Reminder that Putin is a Jewish shill playing his end of the Hegelian dialectic and there’s nothing you Russophile mongrel Duginists can say to convince real NatSocs otherwise.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Putin basically is Russia at this point in time. He’s an oligarch, he’s a billionaire, and he’s in power with ties to the Russian intelligence community.
It’s not a matter of him being the puppet, he’s the puppeteer.
Reminder that Putin is the only person standing up to the US empire. Jew issue is jsut a psyop from CIA
You mean ZOG.
Reminder that shit threads don’t need to exist.
Reminder that 8pol is the only place where the real truth can be posted, such as NRM being a Swedish intelligence psyop and Putin being a Mossad shill.
Reminder that there is no Russians on 8ch cos 8ch is banned in Russia.
Wtf I hate Russia now.
< le ebin nazis are spyniggers meme
Fuck off back from whence you came, faggot, you outed yourself with your cancerous foreign language within 2 minutes.
As is “antisemitism”. A good example of an actual nationalist from Russia is Tesak and Putin jailed him over essentially nothing.
You’re not even trying.
They literally are, you fucking nigger. Their former Satanic leader became a member of ANTIFA and it’s well-known that NRM is mostly Swedish counter intelligence. You really think (((they))) would let an actual NatSoc group exist in Scandinavia?
How do you faggots poast on this shitting board? I see endless threads on OpSec, but no real way to implement it. I can't post a fucking thread on Tor, and I assume all the fucking IPs on any of the common (((PROXY))) services are banned, so I'd be a fool to drop cash on them. I know the kike trick of flooding illegal images through every Tor node and proxy so that they all get banned, and it drives away posters who wish to remain anonymous. How can this insidious kike trick be defeated? You faggots must be surfing naked in order to make new posts. That does not jive with your fervent exhortations on OpSec. Please explain to a newfag how in the fuck do I post without using my home IP. I'm feeling like a real shitnigger right now. I have important things to say but I know I am only going to get KYS and Fuck Off Back To Plebbit/Cuckchan. FML.
KYS and Fuck Off Back To Plebbit/Cuckchan.
Provide evidence you lying faggot. You probably think National Action were spies too. Were The Order spies? Was Robert Mathews a spy? Were National Alliance spies? Fuck off kike.
Russia/ First Greater Israel ( Moscow )/ Communisim
USA/ Second Greater Israel ( washington dc )/ Capitalisim
Israel/ thrid greater israel/ slavery
The evidence is simple: any genuine NatSoc organization would’ve been shut down with all members killed immediately after inception. Hitler was our last chance, but he failed so now we just have to watch the world burn.
That’s what I thought typically, no takers though. Just waiting for the freaks to take the bait I guess?
May as well just kill yourself now and get it over with if there's no hope anyways right? Or make yourself useful and take as many powerful giga-kikes with you on your way out? So step up black pill user. Start assassinating the enemies of the White race and get some brownie points in Valhalla. I'll be here awaiting to hear about which one you chose to pop first.
Do what I did when I used to post daily. Just buy a vps and setup openvpn.
Better than becoming some alt-kike movementarian e-celeb, you retarded kike nigger. Read Siege.
I don't even know where to begin with how ludicrous and jewish this statement is. Do you kikes seriously think that Zig Forumsacks are as dumb as you are, with your sand-nigger 85 average IQ?
Do you seriously think anyone is going to fall for your psychoanalysis, Moishe?
You are busy tonight, you little subversive cocksucker. Making threads left and right. Too bad they're all getting anchored you fucking deceitful cunt.
Thanks bro. I will try to figure that out.
Your shilling is disgracefully bad. Filtered. Hope you're looking forward to getting flayed alive, yiddo.
Do what I did when I used to post daily. Just buy a vps and setup openvpn.
you stupid kike, 8ch isn't banned in Russia, and here's proof.
Yandex DNS will resolve 8ch. but not jihadwatch, which times out.
try harder with your D&C, Schlomo.
also, kys.