Dear friends, I have nothing solid, but I have developed strong suspicions regarding an Australian caravan company and their involvement in child trafficking. The first thing giving it away was their logo, which they have changed several times very recently. It is no longer the image provided, but is still a highly suspect triangle within a triangle pattern.
Doing further digging, I discovered that this company donates to many Australian charities that involve children. As well as having pictures of children on their website, particularly of a man helping a young boy hold a fishing rod, not proof but highly suspect as it could be hidden code. They have many warehouses nationwide, in every state and territory and could be perhaps used as a transport arm. I am no tech expert, so if any anons, particularly any fellow Aussies want to help research it would be much appreciated.
Aussie Pedo ring
Other urls found in this thread:
huh, tried to archive 'newage caravans.' but it was archived 4 years ago. was that you? or someone else?
wasn't that also an icecream logo? was there even anything behind that?
I was going to shitpost about you being so paranoid you see pedophiles wherever there are triangles, but instead im going to shitpost about how you did a really poor job of convincing me that theres anything at all going on here when you had all the time in the world to construct a well thought out argument, or at least gather even the smallest amount of evidence to support your claim.
They changed their logo.
Did say i had no solid evidence. Couldn't really find any despite digging so i was asking for help. If anons think it's nothing, ok.
Jesus Christ, they're hiding in plain sight and laughing at everyone
Its even worse when you read the entire thing abstractly
Don't you mean if (((anons))) think it's nothing.
Don't easily give up here. Nail into them.
"What do you do with your little ones?"
Sick fucks.
Oy vey.
Nah i'm a lurker.
This thread is vomit inducing
You too can be a member of the New Age Tribe. Sign up today.
Some racemixing ads and a pic of their office members.
It's probably nothing tbh, but never hurts to check.
pic 3, the guy on the left is hand signing a pedo symbol
Someone should message them and ask why they changed their logo, and see what their response is.
You people are literally worse than jews
I was watching TV the other day, which I hardly ever do, and what do you know I see a bunch of people in purple marching down the streets.
SOROS! I thought in my head, but truly my jaw dropped when I saw the logo for the march at the end of the advertisement.
Lets deconstruct this image. Peanutbutter looks just like shit, and also there's a lot of butt imagery from the design of the cone with a brown core dick forcing its way in between the white asshole's cheeks. that and the nuts look like a buttocks.
Beware, the guy here is a massive christcuck, but most of his observations hold water, except the Nazi disinfo ones.
Disregard that vid, I suck cocks.
Maybe the internet has just ruined me, but the allegory alluding to pizza activities in the second image is creepy af
Have you searched old content from this investigation to check whether this thing you found has been investigated before?
Could you summarize in 1 concisely written paragraph what your claim, warrant, and evidence are? And what evidence you are missing?
they hide their symbols in plain site. Also, watch for body language, especially if you ever confront anyone in person. Watch their bodies and face, whether they flinch or grow stiff when the mention of "pizza" is brought up.
Interesting at times, but the man is definitely reaching. I'm supposed to believe a bath tub is a symbol for a butt because tub backwards is but?
Yes, i checked, it hasn't as far as i found.
Ceebs, look at the topic post for my info, found some weird pictures on their social media, am posting the most incriminating ones soon. Pretty solid evidence that they r up to weird shit, only shills/kikes/mossad will argue.
Evidence i am missing would need to be obtained by Aus anons who know of the company (it's rather large in Australia) and maybe a little more social media digging. Might consider visiting an outlet to scope it out myself for further evidence.
Come on user, if this is all you have, you have nothing.
Oy vey
Not in my country, CUNTS!
Except they still use it, kike. Explain pizzagate and other busted pedo rings using the same symbol. Stop shilling, jew rat.
They've got a lot of unhappy customers. A theme is shonky workmanship and really bad customer service, staff losing their shit at customers. This is just one of many reviews along these lines.
I know it's supposed to be xmas, but those antlers and that symbol? Don't trust it. Eerily similar to the comet ping pong wallpaper.
star of david snowflakes
pure coincidence
wasnt there this oldfag cop on /aus/ that talked about this. screencaps are probably in my 30k memes folder somewhere.
A literal CIA/US military psych warfare op only believed by mentally retarded whiggers.
The guy that runs the 'New Age Tribe' - the club for owners of the caravans - used to work what he states 'the funeral industry'.
Cute goblet she has.
This gets the noggin joggin … there was that guy who reckons he found a containerised data centre with cp in the middle of butt fuck nowhere in New South Wales. By the time he and the owner of the land got the cops on the scene, it was remote so took many hours, the contents were torched. The container had cameras on it and the drives were taken out before it was torched so someone had to go in and out … what better cover than grey nomads ?
