US Proposes Tariffs on $200 Billion More in Chinese Imports
US Proposes Tariffs on $200 Billion More in Chinese Imports
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Get fucked china
less the U.S.A.'s companies rely on chinese goods, the better
fuck china.
We'll live.
I wonder who will win?
Chinks have a problem where no one wants Chinesium if they know any better. Europe doesn't want Chinese shit when quality is way better domestically, while the rest of the world doesn't have enough capital to replace the US. American (((corporations))) are obsessed with selling the cheapest and worst quality goods with the highest markup possible for the most (((profit))).
China's economy is about to collapse.
I wonder if the impact will benefit or drag the Western world
But I wouldn't mind a Japan2.0 tbh
So they're going to starve themselves out? Seems like a self correcting problem. We can live without chinkshit poisoning us. how long can they live without food imports?
Japan actually made good shit and their economy was collapsed by currency manipulating kikes rather than legitimate problems.
That explains why my portfolio, (American companies only) is up 22% in the past month, 28% in the past year.
Kekked FTW
fuck satanic china
Isn't it strange that the US President can levy tariffs willy nilly, but can't keep the borders secure? Or maybe he just doesn't want to.
Anyhow. What is really going on is that China has been making trade deals with everyone from Europe to India, and they're moving to become completely self sufficient. The kikes on Wall Street don't like that. They want China to be a sweat shop nation making them a cheap buck. But really, it's too little too late, the yellow man played the kike for suckers. Besides, "American" companies aren't bringing their business back to the USA, they'll just move to Vietnam or Guatemala or something.
Checking these sweet and prosperous dubs! I hope it goes up another 88% for you user!
Danke user, I hope you have the opportunity to invest in a nest egg too
t. chinaman
Doesnt this just effectively raise the price of everything made in china (everything) for all americans? You guys are so dependent on their products that this hurts you just as much as it hurts them and it probably wont stop hurting.
If you're a drug addict, do you keep taking the drug until you kill yourself? America has to face the reality of either continuing to sow the seeds of its own destruction or purging the kike economic order.
No we aren't.
China is more dependent on us buying their products then we are on their products. If the Chinese products become expensive then similar products produced in the States or a trade partner we aren't getting fucked by will replace them.
There is no tariff too high for that shit. In fact people that eat it are so stupid they should also have to eat 10 rounds of 9mm.
It's all smoke and mirrors. China is so developed now they couldn't care less if tariffs are imposed or not and especially for electronics muricans rely on the unsurpassed supply chain. It's not stuff you can simply move to the US.
If things ever get too painful China will back down but I just don't see it happening anytime soon. China doesn't want it's people to buy imported stuff either way.
They will dump it all in Europe or Australia or UK once it's out of the EU.
This line of thought is generally why it is better to pursue a trade war AFTER you've rebuilt your manufacturing base rather than hoping a trade war will spur relocation/repatriation. Personally I think it's an even worse bet considering the entities you are putting your hopes on are the entities responsible for situation in the first place.
…only until some other gook nation decides to start producing those goods. fuck that guy, tbh
any word on how those jets the chinks reverse engineered perform in comparison to their american counterparts?
chinks are depending on the Administration bowing to political pressure. absent that, they're going to get raped, bad. And, if they keep it up to long, US corporations will permanently shift their supply chains to other shithole countries that will produce the same shit products as the chinks for just as cheap
Just to make sure the gooks flee:
Learn your slants properly:
Gook = korean
Nip = japanese
Chink = chinese
Flip = filipino
all orientals are the same (tm)
China, because they are producer and USA consumer.
The US position is like that of a debtor that refuses to pay.
Your argument is “who are they are going to sell stuff if not me”.
Wait what happens.
arr rook semm
The real question is, did they? They have to buy jet engines from Russia for their J-20 despite having jet engines to reverse engineer. Their domestic products are shit what ape the shape of foreign ones. Their steel is shit to the point that even during the Obongo administration various states outlawed its use in construction. Their buildings and bridges can be shells filled with trash instead of concrete.
What are the avionics and electronics in those airframes like? What about the radar suite? Is the composite that forms the surface actually radar absorbant? Are those angels actually optimized for the size of the airframe?
Chinese love "face", just becuase it looks like an American or Russian plane doesn't mean it has the same capabilities.
This is some fucked logic, you realize only violence can force the debtor to pay money?
The US has 2.7 times the total industrial output of China, hell Germany has 1.2 times the industrial output of China when using the same criteria, ie not double counting exports and imports and including construction as "industrial" activity.
The trade deficits are created by the US shipping components like microprocessors or plastic pellets to China and then having the Chinks pressform the pellets into a case and the put the chips and screens in it and ship it back as a computer. The tooling and infrastructure to due finishing work is not hard to create or operate, hence why the chinks to it in the first place.
If American is made after 1990, much better.
Just like European Aristocrats in the year 1910 thought about US
So I'm assuming you are a newfag and haven't heard all the accounts of chink steel being useless due to low tensile strength or outright being rolled to the wrong thickness somehow. I also like how you used a single product as a proxy for total production and completely discounted: powdered metals, solvents, raw materials like iron used to make steel, coal, finished steel itself, steel in totality, integrated circuits, plastics of all kinds, finished products of all kinds, ect.
Also by the year 1910 Germany and the US overtaken England in total industrial production rather than merely in steel. Chinks however are
1) dumber than whites especially if you consider how many of them are not actually Han
2) cooking their books to an absurd degree
3) have shown themselves unable to reverse engineer export model jet engines Russia has been giving them since the 70s and continue to buy new ones due to their constant failures to make a domestic equivalent despite repeated attempts
4) doesn't have the massive resource base the US had and still has to make their goods competitive without "free trade" giving them cart-blanch to flood other markets.
