Mystery as woman, 48...

Mystery as woman, 48, is found dead in the trash compactor machine at Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin's former Manhattan apartment block home

-A woman's body was found inside trash compactor at New York apartment block

-The 48-year-old was a resident of the block, and was pronounced dead at scene

-Police are waiting for the medical examiner to determine her cause of death

-Disgraced former congressman Anthony Wiener owned an apartment in building

-He and estranged wife Huma Abedin put the property up for rent in May 2017

-The listing was published the same day he pleaded guilty to sexting a girl, 15

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Fake news. Sage.

yeah okay

Wonder how many shitty slide threads are going to be posted and bumped just to slide this off.

Goyim this is just a (((cohencidence)))

Whoops, forgot to sage on my last post.

Yea, maybe. Reports are coming that they had forgot her when they moved out.

Perhaps she discovered something inside the trash compactor, and thus had an untimely accident.

if we weren't living in clown world it would have been huma/sandnigger and wiener/rat jew found dead in the trash compactor with their skulls crushed in together.


Kek'd at the building name.

Zecke means tick in German, a common degoratory term towards leftists nowadays. The last name was probably assigned to a kike.

Zeckendorf means tick village. (probably a kike from a village full of kikes)

Ticks are blood sucking parasites who can infect their host with deadly diseases - most commonly meningitis.

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May 31st 2017 Donald Trump Says:
“Despite the constant negative press covfefe”

I was there in the thread when we all used to watch the Spicer press conferences. Spicer says in vid related, "The president and a small group of people knew what he meant".

Not fake news just checked BUMP


thats a good retweet, only if hilldog could be more like that

It's too boomer and doesn't make sense.
She should have tweeted:

a sage is not a downvote

let me guess no investigation just like seth rich0

wow the first post too

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I thought covfefe was the password to the pedo parties at Comet Ping Pong.

This is getting slid hard. Some info on the victim.

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Then bumped

Her father was on the CIA reading list on Ruskies.

Weiner and Abedin likely put the place in limbo to hide the goings on there for as long as possible. If officers aren't saying its recent, then it probably means the body has been there a while.

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she was a total nutjob leftist that was posting liberal junk nonstop until May 2017 on her Facebook

Fucking newfag.
Covfefe was that girl that published a leak during a Trump election thread.