Trump’s agenda: Taking white supremacy worldwide
Trump’s agenda: Taking white supremacy worldwide
leave it to a bunch of gay soy boys to make a news site named after a place you get your nails done.
No one believes a word they say. Why post their lies here?
Democracy means majority rule. How does racism threaten majority rule? Serious question.
It's funny because racism is the only way true Democracy can survive
I hate jews so much.
But anyway, whatever makes jews whine is good news for everyone.
Fuck this garbage. Sage and KYS.
The article reads like a middle school journalism report
Does anyone other than hysterical cranked up soccer moms and their drug addicted kids buy this anymore? (Obviously I discount shit skins from that question as these kind of politics are just a naked power grab for them.)
you misspelled "did"
Well the left gave us such exiting events as decapitation of an infant in Germany, the unspoken rape gangs of England, web censorship straight out of a fiction novel, a racist agenda driven by black people and so much diversity that we all can shit rainbows for decades…maybe Trump just wants to take a step back from all that and go back to making some sweet dosh without destroying the US of A.
oh so now the kikes suddenly love america
Holy shit leftypol, go back before I dox your ass and send your information to a swat team.
The funny thing is, I can see what they mean in search twisted sense.
We are both looking at Trump doing the exact same thing, and seeing different results. But they still get the rope.
So, according to marxist faggots everything that protects US sovereignty is "hurting America."
What faggots.
This cretinous thing is just another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
They talking about the left again?
It's Jews using pilpul. When they say "democracy," what they actually mean is "neoliberal Jewish oligarchy." Democracy is their favorite form of government because they can assume control from the shadows with bribery, blackmail, lobbying, and media control. Nationalist governments have no patience for their subversive bullshit. Communism is a favorite method of overturning an established order, but they can only keep control of a communist government for a limited number of years. The first 30-40 years of the USSR was Jews controlling everything, but then Stalin got tired of their shit. Once Russians were firmly in control, Soviet Jews were begging to be allowed to flee to the United States.
If this shit wasn't taken so seriously I'd be laughing harder
Silly twatterkike, you can only erase jews WITH a holocaust.
You aren't the only one getting impatient about that.
i remember you. you're the same fucking kike bitch that left this comment , just with a new id.
and there's that word again …
samantha bee would be so proud.
Its just TDR man, nothing unusual.
The guy is some kinda mudperson, pic related.
Blow your fucking brains out, you yiddish sack of shit.
Woops, forgot his pic
Kek I see they have attempted the 'drumpf is a x' shilling.
Checked and puked!
This right here is an amazing statement. At what point did other countries have citizens that celebrated another President, let alone the US President especially on his fucking birthday? Did obama get this treatment? Would Hillary? Did Bill Clinton or George Bush get that?
Answer is most definitely no. This guy has made waves across the entire planet just by being a good president. Other countries WISH he was their president. Philippines, India, Australia and others want him to help their shitty situations with politics and economics.
I wish he was my president. Does far more work and far more efficiently than any other politician in my shithole. I hate 99% of politicians too, the left vs right divide and the other middle-management societal contract faggotry.
You do make a great point, the easiest way to shut down the 'drumpf le kike' shilling is to post support from all over the world. It seems effective both times I have tested it.
Go have another meeting, shill faggots
Forgot to check these digits. Kek has smiled upon us ^_^
How the FUCK can you forget Worst Korea when making that claim?
He looks like a Euro-Afro-Arab mutt. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi's "Eurasian-negroid man of the future" come to life.
Just grabbing a few off the top of my head. Your comment is enough to add reinforcement on countries.
He isnt everything but he is exactly what a country would need with a leader that has been placed in a bad situation. He is pulling the country out of debt and restructuring the way the country works to make it more efficient. Corruption in a country makes it far less efficient in order to line pockets and get away with things. You can always tell how good a country is by how efficient it is. Mexico is drastically inefficient and due to that you have massive cartel gangs killing politicians and bribing the others.
Practically all western countries are inefficient and highly corrupt. It's just well hidden in business so most don't get to see it or understand how it works.
why are you still pretending you're not also ? we all know you're just changing ids.
or are you really a different (((totally organic pol user)))?
Any country not under some form of a dictatorship is "inefficient".
Oh god. The left are now pro TPP
>see (((salon))) that not even normies still read and has never been a real source.
This thread is a waste of time.
Everytime you see someone shilling for bringing immigrants to "help them", link back this video.
It's from 2010 and it's more relevant every year.
What a fucking surprise nigger. The Left is pro-everything that reduces our nation.
Thanks, didn't see it in that thread before.
Could come in handy.
whites don't count.
Just do what feels good, user. I am!
I got you covered fam.