True, very true. Aus is a big place, they'd never get caught. They are a huge company and sprung up quickly, they even say so themselves. Wonder if they had help/funding? Could someone research benefactors or shareholders? Wonder if we could find any Goldsmicht's or Shecklegrubbers…
Almost as if the business is a cover for something else, and doesn't really matter
I don't have time to post properly - the head is GABBY MONTAGNESE. She saw a gap in the market and made the business, apparently. They did get $1million from the government after a while. There's a few articles about her - tellingly this one is about smashing the evil patriarchal caravan industry.
Her linkedin profile pic. Bit suss ay? I'll do more research.
there's no symbols in there, so not too suss. Approach with an open mind, don't grab onto confirmation bias
My god that image is tiny and I can see the kid's soulless fucking eyes
true that there's no symbology but the children, alongside all the symbols her company flaunts are a bit strange, wouldn't you agree? Although, she does mention she has a 9 year old son.
I've got a kid, and spend a lot of time with other mums. They plaster their kids everywhere. I'm more circumspect because I know how deep the darkness is, so I keep images of my one private, but its normal for mums to use their kid's images instead of themselves. They are the centre of our lives, more important than us, so its easy to understand why their image replaces ones of self.
If there was a single pedo symbol on the profile, then red flag, but there isn't/
the symbols used by the company are flags, though, coupled with the pedo look of the partner and the skull cup, plus the obvious carelessness for customers means that yes, its not a good look.
But the profile means nothing
Pro-tip: I'd rather see the mommies ;)
Apparently the entire caravan industry in this country is up to some shady shit.
There is a massive industrial movement for caravanning with children. Couldn’t find any symbols, but it is kind of odd.
The “CIA” apparently translates to Caravan Industry Association now and they sponsor schools,
Following up from user’s post regarding Bryan Crow, I found a few mysterious Facebook profiles with very few friends, and only the new age ‘company logo’ as profile picture. Named Alison Tomolillo and Jessica Walley. Can’t say much more about these without moving into conjecture but their job titles are marketing coordinator and Customer Assurance. They both have less than fifty friends, so they aren’t reaching a large audience.
Those profiles seem to be connected to a small group of people and have lots of mutual friends. They could be 'marketing coordinators' for the true purpose of the company.
Yeah, the logo is the childlover one,we get it. But yeah sex abuse goes on in family holidays and pedos have been a part of it for years.
But what you have is a coded logo and some pictures of people running a holiday camp posing with kids innocently, which is fucking nothing except getting people to dig and distract them.
The same tatic as the pizzagate "chicken pasta is a code!" threads, the same tatic as the coded message "trump rides a white horse in may" Q threads. Bring some solid evidence before asking us to investigate anything else you are just killing threads and wasting our time as a shill.
evidence at the moment is the shape of a logo and a few pictures of members with children at a FAMILY CARAVANING RESORT aka fucking nothing. Its like saying pedos hang out at disneyworld and kidnap kids there even the biggest dumbass could figure that out by themselves.
I had my knife on me, too, but I like to keep to myself and I was too far from home to be sticking my nose into other people's business. If it really was a kid screaming for help, they're probably in heaven by now.
We are identifying a pattern, at this point that is all we can do. We aren't the police, we can't beat down their doors. You can't call this nothing, they have their fingers in the pocket of the federal government and get funding from them, they have pedo symbols on their logos, they donate to schools. We might not actually have a video of them molesting kids but we have enough to raise eyebrows…
There's something about that spiral sign. From my deduction, it serves to harvest and accumulate "negative energy/dense astral matter" i.e. fear, pain, vices, and that dense astral matter serves to nourish extremely corrupt entities/individuals. But is that true? I don't have any hard proof, hell, how do you even get hard proof of that?
Any book that talks about this sing, anything?
mate. How could you. Even calling the cops would have been something
not that i know of, but it's definitely something occult. These people are religiously motivated.
Carl jung said the spiral is a very powerful symbol. Mandalas in tantra are always circular and are symbols of the universe, the deity dwells in the middle of the mandala and draws all the energy of the mandala towards them.
Generally they symbolise a form of energy circling a long way, and then coming inwards. Interesting…
I think we've run out of pedos to go after
The only people who buy caravans in Aus are boomers (who run them off the road occasionally because they can't drive) and occasional families that have more money than they need.
The caravans are a front…
=Fake business to hide the real business.
Apparently sex tourism is a thing for the wealthy and those fuckers go for children.
They deserve death, seriously, not even most sjw would put up with this. Can you imagine if this shit was played on morning TV in aus, we'd go fucking ballistic.
kill everyone that works for the company
It's just a sigil of hiding. Anything can be hidden.
the sXwXaXsXtXiXkXa is also a spiral, therefore is precisely a sigil of hiding. That's why it's strange to display it, except in a private area
i'm fbi not asio and i say kill em all
I always thought it had a dual meaning with entropy and progression depending on which way you spun it. Not that learned in the occult, though.
