H.R.6054 - Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,



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Other urls found in this thread:

mobile.twitter.com/search?q=antifa unmasking&src=typed_query

This is awesome..

Do it. Fuck antifags. If they're so proud of their poz they wouldn't hide their identities.

Is this a proposition or what?

Commies at reddit aren't pleased.




They can collectively get fucked

report this to FBI

Should be 'while concealing identity'.

Sigh… One day furfaggotry will be a way to express affection and creativity for people who were denied such in childhood, and not a festering degeneracy magnet. One day it'll be cuddly nerds playing dress up and not faggots trading STDs and hanging out in the one group that puts up with their shit. One day.
polite sage for off topic

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Any of you who can't put this together get the fucking rope.



Also, probably going to die in comittee.

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What the actual fuck.


This sounds great, but be aware it could be used against anonymous internet political action.

Sorry jew logic checks out.
I added the loicence bit bc it is what is happening in Europe.
We will save our European brothers and sisters from the jew menace.



Making anonymous comments on the internet doesn't interfere with anyone's constitutional rights.

They aren't doing that though.

Also, I just noticed something.
< whether or not acting under color of law

Is it just me, or does that sound like it'd apply to cops wearing masks wherein you can't see their faces?

Well, there are already some combat furries out there. I know Zig Forums has a bunch that are heavily armed. Theres Also theres bunch of rubber furs that have combat worthy gasmasks and armor that is fucking terrifying and if there was a platoon of them Antifa would shit themselves, that and the maker of said masks actually is trying to make an army of them.
Those masks are immune to pepperspray and teargas with Hepa organic filters and worn with latex or rubber suits and leather jackets would protect vs knife wounds and clubs.
And if things got to a head, the fucking gay dogs would show up as well since there's tribal crossover between them and furries and they'd be called in via concord and also hoping to meet new playthings.
Imagine a riot with all the pics related involved in a scrum with Antifa.

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It actually does let me explain.
This is an unlawful call to violence in the US because 'imminent' means "likely to occur at any moment; impending".
Any jew can claim they were made afraid by these statements and oppressed by this fear citing "emotional distress" and "undue hardship", and that the fear inhibits their rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", as the looming threat to is all they can think about.
With the anonomity/conceal/disguise enhancement, you get extra fucked for calls to genocide a religious group.

Opt for the less urgent:
And consider how language is misused.
'Solve' means "break apart" not "fix", which is the opposite of "break".

Interesting point.
I am in the middle of a dispute where I claim the act of enforcing the "law" via armed peac officers is akin to the act of commiting "terrorism" citing the defenition of a "terrorist" as "one who enforces their beliefs with physical force" such as the officer's permitted "deadly force", though I am including "coercion" and "extortion" as similar activities in my claim.


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"Any kike can manipulate a court therefore there should be no laws"
Funny how we didn't hear this argument until their precious golem got targeted.

You're leaving out the part where they're doing so while committing a crime, you dumb ANTIFA fag.

Consequences for speech /= consequences for fucking attacking someone
One can be anonymous and the other cannot.
Being able to actually freely speak does not justify "unmasking" someone to try to use sjw punishments for doing so.
Speech doesn't harm anyone and you're a fucking pussy if you think so.
Being a total vagina and sucker punching or violently assaulting people is not any form of speech you are a huge kike if you try to play the words are violence attacking someone physically is "speech" game.
It's not even comparable, retard logic.


Here's a good salt vein besides the kikes kvetching in this thread

mobile.twitter.com/search?q=antifa unmasking&src=typed_query

So they're going to enhance the penalties that antifa never get?

It explicitly protects cops who are being ordered to stand down

This right here, now these unprosecuted criminals can be double unprosecuted criminals.

Masks declare intent. I would hope there are provisions for protective equipment in place.

New laws, two broad…This bill duplicates laws which could already be used to prosecute antifa.
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, § 3, 68 Stat. 776.)

Could be used for this specific reason.

< odds are this is being floated to keep Antifa from being prosecuted under sedition laws.

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

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Fucking based.

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This bill sounds good in the moment, but works against our interests in the long term. We should allow antifa to continue their tirade so that our conflict of interest with them can escalate to a decisive battle (non-violent, of course). To pass this bill would hush their bad behavior, pushing their influence further underground; and it could deter us from making a scene in the future when we get over this "I don't wear masks in the street because honor" meme.

I’ve already done that before. Perhaps you should try it sometime as well?

This isn’t Jews doing this. Jews run Antifa.

It will never be that.

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Is there light out there in your little brain?


Care to remind me who got it in the ass with law enforcement, when the nigger attacked people in the parking lot at charlottesville genius. Hint certainly not the nigger.

So, more oppression and erosion of rights, then.
Antifa is shit, but whatever they can be oppressed with EVERYONE ELSE can also be oppressed with.
Furthermore, since antifa and their ilk are defended by ZOG this "law" will apply LEAST to them.
It will be used to go after everyone else.
It will be used to hurt White people.


Also this.
Indeed, how does one define such a nebulous term as "in disguise?"
Is not anonymity the foundation stone of any kind of freedom?
As in the right to not be subjected to unreasonable search and seizure?
In the bill of rights?
This is yet another Orwellian nightmare.
Of course, ZOG.