ANOTHER yid pretending to be a (((totally organic 1-and-done Zig Forums user))) while helping out his cohorts.
having trouble managing the thread, jidf?
and another …
for those not familiar with the line of shilling, it goes like this:
which totally ignores that the source was chosen for its kvetching about the story, and that when you actually read the story (from the archive of course, so no shekels) you'll see that "salon" is doing no independent reporting, but is presenting factual matter from other sources, all verifiable, and then simply bitching about it.
but, if you fall for the (((yid's))) line of (((shilling))), which probably almost nobody does, you don't read the article and see all the good stuff that Trump is doing for us in it.
Oh and there are two other nice hebrew lines of shilling going on ITT and sometimes others …
unpacking this, two lines.
and also
which of course came up numerous times in the first "un human rights council" thread which is no longer in the catalog
anyways, y'all have a great MAGA day and remember to say "fuck you yidsnotreal" if you ever get a chance to see one of these types of posters irl, which won't happen unless you're in tel aviv.
when jidf sends their people, they're not sending their best
Maybe they are tho. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if their best are a bunch of barely functioning retards.
Dubs of truth! Its a salt collection thread. Anyone pushing anti trump suff is a shill or needs to prioritize. We can try for Duke next time.
Checking those truthful Hitler dubs
what book?
what makes you think this is the ghetto you fucking ass clown?
It's [Bad thing] threatening [Good thing]. You're not supposed to actually think about the meaning of those words, just feel vindicated because Trump is doing something you don't like. At this point you should start tweeting to your tailor-made hugbox about how Trump is evil and needs to be impeached to receive all that sweet sweet validation from your fellow leftists.
You're not as smart as you think you are, user. Think about it some more.
All these shitposts and not one about
Faggot even has a punchable name.
Now this is my kind of timeline
Thank you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ministry of Plenty = gibs guaranteed
Ministry of Love = free porn for all
Ministry of Truth = basically Wikileaks then
Human Rights Council = human rights
the UN is corrupt horseshit you stupid pleb
"human rights" is the most popular cover for abusers at present
What the fuck is that? All I see is racial segregation.
"Racism" doesn't mean anything.
These fags bombarded the BBC thread because it called Trump a predator, now they're defending Salon because of an opinion piece where they call him a bigot? There's nothing even grounded in reality in here, no policies, just some fucking shitskin kvetching as they always do. This is ridiculous shilling.
for those not familiar with the line of shilling, it goes like this:
which totally ignores that the source was chosen for its kvetching about the story, and that when you actually read the story (from the archive of course, so no shekels) you'll see that "salon" is doing no independent reporting, but is presenting factual matter from other sources, all verifiable, and then simply bitching about it.
but, if you fall for the (((yid's))) line of (((shilling))), which probably almost nobody does, then you don't read the article and see all the good stuff that Trump is doing for us in it.
these aren't the first jews itt using the above shilling technique, and probably won't be the last, and certainly this shill technique will be used again.
see it. familiarize yourself with it. call it out when it's used.
Racism: recognizing the genetic and biological reality of racial differences and the many and powerful effect that those differences have on civilization and human ability.
Why are you listening to ANY "mainstream" news service?
Kikes distort everything.
Kike sources are not reliable.
The kike behind thousands of those threats of terrorism against kikes was arrested and jailed in israel.
So what is that guy thinking?
>Trump is ripping up every globalist treaty of the (((transnationals)))
We all knew it was going to end this way when he made the Space Force breaking the militarized space treaties– with zero fucking resistance. Globalism is on it's last legs without the US, it's remarkable how much Trump has gotten away with.
This means the Final Boss might be scraping the whole Greater Israel as capital of the world thing, perhaps they expected more cooperation and brevity in the Zion wars. I honestly think Trump was selected as a joke to fire the old management and to represent a change in plans, the Final Boss probably didn't like the idea of ruling apemen and turning the world into a giant slum.
The real question is: are they going through with the old Georgia Stones plan, global confederacy or something entirely different?
Thanks Kung Pao poster
Salon and the MSM are not fake because they push false stories. They are fake because they have fucked up perspectives of the world.
Canada is good too, sorry
Excellent post.
Fuck you Trump is based.
Not by a longshot, you're describing ochlocracy
Democracy haven't existed since ancient Greece and outside of Switzerland
(((Democracy))) they care so much about means there's a puppet show every X years where people get extremely anygry with their own countrymen, while jews thrive and destroy everycountry engaged in the brilliant D&C stageplay.
>Unironically supporting fucking (((Salon))) as a credible news source
user are you fucking dumb
Please find a better source.
Fuck drumpfie
Even yoyonews cannot hide the facts;
here's more of that shilling technique spoken about in this post
I thank God every day for this man.
You fucking nigger. Sage.
Cool. When will he kill Jewish supremacy? I'm guessing never.
Guys….dont support Trump.
Not if you want to be safe. Keep your family and friends safe.