Dawn Raids: The Tragic Story of National Action
Going to skip to the important parts here:
Dawn Raids: The Tragic Story of National Action
Going to skip to the important parts here:
all judges should be found, shot and killed
Another relevant article to throw here:
Direct podcast without the autism can be found here:
The article has a lot less detail, but the podcast also talks a lot about what is going on.
Daily reminder that the most radical thing these guys did was run a soup kitchen.
Hello mr. lawman, have you paid for you TV license today?
Checked and…
Precent says no freedom of association
Precedent says no freedom of speech
And behold, practically sentencing people to death for violation.
But should anyone dark enough rape a child, walk down the street screaming death to whites, openly support terrorists… far from a complete list, so we will leave it open ended, punishment is light of at all.
The open contempt, hate and punishment, globally, for being unashamed of being white is infuriating to watch.
Great Lads.
National Action is another kosher group that spawned from the Ironmarch forum, which was run by an Uzbeki NazBol as part of a Kremlin honeypot. SAGE
Controlled opposition kikes that have literally been proven to be connected to an Israeli firm. Nice slide thread, though.
Anons, if you are ever in a position where suicide is the only option, always try to turn it into a homicide against the enemy.
Should they receive stern warnings and a wag of the finger instead? Perhaps (((you))) would rather they get a raise and a pat on the back for a job well done.
To add to my previous comment, it’s well known that Mossad and the MI6 were funding Renshaw so he could recruit “bad apples” and have them end up in the clink. Renshaw will get a lighter sentence for his services, but the naive faggots who were retarded enough to join that honeypot got what was coming to them.
Organic. No need to source or know how to properly sage here Schlomo.
At least you know how to sage, but claims are followed by sources. Not from you, however, always filter the smug anime posters because they repeatedly drag any conversation down.
>all 3 (((dissident organizations))) originating from Ironmarch are honeypots
Lurk about 2 more years.
Always convenient that there is someone waiting around to say that the whites that got punished doing what was offered to them in hopes to save their country deserved it.
It is almost as if there is a narrative to make sure every white remembers resistance is frowned upon.
Observe the shills in their natural habitat.>>11841556
Or, it is almost as if none of the different WN organizations, alt-kike e-celebs and other dreads of movementarians are genuine. Have you ever wondered by certain cartoonish “Nazi” organizations tend to remain unscathed or how certain e-celebs like Kike Eunuch never seem to get into the type of trouble true dissidents get into? We’ve always had a policy on here: fuck e-celebs and all other forms of movementarians because all they do is steal our content and make it worse, and they’re all on payrolls of sorts. Richard Spencer with Regnery, his wife with Dugin, Atomwaffen with the FBI etc.
= useful idiot scum or kikes paying them.
LOL you will never be us. You will never be cool. March and false flag all you want, you will never take over shit Spencer. Keep giving the MSM camera time and we will use you DUGIN. And we will destroy you DUGIN/BANNON/IMKIKEY!
Watch MAGA Opus, lurk for 2 more years and fuck off. Sage.
Last I checked there were only so many kikes and they weren't the ones getting thrown behind bars and their heads bashed in. I guess the judges and the entire system itself is pretty based then, huh?
To respond to these claims a bit, anyone who knew the group well would have known that Ben was the only one in Ironmarch, and he ended up distancing himself from the forum due to how autistic the literal deviantart group got.
Its almost like you don't even know what was going on in the group.
Boomer tier post my friend. I am sure you are a verified 100% oldfag.
Just going to filter your kike ass, no one here is buying that whites deserve this treatment because you played connect the dots with one kike.
Hahahaha shut up kike
But this one didn't. They got highly successful very quickly, and they paid the cost. National action didn't have namefags or ecelebs with podcasts and youtube channels associated with them.
It seems more like you don’t know what’s going on. I was in IM from the beginning and have so much dirt compiled on those kikes, it’s insane. Look for it soon.
No, but they had Discord servers with leaked messages from Unicorn Riot and they all sounded like spastic feds.
shit OP I didn't know about half of this. This is sickening.