Yeah, looks to me like it's mostly retirees who joined a club of similarly aimless people. The "Tribe" name and the symbol are both very suspicious, as are their constant donations to children, but I'm erring on the side of coincidence rather than cohencidence.
Well spotted, wasn't too credulous of this but it's starting to look really sus.
The particular advert I'm going to link has some really dubious features.
A graphic triangle gets drawn over various people while the narrator is speaking.
First a little boy (0:12) (blue triangle)
In the Pizzagate leaks we saw children being referred to as food/lunch.
Then a young woman (0:19) (pink triangle)
Young women sometimes go missing while camping, right?
Their buzzword phrase is "VAN WISDOM", which could have some esoteric meaning.
Not just one symbol though, mate. Tell me these two aren't eerily similar. Why would an ordinary, private company coincidentally have 2 pedo symbols on them and get funding from the Federal Government?
Bullshit, their media are actively targeting young people and children.
That one on the right isn't a butterfly, it's an owl, face.
Their most advertised caravan is called the "Road Owl" and it's covered in Boylover triangles.
Didn't pick up on either of those.
What I want to know is why an apparently garbage caravan company with shoddy workmanship happens to have hundreds to thousands of club members despite getting low reviews and having next to no interaction on social media.
Great find mate! Thanks. I'll keep digging. Mind sharing some pics tho?
(note the weirdo in the back left w the odd hand symbol.)
Pics of what?
I said hundreds to thousands, not of. They have a members only club on facebook with 700+ people, and in Tasmania managed to get 50 tribe members to show up. When you check the members photos though, they're like all retired married couples who are probably lonely and want other boomers to chat with about how they blew their money on a shoddy RV.
I'm starting to think it's just a scam to dupe old people out of their savings with the promise of adventure and companionship.
Beat me to it.
If there's so many you won't have any difficulty listing just one conviction where the presence of spiral geometry in a logo was used as evidence, will you?
This fucking thing is not only over ten years old, it was Jenkem tier disinfo to begin with. The real world is not a fucking TV show where the bad guys leave breadcrumbs, you utter pillock.
keep wasting your time on those triangles goyim
Dosonfo black piles shrill
Are the Gracies (creators of BJJ) kiddie fiddlers ?
Has anyone requested a brochure yet?
Pardon, tagged the wrong post. Was referring to the owl. I think you are right, but it goes deeper than that as well. Working on more evidence i'll drop soon.
Yeah, just requested a brochure and tried talking to them over FB, posing as a customer. They saw my post hours ago but didn't reply. Was gonna poke them about their logo as well.
don't key them into being investigated. they will shoah everything.
They have a youtube. Is this video a little creepy to anyone else? Like the way the girl reacts to the guy?
Yeah, wasn't gonna make it super obv, cheers for the reminder tho.
It is a bit, but nothing solid. Is that the same blonde woman the keeps appearing all over social media? Wonder who she is.
it really creepy , its the fact that it doesnt even really mean anything positive
its like they had a directory that didnt give a shit and said we need a shot of the little girl , they took one take and then gave it to the editor
you have to think that or you have to think her reaction what delebriate and they too 20 takes to get the perfect reaction …
"no honey … we need you to act uncomfortable, act like you dont want the strawberry but you have no choice but to say yes"
dear kek and all of keks loyal autists … i praise yea … please find out who the director of that commercial was or the producer , it must be some alster crowley cuck
its like they had a director*
Make sure to use
Aussy here, definitly something fucky about them, you guys might not know but most of the top political cunts in aus have links to a clinton organisation and use ties to family in high military positions to kidnap abo kids and take them to a ranch in vic somewhere, its been going on for decades and the reason none of the pedos ever get the rope is because most judges here are in on it.
Also, ASIO is a bunch of niggerfaggets XD suck on my cock bitches. They are monitoring this thread 100%, also i posted without proxy RIP.
Far as i can tell there isn't anything suspect about this woman. Her name is Traci and she and her family are "professional nomads." Not any evidence of sketchiness.
We should do more research regarding Bryan Crow, see if we can discover what "funeral industry" he worked for. I would wager it's an operation run by a few higher ups and benefactors and this cunt is definitely a suspect.
What. You can't say "swastika"? What's wrong?
If only we lived in a society that went after Pedophiles instead of going after vigilant citizens who care about children. RIP indeed, i'm not using a proxy so they can come kill me if they want.
Some stuff from their Instagram. They seem to be really involved in some charity organizations and support faggotry