NOT the thread with (((jewish))) OP.

k is good as gold on gun rights and immigration, and is a specialist in adlaw so he'll be working on cleaning up and simplifying administration. his resume is solid so no idealogical fault lines like abortion. he also is a big "fuck you" to clinton, look at the history. trump will save abortion for the pick to replace (((ginsburg))). probably the catholic niggerlover woman who is really solid pro-life.

trump knows he's got at least 2 if not 3 more pics coming, and he wanted to shore up gun rights and immigration, and judge k does that. check the ages of (((ginsburg))) and (((breyer))). also thomas will want to go when he can be confident that another constitutional originalist similar to himself will take his place. maybe even after this next scotus term.

in this election, the gop will take 2-8 senate seats, my guess is 5 taken for total of 56, so trump can go really hog wild with any pick he wants in the next session. so he will get to replace thomas, thomas will make sure of it, and he will pick at least one of the replacements for the two old (((jews))), if not both. bottom line, this is about as good a pick as trump could make in 2018 usa and is gonna be great for anons for the next 30-40 years unless he gets scalia'ed.

bonus, trump would get to fill k's seat on the dc circuit.

ignore the jews who will post itt with their "muh wait for hitler" trolling, which will be slightly modified to "muh WAAAAH! this judge isn't hitler" for this scotus pick. the sheer volume of their posting itt is proof that k's a good, solid pick.

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Other urls found in this thread:,amp.html

I don't give a shit about what either side says until I see the man actually take action. He's already chosen so any further input and opinion is entirely worthless.

Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court Could Spell Trouble for Tech
by (((Issie Lapowsky)))

Remember all the "net neutrality" (((proponents))) who flooded this board back in the day? Well, Judge K is gonna make those hooked-nose fuckers cry a little more.

The shills are pissed it wasnt the kike or the coalburner
This nomination is a rallying point for the midterms. The dems blew their load early by calling him literally hitler, and showing their hand with the canned response. They know its over, partly why theyre flooding the board with shills.
don't take the bait, filter +

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to Supreme Court is a harsh reminder: “Elections have consequences”

by (((Matthew Rozsa))) at

Nobody is buying your shit, kike.

5 things to know about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh,amp.html

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Does shrieking "HITLER" for everyone outside the Democratic party actually convince anyone at this point? Assume that normalfags think Hitler did something wrong: he's the symbol of ultimate evil right now. For almost 75 years now they've been screaming that everyone they don't like is Hitler and that ebil nadzees are hiding around every corner. You start to tune out the boy crying Hitler after he does it a couple times and Hitler is nowhere to be found. At most it might serve as a way to motivate the self-hating White soy left to get their asses out and vote. Niggers won't vote unless there's a nigger to vote for and they're bribed. Beaners are the same, they want bribes and amnesty for illegal Mexicans. Jews control the party so they vote no matter what.

I just have to think that the few swing voters who are still left at this point aren't being swayed by leftist hyperbole anymore. Kavanaugh isn't Hitler, his views are pretty common among white men as a whole and only considered radical by the far left.

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Methinks (((they))) have crossed the line into a form of aversion therapy where normalfags are desensitized to (((their))) accusations.

Translation: Undo all of our anti-white bullshit

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It seems to have worked on all the MAGApedo spastics who are on their extended redditor raid here

Oy vey! it's not da content thats problematic, it's da foymatting!

Leftists, like women, have a fear of being outgrouped. See fashion for an example.

Some (((people))) and especially (((advertisers))) capitalize on this.

Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s Supreme Court Pick, Is Probably the End of Abortion Rights and Same-Sex Marriage

>That is exactly what advocates [for] women’s and LGBT rights fear.

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I just love the probably in red text

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Don't they teach you about IDs in shill-school anymore?

((( >Stern )))
Entirely expected. Roe isn't going to be overturned, even among people who dislike abortion, the will to actually make a sustained push all the way through to overturning it isn't there. Leftists see their baby-killing as a sacred right akin to the first 2 amendments. The right is split between pro-life hardliners, the indifferent, and the "What race is it?" factions. This is just another hyperventilating kike journo who forgot to bring his inhaler to the office with him.

In journalism, using "probably" or a question mark in the title of your article means you don't actually have any facts to report. It's blog-tier.

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Abortion kills more niggers than you ever will. Fuck off christ-cuck.

The content is reddit tier too.

I agree with
I honestly doubt conservatives in America today will even deign to pick up the abortion struggle, its all about cucking for based blacks and slow speed liberalism and wars for Israel.
Hell isn't cucking for Israel under threat too if the democratic party continues to pursue its strategy of bringing in more brown voters who just don't give two shits about Israel?

