels (this being at least half of his lifetime consumption in novels) and shits on the TV adaptation for all the wrong reasons (it's an unfaithful adaptation, the fans are stupid, &c.).
I wouldn't confuse intellectual with Ph.D. graduate; not to say there isn't a lot of overlap, but neither really implies the other. Ph.D.s generally will be microspecialists, and in my experience most tend to exhibit a complete lack of interest in fields outside their own. Maybe in an age where Ph.D. meant mastery of a certain pedigree of western learning, where those entering post-Baccalaureate education had already acquired a broad base of knowledge, then you could say that higher learning was a proxy for intellect. I would think of the intellectual as someone who retained a kernel of all formal learning from primary school onward (“I didn't learn a thing in all of [grade-level or series of grade-levels]” is a big-time pseud redflag, often followed up by, “Did you see the latest blog post on Science Blogs about how we have to harness the new skeptic revolution in order to eradicate Christians, on account of their small-minded bigotry against Muslims?”), never accepts their current level of knowledge in any field as adequate, and can hold conversations with subject matter experts in outside fields about those fields without it being totally boring to those experts (such as it otherwise would be for said experts to try to describe their field to a normalfag).
Funny how Mall-Inn-Yoo's channel is virtually nothing but tens of thousands of hours of him standing bug-eyed in a bright-white, well-lit room, and they somehow unearthed a picture of him in a dark street corner with a sinister expression.
Hope like faith is a delusion told to you by the control freaks and weak sociopaths to get you to comply with their demands.
Don’t buy into bullshit. Your mind is the connection to God, and your body is the temple.
Just wait until we start hurting more than their feelings.
Is there anyone who isn’t a Jewish shill?