Las Vegas Shooting Rooftop Security Video With Audio (WARNING GRAPHIC)
Gripping new footage of the terror attack carried out on concert goers
Las Vegas Shooting Rooftop Security Video With Audio (WARNING GRAPHIC)
Gripping new footage of the terror attack carried out on concert goers
sorry this is the link
Was there passing by the concert when it happened; 100% multiple shooters. Also at least 2 different types of ammunition used (5.56 and 7.62 sound different)-T /veteranfag/
At around the 1:30 mark you can hear distant shooting before it gets close, other times this doesn't happen.
How do we know this isn't echos bouncing off all the buildings?
nobody died
If there's any seasoned Zig Forumsomando here feel free to correct me, but it does sound like multiple guns shooting.
Because most of the time the noise starts near the camera and echoes far away and in at least one instance the noise starts far away and echoes near the camera.
Oh yeah because the jews love us goyim so much that they would fake our deaths during these false flag events. Why don't you throw yourself off the nearest building
Can someone post the red pills/"conspiracy" theory infographics?
I lost my hard drive
Why do you think so?
where did you see it last?
this guy's reaction is the perfect combination of distress and mesmerization
Because he's a jew trying to cover for his (((tribe))) they push these bullshit conspiracies that no one ever dies and every school shooting is fake to distract from the real investigation which always ends up leading to the jews and israel
It's all fake shit because that is how they can do it legally. ZOG legalized propaganda against the American people, these fake shootings are part of it.
Nice optics, but it's still a hoax.
Nice touch when the video switches to FLIR at exactly 3:32 for your double 33 of freemasonry.
Here is another
Go back to comment section faggots. Why would these kikes go through the trouble of fakING the deaths of the goyim who they hate with a passion instead of actually just killing us?
Notice the group the camera is focused on, around the "casualty".
And notice how they don't react at all to any of the supposed bursts of fire.
This is how to spot the crisis actors - they don't react to the "shooting" because they know it's fake.
More alex jones schizophrenia "muh crisis actors, Hollywood is run by arabs"
kill your self torpedo
Because mothers of dead children don't let it drop. A no-victim operation is orders of magnitude simpler.
Around when it actually happened
It seems very real to me, but the deep state is sociopathic, tbh I havent seen any bodies. Not saying its a conspiracy. Ill keep thinking people died until I see some hard evidence.
Check this kike out.
Tell your boss we aren't boomers here.
Interesting. Personally, I would NEVER drop it if it happened to my family. I have wondered about that, how easy the parents and family take it and never bring it up. I don't know, maybe they are just retards that accept the official report.
Infowars is the main source of this crisis actor bullshit. Don't want to be associated with them, then don't push their talking points
Crisis actors are a thing. Not saying it means they are automatically a thing on this particular case, but they are an option. Let the people making these claims come with some convincing proof
You mean subjects which Jones picks up then mixes with bullshit, like the flatearthers do? Thanks for basically describing how well poisoners operate.
As for the threat "don't discuss it or else" - no one gives a shit about your attempt to use the Jonestein boogyman to silence discussion of this obvious PSYOP.
Show me a single bullet impact in the entire video.
Show me a single person visibly struck by a round.
Show me a single impact flash, which the IMAGE INTENSIFIER OPTIC MOVED OVER THE LENS AT 3:32 it's not a FLIR after all would readily have picked up.
Go on. We will all wait.
Here's the thing about that: What IS the official report? Was there ever one? This was dropped almost immediately by the media. And even the most uninformed, TV-watching, social media-using, pop culture imbibing people that I know think the whole thing stinks. Nothing that the public was told makes any kind of sense to anybody.
I'm saying the official report that was given to the family members. I don't believe in official reports. I'm pretty sure the family members were given a story or something to appease them. Probably the same one that CNN regurgitated every moment: A crazy, depressed anti-social country music hating madman.
The change since 911 has been easy to see.
Real acts of terrorism produce a mix of distraught, angry, vengeful, enraged, suicidal parents.
Every "terrorist act" since has produced only two types of "parent".
These "parents" are often the weakest link in the chain (think Robbie Parker).
The ones from the Manchester Arena Bombing in the UK were even worse, laughably poor acting skills.
Likewise the "murder" of Jo Cox by "right-wing extremist" saw her "family" smirking and laughing at the memorial vigil. Add in plenty of duping delight and you have the typical parent or relative of your modern non-existent casualty.
In fact the interview with Martyn Hett's parents was so completely over the top, with daddy saying he was happy his son was dead, because he would "absolutely love the attention, he's finally made it!" and his mother saying she had no hate or anger for the attackers whatsoever, while trying to promote her soft toy and children's book line, that it's been completely razed from Youtube.
"survivors" talk of injuries which magically disappear, and scars which the camera never shows - while smirking and having duper's delight.
That was one of the earlier distractions. A person in a stationary position can't make sound bounce off buildings differently. It would sound the same from the same point always.
