I can see definite similarities between Boris and Trump. I know 4chan & Zig Forums did a lot to help Trump to power and us Brits did our part too. So the question is, what can we do now to help Boris? e.g. memes etc. USA we want your help too.
Boris Johnson for British Prime Minister
Other urls found in this thread:
They are both jews and happily work solely for jewish interests aside from that I think their own pedo networks are slightly different but it's hard to know for sure if the pedo elites they rub shoulders with know each other
You're 100% either a shill or a troll
He's the best option we've currently got
You're right let's just vote for no one!
We can't afford to because the left will vote Corbin
lel, wasn't Trump enough for you people?
The eternal song of the MAGApedo
>He's the only option you got goy
He's a cuckservative. He's part of a progressive political party.
what do you suggest then?
Corbins better than a conservative. People think the conservatives will make things change while they act the same way labour does. At least if Labours in power it riles up the normies who hate this shit.
Corbin is a commie
Corbin also wants no borders
So do the conservatives.
so what do we do then???????????
Farage, you daft cunt
Can you remember before the whole jewish created aut-right made everyone kosher conservative in the truth movement?
The party isn't mainstream enough
Doesn't matter what you do. Systems fucked.
Farage is in bed with the Jews. UKIP was the pressure valve to stop a real opposition growing in the UK. Same way Trump was in the US. "counter culture" is pressure valves and safety releases. If it's mainstream it's Jew controlled in politics, there are no exceptions.
Not a bong but I like listening to Jacob Rees-Mogg, he's not as critical of May as Farage but seems keen to tell the EU off. That said, I haven't heard enough of/from him on certain subjects to know if he's (((compromised))).
Britain and America passed the point of democratically voting their way out of this in the 80s.
Now we just need the retarded MAGApedo spastics to realise this before we can move on it seems, as right now they appear to be the biggest stumbling block to doing absolutely anything to kickback against jewry
We're fucked.
What do you suggest then (((fellow white person)))
Thanks for calling me a Jew for outing the Jewish influence in UK politics. I always appreciate the back stabbing you (((fellow white persons))) do.
I propose you don't expect a political system run by your enemies for the last century to be on your side. The last chance the UK had was Enoch Powell and now the demographics are too far gone for voting to work. Even if you voted in someone pro-white in 10 years the shitskins all come of age and fuck over the voting process even beyond what they do now. All of them will vote for the same guy because their paki priest told them to, often by postal ballet because they can't write in English themselves. Your whites will vote between the two parties and be beaten down by the voting block.
But lets just consider the London mayor ship for a moment. London's demographics are the future UK graphics. Your choices were a Jew or a Paki Muslim. That was it. So you vote between which colour dick gets shoved up your kids asshole, brown or slightly browner.
how did we let this happen?
By voting for what appeared like secretly fashy based NeoConservatives since the 1970's, when in fact they were always working for jewry
We didn't. We were born into this mess and a game far beyond out comprehensions was already being played. Cromwell can be blamed for letting the Jews back into the UK after we kicked them out. They funded his war chest and so he gave them power when he took control.
Bloomberg predicted Corbyn.
Boris Johnson is the best way to ensure a hard Brexit will happen. It MUST happen.
Trump wouldn't be theatening NATO if he wanted to support the (((EU)))
Its the same in France with the National Front
An outsider with next-to-zero chance of becoming British Prime Minister. Great solution there, fuckface
Rees-Mogg insists that he doesn't want to be Prime Minister
No solutions. What a surprise.
Kys. It's clearly all you have left.
It's either that or get a cryto-jew dick, right? Fucking demoralizing faggot.
Someone who was vocally pro-EU during his tenure as mayor of London as he would state in every editorial he wrote in his weekly rag who decided to jump on the Brexit bandwagon and fled on the day the British voted for their wish
He is the slime, only in England we're not afraid to admit the 'based fashy neocon jew' is a kike puppet
T. Hasn't seen "Yes, Minister".
Bloomberg is full of shit, unsurprisingly
He didn't flee, he was backstabbed. Conservative establishment made damn sure to eliminate him as Conservative Party leader so they could get May and the exact situation we're seeing right now
He literally ran away the moment the yes vote came in
Redpill more Whites.
Expose the reality of ZOG and all it entails (jew banks, jew news, jew media, jew hollywood, jew politics, jew propaganda, etc)
Expose the reality of the ongoing genocide of White people.
Leaderless resistance.
Shake the "White man on the street" out of his stupor.
What we need is not "leaders." That will come naturally LATER. For now all who would claim to "lead us" are highly suspect.
What we need is NUMBERS. What we need is more and more Whites to know the truth. Millions more. What we need is to break the kike indoctrination of the normies.
There has already been impressive progress in this area.
Before there can be reestablished White homelands there must be enough millions of White nationalists who STRONGLY desire that such homelands come to be.
Defeatism is pure poison.
It will NEVER help us and will ALWAYS hurt us and hinder our goals.
White nationalism or White genocide.
This is the clear dichotomy of our time.
There will be one or the other.
The kikes are 100% in favor of White genocide.
It is currently the status quo.
White people, especially men, need to be made AWARE of this. They need to be shown just how bad things really are.
