Short thread to dispel some shit I've seen getting flung around here.
1; Enoch was not a racist and he certainly wasn't a fascist. He was a monarchist conservative, at best, and considerably less racially biased than many if not most of his contemporaries at various points.

He said of Parliament's indifference to the Holla Massacre "In general, I would say that it is a fearful doctrine, which must recoil upon the heads of those who pronounce it, to stand in judgement on a fellow human being and to say, 'Because he was such-and-such, therefore the consequences which would otherwise flow from his death shall not flow'."

He thought all men should be beholden to the same law, regardless of race, nation or continent - he was however very much so aware of the present danger of migration.

2: Churchill is often portrayed as jew-puppet or the like here for having fought the Nazis, but in truth he was perhaps more so opposed to non-White migration into the UK than Powell, and by contrast whereas Powell expressed no hostility towards other races, Churchill was vocally unfond of "coloreds".

He said of Britain's immigration policy "it is felt that colored workers should not be allowed to obtain employment in this country, I should have thought the proper course would be to deny them entry into the country" further adding "Keep England White is a good slogan".

I realize many of you know this already however there are still many more that act as if this were not the case. Both were first, and foremost, interested in the preservation of Britain, it's sovereignty and, in the former case, it's just superiority.

Inb4 the inevitable "eternal anglo" comments from salty Judelanders.

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You brits are scum and everything you get you deserve

Two world wars, one world cup

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I was clarifying, you witless debile.

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*quoth, I correct myself.

By the way, you people are like clockwork. One must wonder at the credibility of a group of people that jump at every opportunity to denounce the "eternal anglo" when they themselves invented Marxism and International Jewry.

Funny that, isn't it?

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Anglos are subhuman scum. There, I said it. Fuck off back to your irrelevant island and stay there.

Ah yes, the ever classic…"Churchill was a cunt for choosing not to reveal war-winning intelligence to the enemy but Hitler was justified in sending women and children to die on the streets of Berlin" argument.

Remind me, again, how you and (((they))) are not the same?

Then if is true, which it is, then what does that make the Germans? I'll give you a hint - it cries out in pain as it strikes you.

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I've met decent English who are Natsoc. This guy just happens to be one of the many "muh empire" cucks who inhabit that island.

Er strafe es!

How dare the english takes pride about the English Empire, come on now.


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It's what you do, not what you say.

Churchill betrayed Europe.

The British Empire was literally jewish globalism.

Congrats, you won wars to actually lessen your worldwide influence and relegate the entire white race to second class citizenship in their own countries. The world wars were objectively a disaster for britian and whites everywhere you huge faggot. If there is a hell churchill is in it

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How? By saving it from the clutches of Sigfried?

I do not consider it's salvation from an evil as insidious as Communism a "betrayal".

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It was a British empire, its languages and culture have nothing to do with jews.

Wow, another cuckchan tier slide thread.
Churchill was a brandy soaked scumbag.
He knew what the jews were and sided with them anyway.
Read "Zionism vs bolshevism"

"The Jew is either at your feet or at your throat"- Winston Churchill

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Nope, it was an economic empire ran by (((bankers))) in which the average man was fucked over.

By starting WWII, refusing all attempts at diplomacy, and ethnically cleansing the German people after the war.

You need a shower, stinky.

Not until Germany got involved again. Funny that, how when Europe goes down the shits there rears the ugly head of Germany and it's eternal Judaism.

Marx was a German Jew.
Lenin and Trotsky studied in Germany.
International Jewry begins in Germany.
All Socialism begins in Germany.
Dating back to the Fall of Rome the filthy hands of Sigfried are stained with European blood.

Know your enemies, the Sigfried and Shlomo are two sides of the same anti-White coin.

This is a strawman, I don't believe you meant this to be intentional, I think your thoughts may have jumped around. Migration has nothing to do with the fact that Churchill wanted to exterminate Germans, and was a sociopathically infatuated with war and death. Migration not equal to Churchill's crimes against Germany.

Which is why the only place with a higher standard of living was America? Nice one, Fritz.

The "British Empire" was British in the same way the "American Empire" is American, IE not at all.


God, I wonder what happens when you declare war on somebody's ally.
What is it you people say about the Bolsheviks?
What were you going to do to so many others? What did you do to so many others? The rod stings when it is applied to your back, doesn't it?


