It isn't race-mixing. Neither is it the things which cause people to be sedentary.
Rather, it's a lack of virgins marrying virgins. I don't know if the people here recognize that this is a problem or not, but generally speaking this is the main cause for concern. The divorce damages a family. Virgins marrying helps to safeguard against potential divorce. Couples that stay loyal to each other and have children without marriage seem to be either few and far between, or don't exist entirely. That's not realistic. A marriage is a symbolization for the bond between the husband and wife.
If people gave themselves to their spouses, most things if not all things would sort themselves out.
The things that contradict this concept are the things that work against you for your harm.
Yes, it's to completely ruin the pair-bonding mechanism of sex between virgins and thereby destroy the chances of strong nuclear families. It's one of the most insidious parts of the kikes' plan.
Jacob Nelson
I like your blanket
Carson Barnes
Definitely one of the biggest things, and coupled with them pushing atheism and feminism has done huge damage. I am against people trying to overplay specific aspects in their importance though as it can lead to erroneous beliefs regarding the whole;- the attack upon the West has been huge, systematic and on-going for quite a while. It was impossible for them to liberalise sexual attitudes without first destroying the moral foundations of the nation; to make that possible they needed to demonise our religion and our people, thus an all out attack on Christianity and Nationalism (the history of our peoples, 'white guilt') has been witnessed for a long time, coupled with a ridiculous promotion of the female, the immigrant and the feckless individual with no responsibilities beyond selfish pleasure. A long and convoluted process was required to wound us to this extent, and we need to realise that no short term fixes are going to work; we have a LONG slog back to making our people great. Hitler was right that the young needed be given morality again, and realised that it was simply too late for the current generation. It might well be necessary to have overwhelming authority to bring our people back to a state where they can actually function as decent humans; you cannot have a society rife with liberty actually be productive unless the population is composed of nothing but Puritans.
Michael Nguyen
Here's the tinny little problem every one on Zig Forums likes to ignore BABYS ARE SHIT they are time consuming, they are money consumming, they are ugly, they are smelly, they wake you up in the middle of the night, then they grow into brats and begin to consume even more of your time and money and this shit won't stop for at least 2 decades i like my youth, i like my free time, i like my money and i know all three of these things will be the first to go the moment i decide to start a family. And all this without mentioning how busted the economy is or how cucked marrige laws have become nor how anoying le current year stronk independant empowered womyn are. I sure as fuck don't wanna sacrifice 20 years of my life feeding money and atention to 2 parasites just for 30 minutes of sex, i honestly preffer to pay a hooker. After all, love is nothing but a pretty little lie humanity tells itself to try to adscribe a deeper meaning to the relationship between male lust and female greed they are incel faggots who can't get over being ignored by women, on the other hand, i'm just disgusted by the prospect of spawning a baby (wich just so happens to be most women's endgame as it's the fastest way they can put a leash a man's income) so i stick to whores. They want my money, i just want a blowjob, so we do things by contract and get what we want without dancing around all the weired human courtship rituals maybe you're right, i have long ago lost the capasity to love other human beings, i feel no atachment to anyone nor do i miss any of my acquaintances when they are gone, i've grown far to cynical to have any kind of faith or hope and considering what are the usual opinions aout normies on this site i'm very sure i ain't the onlyone who feels like this, but everyone here still likes to larp about how we need to have babys to continue our race, go and have them if that's what you want, but don't expect anyone else here to willingly give up their youth, freedom and money unless you have a big enough carrot to tempt them into having kids other than "muh race" cus for the time being, people who have kids live like slaves for them while those who don't (especially men) get to enjoy their lives at their fullest
Evan Parker
This is actually why they are pushing pedoshit. Because they plan to ruin pairbonding as young as possible. If you pay attention the most orthodox of Jews don’t do this, they don’t let the boys and girls intermingle.
Christopher Wright
You’re a failure and a loser at life if you don’t reproduce. The majority of Boomers are fucking losers and you can see it in their eyes.
John Watson
Nothing you write is incorrect for this modern age. However, consider it from the position of what once was in terms of knowing the person you fall for is dedicated to you, has not fucked the entire town, and you can trust to watch over your legacy through children while you handle the business end of things. The moment they changed that dynamic and destroyed the nuclear family was the moment society was doomed for eventual chaos. They threw stable and respected roles into anarchy and now men, who are typically based solely on logic, rightly want nothing to do with the new setup where women, who are typically based solely on emotion, are constantly searching to be stood upright as they have no ability to stand on their own regardless of what anyone claims.
So you're right to feel as you do, I would too if I was in your shoes. In fact I honestly have no idea how any man could even date modern women and deal with all the potential pitfalls that come with it now a days.
Cameron Bailey
Nothing good comes without hard work. And children aren't shits, they're very emotionally fulfilling to care for.