That's the biggest redpill for the "just one shooter" bullshit line.
Starting to think the vast majority of people are holograms. How hard would it be to make holograms or just CGI them on tv for us to believe an event just took place? I know the evil shitheads that run the world have Elysium type technology and they would never share with the likes of us. Heard a rumor that they have technology that can produce a hologram of a person that we wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
That's the sound of the gun. The louder, closer, snapping sounds are the bullets passing nearby. The audio is from other videos recorded on the ground, among the crowd.
That wasnt very graphic, and showed nothing of import.
Give me one good reason why the jews would go through the trouble of faking the deaths of a bunch of conservative country music likely trump voter fans instead of actually killing them
For the first time in my life I can sympathize with a kebab that isn't Assad.
The sound is not from the video
It's a mishmash of the recordings taken at the concert and the 911 calls.
this is art
I think many often forget the issues taking place in Saudi Arabia at the exact moment of the shooting in Vegas. There was a power struggle which caused issues on every continent and eventually, after the Vegas shooting, saw many "contenders" either disappear or were publicly killed outright. I have no doubt there was connection to Saudi Arabia and Vegas.
first this thread got hit by the weird markov chain D&C bots
then got slid halfway down the board
I wonder how soon this will get shoah-ed
Have a bump OP
Crisis actors work better in controlled situations, where there isn't tons of people around and the plan can go wrong at any time. So they do their crisis actors shit in a sealed-off area or remote location and take real, convincing footage. There's that video floating around of some iraqis staging a car bomb explosion, but someone caught the whole thing on film. It shows the car exploding, and then a bunch of people running up towards it and throwing themselves ont the ground for the official photos and filming.
One of the vegas cellphone videos shows a round hit the dirt a small distance from an isolated group of people who were just standing around in a circle, probably drunk off their asses. Video was taken from someone taking cover in or under the bleachers.
Reminder ISIS claimed responsibility for the Vegas attack.
crises actors predate jewwars. Guess what, filtering water is a good idea, also predates jewwars.
I claim responsibility for the sun.
citation needed
Well Buddy took 3 to the chest and he didn't even die. And no bullets hitting the dried up ground tearing it up in clouds of dust, and no ricochets or thuds of bullets hitting the tons of metal that comprised the stage and seating.
It's bullshit, like parkland, like sandy, like boston etc etc
And you're a jew trying to hide it or somebody so bluepilled they can't conceive that shit like this could possibly be staged.
Whoever was doing the shooting didn't have a clue what they were doing. Honestly, this reminds me of the hajis shooting at us. Just blasting away and all of their rounds going right over our heads. God those people are so stupid. I guess they figure if they hold the trigger down that allah will do the rest, no aiming necessary.
So, a boomer who's never shot a gun is a likely story. So is antifa or even the al-qaeda/isis hajis. They're all dumbasses. I have a feeling that Mossad/IDF mercenaries would actually hit their targets, that recent Gaza nonsense showed that they seem to do okay hitting unarmed civilians with aimed single shots.
They don't have pic related in Las Vegas?
Don't get me wrong, metal pipes are very strong, axially, hit them on he side and they have no strength.
Too fucking late, bitch. I own the sun, faggot. Do something.
I burn you with my sun to give you skin cancer in 30 years.
CIA agents:
Also remember, ISIS has never been proven wrong in any case where they claimed responsibility.
Furthermore, there is no known motive for the Vegas shooter. How was ISIS to know that there would be no motive, no suicide note, nothing, and that they could so quickly claim it as their own?
Yep. That shit was no slidefire.
First, govt sets people up all the time in criminal cases. They just supply whatever's needed to those who are willing and able to commit crimes. It wouldn't be much of a step further to supply someone with real material to commit serious crime and create actual victims. The idea of someone getting set up isn't that farfetched.
Second, point taken on grieving family members of real victims, but if you use actors, how do you keep all of them silent afterwards?
Third, I think in the case of LV, it was the dirty deep state elements using some Saudi/UAE Clinton/dirty deep state connections to create a bloodbath. Pure speculation.
KSA royals owned the floors above and had UAE connections there, as well. Seems like insider deliberately compromised arms sting so Saudi/UAE cabal supporters could attack.
I never even thought about that.
Me and my friends about 10 years ago went to a park in the middle of the night to play paintball.
Cops showed up within minutes saying a microphone picked up gunshot sounds.
And that was a small town of about 40k people in the middle of nowhere.
Sounded like multiple machine guns to me. I counted 60ish rounds continually at one point. Different directions too. Listening with studio quality headphones too
What's this fucking audio? I have a hard time trusting anything about that gunfire given the conversation with the cabbie towards the end, seems like several pieces of audio were clipped in.