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Diversion is a popular tactic among the chosen people,are you sure there's a difference?

Are you implying it's not true?


God, it's like talking to a Jew.

Lots of these obvious kikey bait threads today, what are they trying to slide?

Yes. You're intentionally being a disingenuous little shit.
You're logic also dictates that we blame the British for modern jewry since the Rothschild banking HQ was and always has been in London.

The truth is bait, now deactivate your almonds while the Alemagne deactivate your country.

No, Germany had faults, but I will always be more sympathetic to a man that fought International jewry and Marxism over a man who fought to perpetuate it.

And yet the Rothschilds trace back to Germany, indeed they intermarried with German nobility.

(Scroll down for quotes)

11 July 2018

Major anti-racist protests against Trump & Tommy Robinson this Friday & Saturday
FRIDAY 13 JULY - Together Against Trump National Demonstration - Assembles 2pm BBC Portland Place, Rally 5pm Trafalgar Square.
SAT 14 JULY: Unity protest against Tommy Robinson's Fascist Supporters - Assembles 1pm Old Palace Yard, marches to Whitehall 2pm.
Anti-Racists are set to come out in force against Donald Trump this Friday and against far-right ex-EDL leader Tommy Robinson supporters on Saturday.

Trump has faced widespread condemnation from anti-racist groups on numerous issues including his Muslim Ban, separation & detention of migrant children, his wall with Mexico, his failure to condemn white supremacists in Charlottesville following the death of Heather Hayer, and his sharing of Islamophobic tweets from leading members of the far-right Britain First.

This agenda has emboldened a renewed far-right on both sides of the Atlantic. This Saturday 14 July, Robinson's far-right supporters will again gather in Central London, a day after tens of thousands plan to march against Donald Trump in London and across the country as part of the Together Against Trump initiative.


You teamed up with communism you fucking retarded, and then after the war you handed eastern Europe over to the commie butchers. Are you actually this dense?

Sounds like it's England's fault for allowing these jews to wreak havoc.

You are a retard.

And yet it is not Communist now, would it have been at all were it not for Germany's defeat? You seem to view the world in a very selective light. All evil ends where Germany begins, doesn't it…Haim?

Tommy Robinson's supporters' last national event on 9th June degenerated into violence with anti-racist counter protestors abused and threatened and police officers attacked. Robinson’s supporters had also marched in Leeds shouting anti-Muslim slogans after his arrest. Days later a Sikh temple and a mosque were firebombed. Robinson has gained notoriety among the far-right on both sides of the Atlantic in recent months, with many high profile right-wing Trump supporters attaching themselves to his cause, including former Trump adviser and Breitbart EC Steve Bannon.
In response to the threats posed by a reorganised far right, a statement with the backing of over 100 leading figures from across civil society was launched, calling for united action to express opposition the the far-right, and supporting demonstrations against Trump and the far-right mobilisation on 13th and 14th July.

The counter-demonstration on Saturday 14th July will be addressed by MEPs, London Assembly Members, leading trade unionists, faith and community leaders, and will begin with a celebration of Britain's diversity with DJs in Old Palace Yard before marching to Whitehall. It is organised by Stand Up To Racism and Unite Against Fascism and backed by a wide cross-section of other groups.

Began in Germany, out of German jews, intermarried with German gentry, supported by the Germans at all stages.

There is a case to be made that some parts of certain other countries were subverted in part, but Germany was Judeland from the very start .

Sabby Dhalu, co-Convenor of Stand Up To Racism said:

"Trump's racist policies are not only ruining lives in America, they are emboldening a renewed far right on both sides of the Atlantic. Tommy Robinson and his supporters in Britain are using this to reorganise along the lines of the far-right in parts of Europe; where fascists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites are now part of mainstream political life.

"Far from being a defender of freedom of speech, Robinson, an ex member of the fascist British National Party, wants to close down such freedoms for the Muslim Community. We cannot allow this to happen"

Weyman Bennett, co-Convenor of Stand Up To Racism said:

"Trump is the global leader of a vicious wave of hatred. His election was followed by record votes for the far right in Italy, Austria, Germany and France. When he arrives in Britain he will be met by thousands standing against his racist agenda.