Hunter Perez
Wow…they’ve already won over you. Don’t give up. You gotta keep looking. If you submit to the (((modern way of thinking))) then there’s no hope for you
Jonathan Campbell
Literally lies from the pit of hell. Burn, demon. We have no use for your kind here. Maybe there are some nice fags you can corrupt with your evil.
Completely this. (((casual))) sex and (((hook up))) relationships are Shlomo's hammer. The worst part might just be a girl's father and brother, own blood, betraying her through not giving enough of a fuck to warn her of and bulwark her from any thing and any one tainted by that (((culture))).
Yeah this would be my suggestion as well. Just have to be smart but also have to bite the bullet per say and go to the one place where there stands a very high chance of meeting someone with old school mentalities - church. Pretty much a mans only option at this time to meet a worthy female for family, kids, etc.
Oliver Turner
Christopher Miller
Yeah, no one believes you. You are a kike shill. Everything you say is a lie.
Leo Martin
THIS IS WHAT SINGLE MOTHERS, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, VIDYA GAMES AND SOY PRODUCTS PRODUCE This gibbering genetic cul de sac of drooling stink-lard and faggotry is the future of the USA if we let the jews continue to destroy our race. DON'T LET JEWS TURN YOUR SONS INTO WORTHLESS PILES OF NIGGER VOMIT LIKE THIS FUCKTARD
Technically that is another problem in that people are so braindead that they don't even realize the expenses needed before they go balls deep and make a baby. Fucking nimrods…
I would say, at this point, I've paid somewhere in the range of $500,000.00 if we took everything and added it together from food, education, sports, self defense, college funds, bonds, and the list goes on and on. Having a kid is one thing but assuring their future through getting them the best education and leaving them a nest egg they can use for either college or a home is another entirely and completely lost to this generation for the most part. That is a BIG reason we see so many useless assholes now as they are totally unprepared for the real world. You should see some of the applicants I have dealt with, it's a shitshow to say the least.
Jackson Cox
Newton and Tesla died virgins, if your gonna measure succes at life in sexual activity then you probably should worship niggers and chinks
mud have litters cus they are to dumb to know what contraception is and if they do know, they are way to irresponsible to use it
i literally agree that this a psycothic materialistic kike way of thinking and oyou claim it's a lie… kys
i wish it was that simple, i grew up watching my father slave away at work all fucking day just to suport us and now that he's old he needs to keep working his ass off like a fucking slave despite me alrready being independant, i was to poor for vidya and never ever touched soy, what drove me away from any desire to have kids since i was very little was being smart enough to realize that the reason my dad looked tired all the time was becos me and my mom, i could tell he'd be much happier if i had never been born, despite him never ever showing the sligthes sign that this was the case what killed my soul was my own greed and i discovered my greed becos i was smart enough to see the look of despair my father had behind that fake smily mask he always wore when he was in front of me or my mom
Daniel Butler
The last thing these kikes want is Whites reproducing.
The 14 Words don't amount to jack shit if you don't actually produce White children.
Bump for the piece of shit shills. Remember never to give them (yous). Just report and filter.
The problem you describe stems from attitudes like being promulgated in society.
Men are disillusioned with marriage in North America particularly because US and Canadian laws disgustingly favor women in divorce settlements. Young people are disillusioned with having children because they've had "follow your dreams" and other veiled nihilistic nonsense ingrained in to their minds from a young age by television and movies.
Self-absorbed attitudes like yours have been normalized. Want to have double-income-no-kids marriage? It's your choice! Kids are gross anyways. Never mind that your ancestors, who supported very large families on far less income than your parents, would probably be rolling in their graves hearing some spoiled over-grown brat complaining about how "babys(sic) are shit". News flash, you ingrate: your parents probably sacrificed a lot to raise your stupid ass.
Imagine that on the day that you were born your parents knew you would grow up to be so self-absorbed and pathetic.
I think it goes beyond that as well user. I have took the time to look around lately and I can seriously say with a straight face I saw maybe one woman who was attractive and looked feminine. The amount of overweight women is just fucking insane. The amount of women who dress like fucking shit is even more insane. If I'm a young buck looking to shack up or potentially meet someone… I mean shit… it's pretty much a situation of "what is the best settling option in this shit mess?"
Jose Martin
This. I work at a university and I constantly get hit on by the female undergrads. Normally I don't give them the time of day outside of the assistance I'm required to give them for my paycheck. I finally broke down last fall and went out with one. She's not a turbowhore, but every time things get a little rough in the back of my head, I think "you're not even mine" and I feel gross and I want to drop her.