I think this is literally fucking nothing tbh
Paddock was just doing a Legion run. What else can a courier do if the MPs get hostile the second you step on the Strip?
im sure they didnt buy into it because they didnt think they needed it. well let me tell you something, im sure they bought a whole bunch after this…
Check out this faggot. Dude you're actually a shill. Like a real one. Loolilol I oloolol
The short of it is they're constructing their lies - meticulously. All this time? That's for lying. Swiftness is for truth-telling.
But wait a fucking second. During the night the las vegas shooting happened, wasn't the police radio going wild that other casinos were having fuckers trying to shoot up the place and get taken out?
8^) goyim, did you say you wanted a copy of those? Well let's see here… nope nope and nope, the kikes who run that shit(the archives) (((shut it down))).
That tranny that comes on around the 15:00 mark
Hooters and a few casinos.
I was listening to the police scanner the night it happened.
I now have programs to record such things, sadly it's too late.
Here's what I remember though - something that was completely off.
The official reports say that Paddock was dead when SWAT had entered the room.
However, you could clearly hear the gun going off in the background over and over again as the SWAT made their way down the hotel hallway.
Dead men don't shoot guns, and why shoot a dead man?
Oh and, the timeline doesn't add up because the official reports say the gun fire only lasted a few minutes - when in reality it was lasting for at least a good hour.
and SWAT used their guns and nades.
Five SWAT vehicles had been dispatched that night to different places.
the "dakka dakka dakka" is distant gunfire
the "poppoppoppop" are the bullets impacting nearby, which is why there are significantly less instances of that sound because he's probably just spraying and sweeping
Am I the only one having trouble loading these two webms? Also, when I tried to watch them at bestgore (you can see the watermarks on the thumbnails for both videos), only the second one works. The other video basically 404s. The page and the article loads, but no video. Bestgore also links to a youtube video of someone who took police radio recordings, removed all the chatter, background noise, etc, and only left the sound of the gunfire, and supposedly you can clearly hear two different guns being fired at different rates of fire. But of course, that youtube link is dead too.
Reminder that Stephen Paddock and his Filipino wife Marilou Danley are CIA/Pentagon special operations spooks.
Reminder that nearly all mass shooters/bombers in American history are CIA/Pentagon special operations spooks.
Reminder that posts like these are CIA/Pentagon special operations spooks engaged in psychological warfare to spread false conspiracy theories in order to divert attention from the real conspiracy mentioned in this post:
Reminder that posts accusing people of being CIA/Pentagon special ops spooks simply for posting evidence they've gathered are just as likely as the accused posts to be engaging in psychological warfare to spread false conspiracy theories to divert attention from the real conspiracy, whatever it is.
I want to kill the people who do these things
Reminder that "multiple shooters" conspiracy theories are psych warfare ops disseminated by CIA/Pentagon special operations spooks to cover up the real conspiracy mentioned in this post:
There's also no reason to believe the CIA/Pentagon special ops necessarily aren't working with Israelis. That is, both parts could be true at the same time.
Sure, they could be. But there's no need to introduce extraneous conspiracy theories with no supporting evidence. The fact that Paddock and his wife were CIA/US military special ops is easily demonstrated and more than enough of a conspiracy.
ALL I PROVIDED WAS EVIDENCE, BUCKO. Five pieces of evidence. That's what you replied to.
Keep bumping this anons. If you haven't noticed the board is being polluted with no-effort shill tier garbage and faggots keep sliding it. Whether it's JIDF Hasbara or just summerfags it's getting ridiculous.
Have a free bump on me. Focus on the important things anons. Just cause the mods want to abandon ship doesn't mean we need to let the faggots infest this place with AIDS.
Shadows on a wall aren't evidence of anything.
If you spread fake conspiracy theories you're either a spook or one of their useful idiots.
I hear that clearly as well. Different rates of fire, it sounded like they were trying to do it in unison to mask themselves.
Always look at the target.
Trump Supporters, Christians, Right Leaning Americans, Patriots and people from rural America - who are mostly country fans.
If they came out and told us what really happened, we would already be in the 2nd American Civil War - pure rage - the Christians of America could not tolerate such wickedness.
And so we were lied to.
I hate my government and I come from a long line of patriots that predates our once blessed country.
Smarter than your average shitposter
The real conspiracy is that the CIA/Pentagon special operations created nearly every single mass shooter/bomber of the past 50 years.
The only question is if they did it deliberately or accidentally. But the answer to that question is fairly obvious.
Just in case he faked his death to kill the officer, always aware of any situation
This is the exact demographic that comprises the psychopath clique within the CIA/Pentagon Special Operations which has manufactured nearly every American mass shooter/bomber of the past 50 years.
You aren't the good guys. In fact, you're the ultimate bad guys.
I'm only 7 minutes into watching this and there are clearly two shooters using two different weapons.
Roger that - sounds like 5.56 and 7.62
There are US military Special Operations contractors in this thread right now spreading fake conspiracy theories to screw with your mind. (They're the self-admitted "veterans.")