Shift the Overton window.
Discussions on the internet.
Discussions IRL.
The redpills must flow.
The fire must rise.
It is rising.
A future worth having or a brown favela shithole
White self-determination or enslavement by kikes
White nationalism or White genocide.
Pick one.
"We" didn't.
White people want to be "good people" and they want things to be "OK." This is our greatest weakness. It has been weaponized by kikes to destroy us.
Thus we must utilize moral weapons of our own to turn the conditioning against the kikes.
White genocide is real and ongoing.
White genocide is genocide.
Genocide is WRONG.
White genocide is WRONG.
The people who support White genocide are BAD PEOPLE.
White nationalism is the cure to White genocide.
White nationalism is GOOD.
Opposing White nationalism is BAD.
This is how normie Whites will be drawn to our side. It both appeals to morality (Whites want to be the "good guys") as well as giving Whites a "good guy" avenue to work for their OWN interests for a change.
Expose White genocide.
Expose ZOG.
Reestablish White homelands.
PS - In what way was he backstabbed as he Gove and Ian Duncan Smith ran away the day the results came in
I realise Zig Forums has been a forum of disinformation of late but I thought in this thread at least we batted away those retards early doors
It's almost as if the system is set up to prevent you to be able to obtain solutions to fight it. Like it's a plan taking decades to implement and now we're so late in the game we don't have any viable options left.
Telling people to accept the reality of voting in the West instead of creating ridiculous fantasies in which certain politicians are secretly on their side is far from demoralizing. The simple fact of the matter is that you can't solve any problems by hiding from reality.
Nah we need the papist mogg.
Yes he's a papist but he's also the one most inclined to make brexit happen
Then who's /ourguy/
Where do you start ? In terms of showing white genocide to normies.
No one is.
No one, that's why they keep winning.
There has to be something we can do. Evry problem has a solution
You're going to need it. As soon as the authorities catch wind, your meme loicense will be revoked.
Are you a child? Not every problem has a solution. You cannot stop everyone dying from cancer for this very reason
Jew, or demoralised
The State is the problem, not the solution, but i love winding people up, so I'll be voting and possibly campaigning for UKIP
This. Ethnonationalism is the only future for whites (any race really). We tried integration and it has never worked.
May is bad enough thanks.
Alright, go outside and enjoy the sun. I'm sure the weather is better in Tel Aviv then it has been even for the past month here
Fuck off, kike.
The Reich want built in a day, Moshe
Yes we can tell. You're an idiot who doesn't understand the game you're playing but you clap like a seal at every buzzfeed article.
Of course there is, though I don't know precisely what it is. It's easier to point out the problems than to figure out the solutions
I'd start with the idea that Brits need to inject as much entropy into the system and society as they possibly can through all means.
Technology may not be sufficiently evolved or laboratories may be hanging on to their profitable thérapies but cancer won't be there forever, just like this (((system)))
One solution could be UPR
It's a French neutral party
it exposes the EU failures through facts so that normies can understand
it wants a complete exit from the EU to be to apply any law without (((restrictions)))
it wants to instaure national referendums on the questions of immigration, energy and public debt (just like Switzerland, except that they are subjected to EU laws in order to access to the single market, so votes on immigration never work)
Because brainwashed normies will never accept an anti-immigration party and because a result of a referendum on immigration will always be negative, there is still hope.
I'm so sick of idiots on Zig Forums today but I'll do you a favour and spell it out to you.
Cancer is here forever. You cannot cure it, you cannot solve it and it will continue to exist as long as evolution does. Cells wish to make more of themselves, any solution we find will just remove the weaker cancer cells and create stronger cancer cells able to survive it. That's why we have problems with antibiotics Resistance. Faggots used it so much they created super viruses by constantly refining it. That's how you get man from women, evolutionary challenges makes you faster, stronger, better. Cancer will continue to adapt.
The people who believe there is always an answer are childish. One of the most important steps into adulthood is understanding some times things are just fucked and you can't fix that.
Normies are anti-immigration. If you talk to the average joe on the street he doesn't like the way the country is being run. He doesn't like the housing shortage and it doesn't like seeing all the paki shops where native shops used to be. He has no way to change that and he bloody hates the people in charge but has no other option. He doesn't vote for who he likes but who he expects to use the smaller dildo on him. Normies voted for the BNP and UKIP. They voted Brexxit for the same damn reason.
But none of this matters because demographics are destiny. The majority of Europeans alive are boomers. They didn't have many kids though and their kids had even less. As the boomers die off the demographics shift more and more in brown people's favour. Already today you will notice how many brown people make up the core of society, the doctors, dentists, shop keepers etc. They have multiple kids, they are 3-4th generation brown people born in this country who all have 5+ kids. If every generation doubles in size while every white generation halves in size what happens to the country? It doesn't matter if Hitler revives and appears here in 10 years time. The demographic shift has already happened and we don't have a way to prevent that. You don't have a time machine to impregnate all the women you need to counter the brown invasion. Even without immigration of 500,000+ a year (remember numbers subtract people who leave the country from those coming in, so ever number maybe 2 brown people -1 white person) we're still fucked.