Lincoln Watson
our ancestors had no acces to contraception and i'm trying to pay them back now that i have my own income and take care of the taxes, throw a child of my own into the mix the money will soon run dry i know any kid i have will grow like that, my parents worked their asses off in a traditional family and that did not stop me from becoming a selfish apathetic nihilist
Elijah Lopez
You're a degenerate piece of shit narcissist. The best contribution you could make to the universe at this point is to start killing powerful kikes and not stopping until you are dead. From reading everything you've written ITT that's your only real shot at redemption in the eyes of the creator.
You won't do it though. You're a coward above all else as evidence by your fully embracing the empty, hedonistic, material world and shirking the divine responsibility you have to serve your people and your creator. I cannot wait for the day when strong men will rise to cull the weak ones like you. The time is rapidly approaching.
Eli Ward
Then fucking lurk moar you tard. We're plenty aware casual sex destroys pair-bonding and encourages r-type selection.
Josiah Butler
tldr women are to blame. #MGTOW
Gavin Murphy
Wyatt Martin
Condoms as they are recognized today (a sheath or covering to prevent semen from entering the uterus) are known to have been in use since at least the 15th century, usually made out of animal stomach or intestines.
By ending their bloodline and depriving them of the experience of grandchildren? The things for which they made sure you had an environment to grow and live in so that you could in turn do the same for your own children so they could do so for theirs and so on? You consider that repaying your parents for their sacrifices and generosity?
I'm sorry if continuation of the species gets in the way of whatever else you have to do with your time that's so much more important, but that's okay I'm sure being in eternal adolescence feels good and that's really all the matter in the end, right? You feeling good.
Uh, the entire point of men acquiring money and wealth is SPECIFICALLY SO THEY CAN RAISE CHILDREN AND CONTINUE THEIR BLOODLINES IN A RELATIVELY SECURE ENVIRONMENT. Why the fuck else do you think money is considered to be so important, it's because it allows you to better provide for you AND YOUR FAMILY.
So it would seem. I suppose nothing of value is truly lost then. Enjoy ending the legacy of thousands of years of your ancestors successfully reproducing because you want to be a hedonistic forever-child with no responsibilities.
Michael Gonzalez
dubs of truth, and you're hearing this from the black pill swallowing mouth itself i don't see the point trying to forge human relationships, i can't love other humans the way i love animals for example and i ain't talking about lust. furrys are cancer what is the alternative then? a RESPONSIBILITY? fuck thatr shit! i alrready have enough responsibitlities tell you what m8, if Zig Forums or other similar sites still exist in 30 years, i'll come back and tell the newfags how the black pill left, maybe i can serve as a cautinary tale of what happens when you go down this road, but as i am right now, there's no turning back for me
imagine working your entire life to raise a kid and when the kid is finally old enough to be independant you can't stop working cus economy went to shit and if the kid doesn't help you out you're in the red. I don't want to sound like i'm pushing the fault of me becoming souless and cold blooded unto society but shekkel scarcity due to economic free fall is the main reason why i consider pregnancy to be the worst of all sexual transmition diseases
Jacob Wood
We don't like you, roastie.
Jacob Sanders
Who are you kidding? You'll be dead within the next decade.
Noah Watson
experience has thought me that optimism often leads to disapointment
Noah Butler
No I am not asking "seriously" in a condescending way or having anything to do with pregnancy but I have actually never heard that before in terms of finance repayment so was curious if you were serious. In essence you plan to pay your parents back for the approximate they put into you? You are serious?
Alexander Collins
Which is why nigger fathers is an oxymoron.
Michael Richardson
you are disgusting and i am glad you will die without progeny
Isaiah Foster
Evolution doesn't happen that fast. He said our ancestors didn't have contraception. This is a scientifically supported position.
Google "ancestor" for more information on the meaning of the word, in English, and pay careful attention to context. In English, we rely heavily on context for the particular meaning of a word.
Levi Allen
Since old pol has abandoned this place, I'll check these mad dubs.
Isaac Young
That's because you're a godless husk leading a life of emptiness and mindless self indulgence. You won't see death coming for you because you don't value life.
John Roberts
no fucking way i got to know if i can ever pay back every last penny they invested on me, what i can do is make sure they at least spend their last years in the same amount of comfort and luxury that i spent my early years and doing so is getting harder and harder with time, back in the day, my dad earned enough for me and my mom, now he has to keep working, my mom also began working part time and even i am working to but everything is way more expencive that what it used to be at their time
Christopher Torres
g8 b8
Colton Cook
Okay, this is fairly normal in Italian households in a way. Not to repay any finances but to assure their parents are well cared for and even moving them in if need be. Understood, nothing wrong with that at all. I misunderstood and was thinking you had some payment plan that was asked of you by your parents which I had never heard of before.
Christopher Green
Evolution has nothing to do with the argument made. He stated that people's ancestors didn't have contraception, and that's pretty demonstrably false with the evidence we have of people using condoms since at least the 1400s.
