Trump pardons Oregon ranchers at center of 40-day standoff
Trump pardons Oregon ranchers at center of 40-day standoff
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Kike free first post.
That's good to hear. Well done, Trump.
In the old days this would have been stickied. But this is entirely too pro-white and pro-Trump for the kike mods.
Hell yes.
The charges against the Bundy's were dropped too I believe, otherwise I'm sure they'd get a pardon
Annnd that was the sound of Trump winning the Mormon vote.
Now pardon the people who're arrested for confronting the feds.
I believe that was the toc. Good night wrong side.
dead feds are good feds
t. the fucking fbi
Your (((fallacy))) is: (((false equivalence)))
In the old days, Kikey banned every user who dared post any information on this, as "kike shills"
You can burn in a fire kampfybot
Additionally, perhaps most prominently, your (((fallacy))) is:
Why RU shilling 4 Hillary?
Your (((shilling))) is chemo-worthy.
Do not post gore in a fucking whitepill thread. Shame on you.
Why are you against white people getting released from prison? Why are you against white people hearing the truth, where there is good news about Trump? Why do you want to hurt the white people who are here? Why do you want to degrade white people?
Well, these are rhetorical questions. You will never change such objects of wrath - they are kikes, paid to shill, paid to direct their already only emotion of hatred, presently, here.
That's a phrase from here, but it describes you, posting vilest obscene materials, for your soul is sheol, and your name is kike.
are those implants.. kek
Strange, isn't it? A jew saving pictures of a jew cutting open a white woman who had a kike cut her open to put kike crap in her body.
Excellent selfie, sir. Not my kind of thing, selfies, but you should definitely legit go for it.
The posting of gore is primarily aimed at keeping the userbase as small as possible, as this is a kike site.
Yes, yes, show what the kike does to people. We know. You kikes are very bad.
But how about posting some of your oc, you know, your own personal slayings, oh kike?
The shills really hate this one!!! It's way too pro-Trump, so they're dumping gore.
I wouldn't spam gore it only get me hornay.
They were dumping gore porn after spamming endless smug anime loli girl JPGs whenever anyone mentioned Rubashkin, only those threads were shut down, while these MAGApedo spastic threads were stickied a dozen at a time
To the gore poster:
Here is how you shall end your days. In prison.
Yes, imkikey sucked. However, the freeing of 1 kike vs 10 whites? Good trade. Trump is a master deal maker.
what kind of sick fuck keeps a gore folder. i understand occassionally morbid curiosity but you should be ashamed and repent user
Sorry, Schlomo. I'm not in Englandistan, gore isn't illegal.
Fuck you subhuman
To the gore poster:
You will be allowed to plant watermelons.
Yeup, that was pretty fuckin' bad.
To the gore poster:
You will spend most of your time here.
1 kike for 10 whites.
That could have been said, previously, but today we rejoice!
A glorious day, and a magnificent trade. Trump drives a hard bargain, for us white people.
1 kike for 10 whites.
Now if he would pardon the half dozen+ soldiers who were following israel's orders and ended up in prison.
To the gore poster:
These are the lights that will keep you from escaping. You'll never escape from there. It shall be your home for all your life.
You both come off as huge fags.
Here's a pallete cleanser:
Left or Right, a Kike is a Kike.
A muslim.
To the gore poster:
A nigger will probably put HIV-AIDS in your anus. You deserve it.
< don't vote, goyim, let Hillary win!!!
You shill so hard for Hillary.
But she can never win. 16 years.
To the gore poster:
This will be the most advanced technology you will be permitted to utilize. You will have to pay to use it, and earn the money.
Mostly it was jews here promoting neocon jews were the smug loli girl/gore porn spammers
I still can't recall a single muslim shill promoting islam or some islamic candidate or anything here before.
Pretty much just lying jews and their second tier slaves the MAGApedes
It's a basic of shilling, all major (hell, even minor like fucking dog catcher) candidates do it. They tell everyone who is of the opposition to not vote. Different tactics are use. Example, "so and so is off the ballot" that's one. Or "give up, they're all the same". Whatever. It's just black hat electioneering.
And I promise I'll never run shine again, Mr. President.
Telling everyone to look up the term "social engineering" will fix most of this.
To the gore poster:
When you get sentenced to life, please shout "It was me! I was the Zig Forums gore poster!" so we know you've been locked up. OK thank you
pro shill with some custom (((D&C))):
Thanks, excellent advice, and I take it to heart.
I don't know if folks back east or from the coastal cities know how big of a deal this is, but it is.
From the Sagebrush Rebellion in the 90's to the lead up to the original Bundy standoff (actions relating to Uranium One, Harry Reid and a multitude of corrupt pieces of crap infesting all involved agencies) this is most welcome confirmation that POTUS is on the people's side, no ifs ands or buts.
All doubts and reservations are gone.
100%. WWG1WGA, etc.
Stoked as hell.
Gonna make a bigass Protect 6/14 46 bumper sticker for my rig.
If the media monopolies get busted up (which I believe will happen in a 2nd Trump term), Roe gets overturned, Pot get's descheduled, my heart may just burst from sheer joy.
(in which case it's been a pleasure merely being involved however peripherally.)
I think you're forgetting that wall, user. Don't you know Trump is a Jewis shabbos goy puppet sent here to deliver us to Israel? Perhaps you need help remembering the 6 million.
Eat shit, kikeshill you will never fit in. You're even too retarded to stop posting like a plebbitor.
Someone make a bait picture where the fish is just grabbing the worm off the hook. Something like "this is ineffective bait"
No worries there. I have full confidence the wall will be built. As promised.