Sorry but you were born at the end of the cycle. You were born in a pile of shit and now you're asking how to stop it from stinking. You can't, it's too damn late for it and you never had a shot. The solutions there are involve the use of violence which means you're fighting the entire Jewish global agenda. Not just the UK government, not even just the EU government but the entire fucking Western world. If you tried to over throw the system in the UK the UN would send "peace keeping forces" who would put down the rebel through extreme force and then put another Jew puppet in control. This is what they have done all over the Middle east for decades now. They're experts at the process and it's even easier to do it in a country an hours flight away with fully functional train systems to and from the island.
I don't have a solution because there isn't a viable one. You can go on a violent rampage if you want and see it make no difference. You can vote for another Jewish puppet and see it make no difference.
Hey Schlomo, why don't you post the Touching Wall pics while you're at it?
Got any pics of Boris in a yarmaluke?
Yeah in the article I posted earlier proving that he is a self admitted kike
Or an ethnic bioweapon.
Present a viable solution. I have pointed out that you either need massive levels of violence which is equal to the entire Western world or you need a time machine. These are not things you can make exist so what options is there?
A viable option if you could engineer it but you would struggle. The best chance would be to use the black plague since most whites alive today are resistant to it due to an evolutionary step which killed off any one who wasn't. One issue is you have to make it hit multiple brown groups while not hitting any white groups and then you have mutts.
who would you prefer? seriously, who? I'm not a bong so please enlighten me.
I'm not a bong. I just know a few things about bongistan.
There aren't any real options. the conservatives are progressives which make the neo cons look like Hitler.
After Enoch Powell got his career destroyed for speaking out against immigration the party went as hard left as possible. Most of the conservatives are upper class who have been in political families for centuries and don't want to lose their slot.
Holy shit you're right.But then I wonder how we could recreate the Black Plague bacteria.Besides roma people and sandniggers are also resistant.
An engineered virus targeting melanin is our best hope
If an islamic europe becomes too dangerous (((they))) won't hesitate.
anyone from the conservatives who campaigned for and supported brexit, basically.
that is assuming they don't cuck out and get a new parliament, which is what happened the last time a similar situation hit when labor was in power.
the latter might actually be better though - a more natsoc-like government would probably come to power, similar to the trend all around europe, and it might pull the farage back into active politics sooner, pull some minor parties in, etc., or at least, put even more of the actually conservative ie natsoc-leaning conservatives into office.
You are fucking idiot.
Never surrender. This is how myths and legends are made. People have taken on the whole world before, and they have won. Have you heard of Jan Zizka? He is one of the few generals in history who was never defeated. He led peasants, women and children and defeated vastly larger armies of professional soldiers, knights and even defeated numerous crusades sent to end his 'heretical cult'. He also led these peasants and women to battle several times whilst completely blind.
… War was definitely different back then, I'll grant you that. But we have the internet. We have bio-weapons. Technology changes, attitudes change; but our will to survive remains the same. Never surrender! Take on the whole world if you have to. We're already fighting back in our own small way by telling the truth and forcing people's eyes open.
@OP: Mogg would be infinitely better than Boris. He is the only mainstream politician I have an ounce of respect for.
This has to be a pisstake.
Why the fuck do you think anyone is going to get behind another stinking jew?
Sacking parliament and deporting every non anglo saxon is a much better and the only action that will ever change a thing. Start with elitest jews like Boris and work down.
Yes there are pictures of the jewish Boris johnson at the wall, this has been answered already only you being an agitating kike aren't here for discussion just jewish deceit and diversion.
Rees-Mogg is ensuring none of his peers work to sabotage him by being as non-threatening as possible, while he in turn works to undo all of them. More specifically, he won't draw his sword until he's in a senior cabinet post, while he's a backbencher he's more powerful NOT running for leadership. What's more, he's been making the steps needed to secure real power, where MPs like Boris are fighting to win power in name only. For example, whereas Boris wants to become Prime Minister to secure his objectives, Rees-Mogg urged UKIP supporters to join the Tory party and get elected in order to fundamentally alter the fabric of the Tory party from bottom-up.
Farage for PM!
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and lowers the board quality.
please refrain from such activity, or fuck off back to whichever cuck-hole you crawled out of.
does he want it? I think he would be a shoe in if he campaigned but I dont really know what you guys do over there in terms of how people are vetted.
Is there anyone in britian that doesnt like that guy?
Nigel for world leader
Only about 70% of the population who have been brainwashed that he's Hitler. Given Trump's success, I'd say he would have a great chance.
Boris is a moron without Trumps charisma or skill.
This would be a terrible idea.
David Davis
What about him?
Too bad you subhuman scum. The anglo should be exterminated to the last spawn.
Nigel Farage is the only option I can think of
I know they won't get the votes needed, but aren't they /ourgoys/..?
I swear to Batman, I meant to type /ourguys/…
Prophetic slip?
BNP tore it's self apart from the usual right wing in fighting.
Boris is a faggot who will side with whichever direction the wind is blowing. Mogg is probably the only chance the UK has at a decent cuckservative PM.
Amazing if true. I know i'll vote for him if he runs.