Oliver Powell
This. x9000
In the past children were viable economics investment.. Or it was just straight product of animal lusty of barely intelligent animals who don't know contraception and can't contain their penis.
Today kids would just ship parents into teh elders house. Monetary investments like state pensions or straight up stock portfolio trumps kids as old age income source.
Without monetary incentive parents are left with just hard dirty work with no reward. You think this will fly in the capitalism with intelligent humans? Lol. Give hard cash or nothing works, this is capitalism. State should abandon illusions about "muh kids" and start treating them as strategic commodity, important for state, like uranium. Either pay fair market price for them or just turn babymaking into the natural tax.
Muds are animals they just try to stop itching of their dicks. Why do you think nature hooked up highest possible bodily pleasure with pregnancy? To warrant that animals would put their penises into vagina.
Evan Hernandez
You’re a paid jewish shill.
Andrew Perry
Its Its
If you are serous about reproduction make a law that demands insemination. Like laws demanding paying taxes (voluntary taxes? you know that would never work). If something needed for states survival state should demand it open and clear, this is the only sure way. Not leave to the peoples whims, especially women whims.
Ian Edwards
good luck finding female virgins. they usually give it up by age 12, lie and say their first was at 16, and by their 30s they have had miles of dick.
Jason Fisher
You can't properly spell smiley or because.
You are NOT smart.
Your dad is unhappy because he raised a selfish moron. If you had kids and didn't sound like a mouthbreathing retard THEN he might be happy.
Happiness is an animal emotion that rewards us when we move towards our goals. Goals are set by culture(when you're a moron and can't think for yourself). Our culture has been Jewed so completely that becoming a parent is such a ……
Fuck it why should I bother refuting an obvious shill.
Kikes like you are the reason why the 90s and early 2000s were filled with (((comedies))) portraying family life as misery.
Isaiah Price
Jaxon Baker
Enjoy your ungrateful little anchors.
Jackson Foster
People hate taxes too.
Blake Sullivan
Children mean I will continue on into the future after my body rots away. No one will ever remember you.
Isaiah Rivera
I watched you drive by, you didn’t even stop. I am not shit, I am not at the bottom of the hill.
Jace Turner
You’re hair looked dyed as well, are you naturally blonde?
John Flores
That's not what ancestors are. They didn't. This isn't a genealogical context. It's an evolutionary context.
Dominic Ward
did you ever thought about the posibility that english ain't my native language? and sadly you are wrong about my father's unhapiones, i could tell how miserable he was while i was still in elementary school
i wish i was but no, i'm just a completly demoralized guy, stating the obvious truths that nobody here wants to admit cus they're all to bussy larping as child rasing normies
capitalism is the reason why whites are being displaced, smart people aboids having kids cus suporting them is expencive and time consumming, so wealthy capitalist import niggers who are just to dumb to control their own population
The states ARE demanding it loud and clear, what do you think pro-migration policies of mongrels into white countries are? the (((state))) does not need you, me nor anyone smart enough to control their reproduction in times of scarcity, they need single digit IQ niggers who will slave away their lives for pennies and who will keep spawning more serfs no matter how bad their economic situation becomes cus their to dumb to keep it in their pants that's why (((they))) have made it so hard to mantain a family with the salary of one, and why they (((empowered))) womyn to crush any remaining desire any man could have in marrying. you all larpers call me a black pill degenerate but the truth is that the current is way to strong for me to swim against on my own, if on top of that i have to drag a family i and every kid i try to raise will be flushed down the economic toilet i do the same shit job my father did in his youth, and while he had enough to get a house and suport a wife and kid, nowadays we both combined earn just enough to support ourselves and mantain the house we alrready had
Eli Thompson
Parker Bell
>the (((state))) does not need you Absolutely correct. The military doesn't either. Carlin said they want people smart enough to run the machines, and dumb enough to take the red white and blue [kike] dick up their ass.
Hunter Campbell
Thank you for removing yourself from the genepool. It will save our descendants time in removing your ilk.
Lad, it's not all about the genepool (because all of the genes are in there anyway, as long as it's big enough - so you will survive, well, all of your genes will, anyway). It's about the MEMEpool.
You know, #MGTOW are doing a very good job of reproducing their may mays.
Jace Russell
I have a business, and my best employees had years of training by me personally, because they are my children. I have others in my industry ask how I've managed to grow the business to what it is. I always laugh, and say I made number of small deposits, that had an amazing ROI. I am almost 50, and I already have 5 grandchildren. Start early, work hard, and as soon as they can talk and walk, your kids work with you, within reason.
Isaac Robinson
Relevant to anything how? Past events do not predict future performance. Even the biggest chad was once a virgin. This is a silly argument.