Explain in context.
dead gang members can't administer beatings
Nigger, you're the only one that ever writes j'accuse, and nobody ever used that loan "word" here.
Your words have 0 value.
I sense the emergence of a new 'muh constitution'-style meme on the horizon…
Remember when one of them got shot dead in the snow? How they risked everything in an armed confrontation with the feds and wanted more to join? To fight back? When they loaded their iron balls in to their trucks and decided "enough is enough" and believed it was time to stand for something knowing that they might not make it home? How, in fact, one never did and he was made an example of should anyone else decide to stand up? Most importantly, remember how it completely went nowhere because they had to face the harsh reality that almost no one would stand with them, even after one of them was gunned down, even when plenty of Americans agreed with them and showed support from the safety of their homes?
Next time a
thread gets started, just play them the videos.
When someone says
tell them THIS story.
People aren't the hard working, willing to die for the possibility of the better people they once were. They aren't the generation that fought the Civil War, or even the generation that fought anything more than a mild cold.
These men learned, real quick, the true extent of the neutered populace.
This is how the Jew lies, boys.
They were sick of the feds destroying their water pumping equipment, the rights to which their ancestors kept when the land was sold to the Feds.
The ranchers were being forced to sell out to the Feds, because they were being blocked from getting water for their cattle from Federal land, even though they retained the water rights to do so.
This is how the Jew lies to you…this is how the Jew lies to you about everything.
All of them did nothing but split the vote up and gave the party that wasn't ideologically split the advantage.
There's nothing wrong with third parties. I for one look forward to a full blown Marxist Party gaining great traction this year. That would be fantastic!
I remember a libshit friend of mine, when the topic was broached, expressing such incredible disdain and spite toward those people. It was pitiful.
The vast majority of people are deracinated, demoralized, apathetic atomized nihilists. They don't even have the capacity to give a shit about anything anymore, not if it doesn't come with some sort of signaling potential, and doubly so if it requires any sort of personal sacrifice.
Oh teh noes!
A Graph Salad!
We can't repel shilling of this magnitude!
Considering how the democucks threw out sanders for not being left enough I have no idea how they could differentiate themselves from the already established marxists.
There's only two parties, really, in the US - however, the demographic demise of the White working class will spell the end of that paradigm I wager.
Its difficult to maintain only two in the current multiculti state of the US, nevermind when it reaches full-blown Brazil status.
Likewise, I hope its muddy as fuck. That'd be so progressive.
Oh teh noes!
A non-argument!
We can't repel shilling of this magnitude!
and dead spics and niggers can't form gangs
But here, fellow user, is the real kicker.
A nigger will risk his life for a candy bar, a television, some unwilling pussy, a purse or a personal beef.
A spicy will risk his life to smuggle drugs, cross the border, or a personal beef.
A mudslime will gladly kill himself for his religion at any given moment.
But whites won't risk their comfort or safety for an actual future, or a cause, their personal belief or their own defense.
Doesn't bode well.
The Democrats and the Hildabeast gang conspired to keep him out. It's what pissed off Seth Rich, and why he provided the evidence to Wikileaks, and it was why they murdered him.
ok not shilling. Obvious concern trolling.
either way
No, I meant the recent thing where he got cucked again by the DNC for not being a hardcore leftist enough for them. That fucked him and them really hard. Together they might have tried to pull a run for office but as it stands they have nothing.
Checked for pic related and you're really low-IQ.
Demographics are literally the only thing that matters. The rest is just icing on the cake, and you can put all the icing on a rotten or poorly-constructed cake that you want, it'll still be shit.
Taking guns may be the one thing that actually would make people revolt, although people would probably just hide them and not cooperate with police.
< Vote for Hillary, user - or at least let Hillary win… she's totally our enemy, fellow goyim
It is not possible to defeat the US military. It is possible, however, to trigger a military dictatorship.
Dictatorships aren't bad. They're the best form of governance, when they are white.
That was never its intent.
Its intent was to stop travel from the countries where terrorist problems were the worst.
I know, I want shitskins banned from immigrating or traveling here in any way, too. But that is going to take an entire overhaul of the immigration laws, giving priority to those with the highest IQ's, thus favoring whites.
Yep. In a democracy, all that matters is warm bodies. Doesn't matter how trash they are, just someone who can fill in the square next to "(Straight Party) Democrat".
This is why I will be shilling in favor of the hardest left communists of the DNC. My goal is to turn them into the Democrat Nonce Communist party.
I believe they have no defenses at this point, and that with only a few dozen of us shilling in their favor (look, the left is shit at memes, and they need our "help") we can transform the political landscape.
The result will be, of course, mass unrest, after it comes to pass that there is only one legitimate party, the RNC. Half of America will be pissed to hell.
And this shall set the stage for military dictatorship.
Caution is needed, because the CIA has various mechanisms, obviously of which I am unaware, of avoiding such an eventuality.
Therefore, there shall be more mini-bosses before we reach the final boss, which shall come after a nice prison break interlude (metaphorically a prison break - under the military dictatorship we must identify and promote a glorious soldier, our Hitler reincarnate, to absolute power), then that final boss battle: against the world kikery.
If you call being ambushed and shot "dying."
Pretty much.
Good luck.
Get some non-Whites and maybe a Jew to help you and its basically assured. Hit social media hard.
I like the way you think.
Hold on. I'm confused. I need schlomo to explain to me how this is actually zionist-chess and this is actually a move to serve the jews.
Not every single move is to serve the Jews, user.
Some are moves to serve the people so they'll support him so he can make moves to support the Jews that they won't like later on and his shills can say "But remember this!".
That's politics for you.