You want to know how I know you are lying? National action was pre-discord, they used mumble for most of their operations.
This narrative of
Doesn't lessen the effect of these decisions on our race, and is slipping because the trend has become for a few anons to push this narrative as hard as possible.
(((You))) and your type sell that should 2 white men get together to do anything about the decline of our countries and race one must be a kike and therefore both deserve their fate. You paint an unlimited number of secret jews in the equation to stifle any action other than your approved action of doing absolutely nothing.
It is becoming as obvious as it is old.
Whites being punished and even dying for speaking out against what is happening ais a net loss no matter how you try to twist it to instill fear and mistrust.
(((You))) are simply running out of tactics in an attempt to run the clock at this point.
Filter every kike that tries this tired tactic
They only wish to see us cheer the punishment and death of our own race.
Anyone here ever notice that the shills keep drawing away from the fact that the UK is committing literal human rights violations?
Not to mention the fact that hope not hate is literally cracking people open like nuts for intel, CIA style.
they isolate themselves just like every sub group of lazy individuals.
look at that fag with a mask on, a fucking degenerate just like a goth with makeup
if your group had any ability , it would fukcing be able to standup for itself. solve your own problems loser
Nice reddit spacing faggot. Maybe you should go back there, the posting speed my suit you more.
what the fuck are you talking about, all you fucks talk about is reddit spacing
i dont give a fuck, do you have anything to say, anything to comment about my fucking post other than reddit space shit
I konw I reddit space, im the fucking one doing it
Is this some kind of cool kids club … hey look he reddit spaces … hahahahahahaha
retard, you are a fucking loser without any ability or worth, you actually thought that your post was worth your time, this is how you spend your life because you are worthless
hey bro dont isolate me
Reddit spelling too?
its time to shoot the children of these people. their families are legitimate targets.
All of this is false, actually. Lurk 2 more years and you’ll understand what we’re about.
As your narrative gets filtered we can only grow in strength and knowledge. No matter how you cut it these are members of our (excluding you) race that are paying these prices, and simply finding obscure ways to insult them and claim they deserve it or attempting to insert a kike in to the equation to say that they all were obviously deserving of it does not make it true.
Furthermore, asking that others ignore your reddit spacing and pay attention to what you have to say is Rich, since what you have to say ignores the message and intents of these men but focuses on superficial appearance in order to justify their punishment.
damn this thread is so shitty full of fuckwads that cry like grammar nazis what worthless pieces of shit
your replies just keep getting shitter and show more and more how useless this entire group of people are
no one cares about reddit spacking or spelling except for losers that have nothing else better to talk about.
you have no points no meanings just loser replies.
this is your life, you are having a blast right now
>just… just 2 more years of (((us))) trying to turn you against your own race and glorifying their misfortune at the hands of (((our))) system
No. The problem isn't how long I have lurked Moishe, the problem is I have seen your arguments time and time again over the years I have lurked.
Every single time whites speak and get punished (((you))) are there to blame them for it. Every time. With the same arguments. And if over the years I have noticed this unrelenting method is an absolute, others have and will as well.
it is shallow, but I do honestly feel there that is a mentality that goes along with this look , similarly to goth mentality
and you whining as well as OPs shows that I am some what valid. You want others to take care of your problems.
you are fucking covering your face, you want to be included yet be ananymous. This is idiotic childish behavior. Keep crying, but you are going to have to solve your own problems.
I suggest you take of the mask and give yourself a hard look in the mirrior and ask yourself what it is you want in life and how are you going to get it.
I bet youre a commie that wants to not work and have others do shit for them. So this is why you wear the mask and cry. This is what you want.
If Im wrong then please stop with the face covering and get serious. Getting serious is not talking about reddit spacing.
Jesus Christ you are retarded. The UK is imposing literal 1984, and all you can care about is redtexting the word "Filtered". Did you even read the article? These people aren't isolating themselves, they often have healthy social lives. They are being given legal orders to stop interacting with friends and family.
They would rather us pay attention to why we should either not care or openly support it happening.