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Maximum kek
Instant infighting lmao

He might push them out of step with America as a whole but more in line with the USA.

It's funny what they call "America" sometimes.

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Technically speaking left wing marxist jew controlled retards fighting right zionist wing jew controlled retards is infighting

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t. increasingly desperate kike


They had a based nigger on the list who is allegedly more conservative.

Still not tired.

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Let me get my bingo card ready for

Let the salt flow you fucking faggots.

Reddit politics

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With a $30,000 excess they dont have affordable healthcare at the moment.

I support Israel to own the libs

Reminder that you aren't (106).

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Reminder Dick Durbin has a personal beef with Kavanaugh that goes back 10 years or so, to when he was appointed to the DC Circuit. Durbin was butthurt over not being allowed to grill Kavanaugh by the committee chair, so he went on TV and said some shit about the new judge.

It's a personal pissing match, based on hurt fee-fees, covered as a principled objection.

They're just ignoring the financial death spiral that ACA's detractors always said would happen before the fucking thing was even passed. Socialist programs like that only work in small, homogeneous countries where most of the population is working at least part time. As it is now, the US has 47% of people supporting the other 53%, including two giant underclasses: niggers, who think we owes them and will never work, and illegals, who aren't supposed to be here in the first place and use benefits at many times the rate they pay into them. If the Democrats ever get their way they'll take every Muslim shitskin from Pakistan to Algeria and we'll have to support three massive criminal underclasses who don't work.

OP is a redditor magafaggot

Jeez the kikes are going fucking apeshit this week.

You are the kike.


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It's been a bad week for you kikes, huh?
And it's only Tuesday.

go back to reddit with your blue-pilled bullshit

Trump is pro-Israel, he wouldn't be very happy with you calling his overlords "kikes" user.

That’s 2 corners for me.

moar …

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So you'll make fun of people wanting another Hitler but you won't make fun of Trump for being a zionist?


I gotta hand it to you guys, I don't know how you can endure reading so much whiny kvetching. I can't stand hearing these people talk and their writing has the same screechy quality.

your gay-ass blue-pilled thread is now a corn appreciation thread

It's pretty corny.

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Interesting corn.

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Trumps own daughter married a kike. You retards throw it around like it’s a shock to anyone. He unironically fell for the muh baste israel meme but he also unironically wants to deport every free loading spic in this country and is electing justices to the Supreme Court to unfuck the country as well. Please explain how that’s a bad thing you complete fucking faggot. Keep trying to drive that wedge it’s not working.

my corn is better

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Its less relevant but it helps keep this thread above the shill one.

It's not a shock, if anything it's to be expected. Just another Bush/Reagan Neocon kike-puppet. Whoopty doo.

Attached: Corn (1).jpg (800x416, 69.12K)


This is the shill thread user.

Trump's own daughter was born a jew as was his sons by virtue of the jewess Ivana

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fuckin corn

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Looks more shooped than this corn.

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The one with the most liberal salt is the real one.

Am I the weird one here for expecting Antifa to be against Hitler?

Your just posting the same shit over and over again lel, too bad it's not


Attached: 51179080_grilled-corn_1x1.jpg (1260x630, 230.3K)

Hitler may be dead, but at least he was never like Trump. Hitler ate corn.

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It's a pity she's a daughter of the famous orange kike and been photographed for decades prior to the surgery to remove the most grotesque kike features then

Fucking retarded low-rent israeli kikes

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Fuck you faggot I'm trying to cut and now you have me craving corn on the cob and ribs.

I meant to quote the person replying to me rather than my own post.

Egg and my face are in alignment.

I didn't say it was shooped, I just said it looks shooped. I don't actually care user, I just like corn.

Attached: CORN.jpg (389x500, 15.23K)

You should just go back to reddit and not wait for Hitler.

Do so, because I enjoy a cunt bitching and kvetching all day out.

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Based, does this mean the jews are getting frustrated with pages of evidence showing the orange kike is a pedo and his own kids are biological kikes, if not the ZOG emperor himself is a crypto also?

Does this help? Trump is a kike-puppet

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half of what you said made no sense, eat some popcorn or something

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They are frustrated because this supreme court pick will be a thorn in their side for a whole generation.
This decision will still be felt way after Trumps 8 years and even after Ivankas presidency.

That doesn't look like popcorn to me . . . don't you know what thread this is?!

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still doesn't look like corn to me

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He is not an originalist. He is anti second amendment

The opposite of an originalist interpretation is a revisionist interpretation. IE making shit up.


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As long as he lets us enslave black people I dont mind.