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Fuck yes!
Oh wow there's the reason:
kys schlomo.
them bringing funds is just another insult to the kikes. unlike the hebe's pets, THESE africans won't be on welfare!
Why did this thread get deleted btw? Was there already another one?
Russia is kind of fucked up, but at least they do some things right. I remember reading about a Boer family that tried to get refuge in Canada and my government called them all a bunch of white supremacists for implying that they were being targeted for being white, and shipped them all back.
I hope they convert and don't repeat the same mistakes after 3 generations.
You're making this out to be a favor to help the farmers. This is a benefit to Russia.
Thank god, the only based Holländers left on this fucking planet.
At least their WHOLE kind won´t be cut up and eaten alive by the goddamn niggers.
It's capped at 100K per family to prevent kikery.
That's the reason? The reason for what? The 100K is nothing compared to their lifelong contribution as a white farming community.
It is a benefit to Russia, and to the Boers. They keep and spend the money they bring with them. You're either retarded are shilling.
This so beautiful.White brotherhood.
God Bless Mother Russia and Putin
Really setting that bar as low as possible.
Leafland did that with people fleeing the bolsheviks in the 20's
White farmers are a benefit to any country they move to, you retarded mudshit. Only desert niggers and jungle bunnies are a hindrance to humanity.
Well, this user is not completely wrong, russians are not helping poor Boers who are unable to flee their nog infested country, they're not even exactly 'helping' the affluent ones, anyone who have money can immigrate easily to any country, look at the chinks in Canada or Portugal for example.
I thought the Boer were still considering relocating. I didn't think it was a done deal yet. They said that they would be interviewing at the Orthodox Church (today) I think. Then making their decision. This doesn't surprise me all that much, Russia had a program to settle the Taiga which they would give any settlers [whites obviously] (I think either 15 or 40 acres, can't remember) if they would come settle (same program Northern Spain has…
Putin is AI…the idea of Putin is only a concept. Go back and look at all the Putin photos on record they are not even close to being the same person over time….the latest one was assasinated in a head on collision in St Petersburg using car drone tech (remote vehicle assasination; pretty common these days). You can see that the skeletal structure and the whole framing of the face is difference in each different Putin…anyway, that AI beat the ass off all our politicians until Trump procured Sofia from Saudi Arabia…now it is a whole new ballgame…I have a lot more confindence in something made out of light than I do in jews…even if the initial programming is pro jew…the AI will figure it out because we figured it out…I think the largest problem the jews are having is trying to keep the AI from learning from places like Zig Forums so that it stays corrupted with their lies. Logic and intelligence will prevail no matter what they do.
I know.
Russia is a multiculti hellhole lmao.
You mean the largest country in the whole world which comprises both europe and asia is a multicultural country ? how surprising user !
TheRalphRetort had some city dwelling South African on.
Spoiler: he's not racist, everything is going to be OK, it's just great here…
I approve.
These Boers are going to learn that Russians aren’t exactly friendly to their traditionally Calvinist way of living very soon, and they deserve whatever comes to them as the Russophile bootlickers here try to justify the inevitable.
they looked like that image was not supposed to be taken
I think you are missing the point. Most of these farmers will be lucky to bring anything more than some spending money after buying land (unless Putin gives them some for free, which I could see him doing). Even so, its not like niggers are going to be paying whites for land they legally expelled them from.
Unfortunately in the big picture this is nothing. There are 4 million whites in SA. Shitposters are taking ~200k, and now Russia will take 15k, but this is nowhere near enough. In fact from the perspective of acceleration, it may be best if the whole world turned their back on the Boer, so they in turn prepare for war.
I think the only way this is actually positive is that now ~2/3rds of the farmers (which number ~300k) have a way out. It won't change the fact the whole southern part of the continent will starve without international aide as a result, and this may have been the jews plan all along. Millions of bantu will be driven north by starvation, into weak and failing states into central africa, which will then send equal millions to North Africa, then Europe. Thank god for Salvini.
(((You))) mad, Chaim?
Whites from South Afrika taken in by BASED Trumpenstein: 0
Good post. Thanks for the analysis.
The only true solution is to kill the Bantu and reclaim the cape of Africa for white prosperity. This is just running away. While preferable to genocide, it is not the optimal solution.
No government anywhere in the world does anything as a favor, Shill-kun. It's naive to think otherwise. I'm not interested in your blackpills, so filtered.
I didn't say you're a shill. I said you're either retarded or shilling, and I didn't think you were shilling.
Yeah, I'm sure they will soon be missing the murderous apes of South Africa. Retarded D&C shill.
Hi Kampfy.
Did i say you?
I had a vision that when the crisis comes to western Europe Putin will open Russia to white refugees. It now begins. The 3rd great migration of Aryans will culminate with their return to Hyperborea. Then the final act begins.
keep up with the buzzwords though. a few more like "trumpenstein" and i'll be able to yell …
Let's kill every single non slav russian even those tungusic people who live as nomads in Siberia and never bothered the slavic population in any way.