A good redpill can come from that list of human rights violations. If more people see just how the laws, and even base morals at this point, no longer apply when punishing whites maybe more will realize the severity of our situation.
Reminder that all cops are Zogbots and should get the bullet too.
I did read the article, would you rather I use my time to join the kikes attempting to quickly convince everyone else that these men deserve it and it doesn't matter?
Have you not noticed how the narrative of
became the common reply in the matter of minutes.
I no longer notice that, because I filtered the faggots that wanted to change the discussion to the merits of the whites instead of their treatment.
Fuck off Moarpheus. Your "documentary" is a glorified cringe compilation that just establishes what we already know then tries to rope in Trump as the leader of the alt-kike while it's painfully obvious those faggot in your compilation are trying to ride his coat tails for any semblance of relevancy.
going to be honest user I appreciate that he did that been noticing that every thread is full of blaming whites for what they are doing and it derails the living fuck out of discussing it or getting any real info. can just go through and filter by id from his replies cause he seems on par and arguing with them just fucks our shit up. polite sage for offtopic
And like I said, this sets a precedent that freedom of association no longer exists. They aren't isolating themselves, they are being cast out by abuse of law and ruined in every conceivable way. If a majority of whites there, and everywhere, knew that this was just one of the many costs of not rolling over and dying in the prescribed way it may help show just how severe this has gotten and will get elsewhere.
But there's no England now.
There is, it is just heavily suppressed and being drowned as we speak. Whites need to realize that time is of the essence, the more (((they))) are allowed to do this the further they get, the less whites exist that saw it coming, the less whites that were willing to speak or act, and the more okay this becomes.
Now or never is around the corner for most western countries, each is doing similar but different methods I think to test the water for a unified and open effort to fully destroy us. I just refuse to believe any country has hit the point of no return yet, that is a very bleak visage.
The problem is that (((they))) have everything, you don't even have the right to assembly if they decide so.
How are you going to overturn The End when you can't even say it's coming? THIS is your society without guns.
Britain lost the war when they sunk Rhodesia, when it forgot to be Britain.
the point where we as a people shit or get off the pot either came and went or is very soon. don't want to blackpill but the reaction so far feels somewhere between limp wristed and none at all. maybe britain will be the example of loss that the rest of the world uses to rise up. or sweden. or canada. each is getting pretty raped and whites keep kikeflix and chilling as it happens.
True, but people are resilient and creative. Whites especially so. Guns don't always win the war, they help, they make it easy, but heart needs to be there. That is the largest obstacle, one we see in countries with guns as well.
Valid argument.
I despise the very notion of a world without "the eternal Anlgo", never the less, it seems to be what's coming. I say that as someone who's people have, at various points, been both saved and screwed by the Brits.
Europe is not Europe without Britain.
And do you truly believe it is The End?
I pray to God almighty, my friend.
I hope it isn't…I hope it isn't.
The continent can burn for all we care
Britain's decline from world wide empire and third Pax state for the globe in the history of civilization to tax haven for third world billionaires began the minute Parliament started making 'friends' in Europe
Hopefully this is the end of the cycle and the White race survives the collapse of the rotted carcass that is Western Civilization.
You misspelled (((Germany))).
Britain only ever had three goals throughout it's history
1. Push France's shit so far in the frogs are choking on last night's snails and Bordeaux (most of Britain's overseas colonial possessions were originally taken off if France I.e. India, South Africa, Canada)
2. Secure international trade for goods/items we like and want to bring home to enjoy/sell
3.Occasionally going on holiday
It just isn't at the point where 10% + of the whites in any western country couldn't make change. But it isn't just fighting the obvious visible and tangible (((threat))). Kikes have layered distrust and fear of protecting yourself above it as a defense. Very little people want to risk their lives to fight what is essentially a threat to their lives anyway. Like a programming of eternal optimism that it will all be okay if you simply wait. If you speak out you will be ruined, of you act out you will be ruined, and as long as you keep your head down and do nothing you will be ruined. And too many at this point choose the latter. I understand why though, the fact that each white person has already been so extensively isolated that he knows whatever he does will be a solo drop in the bucket. And should they not, and come together, well you see what happens. They will forcefully be isolated anyways.
the eternal anglo strikes again
That is the other problem. (((They))) have to keep all of (((their))) shit and pets glued together and passive enough for long enough to fully handle the "white problem". It is as much a race against the clock for our people and lands as it is for those that want to see both burn.