That is where they will go with these things.
That is where they always go.

Thinking that ZOG cares about rights.

That is where they will go with this.
How do you define "in disguise" and "oppresses, threatens, or intimidates ANY PERSON IN ANY STATE?"
Can you seriously not see how this will be used?
Say goodbye to free speech.
Say goodbye to any anonymity.

Laws need to be AIRTIGHT.
Vague laws are oppressive kikes best friends.
After shekels, of course.

According to the lefty SJW types "hostile speech" is LITERALLY the same as a physical attack.
Do not ignore the threats of your enemies.
Do not ignore their intent.

Such laws exist and yet, for some mysterious (((reason))), literal communists (ie kikes) are allowed to freely subvert and destroy our civilization and have been allowed to do so for over half a century.

Antifa is a puppet. They mean very little.
Kikes already control the government. They don't need to "overthrow" anything. They don't need antifa to "win" anything.
What they need is more tools of oppression to beat down White people with.
That is what they are working on RIGHT NOW.

Woah. Fucking baste! I've been spending more time on Zig Forums ashamed to admit I've neglected it because Canada laws + poorfag and whenever I begin building my arsenal I'll be sure to pick up some of those gas masks. So based on the pics the creator is "MHWAP"? Also
Whenever the racewars start I'll be ready. The antisoy shall learn to tremble with dread at our battlecry of "Awoooo!"

Then the old must be put down Old 'Yeller style, and replaced with the new. Fluff war now, gas the rats!

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Good observation. Similar to the new "distracted driving" laws that duplicate existing "no phone while operating motor vehicle" laws. The purpose of the new laws is to be the first step in discrediting the ability for humans to pilot motor vehicles.

Speak for yourself faggot, I don't assault people while wearing a fucking mask.

Freedom is defined by the ability to lie.
This includes identity.


No but battery is also a crime.

Got a url for where to buy the masks?

fuck the other thread

You bable like a kike.

Nope, company is Wild Gasmasks, of California, but there are licensed variants out there. They are all custom made and their queue is stuffed.
I do know the fucking chinks make a knockoff one though. blackstore.ch/shop/contents/en-us/p2240.html It's worse for it I'm afraid

Also to be mentioned MHWAP is a fetishist that likes to LARP as part of ZOG. twitter.com/MHWAP_OPS?lang=en mhwap.tumblr.com/
Ironically, he's on my list of people to dox, and raid simply for his extensive armory and his degenerate lifestyle. But so much of his work can be repurposed

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That’s some weirdo stuff.

No surprise the freak is from California. Is he into BDSM too?

There are a lot of them, but this particular freak is from the midwest, he's just a guy with a few masks, not the maker though.
Well, see that tumblr link for a bunch of shit I dare not save to my HD. He once gimped this guy in the back of a pickuptruck and had him edged while driving around mountain roads, filmed said situation from a camera mounted in the back of the cab. Safe sane and consensual doens't even apply to this one. Bet he won't even aftercare his charges.

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what is this fucking timeline user?

Why the hell are you promoting him?

what an embarrassing defilement of the sacred, anubis is displeased

I want to raid his armory, kill him and his crew, and then use his gear to levy war upon Antifa should a civil war break out.
I also want to use his work in photo manips to cause mental anguish in niggerfaggots.

I'm also hoping that in the fighting to come, all our enemies kill themselves, either fighting for us or against us. Bit of a two rabid dogs fighting under the tree we sit in kinda deal, you hope they both die.

fuck forgot pic of the Zig Forums furs.

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You’re a furry right? What’s the appeal?

Well you guys heard him.

It's something that stirs in the blood whenever we watch animals, a bit like learning the runes of the Futhark, or reading NOS the first time. That and the sensation of warmth of protection that your old toys brought, and also a desire to be something you aren't, but also in said mask, you can be what you actually are without all the absurd human trappings in the way.
You are a predator, and you hunt the weak and make them your bitch/food. Or you are prey and submit to a predator after a fight. It is ephemeral quality, like the atmosphere of the STALKER games. You feel it or you don't.
Also, I want a bunch of Dolled up lesser fags to do my shit for me while I knock up my wife, and take my abuses because they secretly like it and want to submit to powerful warrior males and serve their whims and orders.

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I know also theres battle bronies out there.

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Remove yourself.

I’m not even going to read everything you wrote because it’s not right. For something like that be a “crime” there must be the threat of imminent violence, not just shit posting on the internet. You can even say that out in public, the only diving line is actually getting people to react violently at that point in time. And usually the cops cite those people in public for disturbing the peace not for what hey say.

don't be fooled, this is the same as muslim cocksucking countries banning the hijab while ignoring rape gangs and child brides. Our government is banning face masks for antifa while they ignore their organized violence and continue to support their side of the narrative.

The governments of the world want to ban any means of hiding your identity because they want to make full use of facial recognition technology

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I love how they all just ignore the fact that you have to commit a crime wearing a mask for it to be illegal. It basically just makes it more illegal to riot while wearing a mask than to riot while not.
If they really were just peaceful protesters, this law wouldn't touch them.

This thread was posted first. ;^)

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