"We are calling on anti racists and anti fascists, trade unionists and faith groups to also join us on 14th July to stand against Tommy Robinson's supporters. We can not allow the rebirth of a violent racist street movement in Britain. ."


Notes to editors:

1. Unity Protest against Tommy Robinson's far-right supporters Sat 14 July Assemble 1pm Old Palace Yard, march to Whitehall 2pm. For further details and latest list of speakers go to
2. Together Against Trump National Demonstration - Friday 13 July Assemble 2pm BBC Portland Place, Rally from 5pm Trafalgar Square. - details at

For quotes and further information:

Sabby Dhalu 07794 633097
Weyman Bennett 07734 032314
Michael Bradley 07973640057
Ben Studd 07921128070

or email [email protected]


One shade of nigger is not different from another.



Fuckers trying to derail the thread. Don't reply to them, and filter.

OP please address this. I have cognitive dissonance with this, so I would be ok if it was refuted.


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Anglo-Saxons? Yes. Nordics? Maybe. Germans? No.

So, do you think that the modern world is ggod? It is a direct result of Churchill winning the war.



Would you make peace with the Soviet union if you could stand not to? One does not announce open enmity and expect mercy. Surrender shall be unconditional, or the conditions shall be made such that no other surrender is possible.

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Are you assholes /int/ or shareblue? Can't be Zig Forums because you have conviction.

In some ways? Yes. In others? No. It is not all a direct result, generations have passed, there have been other influences - more German influences.

Then Anglo-saxons aren't White either, retard. Saxons were from Germany. And what about all the other closely related Germanic countries around Germany?

They were both cucks.

t.Alex Jones

Neither, I was on 4/pol/ before there was an 8/pol/ and I've been on 8/pol/ for so long as there has been an 8/pol/.

What came before 4/pol/?

The Germans are non-White by virtue of being anti-White, of having the will to conquer and destroy but not to civilize unlike all other Whites.

They are, in essence, if White the least of all Whites.

Don't know, don't care.


British culture has been Jewish since the 19th century.

Oh, we are dealing with a real oldfag guyz

He cries out as he strikes you, user.

Fuck you anglo sucks
Your whole country is a shitshow and a sham.

Unironically enjoy your bathtub queer party.

What about all the Germans who went to The US, Brazil, Argentina, the Volga, Etc?

Kek, really negro? Brazil?
You mean Brazil without Brazilians? It's still a shit-tier country.
They still live there? I thought the Soviets had the "talk" with them.

I wonder who opened the floodgates, hmm?

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You would say that, Fritz. After all, imagine if it were YOUR fault. From my standpoint, there's no difference worth mentioning.

After all, who's more at fault - the briber or the traitor that takes the money?

Sure…cornrows grow in the sea, too. Also Bleached.
That's like saying this pile of shit is slightly less worse than that pile of shit.
Nobody doubts the German's efficiency, only his will and intent.

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It pretty much is, unless you count "bleaching" as breeding with Scandis

South Brazil and most of Argentina are almost First world m8.

Oh, yes, the all 750,000 of the farmers were going to take up arms against the USSR

The history of France is that of a long, drawn out defeat. Of a people constantly getting it's shit pushed in and pretending it never happened. France exists to be a significant footnote in someone else's story.

OP is a kike trying to stoke division. The Engish people are innocent because they were ignorant of what they were fighting for. Had they known they would've turned back and seized Westminster. Churchill fought for nothing but the money he needed to finance his estate, not caring for his nation and race in the slightest.

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ITT: the eternal anglo throws bait everywhere and anons keep biting it

Right wing politics:

>>>Zig Forums





left wing boards:


>>>Zig Forums

>>>Zig Forums



I don't care. There are no Britains that are our friends. Curse the lot of them.




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Churchill was bought and paid for by the kikes and sold the Empire to the Muricans because he was half-Murican himself.

Before I go, I would just like to tell you that I am a German American from the Midwest. One day us and our brothers and cousins in Europe will shut your lying mouths for good. Stay scared.

Also also the history of Europe is defined by the battle between England and Germany for dominance. Happy to say England has never lost, nor ever shall.

Churchill ensured the nigger, the kike, and the mud would take England.

Churchill fucked the entire world the same way he fucked England.