Mars isn't happening. That would require countries to stop labeling low IQ niggers scientists and declaring math racist. This pickle of a situation ends here on Earth, one way or another.
Yes it is, faggot, especially if we make it. The only thing that stands between us and destiny is a small loan of a billion dollars.
The Anglo developed a taste for spices and tea
Don't get sore just because in your back corner of the former Roman Empire youre forced to subsist on turnips and beetroot for time immemorial
as misplaced and bumbled the goals of the eternal anglo can be at times they are still a portion of our people and their loss would be felt wide. every dead white and every dead white nation empowers and emboldens the killers.
Which makes it maddening when so many Whites are trying to keep the system in working order when it is actively killing them off.
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
/ourguy/ always = paid traitor and kike owned actor…. learn it…. live it… deal with it………. If they were real they would be dead………..
Nice shitpost, chaim.
You know, I never thought of it that way. In reality we could make leaps in slowing the genocide and getting (((them))) to fully rear their head as the true threat they are by grinding it to a halt. Every kike pet would turn in an instance and maybe leave for whatever shithole they came from if the eternal gibs factory stopped. Still, would require unification. But thinking about that it does make it a very delicate situation. The British could start quietly stopping production and such instead of putting stickers up. Would still be made examples of and ruined, but would be harder to pinpoint the "problem".
Why is it that whenever /ourguys/ or someone that generally makes it easier for the right to express it's politics gets shafted you faggots come out in droves and cheer?
Is it perhaps because (((you))) don't want to save Europe? Or is it because it makes your bitter complacence seem wasteful? It's easier to talk shit about activists and be lazy and inert, right?
a meme campaign for brits to shut it all down redpill them with the information about the human rights violations and maybe some would keep low and just work to piss off their government at the worst they would get thrown in to jails with mudslimes and their heads crushed in for fucking with tea production
Wrong quote, famalam.
I wasn't quoting.
What a strange law. Reading through it, seems like you could use it for just about anything. It's a cudgel the state uses when you haven't committed a crime but they still want to fuck with you.
Oh you mean the post. No, correct post.
Perhaps you want to refer to this guy here
Pretty much, and the UK is full of them. Most of the laws used to cudgel the Right these days were established by right-wing governments to cudgel the left a few decades ago.
It's why I'm entirely opposed to political oppression/restriction of speech in any form. Your intentions are irrelevant, it WILL come back to bite you.
I don't think he meant what you think he meant.
The what?
Try English.
What do you mean?
I mean he's referring to people who say that on repeat in derision, not being one. At least that's how I read it.
I think you are fucking mentally ill.
Really, nigger? This is how you derail? Get fucked.
Nope, just that.
I mean holy shit, you can't infer meanings from word.
Kill yourself, faggot.
So many shills ITT. It's really horrible what the government is doing to these guys. If they weren't national socialists and there wasn't a media gag there would be massive outcry over this.
This is really interesting. Thanks for posting.
I’m not going to say it is kikes….
… but it is ((((KIKES)))
Certainly and their pals come into this forum to mock their victims.
What is an agent provocateur?
Listen and learn. Use your head, instead of running around like a scared chicken.
This is a board of peace and we don’t condone violent and unlawful action.
It would be really unfortunate and sad if a misfortune would happen to them.
They lost when they, including Rohdesia waged war against Germany.
Hitler told you so, but you didn’t listen and you mocked them.
Checked the Hitler triples, you perfidious Albion.
>You misspelled (((Germany))).
You made your bed, now lie in it.
I hope the tea was worth to give the hymen of your daughter to the jew.
Wait you don’t even have children, ahahah.