I like that none of your assertions are even an argument against tariffs as denying the Chinks a market and building up your own would be a way to counter and prevent their industrial emergence. So what precisely is your argument against attempting to impoverish slant eyes?
not the user you are arguing with
but one reason for the whole china deal is the west offloading most of their industrial pollution onto the chinese peasants
heavy metal contamination alone will fuck up anybody living in that region for generations to come
coupled with the air pollution in the cities you can also forget about china stronk, their militry recruits will vastly underperform due to pollution related illnesses
of course i'll grant you building non polluting factories in the west is vastly better, but the cost to the bottom shekel line will mean this can only ever happen after the day of the rope
I really like how a fucking leaf is trying to out-Chink us now too.
You realize it's because the folks at home give no shit about safety and buy chink steel because they are safe right?
The US market is not free, ergo, free market rules shall not apply.
Japs were IP thieves as well. Things haven't gone as well for them since China copied for even cheaper.
Japan had legitimate problems.
1. New Asian countries doing same but cheaper.
2. Demographics.
China 2000 is Japan 1960. It is story repeating itself with some variations.
Good. Fuck China, they destroy the environment with their heavy industrial pollution, smog skies and plastic rivers. Also those subversive shits might face a demographic problem thanks to their One-Child rule
There will always be emerging cheap labor in the world for awhile. We could always just start making deals with India. They have a population that needs work all we need to do is build some factories. This will also piss off the Chink too. Even if India doesn't want too there is always Africa though I'm wary because they are as likely to destroy the plant as they are to work in it.
Tariffs are just taxes on American citizens and businesses, they aren't paid by Chinese. It's much easier to increase taxes on your law-abiding citizens than it is to control your borders.
WTF is Trump doing, Trade wars prefaced both world wars.
You know they have browser plugins that automatically censor phrases for which you could get your internet shut down?
looks like we're on the right track then
Hear that. Rolling for WWIII and IV to break out simultaneously.
if you owe the bank $100 the bank owns you, if you owe the bank $1,000,000,000.00 you own the bank
They destroy their environment but they let clean the american territory. It's why it can be good to send the industry in China or anywhere.
Race War, WWWIII and WWIV !!! HELL YEAH, full speed to Valhalla,
Ching chong bing bong. 六四天安门事件
Know what they don't produce a lot of, Hong? Food and water.
I hate chink shit. I don't want to buy chink shit, ever, and I avoid it whenever possible.
Sometimes it's not possible, because the economies aren't in place for certain products to be manufactured here, because the chinks don't give a shit about destroying their own land and people (search "iphone lake").
Tariffs raise the price for Americans buying chink shit. This disincentivizes buying chinkshit, and also opens an opportunity for American companies to produce these products because the prices are now reasonable (you no longer need to choose between irradiating your people with sludge lakes to win a race to the bottom or sitting it out).
That's why I support tariffs on China.
Every American who isn't a lolbertarian should support tariffs on China, whether your perspective is environmental, humanitarian, or nationalist.
Nothing comes up…? Tried both DDG and Startpage.
Gonna need some sauce.
China fucking blows
Everyone has old fucks problem. People are not supposed to live 40 years after working productive age and consume most GDP. Boomer model is simply unsustainable. But China has advantage here as they give no crap about "muh rights".
I say best and elegant solution would be prohibition for everyone who is 60+ years old to have income and property.
Thankfully the old people bubble will burst on its own eventually. We certainly need a few law adjustments so anyone who doesn't actually work and contribute to society has less rights. Nothing major, just give preferred treatment to the people who work.
Theyre pretty good hackers and the US has been sleeping on cyber security for a while.
(I was told this by a decently high ranking Navy guy, it's common knowledge.
We're getting better at securing our shit though so this wont be a problem for long.
Haha that was just a joke Chang
That's old news
Their new term is Made in China 2025 中国制造2025
horse shit Jamal
The U.S.A has the massive demographic problem with aging and subhuman population, they know they can't maintain their propped up economy much longer but the plan was always to ride it into the ground while extending their last breath to keep loyaly serving some "chosen" sandniggers.
Here in NZ, it has become impossible to source metal extrusions or forgings from the US, since all capacity is now used to supply the US itself.
We can't get from China, either, as it is… too expensive.
Weird trade games. Looks like NZ will have to rebuild its manufacturing base too
China has it almost as bad as we do because of the one child policy, they have just had their industry for a more recent period so it isnt fucking them over as much.
reported for necrobumping. enjoy your ban shill
Just gonna put it out there that chinese plastic is worse than chinese steel.
China ended the one child policy a few years ago. It's two now.
Never post yellow people again. This is your final warning.
Can we just ban Chinese products and just use Latin America for manufacturing so we have absolute control over it and use tax money to build a super a wall. Then have Forceful employment compounds for US bums. Chinese actively is poisoning our people through food products and everything else we get from them. Even the Chinese know not to ever get things from China especially food unless you have no other options. The chinks are also the ones producing all the fetanyl that young White people are oding on thats coming through mexico
dude, do you know how many factories they've attempted to try to move to mexico et al that have failed bc beaners can't into organization and discipline? the US will have to use the rest of SE Asia. Latin America isn't going to work, pun intended
What about thailand? Ladyboi?
rue mess with rong ppl
This will be great.
I still don't understand why we aren't manufacturing electronics in the states. How can you trust shit made in China?
Here's an idea: American manufacturing
kill yourselves