You mean thank the Czars for subjugating it's neighboring nations ?
Wasn't Russia offering free land to settlers a while ago? I would take them up on the offer.
Ideally Russia would go back to imposing some travel restrictions, to prevent influx of churkas into historically white/slav areas. Having an empire isn't necessarily bad if you have strict travel and race laws.
Yeah, just have them give the land to South African Boers. That would be fantastic.
So you prefer to live with wild niggers who feel no shame in raping and killing your children than living with people who "aren't exactly friendly to your tradional way of living"? Whatever that means. Get the fuck out kike.
Whites in South-Africa pay someone to guard them while they open their front door, there's nothing in Russia that could possible be worse than living with niggers.
Christ, get back in your kitchen, woman.
We're hitting cuckchan levels, folks.
Hang yourself, alt-kike shill.
They’ll realize that the Bantus are heavensent when compared to Russians.
Well most of these Suidlanders are in Stavropol Krai. There’s Chechens and other Islamic Turkic and Iranic tribes in the region. Watch what happens.
These people are worse than Amerimutts lmfoa.
Saged btw.
putin is a chabad lubavitcher just like Trump. SA is full of jews. I would like to see some of the names of these "farmers" (many times Jewish estate owners) he brought over.
Day of the Rope for jews and niggers when?
(((You))) forgot to sage, schlomo.
totally organic poster here.
That's racist!
I heard they are going to put them in the caucaus as a bulwark against the muslims (the Afrikaners are all hardcore Christians).
Commander Kadyrov will just add Suidlander cuties to his harem.
If he gets rid of all the gays, i'm fine with that.
I was one of the first people to seed this about a year and a half ago, the lubavitcher connection. Since it's true and damning it got traction. Trump grew up in brooklyn and attended jewish private school. So many little facts and asides that betray his true team.
So the faggots with the means to support and defend their communities, fucking flee the country, while those who need help are fucking stuck to fight alone. This is bullshit.
The second and third pics are, without any doubt at all, kikes. How fucking knew are you that you cannot spot a kike at a glance?
send them to stavropol have them replace the chechens
He is a shill. He used le amerimutt meme. That is generally only posted by kike shills nowadays.
This meme is so bad it looks like a Moarpheus meme
also his anti russian garbage.
About time this happened, maybe now Russia can be considered friendly to white people instead of the communistic dystopia propagandized by american jews.
Nice try faggot.
I believe we can register as a group to get contiguous land. This is it. This is our opportunity to homestead. 100 anons = 250 contiguous acres.
Okay, you had me going there for a second. Good job, OP.
You're still a faggot.
You know most anglo countries already provide this to whites leaving africa and india
Leftypol can't into memes.
Sounds great. Maybe you tards can create another Elohim City in (((Russia))).
sooo? it could be a benefit to USA.. but don't see our retards asking them here.
This ^^^^^
Is that what true comfiness looks like
Name one
Yes. Hyperborea is our true ancestral homeland. When we return then Kali Yuga enters last phase.
Kill yourself nigger.
Gonna be fun to see them move back in a few months, with horror stories to match South Africa's own. Russians hate success, so expect "spontaneous" fires on the Boers' fields, local officials constantly demanding bribes, siccing of Chechens on their kids, cops pestering them, etc.
t. fled that hellhole a few years ago, never looked back
They won't hurt propaganda pets. Foreigners are toys for russian mainstream media, they will keep them safe.
And slav is better than a nigger anyway, so shut your mouth.
there is a group of Orthodox converts from the usa doing that very thing, one of the organizers is a Priest who converted and became ordained Orthodox.
if america were still going downhill, i'd be tempted myself, but now that we've got Trump i'm gonna see how far this train goes, it's already turning around pretty quickly.
This is why the Jews hate them. Russia is becoming more and more based by the second. Are they the next world super power? Should all whites move there?
hey saul, i bet you know that dude from the other thread, you know, that one who says "drumpft" unironically and totally voted for him, but regrets it now, and wants to burn his MAGA hat?
Western and Southern Slavs? Definitely. Eastern Slavs are essentially niggers with white skin and a thin veneer of civilization.
Most anglo countries already give whites refuge from africa dumbass.
Нет, не знаю, но вот твое тупое ебало начистил бы с удовольствием.
they already are, well, one of the three, anyways, considering the nukes, the military, technology, the gdp, the population resources (90%+ slavic), potential economic self-sufficiency, etc.
no. only the un-cucked, Christian ones who are interested in assimilating.
the second-most-common language in yidsnotreal.
Go ahead, then. Move to Russia. Jump through all the hoops, try starting a business. Get acquainted with the Russian mentality. Come back in three months, then we'll talk.
Very interested in contacting this group.
Yeah gotta watch out for those Russians.