Game over.
We win.
Game over
hi reddit
fake news
We have to meme nazi goth girls, for reasons.
Hehehe silly goons
Post the version without the names covered or you're a fucking cocksucker, OP.
meme it so lads
What I'm most horrified by is these adults with children having such atrocious spelling and grammar. Also,
And naturally the parents' first thought is to OMG BAN EVERYTHING instead of stopping for one second to ask their kids why they're curious about certain things. Maybe it's because they really don't know enough to have honest discussions with their kids about any of it.
I am incredibly fine with this.
I got this from nigger, I don't know where it originated.
I implore you to search facebook and find the source, my friend.
Indeed, fine example there.
yea, no
You realize sage is meant for when you want to say something in a thread but not bump it? Like, your reply literally did the same thing as not replying at all.
Wish these fucking redditors would stop using sage as a downvote.
I just visited my ten year old sister and we got to throwing up the "ok" sign and smirking around Mom. I told her KKK means Kool Kids Klub and she said, "Oh yeah, black people LOVE the KKK."
I'm dead serious. This really happened. She said at dinner that she likes white cheese the best, but the people at her school like yellow cheese, just like they like their own people more. Their cheese and their people.
It's fucking happening.
Hey Zig Forums. Are you tired of being right? Are you tired of winning?
Imagine the shock when these parents learn their children are redpilled as fuck and they are the cause, not that nasty discord website.
This should be a popular poster to have on the wall
I find it fucking hilarious that girls with fupas expect to be taken seriously. Ever.
Jesus christ boomers get the oven second.
Checked and kek'd
Outraged leftist moms will probably bitch, moan, and complain for tightened screws on the internet. Because (((they've))) lost control. The redpill is hitting on levels that shouldn't be possible initially, but it is. Make the discussion about jewish supremacy a normalcy to ponder and criticize about, and watch (((them))) shrink back in terror.
…or just any girl in general.
I think Scarlett Johansson is to blame. Dressing up as a Nazi even for a movie role. How inconsiderate of her!
Imagine eventually the kids have slumber parties/sleep overs watching The Greatest Story Never Told
OP is faggot. Saged and reported.
Oh user mein sides were not prepared.
This is old news but still made me laugh
Try to hide my power level around my kids so that they don't walk around saying nigger and kike before they can defend themselves, as adorable as I'd find that.
you don't deserve those dubs with your piece of shit thread. learn how to make a fucking thread, asswipe
Seriously. The blue hair bitch speaks volumes as well…. how in the name of fuck did any man think it was a good idea to dive into that….
Yes, set examples for the goyim
As what was once posted before, the left can't meme to save their asses. Our honed memesmithing hits at the core. Strikes with truth and humor in a way that kikes and leftist drones can't even hope to imagine. They all try to quantify it in analytics, but they still fall so far behind. There's no stopping it now. Hitler's Ghost has risen from the grave (via the internet). and now the whole world will know that he was right.
Based Hortler poster. Also, checked.
Kids don't grow to be more liberal as they get older either. I cannot recall a generation that got less conservative instead. The hippies voted in Reagan, remember that. Jews can only win by immigration now. We have the future of white civilization on our side.
Yeah that certainly makes up for her interracial love interests in previous movie roles and her adoption of niglets IRL.
Control the youth, control the future. We're beating the kikes at their own game. Kids will always graduate towards more radical beliefs due to rising testosterone and puberty.
Who cares if some kikess fucks a nigger
Even the 'nice' schools are multicult shitholes filled with niglets and spics now. It's like prison where they have to form White groups to defend themselves.
Also, only right leaning families have children now. Pinkos outsource their reproduction to shitskins.
leftists and libs choosing to mutilate themselves or go all in for the "I'm not having any kids despite people wanting me to", brought this on themselves. Their "memes" die with them.
This is why I hate football and basketball, liberals and cuckservates use that excuse to bring more nogs and spics in white schools.
Isn't that Trump on the left? He's 6'3.
I’d fight him.
Nope, I would fight Trump
I hope he also told him that they use golems to take over companies like this. By first pushing for affirmative action hires and then using those hires to get themselves hired into positions of management and control.
I have seen how they operate firsthand so many times it’s not funny.
If you ever want to see something funny. Take that picture of the one attached here, post it on social media, and ask "why do you support Nazi's Scarlett?" and watch the global meltdown of "fans" begin. Happened a few years ago and it was a massive shitstorm. Look, she even okay'd fucking action figured in a Nazi uniform. They get livid when it is brought up, it's hilarious.
From a liberal parent. If you're a conservative then its only a natural pivot to go full nazi. If you're a conservative parent you're just afraid your children are going to wake up that you, who they were supposed to trust blindly, lied to them and taught them to lie by covering their eyes and ears when it came to race teaching them political correctness. You're afraid they're going to eventually want to gas your ass and say fuck it starting civilization over with his you-show-me-yours-I-show-you-mine eve.
Nonsense but this is Zig Forums. Counterpoint, as a liberal parent it's only a natural pivot to go full transgender radical bomb making Weatherman.
See how easy it is to make generalizations?
Cute, I can’t help but notice you’re not here. You’re hiding in a crowd or behind a tree pretending to be something. You’re the reactionary in every encounter. You’re also now a felon.
yea, really. on what planet? hamm?
I love the taste of whitepills in the morning.
Everybody post classic hale hortler images I lost all mine upgrading my distro like a pajeet
I am standing in the abandoned parking lot where you found me last week.
You want to prove something send a goon of the same build.
Nothing will happen. Sage negated.
I am pure blooded Aryan, what about you? I set a trap and caught a felon.
your the homeless wino that pissed himself on top of an garbage bin? How u into Zig Forums?
QT Goth girls are the implicit last stand of white identity.
Because, I have money, you mad?
Yeah the sole white guy that got chased out of two cities by kikes is somehow a Jew. You’re just mad your homey just committed a felony by having sex with an underage girl.
They must have been kvetching all night last night because this is some low energy crap they're sending. I'll be back after a couple beers.
Fight for the water, quit acting like children
Well OP you fucked up and didn't edit out one name
the attached brought some sunshine to my day. triggering the bints with an allegory.
Hahaha they're just going to encourage them by reacting that way.
You seem upset.
kek that's too good to be real. Also never say "game over". It's never over. Don't get lazy. You can't afford to get lazy.
Yeah, heroes are born everyday here in America!
not nearly as upset when you word filtered "thot" to "slit my throat I'm a fucking goon", kikey
This kid has a bright future ahead of him.
Wait, there'a theme song?
They're probably talking about the italian disco frog meme song.
I read kekerstan in the stereotypical confused old person voice
keep your stupid comments in your pocket
Imagine in a generation when there isn't a single white leftist and it's openly just a bunch of Jews holding the niggers of the Earth on a leash. And there isn't a single White to be fooled by it. (Because their parents woke them to the JQ) It's going to be glorious.
That's just gay
These damn kids and their internet "ship posting". I bet they don't even know the first thing about maritime law.
It's hilarious how much Jews love dressing up as ebil Nahzees.
Imagine being so triggered you won’t let me post my white ass all over this thread.
Imagine thinking anyone cares what you have to say about anything ever.
retards going to 'tard
now a musical user needs to remake Jon Lenin's version
that damn dischord and 4chin.