He's making 500k a year pretending to be pro white
How the fuck did a jew take over white nationalism
he even looks like a rat eyed jew
He stole someone else’s platform and built off their work.
I cant explain exactly how they do it, but they do it again and again.
Because whites were cowards and had no spine to do that.
Well the answer is now, you’re going to have to be a man and kill me with your own hands. You already know how they are doing it. Not sure why you think I am scared. I am not the one hiding behind a wall of technology and pigs.
The answer to the surface of your question is because they have created a massive botnet throughout the US communications system, and it’s devised up into regions. They leverage this to monitor specific bloodlines and efforts so they can maneuver their rats in front of them to interact with the subject on some level to get their desired results. This time he merely stole something someone else started with them realizing they started something.
And we are still making 500 threads about him.
ZOG is powerful.
Because you still cum in a sock and do nothing but make d/c threads. Constantly making these threads doesn't do anything to "take back white nationalism" if that's what you even want.
Even the 4cuck slidethreads are better than this irrelevant shit.
It doesn’t matter how much money a Jew makes, he still worse than a nigger. The nigger has a reason, he’s too stupid to know better. They are mostly happy with that. These people, they don’t even have souls, they aren’t human.
Never payed attention to him and all this eceleb bullshit.
Just heard him on the RalphRetort.
What a colossal buzzword spewing faggot. Tuned out between his third denial about not being jewish and the thirteenth rant about bugmen.
This doesn't need a thread tho
Niggers do not have souls either.
Seems unlikely.
I could not say, Jews, no one that behaves as they do could ever have had a soul. They deserve whatever punishment is coming their way as we revert past the mean. Their power peaked last fall and they seriously fucked up any chance they had of making amends for it.
The damn Chinks and Thai are just as fucking bad apparently.
Are you the guy who paid $10 to talk to Enoch on Ralphs show tonight? Are you that booty blasted?
I'm not disagreeing with you. But neither the fishfaced chink, the animal nog, the satanic kike or the mongrel abomination arab have souls. The soul is a white thing.
Lmao a couple of spergs called into a YT stream and accused Enoch of being a Jew
Enoch: ok, say your thing man. What's your evidence.
Caller: reeeeeeeeee
Enoch: lay it out man. I'm here. Tell me your thing.
Caller: reeeeeeeeee
What a joke.
The truth is that a small handfull of autists got riled up by deep state JIDF posters. That's all this is.
Daily reminder that the (((echos))) meme is the single most effective antisemitic meme for the last 70 years, and TRS is responsible for it.
Come to Jesus you spergs.
White nationalists are the biggest fucking retards. It's like autistics with sonic the hedgehog.
You can say that all you want. I have seen otherwise. I am not filled with hate. I have no reason to hate. Why hate cowards? That’s what Jews do. They hate. Why become the Jew and tarnish my soul for their folly? They are obviously too scared to confront me without sending goons.
somethings off about this comment. Not sure what, but ill think about it for a while and come back to you.
Just look at the (((YIPPIES))) and you'll see that the kike is using the exact same tactics now as fifty years ago.
TRS is not responsible for the parathesis. A goy from Iron March started that and that fag guitar guy banned him shortly after.
The fact this jew didn't get a bullet in the head looks weak. His ability to hang around however, shows how cucked and retarded the 'alt-right' is. Anyone 'interviewing' him, should be looked at closetly. MAJOR redflag.
Kill yourself.
Those dudes are in it for the shekels. Enoch isn’t even the most popular goy on there, and I am sure pol knows that they are Feds, right?
Nor do I, nor am I. Get of your pedestal.
The bottom line is, they are not human and therefore have no soul.
Post it in the QTDDTOT if this thread gets deleted. I'm curious to see what you come up with.
What’s wrong hate having that shit shoved in your face?
Not on a pedestal fucker. Seriously not on a pedestal.
It was morrakiu who came up with it you unrepentant sperg. TRS people started using the ((())) as an in joke to represent the pedel effect/Jew voice, it spread out from there.
I really wish I can ban all the fucking schizos from Zig Forums.
shit e-celeb bread. fuck off back to plebbit or cuckchan or whatever shithole you sprang from. sage for faggotry
That kike didn’t come with shit. He stole it off it off of Iron March. I know I was there for the whole thing. Even watched as they started pushing their BS on YouTube.
I am the guy they hung out to dry for starting the whole thing after they doxxed me. 504um can lick my ass. That kike Modecai can jump off a cliff
Because the TRS account is verifiable.
I am Doodle also known as Kek. Same fucking person
A big tactic the jews are using right now is to force the west and the middle east into conflict through mass immigration, the same thing theyve been doing since the birth of israel in one way or another essentially, so i think it is the right approach to at least understand that there would be no modern ethnic conflict without the influence of the jew. You dont blame the snakes in your home, you blame the people who threw them. Having said that, you can love a dog despite its obvious inferiority. you can think less of other races/species without hate. Thats just something else (((they))) want you to believe so that youll deny reality. There is no hate in racism.
Yep, on YouTube I am JoeBlue11 or Joe11Blue. Nidstyles on Zerohedge. All the same dude, me. TRS can fuck off
Yeah because the muslims are totally innocent for wanting land and wealth in Europe.
just like dogs are totally innocent when they attack children. now youre getting it.
It’s not my problem dude. The Jews tried getting me killed. Some niggers saved my ass.
Trump makes 500k a year?
Lassie saved so many people in that show. It didnt have a soul, it was just a good dog.
Dogs aren't innocent when they are attacking children, son.
Dogs have souls you piece of shit.
innocence rests in the soul. A beast cannot know sin.
Whatever, if they ever need my help they know how to ask me. I wouldn’t turn them away without listening first. The Jews, every day I run a Jew and it just bugs me. There are a few Jews I can respect. These Jews around here, fuck no. They think they own people and it makes me want to feed them to the dogs.
Antifa DC shill spotted
Mike Enoch is one of WN's greatest assets and someone is butt hurt about it. Lead, follow or get out of the way.
Or he's lying. I don't even know who the fuck that is. Hell, the OP is probably a kike trying to push this kike presenting white as a legit threat for some Soros bucks. This reeks of the old joke…
Two beggars are sitting side by side on a street in Rome.
One has a cross in front of him; the other one the Star of David. Many people go by and look at both beggars, but only put money into the hat of the beggar sitting behind the cross.
A priest comes by, stops and watches throngs of people giving money to the beggar behind the cross, but none give to the beggar behind the Star of David.
Finally, the priest goes over to the beggar behind the Star of David and says, "My poor fellow, don't you understand? This is a Catholic country; this city is the seat of Catholicism. People aren't going to give you money if you sit there with a Star of David in front of you, especially when you're sitting beside a beggar who has a cross. In fact, they would probably give to him just out of spite."
The beggar behind the Star of David listened to the priest, turned to the other beggar with the cross and said: "Moishe, look who's trying to teach the Goldstein brothers about marketing."
I would seriously consider reevaluating those jews you do respect. If you agree with nine tenths of what a jew says, the other tenth is all that matters to him, the rest was to get your attention and support. Look at all the people milo and ben shapiro have completely fooled. or mike enoch. NEVER trust a kike.